1664-48 Hotels & Tourism d_Ile u �., ,e,r tar.,�.•.•+..•.t-, c t i /y /f� ..•. I a• '✓. t a. :�,�.c' —4'.7.7;.}< . i i "t, r: Vit. . ;.1:: rlf rr ,y`, O•% ,�/) jam' / . ( t ; THE_HERALD,•:HIAMI, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, J/►`"' • S Z.It A L•• T Jd'L•11I P.1t 0 tf 1C• ,.DIZS< :; —•• -- .—, .. � BOHNERT was the tlrrtt ■a'$ and,but Utile come out y wobt:ne use ei�lto and V�1!. '.. timing, opportunity s ahil.rted for adref- erisk by • yl.'. CAL ,� A . ° ?LAGID: ilio[, or the Nautilus lehment of are Darlabl0n the ureas sari: ( 1 •Even while we are signlnL the ural on, the Nautl us was given ► marriage r<IIttI•ten in the church ves- I. try wonderful season of business. try the bride sma' In a row with now IT t )R IMMEDIATE, As had been the case with the Lin- menta work Detott• the mirror with 1U:'F(` coin and Flamingo. the Nautlone a powder puff, scissor" and a bottle. •: t' early last oearon" nae The man who came nto church in __ •tricked up for the present season, Icve with• a blushing blonde takes Aselred With and before It closed in,April.for the out on his arm.a•blooming bobbed Sheet Metal ental It can Coarse of Cortaetcatltrrit Is Seemingly r summer. true-manerement was Doe- brunette. 0 of the fact tact the Neutllby ••Itert+e wives p gran e t nstsotli� an Now F,rnt l o[lette Radlcali/IopeJul aril! the Den►ocrotr INl. would be filled guest this sins^near husband, lieiriappearanual dread of pony I Or Control thosewho were Ruestk the first y foto Factions'crud Ready to Battle J and by oaken who alis not have an being •ds liee d for perpetual Men, and In•' • opportunity'to become,guests. b UtUlil DAMS During the last summer additions F.C110 OF t.Awgox xenoEn. ,T}IiRTF.f N years Cr'• rtra'M"'" `�"��` FISHER NOTEI�S NOTED nova been•provided for the Lincoln 1 decided that Atte+'' now Hotel. Thedeveloped f Into gin l bolt structure has t10Q B IRNE,demages for the 1—i ult for 'fOTON, Dec. 11.—Toe pig- of alleged deflamatory references to log city and, therefore,b• :ant political development touchwith two annexes, one directly other Miss l.ouies Law■on, former ANa• here and opened a ■h••• QMOI�G NATION'S BEST with fro hotel, and the T•e girl, 'Rhona ho was found ■Iain rooft ng business in a 51-e u the distinct awing back on the opP^•Ile side of the street. ri New York apDartment rut win- onserrrDam after the'rest- These added room■ hate rot the roost ter was filed in district court here to by 26 feet,.+■ a on,part already been reserved. ■^ re- against •the !Southern Publiehing Today just a few steps f„, 'tent Poet-war wave. • • gardleae of the size of the Lincoln it nsof Waro, publishers of the year began, the Toilette In-n- • naturally fills to it■ capacity. N Incl aIle the ISnhnert 0, held by rife•La rad o rotfourtb,hotel will he added to the Waco ewe-Trlhune., The•suit was Roofing or.-: who,DaQ A Dt r►Q Control (,IIIMInr Flamingo and NllUlllug A, filed by D1 r. and Mrs. A. K. Lawson, Company a `roup for'the season of 11111, a■ the Parents the [Irl. Actual damsons quarter• in a building. a'1 .ousel of Oontlrae[!DT tvl , King Cole la now being built in the oa 1nts of endexemplaryg al date• of s. Ira oqq with the wlill [ Achieved IBgtent Snece�g " Nautilus section,and when completed fO180. are sought. at 136 W. etrr' ■, La Yollett♦'believed ail i - . , j Re ortg will not only care for extra hundreds f - ^��_ M. J.N. Wn est Firsto still r . .!Some tl l oils WAttn•1 111- , r• of.visitora..but will.lakes Its place •.nalaaey wAlO 11lggld.0 1• '• t' amine the•succeuful