1664-13 Real Estate, Commerce, & News PAGE FOURTHE MIAMI HERALD,THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921. WOMAN FOUND DEAD WITH SAYS Jr ace Horses for Cuba 'N F W S OF VI I A VI I BEACH MAN AFTER STUDIO FIRE SPIT. re Now in Key West J NYW YORK,Oth L girl sob.tiled (By xAl Ota loot night with A.J.Thorley Uuwmli • BRING BRIDES FROM ABOUT THE BEACH ST.GEORGE CHANGES to his...Plot apartment N°.171 W.' ABOAIH 16th stmt., where they ware trapped IAKU,Oct Irec Carloads- of Fast - ►y tare, war Id•ntlfled this •fternoonlawl., to Mr. end Ntt, Robert rotten,of 1404 • Nlu Joss P►In• 011e., 11 fools alta. on lludtat Travelers, Most or Tllef7, NIPPON TO FLORIDA Y1.mI even• .r..1.n41ng tars. week* DS SECOND TIME;Ilex br•th•nln-I•r end har mutat Id•ntl. 1.•el•rn In Naw York City. fled her body •t the m.rg•., she endlof•uomr.. • From Canada, Are Wait-I Joe•...• c..d...ro 1. Wel rror Word has come to the Hrotaiu on IN Yl° °' <►..r1 T►r.e /I.n B.UJ-I Dur•II died 1° the front room of his ltha .tate• T Y.•.<t.e., V.111 U. bath 1• Werk f Mr. and Mn. Jome. Yatlh•w tic bel•ew In C•.►Ie'I«, Co.- apertmenl of the top floor about id- Te torant. on ing to Be Transported rted to N na Alm. Desch G-.00r plan night...t. Then y woo o Cl,. ••d De-only• 1.., of c, n8(Mof B.H• tale that the omen will re- tale. a wpn.emtn naval.hen w. •nem••W the bar of tM • taro the first of toot month. th.r moon•of•,cap. would b•v. boon I The r From the %nod of cn•rry blossom• 11ef ' Havana; Former Mia• mor the second time within appro.- by way o( • ladder lodlng to the roof at • Clan. to the land of •un•hlne end flower• N•kinl a pieluruqu• scone, a dolma tlnlg• T•a1,1ro end K. tlut0 am Lring•e"<1n[erulaer•including Shadow V ••d i,oal•ly•mu.ln the lit. O•ore• •port-IU•nt• to WJ•eaat buildings. It 1• b.- [roup of L lion Teacher Dies. tog Inetr brm•m w spay! Intim honer- VI sod the lioeuu ht•. pthmnd 1. '••nLe neer u• wrna. or Coon. •r liemd the couple were overcome by which t• moon. Th•two noon%.loft 0.0 yraa- Coiling 0.0.1 neer Rolla Isla to he out nu• and Elgr.l0 •tr..1 have .0.nledlereko rulo Tr.to . mak• lr.lway J•ponee. ho (....41 to Tito Elamite) d•0o otons aa tatty •rrlred from of •.b. rough w.ten .f Il. bo w• ,b • Tadd.r. tTUra. lop ttudio of rt- Ad foal g, KY WEST.OH.IL-Tbr•.carload. J•V•• end are nor •n their way. •a• __ 1- condo. Tn. ••I• of tn•O.org.buildi•[ •',meets .1 +.•J •• site 1.0dio apart- to von see completed r.....'rot to fI I I C.Bnn- OPLL Dat then roll no I lb It wouldlbf •)sere.ars 4 l\•ell Y. wattlmr p«IIP[ 10 each YWnI Dimon by t\• Y. O. Van [Myers will moss t• I817 r of lt7 N.Y.TnIr1 Y-flet street,ill- m (.lV wwU•' oo./,tion•. 