1668-71 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 w :,":: unea,e to get on the ins. •., se.vn., ...,r mn .: Jnr i.,,,rr•u no,,,,,,,a,,.,-I.......'" '" •:". rind(or even third call. And then mill tion to do everything possible to avert the old man had shared his living ems I, u, , were nw,t r• five exit Y r awards •he And then nbutbea of the medal Ottley, p • goy-I commerce root. that a family had -- • us bring about twenty ycarr slit of for enlisted personnel, could not be Bank,Atl • This been missed at■ugh and such a num• * medium height, heavily built and of revive,. "Work r 60 hoc and the enumerator would go; [(a' {��(��[ 0 II\ light complexion and hair. tYilncs+ea and rode view beck ngain to find enumerator roomer INtYya `911- Alft 1 stated m old tnan had told them tho Thi■ ruling Prohibited many en• D Iota who had not been repent ed on the i young fellow hat,lie fur ahelter for fisted men from reviving awards, tiefeee gy;• previous d!ita• a few days,saying ho was out of work Geneml Doyle said, adding that mesa tient thin H 1 thin' • Many false alarms were anent in to n n land had no place to go. Proximately 1.200 medals and more the ton Mr. Keene on the last two days of ,`\ `r))I 77 AA 1Rj It was also said in the testimony than 6,600 Distinguished Service must lim the count, from corks and unineae I V Il LI�LI-'1 by people living in the neigh- by will only CC77eroa;,ca were awarded the A.E.F., offered sou°, men who hod become pncheir nl the • ell bnrhood, that Oell had told them of 4.600 of the grosses to enlisted men, Dusines last• moment and wanted theiri havingtaken in some1.0011 to olltcers and 26 to nurses and out all ri to- names 820 nd in money the auxiliary workers..___■nil those of theirte families taken,not Deep t the having taken the trouble before to Coldest Weather of Winter Is was not • on(his personanor in the pour- •ry w - of k find out that the data hail been se. and at die- Reported; People in Miami, ly furnished shack he hail occupied. BACK Yazoo St cured at their homes a weak or two The lost cern of Hell and tho man PAVING HOLDS BACK "Hove • nine before by the regular er unierotore. However, Enjoy Surf Bath- he had befriended was on Tueerin y.the Several needless trips were made by inB and Other$ports. morning,end►search was instituted tient ate enumerators to check rep an three CAUSEWAY OPENING ,tee l the cells before finding out that the tam- later In the week, which resulted in acreage, sUn- ily.had already been listed;but they New forkJan.31.All New Eng- the linding of der Uatis body mom witnesses aytii.htI that late 'U^'u-io(ade lhe chem ite discharge of their Jt�lirs.us part land and Na;„York state was tonight be summoned, the inquest coma ad- 1 • in the grip of the coldcat weather of Commissioners Serve Ultima- hi Deserving of Praise. �� Journal until:Monday morning. had to k Too much praise tan not be given •°afar. New records for low temper. W.R.Bell,a brother of the dere.. turn on Freedlund Construe• the Miami enumerators for the con- ature were reported in many coma ed,living at Elwood.Ind.,was notified capacity. .meal aienttous and ainataking wayin munities, the thermometer rogistcr- of the death and the bodywon remov .tion Co. to Complete Con- cppean uaryy which they have done their ork. mg from 8 to 42 degrees below zero. ell to tho W. II. Combs undertaking tract by February S. contrarycreasinR uelth Most of them were women and with Tho frigid'wave•which suddenly establishment. fight woman's persistence they kept at • blanketed the east shortly after last days al area. their work at a personal loos to them- midnight was most severe in northern Paving of the roadways of the via- work in • firing selves .o far as pay was concerned. New fork elate, where the low rec. WRECK DEATH LIST duct is now the only obstacle prevent. Prc•iden • i flu Many worked the last week for len eels of 42 degrees below aero was NOW STANDS AT TWO mg rho opening of the gnu ceway�Bn Bank K on than • dollar a day and tramped registered at Ana, 14 miles north of across Biscayne Bay to traffic,accord- "Imps ,onia any miles in doing it,so slim were Rome. At other pieces In New York ing to County Commissioner J. C. work he the pickings In the final clean up. and in New England the temperature • Ses at no Fla., Jon. 91.