1664-8 Real Estate, Commerce, & News rAa� FAUR,` \iA11� \`L\\tiC ___.. ..z --a-_—,- — _ • "THE MIAMI METROPOLIS. FRID`AT • _• Is- Your ' flair MEMORIAL AMP Miami Beach Nets • FalliOg • UNVEILED AT •�.. - s• UDTE5--P ^ ll _I OaKIP' I o � o Beautiful Build;nt ',-c _ , . FISHE1bSTS u tbiiS ( TANKS gat Hoa COMBAT MOSQUITO PLAGUE Of �1QUAHIUM THIS WEEK H Ns�n ll ws Iwttspof f, Larne WASHINGTON.. Suggests Water Towers and Rain New Minx:Institution'Will Be Onethe aoldlf the and codon You may have dandruff so badly that battles of the Unittd F: F3 ' Barrels 'Be Treated to Pre- of the Finest in the World it drops white flakes all over your a great memorial ampb f< Say • clothes and your hair may be falling out aced recently in Arllog rent Breeding of Pests q EIS erts bj handfuls, yet •'Q-Ban (pronounced tery. N.u•Ban) Hair Tonic quickly rids the The ceremonies were t o ommbyications irl l;. Fisher addremewerc the re• The Miami .[queriesn nearing temple- crop checksof ry yourparticle filingdandruff and Tben lomaticlthree Corps cabinet. Jved uracil sdrp night. One had to do tion will cost about n quarter of a coli- *eery hair on your scalp shows new life, other government offh with the matter of depredations by esu• lion dollen• oStocking the tanks.will vigor, brightness, thickness and more col- gatheringof known persona at he Flamingo hotel. gin the last part ret this week, The big 'or. The roots very rapidly absorb'Q-Ban" army,nvy and marine• kir. asked t /the polleenugprotel. plumbing contract bail been oantpieted;A Hale Tonic. Bald spots wilt,fill in with veterans of the Grand Don for property owners. Dlr, Fo her library of 700 volumes, bought is Europe new hair. Your hair and scalpneed this public and allied or ai also called the attention of, the council er but card catalogued at tWasitingtoo, will stimulating "Q-Ban" Hair onic, so war retiring and world ld a rep elle bad frotion expert who had shortly,arrive. Au ■uz.11ery yawl, a col• hasten to your nearest drug store 'or b Major General Net, studied the mosquito plague at the beach. leering•boat for the aquarium. is being toilet counter and get a bottle. It don't [red) preceded the cel Mr. Fisher's letter suggested that the built at Yurdy'a boetework. The Mlam cost much, so ■ [nal any way is worth The dedicatory exerci breed. aquarium will export-fish to the New while. Perry's Red Cross Pharmacy, Ml• auspices of the Grand city water towers were places of York, Philadelphia•and Detroit *gnarl- ami, Fla.—Adv. log mosquitos and suggested *relief atpublic to whose effort those places. urns. lso there will to a fish hatchery at the inception of the me This brought up the matter of water the aquarium where millions of flan eggs of tuna for President Allison of the yearsof work for fL will be hatched. supply and it was made known thataquarium—•'Allison's tuna," or "thunnus SecretaryDaniels, boll there is likely to be a shortage of water �1'he exterior color of the squetiam is allisoni." commission which had nest winter units*plana are made for a to be changed. The fact that lb. paint Mr. Allison, who has been the inspire- stntcdon of the memo, greater wither sytttem.The opening of the in peeling'off has gives I the management [longi leder!n building the aquarium, is D. M. Hall of Columba Flamingly'hotel, will double the penult_ ortesip° to-select a new color for the president of the association, Other ofti• freebie* of the Grind tion it was said and the hotel will be a slt'ucttrre. Jest what shade the new,coat ten -p are: .Carl G.Fisher,viceresddent; public, wets_the yyriinril large consumer of water. of paint will be is act announent!. This John Oliver La Gorce,secretary-treasurer, Beautiful Hi In with the attempt to ei• announcement will'y[_•ase a great Many The name of the aquarium is "The The great structure terml connection the mosquito at Miami Beach people with have felt.that•the combing- Miami Aquarium;' built by the government 31a.Fisher wrote that the city should ace tion of yellow with bite,a Mediterrapean 000, stands in the soul to it that all wgter barrels .were color sceme.'was not appropriate for the Galvanized tubs add buckets at reduced ington National tonere aefeened, • notable bollldingF;Vic PL a de the bay, prices at Garrett Hardware company, of thousands of the net ' The council set May 211,at 8 p.m., as a Illi Plumbl°, ..CotttrAet • • 225 12th St.—Adv. it are the Maine memor, titres for hearing of remonstrances on the • Teets have been made of the plumbing tleehip DMeine's fighting proposed paving orders.At that time the and,the work protea satisfactory, Thio nA over the graves of take steps tcouncil o pprovide foress re is l mediate prog- theshigbe�acesneco trWcorYmsnnhipCeflin calling • their eIr Liv• n when the. Tess toward the paving and will act June h)Ina and.hundreds of connections, have Rher umatism mortal,surrounded by t1 16 as a date for receiving and opening [Deni est Ino the various departments of l is oompietely washed out of the•;stem by erners. bids for the various contracts. the celebrated Shiver Mineral Water. Besides en nmandin�a Handsome dark boot eases tiullt In.in tory, the memorial over) • positively guaranteed by money-back of- . S2011,000 BOND ISSUE TO the library are sow ready for the hooks. river and the city of Wc 1 drib re to bap t notable collection for m nitrite fine;mob a ager Delivered taloa a chapel rsaneat, *1,000 from an F.b eau firm wa/.taken anywhereby oar allanl agent•, l'i Tolr Fytt red t year ago A advantage o!. Grocery too—_d.. Fducatlonal value of the biological de- f cemetery sou tire[ use• BE PUT T08EACH VOTEflS partment of the aquarium-la being _-------__------ap- proved --_-_-- by the leading universities. There will be nine table,.atwhich.the origin structure, development-•and function of City• Wants •t• Raise Money for fish and invertebrate may be studied. . set- tord university will send a prom• ft��\\tAP��,\\,t,leV,��/*-�\51.:.N.s iti Water Worles,Ettension,-Fire nor study marine life here and other _ colleges will take advantage of the oppor• f,r�• . Department, Etc. tunity given at the Miami aquarium for w/ , - Many' matters of great Interest to DI!