10 N nil •f N'ovm Nr. Y4•d his Tha,•da7• amt. by Mrs. K•iherlo• 0l..0ta. U•0. ...via. Duw•11 to..q fin on lh•tui. • .spurted to Cuba on on•of the for- TN two J.P.nm•e did 1•ndsc•D• --- tartmti u dm U. 41ro end quickly Ha pr•c U+, W..v.r of Marron, III_ ow.K property w•ta Thm• con arrived here sem- gerdeaing for lh• wuon Boo Ry col°- %,e• M. Rum•ry of Bolo Iola left tut of Gu•p•rtm.m note.•,sola tae build- t• the »of dole[•[60,°00 b•< •er would oris` Ily fro. Yttatrtel. (S►•Jas Pinar for a••er•1 year• •,•{ lived to- night for as •utom•►Ile trip ta Later tar to B.P,•.Lar to Mr.. ...h•. for 1111.1.. Duw•ll ro w••Ith7 Mo•• of • y. A. Da01o. a reit known -nee geth•r •H II meds. In tea Jaen.,fro• York Ctly He yell% pD.nd tan• we•kI . oenalder•Hoo or 760.0°0. Waller J samral sad hW ..mmol•. hod •pert Id for that the J ,• Is own• of-ods of ,r• vide.] for U•m. Two real• aro thee •t Whit• Sulphur Spring. on his way am.. w•a ot.treolor for lb., ►,•IIN. . b two(rl•nd%M. /Crust ••end�C•'orge tn.°edde•Is t. U°ld•• Chaim.,-owned by Dr. returned to limit n,llrl Country lad back. nal•\Ing touches ore now Ning••V- ] t.• M eoula•ral • good Wdlcap It sou asmomid one of lh.-rOoon• Iter _ • Dlted before Iha apartment• •r• ready ll. Yr.-aor et t►o HILL m nun. bent. 1{ardltg. • EWA. Golf•• Climate.. the thalr going-woo to'soot servo. B•ddealy atta°kd by Mao., 84.1.9 for oocupe Pey, Th• bul,Jing conl•la• They mid than would communicate will A•front our Imo fIftb.n 010.1 roll brad fluec•.•ful I. tb•Ir 40.01 Uq lb •r• Peb.rd7 of . Ao a.nin .p•rtmot. fdl 17 •0.rtn.n4 On. I. tar.. •our lu 1s. .• bis r.l.tl , In IIolls.d. last nigh • r•luroin[ u I.wly...,6o I to work la U. school yard eu hie way home haigkt. Tn• wall. • • or Poured con• • ptom•n•d. • Cor„aa unarm hu•ter of tourtaen .gain for In.Alton wovta. Homo . Tutedy •ttarnoo.. tete (.saner, Ml.. omit. Making of t►• ell sub. LAUNDRY BAG MAY SOLVE and • en.that w.nt w•H.1,be m.oe track to be provided for than and ,nen will Kato Dom, of Um sloth grads, brought ...Hai to ►• built uut•Id.H I. tin- 0.10. footstool during u•summer mo.0►•. •o '.sok to U.,old warn u taxmen Al.. hese.,where H ma. found h• wo I•hod Is rr•y Hueco. S1.000,000 MAIL THEFT a K<.ml,,. A. Doter bo• tlrw aor.ea la tae „. y,.n ba, lot .4. a°B•rt.g from a ••..r. attack of It the rear of too building I. •01n,• Ma •Ig.me.t atter'mooing throng►.ane • _ p4maln• solooalog. Ile la •him to be Hisao for ,N Hong• of four•uton,o• $RW YOH[-Oat t$.-A wh14 laadln •gad Jur. 10.1.0 001►g named afO« Do.g4• •bout•g•I°vow. allow with two ayartrnnu4 atom., Yor laundry bad today beo•m•to..1.4 up• •cyclun• •bunko. W1kl.g Dr..r.. also MAYOR JAMES.WII•Ia --- .Hca of the •D•rtme„t• In tt. main which petal •otb.rIU.. holm to true - •J by Yr.D°1.7,10•vel+.W N00. , T.. kisd.ygarto. 7•Po60ten •p<Ot •frustum. 