1664-14 Real Estate, Commerce, & News . THE MIA31I HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1921. • PAGE FI' S Key West Woman Is ; NEWS OF MIAMI BEACH Suicide's Identit. Badly Hurt by Fall Remains Myst 'a Ali Lottie Roberts InjureUNIFORM RENTALS ABOUT TIlE 11:.1CII NEWEST VISITOR IS• To Local Off: FOR CITIES.NEEDED Ker • thousand bathing •alt• .nJ 8 FOOT CROCODILE . lar[•r n°me.r °r Wa .n Descending Steffe; Man. p. °r .1..a ,. 1'�L inti colors have Leen ordered by Arthur Driscrl IIOD of S lir IA ager of Havana Railways Mat. ala Mla.l M•e\ ('•a User. Pa twos.. I^en•0er or the bat h.house N Q R y of the ('a•Inu HI. John. to siert the lar[•iteplll.C.gkl In Stow' Is Taken Here Vary With Each • Mr. awn. Akira• rnr•[a•d., I.•k •e••on Thl• Is an lac roue over Ira To 6l lieu of Nd■nl Il Llory Arrives in Private Car; and With Body. Yn. b7• .. n.l.r•. Kiev's num l.r. Alter Being Subdued. y r•. It. Noted General in Cit Mr.. H, Bob•rla of Detroit. Much.. i. K. O. y. Some plan for the •.ablishn,.nt of on A crocodile eight foot long was c.o. Scores of Ve Kinn• have vi J. R. lt • uniform rental me by owners of wvllfeing her r I. Y. I<uhar H, and turd yea rd•y •t daybrark In Collins t•rlor,of the King Uudena. lee.eld I. Tke Morale.) •vino• nor Ltn<oln road by Frank Fut- J. es K. Kee ldrnuee and ops rtmttnts I• .Jrurat• ford, ca r.ta4ttr of A. C. Newby', yl•<r. any within the ya•t few J• KEY WEST. Oct. !T.—Mit. Iwltll♦ A thousand It,. to deecrn,ing of• !n (•kin{` • turn •Cool the plus at fort• to Voell lr•ly Identify It,. Mr. eJ for Mlaml and Miami !leach by flee• fur rent in the new Miami heath 6 a, m. Mulford cant aero•• lh• reptile Roberta, an •Iderlr lady connecl•d lin" lambert Rook, real eat..broker,who bank building and the Masoulc tem- •t ntehed mut In lh• middle o[ lh•road, the man who September eA at the with prominent families of the city, Bre. returned yesterday from • trip of two Via. Loth put ug, by the Reach Con- ubl.mttd • ro • and .o L-banded flulel un Heptem ber 7 a• ••C. .0 rill, received painful inion••Jlat. this at- week• to Chicago and other middle =t roc tion len Vrlt Y,have been preparedwill tied tb•lie crocodile to•tree In rhe Newby of N•w York ilii who s ternoon as the r••u1C.,of■ fall on the by the Alton Beach comb+nY and eek. t, •t a lh•animal did not bad decd, lying fully adreseed on wrslerq pole la. t L• reedy for distribution cot°n next week. ye rill n. stab•of the reelde nc• o Yr. and Mrs. to elru leuntil he discovered I. had In I.s room with a bullet hi f -Mr, Rook'dodo[ his •lay In ' the Theycon talo twelve pa[<s of matter, been captured. • Nn- I. 1L Navarro,' with whom •bra has Including three halftone Illu.tntlu ns M r.. Wan living. Mies Itobrr{s al D•d and north oh d closely lhs trend of Later lha crocodile gL Dulled loo•• and most the exact center o! the U. A. 7111 0. hey [ac• rhleh'wax badly 0onv•rullon-r•go ding the two neigh- •ngt1ti,buildings taken from different roamed •bout the ground• until ley sr- E'riday morning. October 2l. Mrs. brutal and she'was...rely shaken boring olti.,and a•a result was con• • taint 0( •etay t the M with • truck to 'hoyden.