1664-10 Real Estate, Commerce, & News • • . • t , ' 01 THE .IIIA.. ALD, THURSDAY, MARCH25, 1020. • • \1 . .. .1, _ FOR SALE ACREAGE 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANQE FOR SALE OR LEASE FOR SALE BUSINESS LOTS seem z___. ---------------- -- _ — 'STAE \ FOR Sr' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE FOR ibba..k. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE sureened! PII AI•T' llUME--Ito' fercrd eon- ...orIIOMI'si'rF:H 600131.4 Ave, 1)exle„stun, E. N. CHAMBERLAIN .o,• a.,o,,,, trete. the t.-of, 70-fl. froitl•ago. 1 olntFOR SALE—ELEGANTLY between 2lot anti 224 Sta., on:y 1600; ' from bay. View, furdsl,ed complete, ready to FURNISHED HOME nne-quartur rust: :11 Ilan an move Intl,. 116.000 under value. Pioneer vu'mod noun. 231 11th St. Curry & AND _r, L,vestmegt Ise. Nee Mr Ileudrlcka. THY: BEST properly In town, big 6• llualme. TI'S ACRESI•:vorggtlad land for saale:I room house with svrvunts• quarters BUSINESS INVE.5 TMENTS 1 tulle from Florida ,'a/ depot. till and arra.•;excellent location fur hotel BEACH 1000 AVE. C, COR. 10TH t o . ne finest a1 I:20 Av1) Extonolu„, t r upYrtmenl huue . .Cull end sue Own. In; hr• all e. or, 226 0th St. C. it. ferry. I 11AVE one choice lot on Miami Ave. • PHONE 229 6,000. Hee Fu1t SAI.!•:--All good ievestoleu '2d ta: two and St.,Y good Liver Uno.nl 2-story, s-roil,,, Munn”. on inti be. . ' lwaen Lawrence Ilrlvo and I'. (me 6• FOR YALE-3/ Sandrtcuurt, two-story CGCONUT GROVE. Bi tonna. new, nnrly hutlt hungrlow near concrete block stucco house. lura• T. P. BROOKER FRONT, 165x600, FULL R I', each of 11,ene propsAloe has: fit.,I, scrseyed front, rear and Olio Porcher; 167 12th Ht. I'hono 18 ...1 bnu►aa' inert-, strewn.: loll -In features, bat ' "eA gum Irina In tgvina and dtHtng ARIAN RIGHTS, $25,000. aarago, lavatory, electric fixtures, ■ereone, "mr: all other room° enamrlyd FUR .ALF:Choicest lot io 1un ex.- 125 FT. BOULEVARD FRO 71h Ht, I pas n ,, old IvnrY: Porte corh.r„ and Jrl v,.. near .\ve. 9, 60x150 ft.. nouthurn ex- gas and water connections. way,cry, and IYrKtl bath; 2-dory Dnrure; terrns. Frank I. °Jotter, Jr., 'form° on each. Alno a 606147 lot on 019 Ave. C. 100 FT. DEEP, TWO GO( Itiverrhle Enrols al a bargain. Phone -for '' with 6 room,, and bath, room }LOUSES, $5D,D0D�TERMS. Yux or call at 1600 lath fur information "fur '2 erre; will tabu soma sterol Prop- hlllt SALE_in, .,room of ill h.iiih and uteprcnu„ erly as load payment: peen re,anonable. will well toy home, all turn )xhrd; HOTEL • LEASE, 90 ROOF. .ra •cl ox• J. Tluyer, 1', 0 Bax 215, Buena Vista, paved strerl, sidewalk, garage; tot 'ax t:1 1NO north, will lover-Mee ee my coo), Fls. I'bore 1636•Ni. $6,000 PER YEAR;YOU R' hu,laalow, neer the bay, furnished or ]5n fee t,'noulh trout. Sen It quick, lUo h e rlg.ht nnfulnlshed: 6 rooms and breakfast 'NIL!_ EXCHANGE loll{ St. FURNITURE. room, modern ten ,„wry respect; oro- 1 MnitE AN OFFER—:\ northern owner 150x200 BUENA VISTA CC p hu•r, bulll•In Mr Ut rrw: double garage. BUNGALOW of 6 acres of grove land does not. Hee Owner. 74 Beverly lrlve. uu FOR BUILDING LOTS want It and will snake a nuerinco of it NER, $25,000.00; SEE ur In rear TW() well Incatbd luta ,n J0111111011 SI HtGROVEor Hato; will lithe N.•w Jersey If it con be sold °non, Make me an QUICK ON THIS: IVO. snap. for mule tit a bargain, 17 bearing. properly. 