1'.e-. Is • ammo.] ...log I down p.rpei Inn •f M.oday y.l`bt•e. �� . I. „„°red blablY.. - BUILD $I 1 000'HOME yesterday morning on lb. b..ch. loot•- L.rel,. Uutolde 41,n„fl ions of the mall truck robber ow bdla•.d to 1•••• . K. Thomp0en, C. Nitwits. P•t• ing ln• dIR•rent Ion•tl•m of ••• ,hell• bulkily[• . Iv by 73 feel. been the hottest kael 1n lb• historof KEY M •end U. Baifort• each the ow 7 and building•send village. ----*- mall theft.. V,.nk llarra•1ck, Om ter. pr... ' of tam horses m.61n[up tee ulnar ----- driver of tk• truck,told Om auU.ritma Cole, eh• eV"' .fl. a•I•e,.. r.. N..1.....I Mi•.Idle RD.iI•m,.t L.eros..-W.aI NEW APARTMENTS that air ..•H..4 dro. 4. beg ...r Ler: w ,nor well known horses•In falai re•.,r.."1."1".........•‘•rem I. malting M I m N•gddeo• Yelber .o kis yid bel•-•tae removed the seek• club, tell Mr0 T.1.1 1711 !Hoe.otrotiL NEAR COMPLETION NInrout tar• Jack Ilulq, Whlp• 0`wsnan will Georg* W., Hrother McCian .. . of a the •b tem m the truck. triol rill r Inn Wood. A building p•r•nit sou tamed year•,- geo<nl arrl%.l. Cl lb. Yoow•y •Dart- In Ua •60.ecm .f <o.vle4 Ugu lie, Florida II II et t\ow bor0.H umDai[•ed on day to Ysyor TAomo L Jemo for ante Ire ••n4 M Juk. Kd \ ---- being co 1.10.d by• forte of.early fifty then Vro. I••a.dlaa trduk••W .0111 W enter- Ib. •r.0lion of • a•nden,. reeldanu• end ahllA, T nod Mrs.urn. Ensign, 1•l0• Bd06 Kaeln•dl Caput Ie flee• I,eta lflalal cloths, .•Ikl.lf lb. boo ..old I gained grou•d rleou•a'u • n Iha II 1,0011. •t 1071 I..ae. •••,.., welch .0_111 •v• •f J«k•onr,ll.; Mr•. 11.0..4 and end Miss First Wing by D•re. •r hI; •0000d $1000000. e..0HNll (Mom proaly,•1• 1110uuII, 0001 when cum.I Roberts,of 11.0.00.and X.Ole marl and Cu.l•l.,73 Apartment. Yo•t.l officials 4,roal that the bulk Kup4 1' n• b•.k Hbail gems In be played 0101". 1 N., ylwar:, Jr.,of N•w Yurk. of U. Haien sonorities mors non- 8e0ent11 1 n• Alhl.11<club Tu Hd,7 night De- J. tV, llenn•ll will D•b+Ilder of Iha, - ---- n tn•Nigh 6410001 quintet and Iha re.ldenre which not be la tram of theMr.. d ------ Pinbh,.[4uche.ase•btlor rushed •tII n<[otl•bl•.n hent•useless 4 lea b• from N'•. 1.110 Club (Ir• boo boon postponed bell lu0•tlun• of M1 1111 Beach. .U0- Instructore01 the kom•wio Poole this year. l,• IlaieP• ala•rtm•n4 In orJH to aor- beStook rs J•'kho[• t4.ker•ely to b• rbroke eywi b Ilhr«• Ilchtnow .0100nl of the woothu. Tb. golf• •ted Just •1 the •dg•of the Ylamingo P•4 the 0ulldiag roaQy (or ...Pone, olds 1n a< 1. Itarlud U•lH •f clock. to N wdn Sb• i. • roll-kno swimmer. J, carrying b• played 0ollm• la t►• nor golf 0l rel. 1l will N two •torlo end r° y • the�I �of D.q•m r.Carpentaria arm f•nd bonds reported lost by broke end bM.. Ua e ,sea. of co r.,•block and .tuc<u construe- Mr. •end Ura. Malan flmnam • es- °`•O 71• the floor tank.. ►rokH•ss• housing. 