1668-88 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 """ taco vein of coal, anu ata airging rue- diene, fano her opening wont to the if America,347 3tauison avenue,New A.Rather- After befog ten days without food did Cher down they struck 5 von which tion noun.Ruttier- 223 d five days without water, seven- feet..not give out after r depth of !x closeof pleaer for equal suRrrgtford orYorfield hospital work—nutk. which is itoobe had ixllah. companions dying of starve- "Fn for women upon the grounds of right n Italy—and cabling money promptly rr vutt trvrtage, as floe and expoauro, fourteen mem- going about among the Poor and Justice, she talked of the great or various spacial needs to the limit 1'r` have hese here of the crew of the American families of the country 1 frequently part women hove played in the work .if Its resources and without deduc- cent[; There Is • steamer Dumaru,wrecked bylight- found them•in •possession of pieces of war, standing shoulder to shouldei tion. I•ng t. Phone hs • .ninetea off Guam October ed hvo ht- almoet pure• gold. They told me they with their men and SSneottroop, Are planned rived at Samar, P. I., in ■ lifeboat• hadpicked it upout of the heti, of proudlyof their bloodgi and ressurt 'he hospitaleat Ar eeiasfor athe atuben N. y lookinge lit- This is U e third boat from the Du- nearby ,ulama- • ." for democracy. "1 know the men of tuloua ildren of soldiers. Mr. Gaythis fC. Folz°N rnaru accounted for, open autri p the east band y the fpectedd to America era roud of the women of 'aye the children are immediately rahas I Sterling;of • Several thousand 'American aol- railway,and pick up the Balkan wealth tad his for what have donelyit moved from heir' ery surroundings fuick' er'ng Is.a diets mailed for home front Liverpool a° they went along. They gone early ani end cured of lheir'germo of eoraum r- a 1 mag- ve..srdav on the liners Lapland and "The only way to settle the Balkan late,Cross their time and energy tr 'ion in eight or nine months. •"Your inw�s I Thomas • Mliynehaha. It was a stirring scene question seems to me along racial stripping .and other patriotic work. 'wenty bedsaay lire which..pays for Y. and ex- alines, makingthe Serbs an Independ• bondand thrift[tum s aves to ndLibert, fifteen a year will save the lives 'TiI s tJte men marched front the rail- p giving if twenty children of soldiers who are fn. i• Smith, .way station and local camps to the eat state. I am of Serb origin myself their boys,theiesteeetherrts and then fighting for America on the Piave fee t __ landing ■tags. amid .the rousing and have studied the question. Tho men to war. All their work■ have and in the Alps," mere sheen from the throngs of people Serb state ought to have its boon- been done So gladly, so joyously,win. Another p•.;,-pose of the fund is the seise BE' alopg the streets, dories determined by a neutral coin- would dare question the courage ane P-.P seize mission speaking the languageri mmedi ict relief ofe heroes of the SGIVIN, Herbert C. Hoover, the American going carefully over the an,' devotion have a women of the America?aPiave victory and their families. Mr. Justif food administrator, and Edward N. ground. If "We have been fighting military a ' Gay says: 'This seems to me one of they this is not done, if the boundaries are two weapons," she said, ane 'he most important uses to which leag[I aroused in Hurley,• chairman of the shipping determined arbitrarily, there will l e political. The political weapon shi your funds can possibly be'put. The schen •ams to be board, have arrived in London. more trouble; described as the sword of state•—that geoia -Ling Amer. They will remain there over the "The Serbs have not s of regiments in action send yet lost their vague, intangible weapon forged out sums of twenty-five and fiftylire to P. on Thanks, week-end and then proceed to Paris. spirit, despite all their war troubles. of the principles that have guided families of tit, most need ask a park. — During the last advance on the Bul- the g y soldiers nanager,of The German and Austro Fiun n- stpeople of America dines the of their regiments.to Rome I was traveling ,elf:' soldiers rias ambassadors In Madrid have fought n savagely, and when e bwounded day,In The g of tonehe pflami filgrims laming torch o the pof de- mocracy, from Florence to the other day bonly est. 1Ph R. In- ceased to rs Americans, present their respective let the surgeons operate on them with- she said,is the unanswerable with a captain,who had had his tntes- rose work- countries, according to the news- out flinching,despite the absolute lack truth proclaimed by the founders of tines half blown out eighteen months gang' from the papers, of ether or chloroform.All the wound- our nation that all governments de- in d and his right arm incapacitated, nortt for canteen both teams • ed asked was a cigarette during the powers from the consent of in defense of the else rive their w ts•Trentino, He is now tics BIG NAVAL BLIMP operations." • the governed. This is not none-mon occu�ed in carrying on war props- • warn • government but as Lincoln said, "a geode among the troops in garrison in We ho are dot HOVE121t OVER MIAMI STEWART LEASES DAN4 government of the people,for the•peo- Tuscany and Umbria. and in giving elite. ii find.the HARDIE'S CASINO HALL pie and by the people." small subsidies to families of the peaa- hlle •those Miami•was subject, last night, not "'President Wilson whetted and ants fighting at the front. `lone E'r g g a tet. •will skill, to•Zeppelin raid,as some people sup- Park plan dancing at Hardie Casino sharpened the sword of state when used discreetly in this work brings a pooled, but to a visit from a naval is assured. T. S. Stewart, formerlythingshe sanearest are fighting for the do"ble return. dirigible balloon, which came to the lessee and manager of Elser Pier,haour heart,"' she said. [ went to Milan for the American THI $COUNT. city from �1 and he has enlarged and amplified government on July 4th and addressee °Y West. The machine, leased the dance hall at Hardie Ca- the Monroe doctrine and app[ed if fifty thousand people in the Piazza B t which boiy the number 238 and car_ eino. Five-cent dances will be run and to all the world. America has grown del Duomo. It was a wonderful mo- C. ed,''FederalStewart', orchestra will furnish the so great. She has taken the spiritual meat and the enthusiasm was arrlson r{ed fool men,flew the American flag, music. The opening dance will be leadership of the world. She has stood inde- scribable. It is the moment for here Tl COMPANY over as thet dirigible pew very low Thursday, Thanksgiving night. up and interpreted democracy for the na 308_X and America to understand one an- of tF city, scores of searchlights CHAMPIONS MEET world: but if she is true and sincere other. For God's sake,do all that you tight —adv from.automobllu played upon the she will act her own disorderly house can to send more money here. Our day craft,making it appear distinctly out- in order. We must ourselves achieve troops are here, which is the lined'asky. Sundayy greet Arm gajnat the Miami Beach n. to contest for the democrat demonstration.fiat all war relief work thea It Is the first time a dirigible has g Cup. "!t is a bitter consideration for the at this time has double value. It Is etrol flown over Miami, and the Saturday Everybody welcome--adv- women of America to think of the invaluable as evidence'of our solid- cour night crowds watched the big balloon women of England under a king from arity with the heroes of Italy. The stroi with much lntarust With Its engine, , whom we freed ourselves having been victory of three weeks ago was won- to a Y • almost noiseless, It circled around AMERICAS MISSING, granted equal suffrage. Canada has derful. The world will understand M• over the business district,flying very KILLED, WOUNDED given her women suffrage, it is com- Italy some time. Count on me for out e low,appearing at time: to be in den- ing to the women of France and even anything." ger of touching the buildings. After Washington, Nov. 23.—Gen- the women of Germanyare demand- y R„ • with circling about the city for • time, it eral 'March. chlef of staff, an- semi nouecad today that total casu- Ing it. American women are humili- GIRLS en thousand ole d alighted in a convenient landing titles In the American axpedi• aced and standing impotent at their eject place. humiliation." Australia, Norway, Amsterdam—Ten thousand servant amp There have been rumors that the tionary forces up to the signingSweden, New Zealand, Russia, Eng- girls at Stuttgart,the capital of Wurt- saw p . Miami Aral air station.is to be made of the armistice were divided as land, Canada, she mentioned among Lar°berg' were mobilized recently to Rect a trai iing'school for pilots for lighter- follow,: the countries that have enfranchised help unloading railroad freight cars, than-air•craft, as well as seaplanes, 36.1514. and -rfjled of wounds their women. Erich has to give one day or two half rep. and the visit of the dirigible last night Died of disease 14,811. Women have waked up during the slags a week to this work. They are ed, may be the forerunner of many such Died of other causes 2,204, war. That means immeasurable gain paid men's wage,._ host achln0: in•thifora.vlcinity.. Wounded 179.625. to ,deftly, They have learned to • Ifge athink,they have grown regenerous FANCY DIVING CONTEST Prisoners 2.163. useu her - •Palnt•,'OiL:and Varnishes. Halley- Missing 1,160. to each other, they have devefiped her !Clam Bim'Co—add. Sunday 3 p• m- Miami Beach Baths• also (Continued on page e1Ll —adv. char . `The A1'G► m I. /4- (G 51/A/,z .a i 9� ;: . .