—Tho death Boils. The p roaches to the atru t. Europe.' One woman who used her own car ranged from 10 to 36 below. hero at noon today of Engineer C. E. tore are In such condition,ha t- F'Int N spent more for ear repair and Baso- Along the New England northern "Samps whose train, No. 82, the ed yesterday,the a to permit travel to from line than her whole remuneration will coast harbors and channels are frozen, "Tampa Special"of the Atlantic Coast •red from the Leap. JURY ally came to,but she never entered a tom- preventing the movement of ehlppping Line, wise wrecked near Seville late It Is saki the work of paving can +e in plaint. and supplies of foodstuffs. The inhab- Yesterday,brings the death list from be done In•comparatively short time, •d to The greatest loss Miami will sus. itents of several islands were reported the wreak up to two. The other death are Boon•as material for paving tan were fain in not recording her actual pop- to be Isolated. Two coast guard cut- Peters, that o! Road Foreman W. II. be had. i in. uletion is from the laboring men ten have been ordered to proceed td Peters,who died last night. Freedland Construction Company, :cord without families. Then keen were break the•ice•along the Maine coast dlyem jaran Rced, negro,cewho was will be given for till February of the work, ebilo almost impossible to find,either dor- in an attempt to open the harbors, badly inJured i■ expected to live. will be given until February 6 to com- d ,. in$ the day or In the evening,while The lowest temperature recorded in Islet*it and r. It Is not done by that Lout •,,,.".`, it is feared that score.of them,failed northern New England was et Green- EXCOMMUNICATION IS time,said Mr.Belle,the county coma F I i to return the Individual enumeration villa,Me.,where•it wee 28 below,and ORDERED DT HOLY SEE. misslonen will take this part of the Pie nIll p• left for them. A man who re• at Northfield,Vt., 24 below. Boston work In hand,too. spec- Mud to answer the questions put reported 8 below. Rome, Jan.31.—The HolySee has While the eau.•w will not 1H In met D to him could be counted just the same, 'J•hu extreme cold in Vermont b be- decided vets a finished condition possibly for ser- but • man who never stayed in his llaved to have caused the wreck of the decided to excommunicate the Bohem• eel months,it will at lpa be eI.put tales lodging heats! lone•enough for the able Just a soon he the paving I.put i'yGm, MonI day'. enumerator to catch him except after express of the Rutland nil• tan reformists Vatican who re eepar- down, and will then be Immediately Jury t nonia bed time, la only • myth so far as road at a sleepingbard' Bay early today, •ting from the ona and forming a thrown open to the public. fendan i and the count will show, throwing a car of pashegen Czec o•Slovak notional church. The bridges have been finished,this United Som•AmtaIs Amw<re into.the icy waters of lake Cham• H work having been done quite awhile 122 ot it its T. individual enumeration slip• plain. It is believed that the train Ft.Dallas Apts.,60 Ft.Dallas Park, ago, and the temporary approaches, ruptlot today provided for absent residents were was derailed by a rail•which had been bag 3 de luxe apts. for the season. too,are in•satisfactory condition. slectio-. emen not entirely eatiefnetory in recording "Wed by the extreme cold. All the Nothing better In Miami.—adv. actual many the desired information,and frequent. passengers were rescued•but several • aero,bail - FACE SPECIALIST court meet Iy left the enumerators as much in y frost bitten. POLO noon I :ailed the dark as before. Several men,for With,the exception of the vicinity Removes ilea.,wrinkles,liver spots, )unity • In "maritalw :nieee stance„reported their con. of New York City, here zero as Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays, freckle., birthmarks, pimples, sears• Iatoepe used dition” as 'satisfactory"•and the the lowest mark reached, below zero 3:30 p.m. For tickets, Raoey's Sport ,mall x Iltin a, bagglnese around Frei rant. enumerator. had to go back to find temperature was general throughout Shop and Polo Ground..