20:5 Florida Ave., West- uftr r. F. J. Dick, Cuconul °rust. gray fruit curs on Properly. Apply rota-eland \\'AN1'ICU--uwoer of varum Moue,,cur- HOTEL INVESTMENT, 16% 625 21st SI. MIAMI BEACH BUYS ncr 101E St. and Ave. V. Communi- MUCK LANDS, $12 to $25 P •.alter, good volt SALK—loo feet on this ocean tutu with P. O. Box Sas, I'ur. ACRE. •Iti•.a, ' front; full riparian rights; clone In. FOB HA1,1•;-5-room bungalow taoll•Ka- 1.°T on Jeffor00 1 Ave., (arhl,g oast, i HAVE MADE SPECIAL $100 n font. '1' Charles If. Wheeler nage, corner Int, 211x150 ft., curt, I ('o„ till Ave. C. I Ielvc nen end uu,• 3rd SI„., $-,1100' lrrutn $135 tllh SI. Mewl be „oIi Ina,ar. RANGEMENTS TO BUY A ,, • I,NICELY turn'.not h-room bungalow, LUTE 1 and 2,curlier. h St, and Ocean F(,ft HALE—.\t great sacrifice, Iran- HOME YOU 'WANT AND SI c„nnnl be alt roitve•elen, •m, garage; tertnr. Hex Drive. facing. east n city park and WM new 1'dg,:water• i-room b1111gu- •-r lot than 32-N, Harald. ocean, for a very ehor! time. 81.2,6011, low. furnished or unturnlethed. 'sox 06- TO YOU Of4 SMALL• CA t1 EXCF;t.I.F:NT wilding lots, full alis. """•lhlnl lash, L. Ih-rabL PAYMENT AND BALAN wast or l.nwr Her Delve; Margot,, It I u'r cnnu•r Cutlliw Avr. and 11th t. BEACH LOTS taken at ,,nen. Box 32-N, Herald, toting rust, $LsOV, LIKE RENT. SEE ME IF Y MI- ion, cam• LUT ut Intersection on of Euclid int, MI NEED MONEY TO BUY. 1co below F'°It S.\1,1: at u bargain; u small house Juin' Aven nen, good 'mishits., lot, •3,- LOT 5 Block 27, flees Taal; no better ourself. and *9 fruit trees all In fine rondl- G011. location on the Itrice; $4,1100, ,,,,,y thin. Small puyineat down. Wm. E. CORNER36th St. and Collin Av 4 1.-runs. Marchi & Flowers. 249 loth St. LAWRENCE DRIVE 17afftey..Itoyalton lintel. lush, 100 tt. riparian right 0 CORNER lot, 511x150,wast and°outl i 4,.1 Ot'an REST" 141:1' las north rod of town, 83.000. EOlt.YAI,1•; by ywucr: a (•411.1., and 1 front and 1u0 feet corner on l)1 its moot„ and Math, every „.„„,,.„ie„,.,.. potion., 21 fruit treat, sidewalk Inside lot at Alta Vista; bargain. high \vr„ $I i,11aU: ora•-[ourth cash. )lint pointed, very ole« Inv n, only 33,- elevation. $5011 bnlo.c crlue, Oa (rout, close else°. all Improvonvntn, flno fur nn In- riparian 42nd Hl., 4 loin. IOQ feet l7oq. jLnun t'l,Mh, bllbll)a4' ,'..s', �I,'t'• P. tis 'tux 172, \1hun1. VeStinent, Phone ttlehardaon, 1131•XI rip„.hut nghls on Indian u n trti S we,, chantte Iteall I:Prporau"n. Suite :,, 1(1, BEACH HOMES derf el location for a Lome.. ,t, 215 Intl: Ht, Thune 612. • thing else it has touched. Of some ' SANDERS-BOYD CO. A REAL BUY, tion„pnsin, s minuteSUBSTANTIALLY BUIL] Gaut front lornce•, I apartments. • LOCATION RIGHT units this is ndt true; these are the LUMMUS BLDG. 1 rump„ each, tllraltih,d, Hood Latin• :aid,would show' units stationed in Peking; and room on 3rd fluor which (-LA be made MIAMI BEACH Iola several MIAMI Ave, near Ith, faces ens other big cities where foreigners can good-sized 'roulax: 'baud- Jn alntI 75 Cl. tront..3 Ind rooru. 'an ma:1u- see then,,," Ing Is of cetunut ',tucks, shlnille roof.;„,„ 'Id wulrr• ;emirate olio do hibit their •• III•,, law . Ind Mrge palms In front of of foreign much succuss in London, Paris told building, Price $15,uu0, $3,00H •..till,l ft._`,,,..,c,,,,I.. nus wa4•k only, i' 1. , New York. ba Mu oro tansy, 11.r•hu it:i Really ('or • - 1'HG 1'1[fiA'I'F.R IN JAPAN. (atl.LINY Ave., south „rrtlon, o charge of _ The international character of the ',oration. suite 0, 10, 11, 215 glut Yt. g,,, giunw, unirphy brute. garage declared, i'Ir,.n.