'Al the or• time, here. Yr Form•• T wob.r uta.. ,ion,conloining .lobi r pec,rci In r n,h 011.1n1 ,,..ch 1.0,01 n(lu4,Je.tuteo work has been finls0.4 well.defined reports were circulated that • 'onfrre t.iyro.a, rte r.0H.Od Tuoaday by A p.cmlt +o• Mani 0u't room. Ib. Ml- Noe..b.r I a(rom C.o.d.. where tha7 .110.„iy ll.e lounAing to•id th.inn.. 01r7 large ,.Pounl" of currency woo 1111,1k" ' • 00. Ford. teach.' at Iha Cub• ,1• •y110.•• VI•w ourepany for the r•• „are ..Hod a r,wl port of lb. out.. lea. street •n part •f U• Inner aide In one of ib• •cko. Tim Ilala c•rrl.d commie... No. .ion • oel bar. •n.ounoing the lor•1 of lh• fran,. .\•4 at Eighth ,n.. Tory 1.111 occupy 1b.1, new bun- HUW lackl•g for tb• <Omple00 of the out. o•the ticks•supported the th•ore that, , ol,l ' Haler.10 of her Haler.Mte•Lulu lord,at street nod the bay t• fourth .1,0,1 low to roue.,Nr001..olli.. , Coeve •1A. of Iha building the total loss would reach the m1111011 Mout I1• no..it. PortKyr1r Tc•dod•y mere- •y.l Alton roametre It w111 bso . n. hu . .1,1,h h.. ba.° r •n11Y oa.,npI.l. Tim •trnclur• w111 tontoln 33 nark. 'louver • • •rIW Into•w•r•huu w. -o•1 of muv• .4 0/,I J. blof.00„, bo,ldof. menta fu sen l•k.4 with bl hmat •part- _ n•Jee•aaed will be rem•mb•md by Inc will 0• IIN. m•ler,•1•.Only • few [ [red• UCLICV B`.,{ YACHT IB HUN RUNNER. wnv0. I. •y In K.y Wool a.•former I••cher In.pile of the r•Inr weather during Km, and Um. lye• N•Iann •re es- 1 of Um .p.rimenla _. Ills Huth H•rR•v lnatllula, atm and muck of In• month the lu,al of •u11J- pentad to •rrly •l Mlsn,l lit Sell ,h,• ml�to aince�lt 1w.ylttta cul,na7 Vuip• U.8,Attor••7 lard alta 7411 For Crew 'north• e, • • Efflo laddingtoa having nom• lo- log permit. for 010100•, Iso r<e0h•d ..•k. Tb•y a • motoring down from of the tomtit w�lD•dlne'•t Llaat°ei�11yY u( (loaf TLo•[hl Smoggier. halal. ler to ••tnbll.b lb• ml.0lon work 111.176. A gre•tar part of OM work Ind...pnll•, wh.r• they her• p.••od ho.t.lrles. < r y -_---- I.U•1:, ' olut•d during the month consisted of the w11,1er. • NP.W Y011 K, Oct. Yd.-Suspicion that •r many friend• end former Pupil. r,.lden0e0 a,d remodeling of dwellings. Bulli of stylet SMai•h•YooHak anbl- lb•converted yeht John Gully had no. y....... t loars.ref Nr doth with hoe. ro- !lomat olb.r b,lldlnr• which are 10 O•November I.1\•new g•rbag•.7o- t«l.ro. the structure pr.M.t• on my. g•{Yd I.IlVuor smuggling oporotlu°.I,. and will •1st. deeply •7m Da101.. 0.•00,104•110,017•• Solo. protected. tam which w• r.c•nlir adoplyd by the p'•eing flew• Oo• .1 00• •tlr.Hl•• fee• o It $1.00,0100 oe 00.0.4 In abs N. l ---- •---- ...iota of('Hoo- tun•.