- or the "oleo of •from, take him away to tM Museum of N•tunl 1111 1471111 uD Gut no Don•• wer, broken. rioted th♦t properly ewn.n should F. Ellis Hunter has written from Ill•tory, .Once more the crocodile was as M i• now to Ued, ..ibiy c, W J• Arrives In !r veil• Car.' adopt wm• amt D lei rot Ll JI►n• oil• to the caretaker at the f bound and hauled away. •ulclda de•tr°Y•J every lett , J. T. General ArcAl Lald'JaCk, rlet•Pre•1- f f their rentals, Lincoln.(1 to nava hie tar in 1l• broke sural thick ropes by mer• mark that could possibly b. 11.U. dent and g•rchi mina gar of the reel. Which Is reuOn►hl e. and hold at the readiness for his r•lurn tb• first of r•b•Illou• •twist•of the head, •n4 broke Identify Mon, •ren removing of J. T. ted !t•IlwaYs.of H•v•na;,arrihe to- sem• AYur• during the entire seexo i December. ll r. fluliler lived In Mlchi- out two o(,tle to th by Dll.ng hl• head dry marks and then me or It • d•Y with his famllr in • Vrly'od car P❑ avenue lul year. but hu )scat a;alexl the aids teeth the (ruck. }'inay of hie effects. ng, VersI,,r n, Is.Carlt.kle Per.. •II (Brough the north are bulli a hoc.,In Jtfenon auxin ua. sol••d the difficulty. other offete•. Nol a single r. Jr., attaches to train No. 11 of the V. E. his r•off t 1'ru- V'. r•Ilw•y alto. rprnding a•v•rgl g of Miami and.,Mlaml Bsacd Mr. •nA )Ir•. Hu[anr'1.11Uewood of Na on•lea• figured out Just how lh• Y was found In the week•In the north. and then will b• • big crowd dors Oakland Beach tip N•w Yyrt, Lav• reptile found hi• way to Collies •ranw, °cold puulLly be used a• • tl't. uvea.U•.NH►ard. U.... this win lir, Mr.nook eland, Although returned to Mlaml ,Reich for their but it Is supposed •um•Born Collins IJenllfylnq In• LuJy. rd to w, Brig.U•n.George-Richards. Wymex• anal. Nag rue• workingnose lh• .net Although no officio!examii ebte will b• many visitor. this fifth n. e1 r. IetUewood w111 �• .aim they r the tar of lh• Uoll•J tll•l•r mange c.•r V•. leer fi there• it the bit It-house lock era of reptile • ning him- bean made to determine a poi, burn•. who he• been v/•Iling with Capt. and tit. will be economical, and rail. • I( !n the•and the Jay befo r•, •red Ilfl.:0. on u( the "ay a• Hr• Y••- dents of lee two niH..should consider the Cahn° Ht. John. wMl• Mrs. Lit- lhloe they told lhou.e It he •i. •Ill• ren C.Spurg ln, Kneeing Cele. •.Carl Mr., W. N. Croat. at the command- tlewoog will be head .le•wom•n fur tr, recent de•criptlune of U 1. B. int'•aw nen In the naval station, lett this fact In axing the.prlcu for sea- p.m," lino•• acc'ee•orlee. gator that Aad been sae n. The crocodile Tu•sd•y morning for ♦ l•IIt l0 1/+• sonal rebl•ie, a cording to Mr. Rook, s cud never to drougf•r from its home banker fuariuno d from Chi l•OM n. _ To •void vl.ltn• from stn DVing oft U, I. llrafferip of III Second •heel •v In time•of drought. :rove at rarlance With the u� raga. ' 11•uuu of lh• crocodile being such Yrs. (I.e.! Illdh•rda h.made a diet.- at points along• ha easel by prop.