1664-1 Real Estate, Commerce, & News +:0.,-..:AK;+ vv " ' �sw t 1rte �` 4 c4t•r•`••.r 1,.'--'4- ..',...-2:-4 .. •� •� y r (" re?;lA'e1`e'tatta r-. - _ 8 1 ,..4,7.". . ahWeea. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1944 "�'`�'"'41 efi tttltent to that If we • i. "; k , or South Americaru �omtnant throughout the residence: _ ;►' . of doll et debt total- NYiami Beach ; ' lit the north hong of the mala •`x""t'' i •' , of dollars,we perhaps freskience facing the ocean and ad- .k'7 ' revived consideration joining the living room is a large •` • 4: :dal, but being plain, , situ Leased --^^^'�""illbttuy with m:cny shelves. Hidden • 1 1 • `. .• , �Mf,Rtari cltlsont and tax- closets are concealed by the swing- , a `�' 3` ;�1!1{IIe tnOney fiwt he used 1 � � 000 Ing book shelves, >Y t3tt- lavish gifts to ton i For 9 Nino Bedrooms i ... it we Can't pay up within ; Two bedrooms with tiled private "b 4, fnuilt be closed out even baths comprise the guest to , :_' t^• , nt hat taken over .! Purchase of the 90-year lease of i bathsoutside entrance from the suite. ' n • - Mpg1 them at)OYo Ila own the property at Collins ave. and ? hall furnishes quick access to , I• Sial." , 14th at., Miami Beach, by Stanley I i bathing beach.. From this hall the ;;',, sit. ?reefer txplalned that the • G. 'Rosenblum, providing for ag- I pre cast stone staircase with antique `'# t iassociation was or- o four days after the auction gregale rental of $297,000, was an- wrought Iron railing ascends to the the purchasers decided nounced today by Milton A. Fried- second floor on which are six mag- nificent bedrooms, each with tile „ the name of the Harding ' man, Rosenblum's attorney. 1 , Owner of the tract, which In- bath. ` k to Harding Beach. On the third floor is a tower bed• "t. patch was platted into 133 ; chides a restaurant, with apart- froom with an open sundcck. %Os eppratsed at 1.000 for ocean I menti upstairs, at 1357 Collins ave.,' � =750 for inside lots , and Edward apartments, 124 14th i' Garage space is provided for trent COMM.oa. seven cars. The estate also has a tieing the t to $3 and a graduated c st., is Charles F. Barrett. As- !caretaker's suite and three maids' 1 ,,t trete down to 5350 for other lots, 1 signor of the lease, which has 98 1' rooms. !{fnKeefer said. years before expiration, was Ed- ', •"r-:•The an presenting was extremely ward Lipman, represented in lir : i ! tar,* to prnea the en.cx. transaction by Mrs. Daisy Richard.• A T T " NEWS owning a home here, ex. Rosenblum plans to demolish U Ci 1 L i , • Ulnln that the government has a plot along the ocean and both structures,..when sub-leases • I'Hl?RSll:CI �1A1' 23, 1940 j s, on the west end running expire In 1944, and e• rect a hotel , 1 • , to Wien (reek for parks. Some l building. In (� I'N k 1 l clews �REGE lU V HUI�U11 1 bidders therefore paid high p Real estate broker In the deal', lar land that still Is to the wild was F. E. Tlppin, 1 _. land that Was tole the submerged e • - II ,- - -. RErtIRING MINISTER Lod Was to have been the I I• ' public park ham been sold to a pro• j THE HERALD, , vase individual and developM Into I SUNi)AY, h;ARCH 17, 1940 a =•acro Uiand under a govern• I _�� Beach Church Event For; Mont permit" URN/ llIN Dr. Icing Slated' Tonight t f The congregation and friends of• I % Dr, Elisha A. King, pastor for 19 pSO 000 years of Miami Beach Community ✓ ' church, will honor Dr. King with i a reception at 8 p. m• tomorrow in i ai sAvED: .By jNEw I \ • ARE 11\11,11.DED the church, in observance of the f :. { his post, and pastor's resigning l` j leaving for a summer vacation in 7 --+— the North. Dr. King will return , ri Lot, 150 By 430 Feet, , here in the fall to make his home. • r ,/ �, ?Ars. R. L. Ellis will be In charge d I 1.