• 610. While Japan's'tltam'tic has Tokio stage is also{ becoming more Inn• $2.511. rush, 1 i genius and more apparent. The capital of t CO-Ord ten- CU.uoi,E•rii:,r furnished 6-room bun-ICOI,I,IXY'Acis„ stucco, 5 rooms, n organ- not developed along the lines of the few facial. east un Ave. t•; u111' tturch. garage; $7.8110. rosy tern g t purely intellectual drama of the occi- Japanese is the outpost of Asia and rent for ,,,,,,....1 u, ca�ry easy licntti. C111.1.1 NS ,\ve,, roacrete, 6 rooms Mr. Ale- the largest city in the orient. 1'o the Prole,, $Ionian: m„I, dent, her actor, are.the product of ii.ono rash. b:Jrucr runt'. •talo•: 112. absolutely I Imperial theater have come in recent 10IIuuu„ Realty Corporation. sotto �. ('u1.1.INY \ay, ruucrrlc, ; 0"'”- dent, fined plans the most remarkable stage discipline las. 11. .15 huh til. 1 non. c12. rw,ma: j11,:.ut. `ter Pelts ntisAmerican and British cam- I.III,1.INs Ave., cdnrrrin, tile ro ufucturers in the world, and the whole art of the tunies, but its hospitality to Russian JIJ:1'r i'i'1` I'tortuytte Drive, new mod- 1 1 ) I b,d room„, garage; j15,000, Japanese theater is done with SO ern bungalow, Mine right In, We let”,sat la nization of opera, Russian musicians, singers and oleo i ',mesa there is another home 1n ,•OLI.INY .\vis.. .0 netetC, lila iso 'i exhibi- much heart that it should be a reVcla- g dancers within the punt few months ibis torn lucxuon lit u,l„ prlre: $6.51111, • br,i rooms, wide verandah; jl tion to the West. is an ralau•st of the future when 1{us_ $1.50” cash, bahurt•o Io ti1111, 1!,•rr lou ta' Many popular plays upon the Tokioit°ally Corporation. Sully 9, las, I I, SIS ”:'ay tern. McLean. it sin is herself again, and there will 1 NI•A% concrete bungalow, Ideal stage reflect the everyday life of the 6 Ilw X1. Phone 012. lin, beautiful yard, corner lot number of come about an exchange of players people. They are rich in human nu- rage, 3 master bed rooms, eera who have between Tokio, Moscow' and Petro- Referring to discussion of the navy. see...mations,mations, a beautiful t lure, and ore as romantic and nenti- the speaker $Is,uue, easy terms, of export grad.—London Timex. 1 r sgtid: mental R- the lyest could desire. .----- "Probably you have all read recent-aleas at a Till': °urn way to haI a winter I 'I here is also a realism that rivalshorns at the Brach next winter 5 ly various views as to the part the that of the West;especially when it GEN. WOOD ASKED FOR navy played in the war. Whatever Buy Now. comes to conflagrations, earthquakes, CONTRIBUTORS' NAMES I impression you may have gained, I 'MARTIN-4$ FLOWERS snowstorms, combats, and ghostly ap' I assure You that the navy has weather- Phone 193 219 t,,, Dissatisfied pearances. ,But, on the other hand, Washington, March 24.—Acting on ell many a gale and • may be safely tut decree, there is a remarkable excursion into published report„ that large sums had counted on to weather many more.” CHILE REPLIES TO ties of"the the realm of the unreal, and grates- been contributed to Major General ----� ')nal whole- que characters cut out of the cloth of I Leonard Wood's campaign fund, Sen-! SAYS PLAN WILL, FAIL. LAST AMERICAN NI have an- exaggeration form the characteristics ator Borah, republican, Idaho, called:it the the pack- of the many quaint plays that have on the general and his campaign mon- •Augusta, (:e., Murch •24.