( Um bulldl.4 I. tam large lan•r Brook fyn roder°I court today_by AsN•t- ATl•AN I aha Cater nod a Nr r•1•ti.ma 4 t11y<. .h11 H int mall art• •.O1 Ual4d Rota. Allora• url., r groat nor»w, PLAN 7fALLOWS[N FROCK-AM. Mitring Ch•rlo r Ie•1.y wilt go tato I. rouW .batch U•Htrnctare IH 0.t y < r gnu u,. N• Mao Tr..Armed. ----- offset. Tara for Derlod• of garbs.• la the canter of U•court lase will `1.amid lh•yaehe apyareotl had take° ryN l 7 1i. .o.<,,, elln[Yay Clerk John 1•.balloon, who Collo Gbanl NeLl.g Pnpa ntlo.H For collectbn, are now tete tats ase M. my •targe lou.taln rich J«or1U•m flgur0.. age gwPHtlo of IIVu« troy otaH • ,1,,, bast Hallooed•t the naval•,•t tun Lo,g• Crowd. clerk. Nurr..Wing th. emir, ..co°J II..r 1. •1 0.• •tad brought It t0 r„louo w0ed 0I, • Ino poet•IgA1 month., rim • pea- --- --'• +III b. • L•4on •( po1n4 In lh• N•w York port dbtrl<t ' Plans aro beta mad. byT.dward F. r De•rrd concn4 110 ,ked kl h ball for • ment ter <,r�...„ .tl��•::�:"'tha^: m„•g: WILL START WORK -7 '00-1 b•Ilwtssd•. co-- ,tall- tr•w. Tana I lh•t - :°---, 1et. 1", • Hoffman, r of Hardie'• •a•In• balm I,•,• w P Saban.for nm Ilan yea'••night, -Hyo Y►t•.en from Loth ma. •Ids. of,-Len Om meth{ roe "Med off `Jia leu 111 JNn the nary fill,Y7ro,to a program r l6• building. ch .. bast boon transferred. Mrs naT Mnad.,,which.ill b.r.D�a with ON SOON • Th• pre get Hructur• will ld•nd 14( r«k. .n4 bdd In ooale,.yT .v•rL J.. end children 1•n Nr• Sunday 1•tormatlng f•swn.. BUILDING •n map.Pmlur< of mermen( rot dyeing to na...r uw.uoa. b<re.. me .. •Dpod,by fly $200; the``ani Jury. In AOI.,., •on Oaivooton •° roof• to lion Yren- The affair w111 N In Um nature Of • 000.PI•a•b..e Lie°mala by Eugene C John Uulle/ and bl• brother Yrank, "'Um... o. mook•d Mal with •rush prl0.•1 $20 In 113.000 Boelee.. Itloob 1.be Created to H461,°moor,ter Um redon of two ad. two of Ino or nem. mune minim too. bh•ry0. AJ.el Nawt0H0. gold to be glen to Om couple wearing diU•rrl •ualta •t1 ' t'• m•mlln[ of. Ina Miami MY the befit.e ilur•.A a•ye•n►m sir• eon- Filth hired; Will be moat year whit.will briny. end rain 1,114 1u 110.000 bund each. A nm w•• .s. P. it. K. of 1'., held wider• ml•Uo •r 1Y Imee1 will e.e• 1.•°d rev Tam Monne. Ike fetal<eai t•.p roalm•lmly 16tk7,000. warrant I. b•loou•d for•nut nor toroth. cording 1 g 9 - -� H. Ila 1.1.1, but 1,• 01,•mussed In. l.••.• 1•• our It tee following ro.ai•uoa lk.occasion.Tn•taste has b..a derotated '`h• a drink • • o/D01 GRAIN'd (' RATE REDUCTION.A vlw. sou ase ..ea "t1.0,,,0.,,,,.1 ,,.n,L.r er tn. adopted: vita .rope nod bangers •ppr•p rata for Neh rill b<g1n •horny on bu•in•u JYJ'YY.RnON CITY. No., Ort. 8s.--An ° - D<mm�c •va;•ai fro., ln• r fn•BU Dr•m•lyane•li°r of ih•Unl• the data Order dlroel,n et.Vl d.elalu„ +• f,aad• Ia,u000•• GIC.Kole ,e n.1 seen Ul to ou.sea t• tau Main r Hell sea• anat.."r . that La- 0011JIet_ta ba •4,.. •4 at 1106.13:: nJ 110•7 c lye rollruaJ.or Yl.sourl .