- of the quest hook, which will be h j Renshaw Informs Batch Bought By Elanto Kcalas a girt » presented to Dr. King I Council Benefit - of ' Estate, Inc. c,-.7' iromreceivingctlftna will be W. M. f• • _ the I �latial estate Fiske Adams, A. C. Scagren, John i1. i Power Cut Dean D. Francis' p< W. Choate, Milton ii. Farr, II, Ria h • at 9621 Collins avenue, Miami alden Saunders, Cecil L. Snow, Dr. General rate reductions offers 1a cities served by the Florlda Power .Beach, was bought for $150,000 by Paul II. Robertson, C. C. Youmans, and Light Company will save the at 'the Elsato Real Estate, Inc. Fur• Thomas H. Beddall, W. E. Briggs, 1 city of\ilaml Reach behvecn S!1,000 nishings were included in the sale. Carl J. A. Benson,jlvtrs Robinson of and SI_.00c annunlly, Claude A• Attorney Marshall F. Saunders, a- i Renshaw, city manager, told the president of the buying corporation, Farmer, and Mrs. Henry L. Fuller., n• i n will be Feature of the program when us efts council Thursday. represents the owners whose names a "reminiscences period," ir-il. Renthnw, In presenting to the were not disclosed. anecdotes of Dr. King's ministry i i tt� council the power company's new Tile transaction was consum• will he recalled. Refreshments wtil' on rate aehechtle nsaich became effec• mated by Kenneth, S. Keyes, pros• he served on the church grounds• ne flue Thursday, said he had not had --- In charge will he Mrs. L an �Qp PA Fuller, Mrs. Ottoh S. en,Henryy L.time tot computenuexactly how much In- f 7 • the clty'a annual electricity hal] of !dent of the Keyes Company and Ii Frances end lkne Mrs. Grace Tallent. 'ee ; 575,000 would be reduced, but hada S. Pierce Taylor, manager of his In general charge of arrangements •t , estimated It roughly. Miami Beach branch. is Mrs. Mary Willct Green. ror Casualchecking of the schedule, The spacious grounds have 150• Ss, the city manager said, showed the riy electricity hill for his own home foot frontage on the ocean and In- when , where lighting and appliances are Man creek and a depth of 430 feet. wed would be cut from S6.50 to A large rockery occupies the • $3.88 a month. Reductions -for northeast corner of the property 'et` other private homes will range Overlooking the ocean. It has two OngI from 10 to 5c1 per cent, he said. showers, caverns and barbecue pit. i ,ng Rate Acte Automatically Winding Drive Ing The council took no 'action, ap• ' A winding drive bordered by trop• , 'Ifs I parently accepting the new rates, kcal shrubbery leads up to the hos ' after Renshaw explained that the Spanish type residence. '1'hc loggia hut lower schedule becomes effective overlooks picturesque l'l'he l ggia -nn- automatically unless consumers and adjoins an enclosed patio. nigh•c a choose to operate under the old French doors lead into a large Slur rve schedule. ro rtatlon was made ;ing room with a high rustic fin-. trill c j A 55,000 app P lshed ceiling. A spacious sun porch s ho j I Be the council for use 11y the Attami o ens off the living room on the hat Beach Chamber of Commerce in an- P awering inquiries from prospective 'ocean side.Z3road arches lead to a hey • winter vialtors. The council appro. 'stately dining room with Its dignity • ccs• -. - printed 34,500 for this purpose last • land charming_ ,atmosphere, pre 7t ,ec la<..TI!a-lbtiner: aaNiWatG.biObahly ; i i.