• has accepted the local •tinny for int, [ erIV11On of tlyu rg ln, r,Yre, [ul.haq l Itteh•u an officer sloe• hL fend• of Dubllc 111 agents, when thee L'harla• Jensen Awning cmliyariy of spectacle, the rr.ld•nte war• •inion• to Allem 11•• is e i Deserlt q r♦d u♦lloq (roto the U.tl. Neral aced person• rattily•tart for!tele •ectlon, is Miami. Mr. McCafferty ha•closed con. see it and flocked to the truck. No re•• Sheriff AlJien ha• Ilse•ill to mDo, v la 131/3 July of • tun of the kind hu.been found la Miami serlptlons •td mettsuremenli tlbd, h• ...eel hien firer loomml eeo Ony••� /fiamlans and hMHmlh U•`ht es mho lir lracU for sewn!Jots•t Miami Ile•cri. Beach Once It hu been Ir, • urilf tad sloe Ho far the only Idanth Yale second lllrunnant of m.rin•tt. • •read, In many of the upsl•t• re•orls Mitts Nolen Lurnmu• returned yr.- at•t•,ra.IJ•gls tt•y and lh y were anx- t■bll•hed la that Of W.7.Be. Ire. V. H• his rl••n through the •ucce•ely• rl.Ilor• •re •lopped and told many of lerJry front visit of • enl weak• roue to• a one in lbelr snide'. km wn Innl vol asetele mai Ire. Y, [rade•,.re•ching hl. pf•••nt rank on /h• disadvanlagee.of the locution• with frle red. In the north. -�-- mar friend. .uguat i/, Me. During the tlp•n lob- farther mouth in order that theyWAVES BREAK OVER Local aulhoN(len•re now, K'. L' Mr. •nA Mot. C. O. 1loLlnxon of It, turl•'to Identify the body . lock. Amrrlc.P war D•••read Oct the U.tl.,tl. might D• V•n weed to alar at these dl•na 11• ars •s mom tone clic, and a numb I+Acne, Ner.rk, D.t IICIDs tlgg»i le•l boruD.rd• places, h• nrt•d. This condition.can pre peered to .rrl re ln- DRIVF ALONG BEACH •°°• liar• I, iLred after owls• mint of tl•e.ago. Cuba,-July 2, 1111, D• mit,.eeye til• real-areata man. by morrow for a rlxlt with Mr. •i,d Mr. and In the battle of M•neanlllo on h•vIng f•rurabie publicity circulated brother and sister-in•law. Mr.and Mrs. that they Lellewd It wu wee August It of the .nm• year. I. 1111 from her• letting Ib• ItoArter Ila bllison. of Meridian •reiiue. Inrn bv. formerly re.lded in paw Detill d Ker. AslIn se Ilsve 1• 7'rr+ Hark Prom City, while 011ier• have be td ad• .red 1100 h• ••rued in the 1•bil10pin.. for know that prices •r• Illowl her• Alden Uloasom, who has been • Ylel■re..e. 1t•ele.i ri.rw• Uri. It.rlllr• that It was• In 1700 he took part.In the battle guest •t tb• Orov• •par truants, has [ knew, but inquiries have aLe. e workand Ileal ln.y will not L• exploited, td di. of Tien Taln. China, during the Roger when the town I•crowded, returned to Pltliad.pltla. Mn.. tilos• rte.. High Water park. each case without result. r•b•Ilion. and In the relief of lb• for. — •Igo 1•[•tlons •t Yrkln[. Yoe "dla. - mom will spend the winter •t Miami Mies Vivian tlpu veto.dung lln[ubhed conduct 1■ the Draeeno• °f BUILDING AT MIAMI Beach. A• an atteemaIt, of high wind. here former Chicago banker, hi, L cern lir to Mlunl. On ft rice the enemy" •t-ln• bottle of THn Tetn and farther up the coat the sea• a ono he ram aomlgI lb a bnwt Ileut•n•nl- Mr. and Mfrs. A. If. tint ard, •nh., Miami i Rucb we,. hig.-en yeeterdny been shat too of fa[olane•ci tyip BEACH' INCREASING here been .t the}'.Ir rl.w• .rel other period In an Interval t• hall. colon., orninholding d a permanent rank or •m Dry major at that time. ii•v• Lune to MI•Inl to occupy a home of .e wrt Yu rs. Ow. from Chic�[u did nal O 1 Richard..♦ really•of Ohlo Id.T0• la Peewits teased Darla which they have =Occclip purchased. White c•D• coming In from Jls' decided•nole rto ncom e, actor to al- and was a of Ili• District of Colum blv from ell l7 Tw• Day.! *alas Huld g t-amt hs eeen ted anelmkloetn els n[ asci shore wire recelreJ Ly The H<ral ' COMPANIES INVOKE p a pe i.Itor. The K=.ret Ylgrr a „it, to 1170. 