Rrpub. • WIIAT MOIIE COULt1 1101 ASKS of the o usinesr.liet lou pr. ' + tA•o old"Dolllleal Datt eK . — + - Mr• A,—your business college for believed that the soar14a1 Tp roup • of DoteL fn America hays t Lyes treasurer, whileeon.Isvies an e the Xie 1st{opo adD Mr. ladle Is all right. Today the firm hes a /nth jbene ,was• the p •test arCseld mora a�t g est or suchnit nInafru pr ide Is n ednrtn wu•Hlram John- a representative nit of+bests as have PAINTED FOR CEREMONY "Do you give the girl■a good prat- h� Dualne... tical business t re[' In anti nine[ he ■been td et the protest the Lincoln, Flamingo and Nautilus "In reply to that question i.can The sliest metal r' -lesi voted that he embarked _ and r, ,Da1[n.119 setjtss aha KeDublt- Hotels of re a ;winter nR K. A.NOS weilee ecyl Orrr Dvicar 1•of THi graduates marry60he rr employers the,o f telae w nae hand d A e , ra•delltl ' nomination from •rheas [Meatthebhouse■, hero[- Poul'■ Church,• Kingston 11111, has first year."—Stray MOH....•-:rift already bed set In nixed e, anions the best resort hotels --- r way. I're.iQent Coolie Ile In the,United dtelea are eenustly . xted his hsold on the Itepul'- referred to as the"Fisher hotels" be- - narIesuand the from Dthe cday eof cause of the fact that the Carl O. land convention his atren;th Fisher properties wea nerwhile responsible n until to elect on for their erection, I ■teadlly coin, Flamingo and Nautilus have • n lets Played a most Important_part In the •• . • . , li et�e Republican •lthat with development of Miami each it has I BEACH zndi atel lcal gal D.,he come to pass that they are now look- MIAMI tndldates oDQ^ AA ni^t••ne ed u on by winter vl.itory as tome- • ertlle field. The, support of tnintp�entirely apart Irppm the city, • ., •dean Federation a and We simply Individual winter , n winch •r c of heattbegan Domes. - I • .on the price of • Success of the three big hotels was ur Thelawn ■.began to assured from the start. The man- � h wa Indignation. The soler I _ r subsided.d' The landslidedeatfor worried a over they 1 u tion sof how ran .and the for they would Sol their respective was ost haoese•;' but the devote y they :HATS afarteQ the;year,with :have been obliged to devote condd- h hopesldoe to thi scandal eroble attention to the subject of pleasint, In some way or other, those res. But;their wrangling at who had to be turned away because • Square.0argn became a ne- of the lack of room.el, managed DYCQLLiNS • AVENUE.AND TV1hE TY-EIGHTH STREET �ectacle.'They came out of it Bernard The' (Lundberg,ncoln two De first of ,, Dllt, Iof them inwardlyr.:fulpreal the ••Fisher group', to be built at BLOCK'FROM,AND FACING OCEA AND PANCOAST HOTEL most of ntia real- 10laml Beath tevetai lean ago, Only • 11 LOCK' Davis worked- • bandy a small each ng was drat attemDtad I t fapileg/n on a gentlemanly hu- but wltbin two season• It was found i• 'I4,• •nt,talleQ.to-stir any necessary to sad to the original. The ` 4.,•••«.Ilya.' •;!x ft�r" �F nett r%••i 1;•,yi•#, titoklY saw that their Lincoln early became known through- ! r'TR• f• • z + ' Y .,� ,ortun q lotlns the out the circle of winter visitors as the e �,i Tt� I • yh .'o •s ear Syr t i sf;iii fort dire eat In exp her Ideal winter borne. It appealed to !: ) is , I.i Follette ie andd desired-- the visitor, not through the use of or- ` r .,)J Y :i� stiff ;` qit! } 'y Ignited Davis . tel life, and similar moor of ho- J 4,•.,•Tri•• �a,..1. , 1{{ << '1>4 t+ r •fy ' at otomy lb Th they desired • but by ngan 'kik l? , • ,y were net worried about aha neve m situs which•twhlle i. Its•aid, 1+� { '+s .tee r cr fl?t` -gyp- "fa't.Ir di•1ME ate at alb They'tlrrsu up 1 vro a:.d 1" �E ver Ts nal bi tb'a supreme nererten quiet,was :Ilike,comfortable he •• - , [opOMl Rn4 U,olrnenbW of A�• been homelike, ;s w r ph ,a;�, ,^a' ' '_ `tai' I ' C.fs' 1 V plank end. Coen•hLd•.the and.attractive. ! .; _{ .,-1t�•I s' , 4■c1Aln[�between radicalism As time went ono !thehe n 1.1 nc oln ers seek- out- s t.