1664-9 Real Estate, Commerce, & News • TIM MIA)Il HERALD.WRDN64DAY,APRIL 2N,1920. . . •.,_ v rAt:a L. nummememommenemmiummimd frnportant to Residents of Miami • Birds-eye picture of Miami Beach, comprising the properties of the Alt)n Beach Realty Company, the Miami Beach Improvement Company, the Miami Ocean View Company, the North Bay Shore Company and the Peninsula Terminal Company. . • T-34'• ` ) . • -. ....:!!::-:.---7...•:y era y) •''' ' .1. "T' l-t3 v -- i I• • • • ,/' 1?v 1' "y„ t. 1'• • JA.,. .,••:•••••; ,!,.;,.-..,',---...„-7.:•:::.-:-.:,)„...,:....,•••.K~ Y 1 < 1. .. : 1'.+ f .' .+ .' ' - ,.A • In the entire peninsula there are approximately 3,I01 acres of front properly at Miami ISeath should not be worth just as much as ground connected with the Mother City of Miami by the new Cause- restricted water-front property in Detroit or Cleveland. Residence way. At the present time about unc•halt'of the property has been property in Detroit or Miami(leach is all the same;you can't sell a filled,plotted with roads.and is in a highly developed condition.'The piece of residence property in Detroit for a factory site or a lumber north half of the property has been let to contract for fill and further yard,and it's the same thing al Miami Reach. Residence-property at 'development,and at the present lime the'third-Clark Construction Miami(leach means residence property from now on,as long as the Company have a large number of dredges working on this property, island stands,or ea long as our deeds are worth the paper they are and the entire fill is expected to he finished some time during the sea- written on. 'nue mune people svlio own residence property al Detroit, son of 19_91. 'lids property.when complt•Ied•will contain:bond 6(1 worth 54000 per front fool,can a17url to live a1 Miami Beach and miles of boulevards—oiled,dustless roads—and all streets will be be- own a residence here,where They can live six months,while in Detroit tweet)1W)antI l(K)feet wide. There will he no one-way traffic laws at hundreds of people only occupy their residences three or four month, Miami Beach for the next fifty years;as the majority of our main ar- during the season. !cries are 1110 feet in width.which will permit eight rows of vehicles In most large cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, De- abreast. 'fhc large dredges al the present lime arc making miles of troll,Buffalo,etc..a very large proportion of the profit in real estate beautiful shore front,lakes,islands and:bout three miles of canals. hos been made by invests,from other(owns whim moire seen the op. which will h 150 feet in wiiltli,spanned with large arched bridges. port unity. All of the property on Indian Creek and the Ocean front will be hulk- headedand filled as fast as the dredges can gel lo this work. We would like to have a large number of people in Miami invest in Miami Beach property for future profit. We are going to make a The northern part of the properly or that property immediate- particula'attempt to interest the citizens of Miami in Miami Beach •ly north of Collins Canal.will contain the new 18•hole golf cniD'se property,as we want them to share with us in the future profits. which we are going to try to make the finest golf course in the entire Anything that is of benefit to Miami Beach is of benefit to the City South;also wo new complete polo Fields. of Miami. When this entire project of 3,0(X1 acres is complete we will have We lave sold hundreds of building sites al Miami React to the ' reclaimed more than I.100031rresul'swa111p land.making this fill le- shrewdest inweseut•s in America. These loon will help in building tip toren 18.00t1.INM)and 20,1100,0N)cubic yards of sand taken from the this conuuvnils and also help in building up the Everglades. They bay.The-several companies connected with this enterprise will have will make investments in the City of Miami; they will help build spent In development between four and five million dollars in actual churches,theaters,hotels,street car lines,help build roads.in Net, land development,to say nothing of the bathing pads, hotels,resi- they helo build everything that is built,not only wills their luxes,bot . + dentes and other additions to the property store rooms,theaters,etc. with theirenterprise and desire In help build up the el nnnuoity in The completed property will have about 10 miles of water front. (which they reside. andell ofthis valuable property within afew years will belong tosome Wilkin Ilit'past :1 months Ile associated companies al Miami 2,(XX)owners scattered in all parts of the United States. There are plead hate sub,Iu the most l itt0ncnt citizens of Miami nurse than more than 100,000 people in the United States who can afford to own $1(001(0X)worth of hire).pruperl v. The class of inyrruvcmeuls mud • very handsome residences on this peninsula,and it is safe to say that urn th a pments(hal is are going mutat with assures ii steady advancetin. at these invcslmenl.—bol we a•:nt the citizen.of Aliami(teach to in- at least 50,000 people in the United States are going to bid on or at- vest further in our Ocean-and-Bay-front property as well as 11111'in- tempt to buy a residence on this property. Just what prices will rule side lots—and we particularly want to call the al of'mailers the market on Miami Beach is at the present time problematical. If it to the fact that at the present time we need at least 100 houses rang- . were possible for the present holders to keep This property for the ing from 5 to 12 rooms each,mid we need 12 holds from 1(0 In;l(XI next five years.undoubtedly at that time the properly would sell for Homea s ch Io Inose the People twhnwant to Hee at\li:nni Bench and two.three or four times the sates prices in the meantime, but the who are going to live at Miami Ile•ich. \e. have n1(cast a half dozen holders of a large part of this property will need several million dol- offer and hole)sites with termssr)inventor parkeffects,wish In.,that we'll offer on very reasonable to investors who wish to build a hotel. tars to proceed with the development—and these separate companies The FLAMINGO lhO't'EI.we expect to have finished by January will continue to offer property at Miami Beach at very reasonable figures for the early investors. 1st of n for now. e entire athehcapacity of the FLAMINGO to practicallyare spoken for note,even before the foundation is completed. We are if residence property in Detroit and Cleveland•not nearly so well not selfish about the hotel rights at Miami Beach. We know that one • located as this property that the have to offer,is worth from$400 to good hotel will help fill others—and Miami (teach is growing very $2,tX)l n frons foot,undoubtedly the same residence owners can of- fast,ns well as the City of Miami. We must have more facilities at fond to and will own winter residence property at Miami Bench. Just both places to accommodate those people in the North who w001 10 what prices will rule when 5(1,(XX)people want to own this water front come here and live in comfort with modern conveniences during the is,as we have stated,problematic;il— comfortbut there is no reason why water. winter months. ��,,THE ALTON BEACH REALTY CO. • THE MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE CO. 11 . • . GM•1:.• �,Su.M.Y 0