1664-19 Hotels & Tourismimm, t't' iFroni"t IYI- `Notebook • �' ' MIAMI BEACH CI U. • By HELEN RICHitW� ORAE IVU1,1E;HERALDS• MIAMI, FLORIDA `' KI —City Then Had Population of - SUNDAY MOVING, DECEMBER 3, 1939 , 650 and Sliotels,But Lots Committee uee of One Hundred To Meet- fl There of hope and Courage ✓ THE members of the Committee of One Hundred (of which Mr.l ChOamber�of Commerce tion of theavmi B`a st I'''Honeywell is president) will get their first tbgood to therok e. Boca planned on July 13, 1921. when , Chita this winter when the annual outing . .Thomas J.Pancoast,Lambert Rook. (To!� 1 ."tat The ones who are interestedmuin treasure hunts are going tce A. J Zoller. Line Huger and •-\JtV. -love the story of the enormous cannon they'll find at the entrance Charles W. Chase, jr., met to des- to the harbor. It's a•long story . too long to go into here, butcuss•the Institution which had '.the'substance of it is that last summer two negroes, Sam Lynch I aided materially in making the city .'and Jacob Monroe, had•some. engine trouble while out fishing IIIF' known throughout the civilized and paddled to Elliott's Key where Charles M. Brookfield has a world. Miami Beach then had a popula• •,.. lodge. Mr.Brookfield refueled them and helped them get under w'ay tion of 650 persons. There were v;'. ...n Jacob took ent houses.k ;,and a return for his near ',Argo where they hard foundee i- I two grocery stores,oine ne drug store. -.1.'off ce of s Fort Reef near Key one filling station and three bathing 3 dence•of old wreckage. casinos. * * * On Jul 22, nine days later, the h'rcivic body was formed and bylaws FTER looking the situation over with the aid of a glass-bottomed Y `• bucket;Brookfield contacted Charles H. Baker,jr.,Wade Stiles adopted at a meeting at Smith's ::'and Samuel gales and together they all went to Hugh Matheson, 'Pancoast \V.asino. ter Browmembers were rger, who supplied them with diving sults and derricks and all equip John L. Crest J. H.Bowling J. ars• ment necessary for the salvage. -Thur Pancoast,F.R.Hum age, Dr. = nson. R. 1 . They brought up 28 cannon (including this one at Boca Chita) ;DuranMRs AIICoaehman,bH. 3C B. 'numerous rare old coins and a Bible tt•hich they sent to the World's i;Davis. Oliver P. Searing, W. A. Fair.One of the cannon had fallen on it and crushed it so tight t tier's J. J. Brozzo, G. A. Jones,` t; . Averym Harrison, .jt.nL. Henning, Yr•that:the water had never seeped in and it was perfectly readable c;Avery C.Smith,Frank H.Henning, - • (.1n parts) even tho' it had•bee at the bottom of the sea for more :i George Reagan,C. Taylor,C. B. `.-than 200 Years. ; Floyd, F. 0. Van Deren, Leon De-. ,,.Leon, George W. Dickens. C. \V. !^i :. * * * =Tomlinson,E.E.Spainhour,\V. W. yA LENGTHY report of the find was sent to the British admiralty I' Hardie, F. C.FED. b is L, Ellis, y.4+ and after careful investigation Lord Stanhope, through the : aGuy Weaver, F. D.>3avis,Gus Lol• :admiralty librarian,replied that the wreckage had been identified lea`ieGeorge W. Babbitt H. H., as belonging to HMS. Winchester which had been lost September The firs,board of go rernorss eAl24, 1695, off the Florida Keys while en route to England from sisted of Thomas J. Pancoast hi r. Humpage,Avery C.Smith,Mr.Har- t.4 ar 4!Jamaica. j die,Mr.Zoller,Mr.Merger and Mr. * * * - Rook,with the late C.N.Chase,Sr.. I• e e I as secretary. Headquarters were In $each Building' Breaks i the office of the Carl G. Fisherf Comppaany, then at the corner of . Washington avenue and Lincoln i ,'r. a road. • Y Record,�During Quarter Membership p Reaches 350 Wlthln two months the member ship was Increased to 305 and in ' Davit,. ...� ; f_ •;December. 