—ad•' • the oyes and sill •facial blem Ishn,es- alcove• ' out' whether they were confirmed New York state. At Home,Syracuse, .tering the feu to Its y.uth(ul eon• the at mini- bachelors, or had been divorced or Poughkeepsie and Watertown, Utic►, fire- were really happily married. and Hornell, the mercury registered Marshall nuie., Ilth Sl.,block tour. Flours 1 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 8 cation skin The tourists in the city were the from 17 to 98 below. • from courthouse,clean and homelike p.m. Suite 3, Ostend Apartments. wheth. g greatest users t the individual Tho —adv. Phone 1101.—adv. • k6 a H greatest extreme drop In tem- the1 Ji' enumeration slip'Mr. Keene having peraturo in the state Was recorded at I 68 passed out between one and two thou, pod ,where the thermometer rop- MIAMI IS NOM IN THE MIDST Of the c. y sand of these for mailin•back north, from 28 degrees above to 28 be- roiledd Flying Boat Is Used.. low zero in 26 hours. Hot'. with t re to- • Probably the most unusual stunt in The weather bureau here tonight o die- the course of the enumeration of MI- predicted that the cold spell would be ere,I, • eemte area's citizens was pulled off last Sun- of short duration are n vin In tempera- eq th ' now day when ono of the air ships of the Lure is expected tomorrow. S TOURIST SEASU�d ante Aero-Limited carried a package of - i i grocer Sr•• Individual slips to Bimini,where flush ' ITS WARM HERE.. town • been Griffith Is in charge of the conatruc- come ult of tion work on the'club house for the While the whole east war suffering IncreaseLast Over Winter Ea- Blore people are hound in Miimf dirtri, seas. Bimini Bay Rod and Gun Club,upon in the coldest lemperuture of the win- this noon Bran ever before,•and the both, which many lfiami workmen are em- ter and the entire.tate of New York, titrated At From 25 to 50 °I.'. la ployed. These were distributed to including the city,cons jn the throes Per Cent u Hotel Men; increase In the number of people here • hon- the Americom at men time,and were of one of the wont blizzards on record y this oar over last ny of in- filled out end returned by the flying tho fortunate residents and sojourners Plenty'of Room Accommo- time Is pieced at fromr 26 to LO same The • menta boat. the Mimi yesterday won bathing In dations For Man More. sent h the various hotel and sort- 60, is th de. Mr.Keene discovered when h•open- women ocean in shirtwaistism ker. hate. hat y meat houseproprietors who have bean ie earl tel in- ed the envelo and,sorted the sli s there velymakers stated that • y years. en n P° D Mene were redrhelmcd with order.. That Miami Is enjoying the greatest in Lary p here far man death. that the joke was on Miami, be- wandered eoalles, through the Many people have thought. lfiami Navin: ay 22, cause for every name added to Mi• streets of the city seeking the neer- 'aeon from a tourist atendpolnt then was not getting as many tourists els sever, • amts roll from that Blminl count they est cold drink stands, error before in history is oho statemmt mue1, end they undoubtedly Judged the,', were two for Jacksonville, of no leu than twelve of the leading from the fact that the hotels were not 7'he 'The claim of the New York Sun Florida, has given •very assletanca hotel and apartment house proprietor having to turn as many guests away tike ' —Two that Florida would profit by the possible In securing as accurate count and menages who ware interviewed ,s lest year. Almost all of the hotels heals• 3 new census being taken when the stele war for Miami,in extendingthe time and yesterday. While the condition of have boon filled to capacity at one yurorr •Yto full of be- Miami at least,forsts t t few tounats publicity In in andnhassing now wiredocal ptons tor Wash Is staated thattthere 1,rnonded mora els- Urn or another during the present the 'hied hese slippedvery population, ington or permission to nelude the Inpoured into the vegan of rho ho- season' at nle tem•have all of the!fi,.e