__.__..._• - ,-7- (•11 A'1. • rnal ('HH.our friend ted broil h.1'. °• ITlfth street, byI. A. Fitch, of U0 ta task• •• utl,nut.d valuation of 12,• •in K.Inc r•h•w..doom traria dent.'11..,,,,,",?,,,,, night A• willthe /07900 la ain,grain pr°duettt end bm BANG AN. 10,0. KNK4T. U•n.i1.. with time rnor admission and the park Porter Henderson lea mb.r comp•nr rot. based . e ,Lie7 AUCl1tiTA, Oa• Oct Yi.--Tl• di + 1ne•rmnmg of Monday,t]lot 1., plat dapu sad make •hargea tar ocb 'y.•'• crop... wee.tor.of Dm M•rehapte hook to°igkt pool- United I Oatdti. dlnlndou of the bm141n ml..,. Tod• D tna stale publle mom• s4.• neilu that lh• beck kW bee ••4 K. 1• h•lkindrog or is a °0041 [alk• table comer. x• ropor4 • ter[• numbmrl ' o n I)lltnmuly •e o• lb. 0111 dariomm• IIW • - • will ►• 60 by fA Net with the root Pete... Th.. ord.' ►.Dene• •1100(00 t Preen Om alum.' of nomnatione for H•llowe'a• Hening. approximating 718.000.or $1.1,000. TN N•vemNr f. Dlaoed utder tan co•lrol o! Ile eta4 erooMr I l d City became • mem- - �arvetun tall 0. two .tans• In .fight .uperl of Cat of Danks. p•at,rc•. CHICLE kOKOKA rKKBEattit wtcrVrN _. _. ----_.__ of k.• Island Cltn IoA.♦ on lana- __ with two••lot.•on the far.floor. Plan• •• - - ... - - - -. - - i_.r_--- i, 1001, Aid for nearly .•vent•.n woo..., CI.► un nImo.l ,e.J•r• for the second story have not been tom•I earnest and faithful ...al l.. r... ■.. se...,. fl.tm,1 �' lam 1n tee ee+..or ryllal•niun.11e J. I. Conklin will begin Jrniag pile. ,d the order and u•, and w• Dived in honor of um. 0, Burlingame• for tri touadatna with(.• day or so. • wo hanored ham In las. for h• 'Horn. the ...Haw Of tn• W•J•••d.r TN C.8-Kong c.mp.q,of M.of will '1 -oln4 honor. H. war a P••t .hon- 01ro1• of tn• Ohlld•• 'voltam depart• b.bol .Construction will be of con• .:'I,,"I,'.:! i11I I,I'I:.IIIIY111111J'III!114;IQIJI',,,..1i .ISI 11'I. Iii III,;,11 1 r of Hilo lode•and o• er•1 0• n.nt of Inm Woman'• club yea• „•re ..w. fl°1•NJ oM .ldde with - ' • r•pr..nte4 a In 1n• grand of • ,o of rn0.HDr than . r.00lmr .t •(flat mf th1 0.1141, .tel 0. ,. • ten of Hats Hat, whit•n• 4 u• work 01• rut•rd•y, wife Slr.. 11.,01,1 do th<li r. d•dgn with I.rg• 0 many poor• as a faithful and •111- 7L.11.7 so boat.•.. plategloat *dodoes on the front and ,t k°•per H.our records. Madam• C. A_ Oerm•In °fl.red •••- I. lha •••11 of Hroteu InRWr oral p100. 0.lmatlene while 11.1 peoll, .14... D,.....,... •f U♦ ,y,"... will mod Gly 1od[e 0o•••41••1111, low Mi Ruth bhlrl.r. of lit Y•I•n burg, b• /by I • • Drud.nt coun0.11or Had • loyal gaily -111g Lady Moon." by Coo"°'"d" A furniture n ceopany will pnbobl7 b• .