1668-106 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 2. - , ... 00 MIAMi BEA TODAY • , . ip . Metropolis, r Editorial from The Miami Daily r March•23, 1921. �' 1 The constant procession of vehicles across The assessed valuation for Miami Beach the wonderful causeway which connects is as follows: ' Miami, of the mainland,.and Miami Beach, 1917 $ 647,500.00 • 1 of the sea shore,and the many thousands of 1918 832,745.00 men, women and children on sight-seeing 1919 2,579,600.00' trips to the beach daily, added to the other 1920 3,933,700.00 thousands who are domiciled permanently 1921 will be about 6,000,000.00 or transiently them, furnish proof of the The population of Miami Beach is about drawing power of this magnetic section—a 525, and it itone of the wealthiest cities part'of Miami geographically, but develop- , i per capita in,tile United States. ing under an incorporation of its own. Considering as Miami Beach the territory And the wonder of it all is that what from the Government Cut to the subdivision • these sepctators see in Miami Beach is the called "Atlantic Heights," there was origin- • work of practically only five years of the ally 3,050 acres of land, which may be most persistent and extensive planning and divided into two classes, namely:2,055 acres performing. of mangrove swamp and overflow land and In 1917 the assessed valuation of all of 995 acres of coastal or sand dune land. Miami Beach was $647,500. In 1920 it At the present time the amount of sur- was $3,933,700, and in 1921 will be about face arca of navigable water has been in- $6,000,000. creased from ten (10) acres to six hundred Think of this increase in valuation in five and fifty (650) acres. years, and a fair idea is obtained of the * * * tangible value of Miami Beach to Miami Collins Bridge construction was begun in and Dade County. And if this has been 1911 and finished in June, 1913. The first • accomplished during the pioneer years, the operation of filling with dredges was begun mind is staggered in contemplation of the in the early spring of 1913 and the Belle • possibilities.during the five years to came. Isle work was begun at the same time. To date, 8,000,000 cubic yards of material has * * * been placed in the filled areas and present Taking actual figures from the records plans call for an additional 3,000,000 yards, of Miami Beach, we find that the building or a total of 11,0000,000 cubic yards. i permits for the year 1920 amounted to Miami Beach has an ocean frontage of $2,730,000, and for the year 1921 to March 33,000 feet,Biscayne Bay frontage of 37,000 " 1 they were $743,750. feet and a frontage of 85,000 feet along • The 1920 permits include the Flamingo interior waterways, which can be divided hotel, (an eleven-story fireproof building), into two classes: 40,000 feet of improved • the Aquarium, the Electric Light & Power natural waterways and 45,000 feet of arti- plant, cold storage plant, yacht club, addi- 1 fical interior waterways. - tion to Lincoln Hotel, church, dairy, about * * * thirty-five residences and other smaller Referring to the matter of bulkheads or buildings, all of which are of substantial seawall, there has been built 81,900 feet of construction and design. wall divided into three classes: 2,800 feet of The 1921 permits include the Altonia concrete seawall, 59,500 feet of wooden wall Theatre, museum and zoological gardens and 4,500 feet of rock wall. Besides the and a number of large residences, post- seawall already built, present plans include { office building and several apartment houses. the construction of an additional 55,000 feet of wooden wall. * * * Forty miles of streets and roads have There is a great deal of work planned for been built and 10 miles of sidewalks con-, this year: several apartment houses are to strutted along these roads. , be built and probably at least one large The area of the City Parks is 36 acres hotel, and plans are appearing for quite a and there are 325 acres of land used for golf courses and 50 acres for polo fields. number of large residences. With such operations continuing unceas- The large development companies are ingly in Summer as well as during the coming out with extensive plans. Winter, and a permanent payroll of em- I ployees numbering into the thousands,there Last year a new 9-hole golf course for the is every assurance that Miami Beach, under , guests of the Flamingo Hotel was put into the guidance of Carl G. Fisher and his start use and work has started on a new 18-hole of ea-laborers, is to reach the crest of its aspirations—the playground of the world— course on the Miami Beach Bay Shore Conn- where culture and art combine with popular pany's property, which is to be the best games and recreations to supply the great- golf course in Florida. A new commodious est possible diversity of entertainment and club house is to be built in connection with benefit to the multitudes seeking for just such advantages. this course. With the so-called tourist season approach- A national bank has been organized and ing its close it is gratifying to note that will soon start building a nice building with the Flamingo Hotel at Miami Beach has not offices on upper floors. been large enough to accommodate all who , knocked for ad,,pittance, and the aquarium Several store buildings are also being and other attractions have taken rank with planned to be started soon. the greatest of their kind in the world in the estimate of competent judges. New polo playing and practice fields with Miami can afford to congratulate Miami stables and club house are under construe- Beach on its notable progress and to wish tion. it even greater prosperity in the future.