Resolution 7090 RESOLUTION NO. 7.00 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA TO RECCE:END CERTAIN STREETS AND ROUTES \ ITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO BE INCLUDED ITHIN THE FEDERAL-AID SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS WHsRB'AS, there exists no Federal-Aid Highway within the City of Miami Beach , and MHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is one of the major tourist centers in the country attracting visitors from every state of the Union, and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach since its date of in- corporation in 1915, has experienced a phenomenal growth, and WHEREAS , the citizens of Miami Beach have contributed in the form of taxation large sums of money for the improvement and betterment cf state and federal highways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV'T) 3Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, That the State Road Department of Florida recommend the following routes in the City of Miami Beach to be included in the Federal-Aid System: North Bay Causeway, Everglades Concourse, and Seventy-First Street. Sixty-third Street, and a New Route for a Causeway extending from Sixty-third Street to Normandy Isle at Trouvilie Esplanade. Collins Avenue from Fifth Street to the North City Limits of Miami Beach. MacArthur Causeway, and Fifth Street from the MacArthur Causeway to Collins Avenue. PA '';E ' AND ADOPTED =IS 18T7 DAY CF JA IAfY, A.D. 1;50. /4) • Al Mayor pro tem, Attest: • City Clerk • a5 H O +> 4-, 0of O\ p O Q) tll Q) Q U as co •O �' _0 -P •�=N H cuts H o O •r CD •Hj � 0 N to O hO O ti) U] 0 N N tY ,x O 'd Er) O O g •ri