•r �ry�"' publicans ,wanted was the s ue In[ / • •.r Y;„O.';3• ' + and the ,wanted the lune Th• the available accommodation•. ulca•,e,. and the recoil derhe, ;prate• 1•h• Flamingo hotel was then con- S • • � j ty nD11a calved. Y. Cts •I ,�, i� err• correct. oto the, D , ,t., t .nr>', . w, • e eornott. •1,1^ wig iT • was oorplet,d In 1!120, and i (�... , M, a • dent Cp obab•e m 1,e,••••Ir. 1 Charles S.-Krom •was placed In y '•' ;�• �; N j,• }tri probably • gat Drombe• the an, ills charge a manager. Mr. Krom was a - �+^r.'...'�'•"r'b•"^'..y..., ..�,.�••,:.:.�: ` candidate In yet C • • peUUU widely known among the'Dromineht ''..e, rerwa+tr•.:tMlafsi> M 9 f•liet,'Fl.t'"-r..'.' and ]et-thln� o • l µ, • ♦nal men and women who •pt tt much of ire ■o Ot era h no " e the election tfront a them, their time at the great summer re- 18 Residence Apartments furhished by .�ohh C Unamaker, New York. t of departing t hem. a= ' •, the o11 ga least_,1• sorts of.the North, and when he took • . or lh• present�,-at calm a. over the F)amtngo, his reputation as - r' • 1 m[11x00 d to be as plat a� red• a manager, combined with the fact r' �OO V, e n malts t, to of •le that the Flsmtnlro was something eu- •„ I Il usekee'p-int Suites, 2 to 6 Rooms Seasoli e an mak• lt. He Is posed to tlnly�pnw in 8outnern }iotel con- ar}�i Bath, with Service, Rentals salon of f10 thing' U . •rhlal ■fru° n, brought" guilts without is Is Asked to gra toe rein r number. There a •never Olen•■ea- + aDOTopr1at10a Dills, throu b son In the history of the Flamingo , little aloe. t • n It wip nut filled early In the �. r - • •pae Antsu>+dlnr gtomer+t l r, and during last •' winter.Hr. .JOSEPH ELSENEIL the,pees den,a att• tion• '�nc.,tf { was obliged during one monthl t - problem or aSrI°I. t i•t to turn away i 000 Persons seeking en relieved by the 'recent h l- rrrrre pope at the ersons Flamingo. For Inspection Permit, Offices: Community Theater Bldg. Bot•the president o0ntlm• .er o ulartt of•the Llnoolh and pe Lincoln Road, Miami Rear some otter rem?• of an•en p P T r -Phone 629, Miami peach. natters. }!s Delle let an •x- onbsequ Neu the Flamingo brought I:' • A of co-operattr •ntarprl■es• on the Nautilus...t. was built'In a t';, • j / .. •rsadlnstment of freight vale' Mw section of or lhetlfl�stBluthh' was V']anvary. •Y commodities. .but not pp D '�, lot. with schemes to control (gorge Krom, brother of Cha rles i log airieulturat Krom, and another experience hot•1 - -, • arlltlIs o0 melting charged m , was plated In chart* of • �ulnn Is of r ., mending a the latest lar a h• ,j :.. ,...i ^, v iR�!ett.edtyl5�'t4ti•RK 5.1W—i'';,t:�7irAuY 'Atalt gOta4L9t�a�h -- • - r :)y'a6t o' a eft:'),i' .. .,..e..w .. !I;�', i1CIt• .t• 'qT.;a ai4ell:. '� T lei' '^""''''°d'" 'f'.' • 0 Iii.:-. ` ' • ' '`•� - .;,.1 t . ere1at* tliet: Ur N. t , ,t' '• t • t 11'.tat 'f Jell!, ,. rresehed. seeno'U"yetionoutly t . . g,tU.lent aad.,haa siren Par'. , Is", ',VII: b' terl- detetonetrallodr a Chleato In , As hi.,.seat n19 a ate fa the • swoon ea a tnaK 'fur• v c:Trott, )f!eon,g�ernm nt ec• retuctlMa slow ,the regular tare!, and ark bitere;it _a4