1664-40 Hotels & Tourism • • 1<( At\vU.,, ( - ,• s keenest 18th, 14:22. Mr. Henry W. T. Dutton, Green Inn, Farrangansett Pier, R. I. Dear Mr. Dutton: • Replying to your favor of August 2nd. - we would not b• willing to least either the Flamingo or the Lincoln; prirrily we are in the land business. If we can sell either of these hila grade hoteia, we wish to do so even though we receive less than their setae' cost of con-. struction. Ih x these hotels. are sold we will build others and. sell -them under tho =re c ondi ti ono, We need at least twenty hotels of 150"room capacity each at Miami Beach. The Flamingo alone.reused over two thousand guests in February last season. The Lincoln hotel is a sixty six room hotel with bath in each room. It cost about 0300,000.00 and ocourfe# en entire block. The laud on etieh this hotel is built should be worth )3009008.00 in the next few years without • any improvements. The hotel was not entirely finished or furnished last Janu- ary so that we have no actual data on its earning oza ncity, but ill have same this winter. The Fleminf;o hotel has 163 rooms; total earnings 0121,000.00 not last ooason in eighty nine doge operation. If you are in a position to purshaso the Lincoln Hotel, we will be willing to make very reasonable berme • with you as follows. 41100,000 cash and the balance distributed over alarm of four years. Balance to be mortgage notes to carry 7%. . There is plenty of groan(. with the Lincoln for almost any size addition up to 400 room. The kitchen, and dining room at present would serve ono hundred. rooms. I am railing you under separate cover a series of photograehs of the Lincoln. As these are expensive photographs and g11 I have, I would very mach aoprooia.to your prompt return of ears to ma. If you aro interested along the lines r.f purchase under the terms suggested, I will be quite glad. to go into ftarther partieulaes with you. We would not consider a lease or any other terms but those r.'ont coned. The hotel is located opeosite one of our eighteen hole golf courses and is just two. blocks from the ocean; two block from the polo fields and about sets n - blocks from the Bay, and about the care distance from the Flamingo Hotel. -Season before last thirty three rooms in the first addition of the Lincoln earned 021,000 net. Our rates aro from 015.00 to 020.00 par day par pc son. We have some rooms with bath at 035.00 per day. These are unusually large rooms rrlth bath, large olosets, balcony, eta., - I would be glad to hear from you Further by return mail. I am cello sending you under ce rats cover a folder' of the • nominal,