I H• have into Miami. g hotels been filled •t the same time. • p r Influ- while on tho'other hand, thousands names of those who may be reported tele and apartment houses than ova state those who were Interviewed. I� the to- have had their names taken and sent even after the books have been closed before,made passible became of the Many WealthyYlaitore. • j, back north by the enumerators who and mailed to him. Upon the as- snlargemente made on almost all the Those hotels which ,n ich have Just A ph• would not have thought about it and gumption that he will secure thIs lending hotels during the pest sum- been opeime nal to the public(or the first Ironer • • so been lost in the nation's count. permission, Mr. Keene will still la- mer. rho dee- 'lb. •splendid publicity given (ho sue and receive individual enamea- There are Sri large hotels'and 64 laurels tory themealree eier are rapidly a. being ex- each DyZ•ov work of d th a enumerators nu eraton ofylThe he Cl ami- tion slips to be mailed to Mr.E e well-known and commodious •pert- pert caterer.,while the older and het- be g. ald direct, for those who have slippedmoot bowies in operation In Miami ice known hotel •res '•ton Hill hn•e -erer'dai, Commerce In ■rousing public through the mcahee of the enumea- tots•, with man smeller hotels and p pr do.v. nen small factor in•stab- fora y Y winter(isI for rg among th• wealthy J'(}ws lane.., 1'• record for the neat But It is believed that these will Le apartment. In °naafi n and aevoral vii lore., • ork find'Belling ilia ge process of conetruc- 'peelal decade. few,If any,although Mr.Keene knows 1►r r one. se Not one of the hotel prnprl.ton in- n JeeWe e;. u!alion Is, of severe families yet to report, tion. Than sums to have been no tervlewrd yannnlsy had anything As to what M••s'yaD I. up In the Building boom which other than the highest T•" • report- hospital one man's fusee llec�t,toed •. •n- whoa names probably will be report- started earl lastspring, and whirh R praise for the eteA • emen in Flor. cd tomorrow. Y cowsnage Ihof had wealthy received. The other's.There In only' nothing hindered because of the tour- come number of very wealthy tourlet. IDI• • • Ida who knows aha s,axe he it t mous amount of money.Involved In are here this winter with• more lib- tyseai Epi not telling. The eau On are un• Read Sanders, Flowers 9 Martin the transaction,. Emit • de oath not to-n e peeler a "Good Buy►--ilomes" ad on page 12 Plenty orate means of the,•of mon mom • - ,�"- 7 of Rooms c rata means There are still acrnm• 15 the tr.[.Dula persalt of a thousand alt_,.....'"none tint action.—adv. � 7 modatlon. for many mon tourists Thee still nmaln plant of roomn(tee elan -of of their friends win tr to F•°�de ' a In Miami,bseeuse of the fact that the who are expected to continue to as- ler t' d State. them to tell. (:��L__.��'',,,,,,a COMPLETE FRUIT PACKING larger hotels have added to their room riv.In their prevent number until tb. Harrison 'Joseph J.'Emery, of 777•ekes W f PLANT capacity through enlargements, and early spring, which Is said by all to •need to roper"mor,of the fourth die 4t In th Heart of Miami, Fourteenth becuse,several large hotel.have Seen be the meet Mwtlful season of the Florence • _ Street and Ave`D, lust two blocks completed and an being filled,roller- year 10 M4ml. "Those who tales eat- pr r(11,000 les from Twelfth'Street.. Sar the ma. In the.cong•ated condition that ob• In the orange blossoms on the tree.spool .�! •Did you see the adrar14eettao f t ether actions of tile poper.of;P,T• "Inert'Ina ration. Bozo.of fancy Wined last winter.: There le plentyof can never appreciate whet they hive Repo elftla lt., TEY'l POPULAR'PRICED CAPub !raft Ott any.hm. hotel room In many of the hoels, lost until th.y remain to .« thin In P fr.loeot! Goo.- Potter,:Prop.,elf 11t). $AMI[ N M1CitEL5EN&CO though many ire almost filled to sae wonderful chaos," laid on• hotel treat seff,!'.p Irhosa 1radY'4 b •yr. d. !.^ "1131. 2wprr. 'oda w' s '1 v"y`•,,tfi 'Seer . •,..19� 1-; ^• L s. ,,.r.t ) �ts.•yt ..t. 'dr &i:P3)di 1. ,44111l61ttla t.1, ..:ilV•irii..•Jeal M kJ.' • tl •',eri:Y G i 1. �� 0t Fah• i t ��