• research work of the highest character in _ f ..e/- . ' ami Beach were before the council eiminent nent ienhi°tto Det will send an • ' sdntada night There was a propoul em Florida scientist. 'Theseto sine sbof - Is► to igaoe=200,000 In bonds for rmanent Brach a Least rine tableswa for re- I % pe .air will have running sea water and ...'1.4 i lmprovemeaU, u •followa: for water air for oxc•gcnlsstion o! speclmena. � Hik orke extension"and maintenance 150,- Building g�tcleniats' Boat - -000• fire department pnrpo.es, $23,000; A atunch cullkciin test an auzfl- ' , Inldpal building. 1125,000. This bond lacy yawl, being built ■t I'urdy's will be . hate is apart from an issue of $125,000 ;;y, feet over all, with a strongengine 'which will be sold for paving. This issue and built to,carry 571 square feet of ki ja•to be a temporary'loan, the abutting sail. This specially built craft will con- .. I •roperty owners to reimburse the city fain deep wells foe fist and stings room ' or the cost of the pavin4 for sea monsters. The boat will be oe A special-election will be called for equipped with all modern appliances for 'the purpose df voting on the bond issues.' the colleetlon of fish includipg traps and ,1 I -._.Augaat Geiger of Miami has drawn a Mlnee. The ship will have room for four -Jury sketch for the plan of the men to sleep.Its crew•viii consist of•two, M ' municipal building:,.It calls for.a two- toaslbiy three, seamen. - - • ee ,I 'story structure .of reinforced concrete. • Much is expected of this collecting i« I ,Ties style is semi-Spanish, twin towers -boat. It.will be ,`rept."in.commission t 1 ' bug a-distinguishing feature of the de- thro°ghoui the',year,Dipeditiona ao rare- •lnnonnt•, _ sou made lest afiht by our parts of.the waren. of the.(loll ,lee • Stream and/to ch 7[siyor Pancoast that the three citys,Br.hami,archipelago % , will be sent out at intervals..The ship b scka between the ocean and Sheridan will be a hard.weather.raiser and a mod- I ' • seempe,.which the Miami•Improvement el of its kind, •t \" •0oiepsny had formerly gtren• to the•clty Exportation,of.:fssh to the nart>fern of 3fiaml for park purpwe+ti had reverted aquariums will go for pard from.Mieml e".4 • to the company.This company presented Beach from timetime.The collections �� ' •be A tisk valuable )land to the city of Dliamt to :Beach for will be ah}p 10 wooden_everts bore �I e park purilses and on [bis tanks through Which the.:waten•etrthe I • L oto 0 lkn•rlty .w ll build its office Gult Streinn•till be allowed to clrci�lat• bnDdtn . -flra•dep r0�ant, pollee-head. • far, sa;Cai�t.e Hatteru.-.'.'26lace, •' ijail.`' th '' '• ••• because-bLt40'departure-of. the ship item , :k1 t•• he Gulf Stream, the water in the tanks A• I . WAaitert Have will be aentrd: ni I •r.§,, ,','o i ' Ali Their...Own . Louis I. •Mow iy, 'whho' has been 4~ • 1 C �� t« ;•' celled'.to Miami-Beach to take charge of y • 4 AsaeefstN tress) the ■qusrl°m, is a man of wide expert- I • u rhes • datoeratic Vienna, once once as an ichthyologist lis was with n4. •netbefl,now offers small op. the Royal British aquarium at Bermuda, � E- . •4.1 r the display of gastronomic from where be supplied New York'sklie 'ji.. • • oral cooks are regarded as aquarium with its fishes from the Bermu- . -•patilnittea" as are also an army of dian waters;be was at Boston for a time tars, all jobless and forlorn. • stimulating interest therein the *quart. it r ' vItany hundreds of Austrians who were um. WS mut-prominent • work was done .4 Thlb „ turned in England:during the war,re- In the great aquarium at New York.Mr. I" • . Isere.td find they Could get'no Mowbray was frequently sent to the Flory Ft1Ct York-to do.'.By far'the greater number ldlan waters for apod1+ies of fish and be- •�e s , • -Sr.waiters.They are Ito a desperate came well acgnalnted -pith the region be- ,, II,,,,,,... i .plight. ,Cavin`-to the great Increase in fore he was selected is director of the . , Hie .tbo colt of living there has been ■ great aquarium. He has been at the beach for t'. �p _ mall- +• ••lautlon In the number df those who some time auperintend'ng the erection wont to,patronize hotels and res• and equipment of the,aquarium. .1,0;4, To t Barton W.Eveiman,president of �� ' "alters fortunate •eaotigh to get a the alifornla Museum of Science, who Wes v . IS t.]!tt f'••st their Balling`encounter almost In• recently saw the Miami Beach aquarium, Id , .; ' \ aatpeeable dllfleWdHl In providing them-•says[Mani of its.locatlon and its equip. .end'with conventional oau • rb, Thhere are meet It will t ^ - t-"}h ., foremost I -