11• is • mem D•r of Ili• Army Thing pall/. break•n attracted many Arlon who Pl,o Kane its•ti finger FrldaY and Navy and Chevy Chen clubs of .al for ton[ periods rtchlna the hudy terve hero •�tl to lin' h. III- Washington, Uulldin OLD COMMON LAW •pray a.It wets hurled in the els whin •r re air for Ie•r Weet R.eNr•e Dir.. g at Mlaml Reach during lh• the fore•of the wave was• crinilnrl Id•nllflamllou al 0 JOMD\ Knowlee. •i rear• old, dead tut two d•Y• ha. liken ► big anent. worth, New York ■fol W'te later. Jump. Oldllm•r• of.the Oily Iecl•re that 1'.,by Sheriff Allen.who has Tuesday afl•r.00n et 1 o'clock •t bl• permit• totaling 117,760 In estimated Yrlr are 1/••d. ('1•.rd i• Prete-et O..•• they do not remember tori time be in a•v• Ili will `oma, 101 Yra n,..street. The(un•ral cool., have been leaned byrr.Yr••eelr tithe.. Herelle Old aril Yerra when the tide lied come flu„•hlu hoVod nfe would n t`e.t hl• loon ilt u held W•dn•.dary aflarnooll •t 4 I:ullding wto the anor• so far. Early ye.ter the watlon, Ile aid Vo.U. Ie Iwec- o'clock uad•r til• direction of Under• In•Dector Oeorg• W. Dickens. K•gIH► ('utile morning and late in theafternoonthe would probably rerelvre•a .+ 111 Laker lop., from the ruld•no• to the Chant.. )t. Pine was granted Der- llde was •t 1.• helghl. AI Ili• Derlod one rs.mlPg Street Methodist church, Ile vertln[ to common law printlple•, °f er tbs aJ v.ice Inc more of the buret lir i-uv of mleelon for O. erection of a rwl.le nc• Water went day.or IL•nu• le lb• cll7 c•gi•trry. •e 1107 Dad• Douleva rd, The buildingthe owners of Twenty-third street be• under ilii balcony •t Smith's c•.no Local officials who her. Ta• Order of Owl•, •[ welch Mr. (ween Collin• road and the ocean ♦red and •Imo.! to the edge of the casino ...fled tho aulcld• are ba Good Knowles sena i member, ••it dei the Le to be Constructed of stucco and building at 1■rdl<'s. funeral in • lM Uee•n drive Letw••n Twenty- ...fled or posltive that I Ivan Lg • Jwdy.. Th• services war• frame. Estimated cost will L• 11,600_fourth and Twenl North of tl�ow Ar n'• the w.l<r torr• not that Of Hpur•In.►red are edsonducled at the church and .amatory Y•thbli •tn•t• hue In• oe••n drive, M • •1•CI of Mr.IYu• will build ilii reeld•nc• him• clwW them to Ui• Dubllc. Wine read •^Y imuu• log on lh• Ihebry Ih•1 It n 1 Urut by the H•v. L Ww leo oa►o'•. •elf, aloe• D• has Dean "Private road. Clotted forty•eight Ll tri to who heA •larlW for rulfu rA eq Ihrt of the owing L•I,l of Ula- The dwru•d •• a ll•• oi'lM voyaged In tA• hour." Yeslerd• while fences were wernlorced to turn Leek and go OVer equally well know°erimin• M •n Bahama..,hariag r••Ided-here for the contracting business for over twenty pieced acro. the yro•d• end they will the ,w.y. ay by Miami and the Dixie hent person, who fur led are Pest w forty year•. and Is survived by you•' nein in place IuAay. hi long known to himself decided his Ifs,two Is tall, Mrd.Kra nclr B.- The eOThe Ylaml Ii•acli improvement corn. Along the Je1lHtt the eves were life Is Mout luring•lac. nett and IIrF`W llllam N. Kemp, and new resId•nc• Is neer the en• two brotA•n, illiam and Wtl•c• lnnee to IDs brldgr le.ding (tort MI• piny and the Ca.l.