-s [tat.'Be 1t Uaolorw • Taylor. (tarmr•1 report• of duHlun 1«a4l la one t Om Hone ••d U• Ituontil, that In token of our(riot children sou• given end wets to hely .p•41ro rill proDJly 0....d (•r ter- bt.lo.•and of U°aH0.m b. d • In which lo. ,..,..d. •la sp..by Ike aO.Dany.TN building , betoned brother woo bold by u•. All Infor,n.l mu.ltai°at the home of will b• ru.h•d to to..pl•tIOn. oh..tar Oe dr•D•d 1. mourning% MW•nt• Ilerm•In, 420 N. W, Twelfth - := that • D•(• .d our min tet• Donk ren •t 1 1. ,n., nail ,,_,, a1. WillACEYLON JEWELER COMING Til(-ITT =: MIAMI BEACH CONCEDED TO Hit•Daft at,A Ipme •A of hl•man. wilt II. ln• nmol gel homin g. -.__. - •n0 last lhm•m colo llun.•rD• _ N'lll Aet•.p•••KIIpk•al Tritium WN i .4 lherun. ted that•• Dopy har•• TAKER LEASE ON A?ARTMCNTI. It Nee.. I.Cao. to V, I. Ale.w. _ • W fu nl•hod ah• Pr•. for DOM. to. 4 Iha. f•,ah.r copy b. Hach Nan will OD.nt. se. The Hindu cake o Carl t° tel. _-- THF CLEANEST CITY IN THE teed and ddlvered 10 bale Nre••ed B•IllIng. country•.tnlner for C.n H. 9'Ioer'• _. low by•eommHtae from this lodge 'olttyn.at ntr s. to mama .Ion• .nese _ ti e •0.11 0onr.r t• hi• .orrowl•g T. H. Wllli•aao.,of Dg4n, O., •n• ho .•snot •Peek •• word of En[II•\. • ,o.boldoarulon of our d•. mint•f the pl b •la•ss n of MI•ml B0 U.M.2411., who had•Jewelry shop sympathyP.L6per It (ho gnat yeaion boo B•0.ku M.. ,rho h .gull recant!,.t In the(Solite BL Jona tau••.seta will __ •ll•n IL' the Tal•4. ayartmoula, rota rJ•y um• tom• tfr lb 0<o+ntrY urn<I 1,.... you x • Peb•eI Tommie Or.. em p1•t.4 U•lea.•f• apartment bnlld• fo th•t ho on. •owmp+nn ha 1rat„<rTommie . _ •rgaln Ur•4. B.. flrrl •orlon. Ung in Third••••04, rw0 ,0•••S•eond diet r on, It..' C.,lon _. .i - 'taw colon. red end 'main, In Wean' for ias •o•on. •,•ml4eat. Thmo4•r• Itlg•e; ylot• YaL ANiI MR/, ■Ugl'll MCTL'r N. =-f • - H14.t, Ruw•1 Y.norle•: wanton. CooldessUd■ ter lh. loam for on. .,type of tn.Mddl•West"1.1 •tete• -� lore Bowy•r; °neer loader, Marie poor wsa 1►000 w►leb In•IPd•d as aptlo .7 lb••••••book 10.1 Ws.Clarono•1L =] ' le buy..TN• .rtment.mire built 0.oeld;. •1\1•lle dlr•ctor° (boy.), D by Munk, w•ll•known • •n author• kno '_mlKIIIMI mot T►orPwa, b.0.4 ..nisi... JL Pouada,of MtaM/.W LL Fiore.ow. a••• propanol for as tee Y,Do4r0.Wo. 1,0.1v•Rowy.r,G• ma of Wi.rl •.lobated tri dial. coming winter.'working on it tht•yam- IBS tug Mryr, Yr. Will M¢Mon anti family left the mer. Yr. and Mre. Basch mturued 1.0.0011 Imams: C loiter, Alton l'•1•8• peai.r4.y to 4k, eh•rt. of the with tb•ir 00.0117 to Chair bon. •n 1 •nrtng-, pitcher, Ernoot TAoirpnog ►partaos. wintert hoeH•yea•formerly winter ratan Ulang.•fie, a summer •peat 1n No smoke clouds, because nit I a . - Yloml B••r trn•►1•downtown lrop•rt7 •t Saratoga. Wbile Rulohur Sprin[• end il •.1.• t..01•1•/:);o.eend b000. HI