1921, more than 350 t members were enrolled. This num• Figures Show Period of 1939 Better Than Any In Five I ber was more than one-half of the communit}'s population. I' ...I-Years;Winter Construction Restrictions Bring &bout The bfoard of governors selercoted ' the entrance to the county cause. ;,Boonllet During April, May and June the a site fortthetchambertbuilding., Miami Beach ended the second uarter of 1933 with a reater This site was considered more q R adaptable than others and was total value of construction for the three-month period, April 1 to ideally located for meeting tourists and visitors. Moneyfor the build. June 30,than at any time in the last five years,E.E.Keefer,press• dent of the Miami Beach Realty Board, said Saturday. ins was raised quickly and while construction was under way a store Winter season restrictions on building,which went Snto effect counter, surmounted by a colored during the early part of 1938, cut into the first quarter building beach umbrella, was placed across. the street,for use of the secretary' permit totals for this year and lastOtts its Its note„,v ao. int beading,. and his assistant in greeting pew year, but the half-year total for ao commercial building.."Tout belldmg arrivals to Miami Beach. This was 11 crab 33.263•60 the first information bureau in the { •1939 Is soaring toward the peak 1936-a ,mance•,t.......• mor • community. 31].,]6. 16 hotel,. 3a •5 rtment Cuadiog,. y �: teas of building, 1938 and 1937, i3 commru.1 buudis,a. roof buddtin Northern limits of Miami Beach ICI• wail. u.aoa.3:°. • were near Fifteenth street and Keefer said, following a study of 3u%—n re,:d•nc•.Si an..•nv era of II — -- designated by a wall, known as bomparative figures released by the. a is es0. s hl.i it abartme5t le tittle u eo ..i bwiema,. ra•t beitein5 . • Fisher's wall. North of this the board. eras,i%fe`a.na. • section was known as Alton Beach. (I • The figures were gathered as part I Sleety V lass • There were not more than two or of the services of the listing bureau is i-u nad.nce, a .n •reg. co,, , three houses north of the Pancoast of 133.666. • nal 0 1d o•rt i.t. build- Iwhich.issues dally bulletins to Its int..3 communal buudlnaa. Tool bund- residence,•and to drive as faras members carrying pertinent lnfor. i"!„.,:-`55 i:iiemgg s•t at of the present Firestone estate was 1 matlon regarding properties and at,' sa.ros. 23 novels. 35 •oarsmen' bmldmu. going far out into the country. tivities in Miami Beach.During1935 5 tommerus1 bundinss. Total bill 5155 Dairy 1. 53.172.535. 7 Oa Pine Tree Drive the bureau mailed 25,000 bulletins „3a lint tore.months. total I1 919.090 iii o.00e There was a farm, a dairy and a v � to members. 1931 • .. ; •• i.ali.5o1.60 mango grove near what is now Pine su.3u.o0 ?ree drive.and,where the cattle at Years Ave Shown • ra•ee mo Restriction.i"•tt.oU that time azed, are now,one 13 log The comparative a chart of 5193'ild. jsls first three m.'.1''100,1 14.iai.sli:oo veers later, more alatia homga 1 i at Miami Beach from 1935 3936 • 6.335.sa1.00 —P- �--- 1937 „ a 501.156.50 'rand estate of millionaires than can throuch 1939 follows: 35 r.sta.:30o0 4.191.38t oo •be found in any other city of its iae nQ0. .11— 1n:�orthec•n'newspa and maga* c lines-the dfggingg of aa225-foot chan- nel between Miami and Miami Beach. the placing of lights on the ,causeway,' the zoning of Miami Beach earlier than In any other ,Florida city, the constant reminder .to all map-makers that Miami Beach - �' ' rhtloul0.p4,lnduded with the names of other important cities, and the - Issuance and mailing of Miami i • I Beach booklets to tourists and peo- pie of means,was part of the work of the chamber. .. , ,1.,r-