°Ht.John a wn• bform ng owl 1h• largo rocks which eieasa Dor t to the fort Miami two broth.. all of-whom m&w the•1nWare tra a 10 s old Lie I•ng f• .crop els of there •trip• of road. Ti,. old fhb the two line• on either elle of i<+surement• and Jut, flew en syn wle.. oft eI - aronds to they ruling Is That unto• prlv.t• road• art hanntl. SVunln,and .1 dlffrong i IIde7M sad btna••m•Ig n t., the street from I.Collins canal. Aug. clotted fur .1 lent 71 hour. o e Aur• tall•have been sent here fn tl 7[Ine 1 new,.A j..„.....e•1..-. _net fielder drew plane for the building. ing • year they will becum•c publlo LINCOLN W'I1.1• UY4)I UXl'Y 7IHETI I. on this r ML• Roberta,Albkry sI, oar tA•gh ..A permit etas leaned to I. A. rltch.property slier th. "'sin'. of I N 1.sad hurt Me v•M•'Q[}[} y outgoing pa4..g�e4JSd llgy jop Mlaml rear.. Y..\ .raw Frew New .•:.r••7{4,1i•,1N f° a fete raeli�w410-m{ya till e•.. for the•nalloa of•commercial build. Ins not •n unus0.1 eight In Y.ng• peat W'..k- -+•all •f Mr. teed Mee, J l.b'i. hk5. a of 1111 irlt al 1106.07 Fifth •evert. a•oot of land to •.e roads blocked off to Vre• Tht Lincoln bulel will he rff3ls I-ilsltAl ty meet- Plnmenton/street M W til- thr construction will L•• Prl Kitt rlah1s. The werfa nr opened the ppro.ImaltY Ar. of December, according to wool oldb.K, meal •f,th•Ir d• ,'.Nelli. Lout., 710,000. D°wnsltr• then• will L. two (nay[u Inrouid only Oy••alt[.pedal received by,o thr wret.ker from Man. I'er}ons living eking N. 1 .•n r• to Mr. Jou ph Jt, he weddl to storerooms with Dernl..id 1•h l•was the rrminl•et nc• aper. H. Lundber treat, Bu•°• thimbles lar•Dani onWtd °t plans unuom Vleled of• reel dent of Yre r. writing [flan MII- .plata, here Si Y evnln[. No, for the upstairs. eland for • number tort, N. Y. The Lincoln was• closed city manager to open thele rernhrr 70, •t the First Congregational Building operetlon• which were held i of Yeur• when he saw Miunl Degch•• (extend it to N. W. Third church. kD for someti• me on Clucked off roads. for (hr summer and 7.11 In April. account o! the D1r. Lundberg sa lJ (hal he exp.-ledha•puscJ the request •Ion lion of born,7uwd•y nl[h L`t°Mr.and Mn, rainy season have been continued and rector Of public eery w Mtcolm Roberts, at their rrsldenca, tit° I structures now building SUNSHINE SIZINGS OUT GOLFERS. to hank early next week, when •ole••t 671 Grinnell •free t, a ttlg-and-a-hell•I•r• being rushed to cornVletion. work w111 start to quest that M. opening •n. put •II In oI l D [ rlLd pound baby boy. The greater pert of the coneourllon IMlanl Beach fneu■ad Fir W7a Cil r • fur the opening. Throughout--- this etre( and the laying a N -The.�oc1 1 et Bich vas to have been bring •l.rfed during'the Int .Vrrel I. Devotees, the rummer, hoover ere the ground. Included in the work to L• week• liar• been rulde qo•a. 1•Lns __ L•ve been kept In per feet tut lc,eim net improvement dbtritt. gist. by the Catholic Daughter• o! --_ T_i Am.rioa ha. been Irid•flnii•ly poet. •r• now being cumpl•led for Reeding In a return of sun.hlne, • =U I.rep•ra Un n• well L. •aul,An lid I C. A. Crrlm.