—Senator • Buenos Aires, March 24—Chit .old be re- been handed down to posterity by agers Monday for the names of sub- Hitchcock, of Nebraska, in charge of replied to the United States' c commerce the nine stars of the Ichikawa family, scribers, amounts and "the manlier in I the democratic light for ratification of asking the former country to " . the actor line that has contributed which it is being used." i the pence treaty, has expressed the nothing undone to prevent a cc fin Chicago more than any other-to the develop- General Wood's managers not only opinion that the plan to have con- between Peru and Bolivia," acco ,, ment of the Japanese theater, And owe it to their candidate but, "still gress declare peace by resolution to Santiago. dispatches. It is there is the fine possession of the would fail because of "constitutional Chita expresses the opinion tha IRS. ;•1Jdptinese stage, the music posture more to the party sod the country to• obstacles," in unable to attribute greater , pieces, that rival the Russian'ballet clear these Charges in an unmista - Senator Hitchcock said: quences to anti-Peruvian manic the Chinese with their ethereal, abla way," Senator Borah declared in , ,ism of the h graceful, fairy- a statement. "There is a disposition among cur- tions in Lal az than "simple nip! Ylike creations. Associated with these • talo senators to attempt to terminate by exalted popular elements whl •r, in "The ballet-like plays is the whole sphere "The use of money in elections has the war with the adoption possibly p I 1 reached a point where the people will ate and the house of a concurrent reso- duce the threat of war. suffice to hers' maga- of Japanese descriptive dancing. have to take hold of it," he said. It former cell- The color ernftsmunshtp of thelotion, declaring that a state of peace Chile has no other desire tha Stare and Tokio stage also has much to teach Is nothing less than a national peril exists, this resolution to be signed by peace,and has not considered m/ f the two other countries. Here are color corn- that two months before the convention .tile president, but 1 am of the opinion Ing her forces, says the note, the use of money in the attempt to that this cannot be done because in expresses full confidence that 11 system of binations never seen in the Wast, says: rainbow hues caught up from all the control the convention has reached the the framing of the constitution of the will appreciate her duties in re ,es-,i soldier odd corners of ancient Asia, that point of a scandal, • United States, the war-making tune- to foreigners domiciled in her eOe great, would stir the imagination of Occi- "That a vast sum of money is being tion was delegated to congress, 'out tory. In conclusion,the communi, pr.assion of dentals who have a real hunger for spent is perfectly apparent. I have the right to terminate war by the Be- deplores•the "frequency with • Ink. I have color as shown by, the manufactured Been letters from South Dakota Vir- gotiation of a peace treaty was vested the government of Peru is prod venture that Eastern plays that are given with so ginia and Illinois showing that the in the chief executive. My opinion is these international alarms in tin men-has a people 'generally are becoming very that the framers of the constitution tinent, and maintaining her neig restless in the face of the annarent use .,,,.,,.t ...L,.n.. :.. .a-...