• ,oil WO f. s.ver•I "un- ) y 0 ON. poised' nth. bullding• which will be alerted fair crowd of golfer• turned •ul on IY lu the li,•IJe. his Leen &shed by H. r:, I Mra Iqn, wife of lL Lou, cuhler soon. the Miami Reach golf coupe, y d • rector of public salt,, to I t• Kp at the Victoria ro1•ur•nt, wex • rr- • • afternoon. The re..a tion of half-holly MUVN• Tel W'OYE'uHU TL•:and Y. ugh• warning motor.. to cent err ir•I B•r• from Havana, where TO ■KAUTIVY (HOUNDO, d•ye hex of course decreued Ott num- Mr•. Tat.. W'•t•r.t I. Ort.►ere they u••bout to pus throe •be haa w••qo vIell�ng for the put ••,- ber of Thursday piayt n. Yv New N.HI N.•e.Mr I. eon•. These sign. will b• p 27,—Tb• • at a•. Y'•elely .r 00r•hb.•r and Gorse.. Thos• who reglatered were: J. W. ricin.uy ! the city schools s anneal Mr. and•Mr•. Harry Oraf •nnnenc• 1•ta.t• fir Helene A•.rl.ear.. Per°, of Springfield, M..s.; J. N, Ilan- TnnJ•y will Le mo.ln.day for Mrs ton suggests the at.nd•rJlm. dopl•d a the birth of a baby girl, Emin• Elise- ley, T. J. Thomas, I). V. F. Christ...01 Talent Kbnurd r• •11e adi Have the city's' , parking"ee•a(ble Ith, Ihst the bath, Ight I1.4 pounds. on We,ln.•• A. Lee Andrew•, manger of the Mi. Y. L. Wada and A. J. Commin•, all of Hrea ter• (or her•i,e •re °l every eonetfv1,1e 41n I. lege day,,0.000., Ii, •t th•Ir ho,a In 1-on• Coconut Utor•; It. U.Jr., Hone, F. W, ford, on that Jay, w hotel, the ,I,,e.• n eats.. do•v11H, (WIC. Mn. Or•[ ill L• re• •ml HtarA Nu raerl e•, hex • tnnlr•tl forholy twelve pen°.• has m•mLeees Dy,h1r many fr lend•a• MI•s for planting • vas rl.ly of sh rub Ley at Palmer, J. F. Jenkin, ., Men SA•p•rJ, The deto calor, Mrs K'heeler Jnite+ pa r tie,p•l ion in O. L. M•dg• I in•• leading lad of 1h. for land• y O, D. Broader, Jr., Fred holt, J. A. of New fork, hes written that •he h•. of N°r.mber 1. Tht books lion Ears Y. [ r •Da rlmeni• In Fifteenth Jielll W. I. IluRsteller, MslhllJe Nile• sant the era yrler by Lust, wllh each end this will L• lk• last d. adapted M•dg• C•om.% company, etre.. Y• C. 1f. Hlehmon J, r nner court o[ and Bentrlea B•rthelon.w,all of Miami, box n eek l for Its special r • Mn. on• may register for this „wag Dromin•n( Keil •e. 11• will De.utlf the I ♦ Junee,will •flet the rnlJJl•°1uf N'u. i mod,. t•1• dealer,of tlruolelyn, N. Y who Ili• building with many plait. of goy- ERECT MARKERS FOR LAKE- remher. -- ku beep In the city for lh• put ••r• goons polo...,The ...nit-taut Wall• for McJor Il aJeey 1'a>>her of oral days,left rtc•ntly fur hitt home. IA• •.ting of I hundred dollars line of fute features of the W'o Rord .omn••Jur o: lh Ani•Uean The l•rrpb els H•nrr M.YI•gl•r.red worth of tropical Dirnla. b•Placed•t Both Ends!will he• fluent..of exclusive,shop.lo• t that city, and who h•• L. Artletic Signs t• �EUUM' Ya1raA• Palma both left Wednesday At In• niutteum of nrlunl history.' of Lake P•ateasl. 'chiding • twenty parlor, unr . the AI• the past few days on "in' •1 B•reh, night fur I1 resuming Ihelr lh• manager of the nureerlea I. plant•, Rf I Turk.n of ail.. Dorothy Ort)•- of Nrw morning,eien, t(•r his home. .rhedule •fr•i r short lar•orer ch. to tnf forty e.,Iv, /!•relic, - '•I ie, artistic sign• will he put un I Turk. i'..rin and Alla r,llc City.• •Vre U. Clem Duulir,. •.- lout.;.•