1664-15 Real Estate, Commerce, & News fTY SECURITIES CORPORATIC Reilly Comp•nY m.d• • plessnt trip WATCH THE COLOR ' to SolJler Key teat S•lurJay o• Lo•rJ crui Jr.a h• Carl en Yyud r'• express �.,L••, res o T,-party G. FlisJ Oening and ■ ��Crr. lunch w• taken at.the Bridge Inn. OF YOUR SKIN Extra Special-. F �e• J. H. McDuff", general m•n•g•r of r, II the Pl.her Ins•nntn at Miami U•aeh, J. J V I Pride7r next on • business trip Yellow Means You Need Cato- ■ ■ �� to Indi•napoll•,Ind. Ile expecte to r•• tabs,the De-Nauseated Colo- In Dining R turn to tit.,beach In about two weeks. I mel Tablet That Is Purified The latent rivale at the Breaks• From Nausea and Danger. 'UMATISM hose). Mlaml H••eh, r• Kisuk• Aka- hew and bin r. K. kahoShilo hl has of ]'rel mean,look yellow? Your liver Walnut and Mahone. J New Yera h• n ereity of nes Ju•t le out of fit' Tie ioxonius bile is be• finished t rte Uling with y i P roth.• p It,Baty Swam sal nucµera e.oun ♦rel• 1s traveling•n with . Dro cher, Ing ood d in your Warm You.the who I. .1111 • .tuJen[ there. a goof dose of calomel for it is the m�gt��( ;IC REMEDY only thing that will do the work. imm■fI-R .rm t.•ante.•-Wm u a ear Lr J. R. Snowdenot!, took luncheon at Why nut try t thatba,the improv- - :--- _ _ W■tYOI�Y I. ..•e ee.tem t..c.. the Ur•ak•r hotel,Miami U•ach,before ed calomel tablet that is delightful toII ..,••r.Ta,.,..•••,mora Y W.«ears. leaving for sN•w York. ! ' . 116;1111i' lake ■e IC to benefidd in <IeansingYrs.Harold Ruben of Mlnneepolle en. the liver and purifying the system. I .I .,i1 11 p' fTHIS tvtain•d for luncheon o Saturday •t Calotahe contain oil of the valuable , C(�G�v{ SIGNATUR• E th.U k• hotel,Isle•Fences Fried• medicinal quslilies of calomel but aro , awf S n of Yicinnat. and YL.Helen Y.r- I r C;����■` tin of Cincinnati. freed from the unpleasant end danger- • I, Mil� outN. effects. Une•tablet at bedtime, I ; Dees. Carl C. Fisher•and Mies Merle with a swallow of water,—that's all. r Overland Company of Toledo, O., hu Von Hagen of Miami Beach left Chi- No taste,no griping, nu nausea,no ®u J ,t lI Q been .pending a few days at Miami <ago n the evening of the 16th for salla. You wake up in the morning 1 'II Such. Son Francisco end will all from thus feeling fine,with a clean liver and a for Japan on April xlth. hearty appetite. Eat what you please, �• I I ,� e Coegratolalloas ars ..tended to Mr. —no dnugcr. • and Mn. Mark Holman on tee •rrlvl Among thus•enjoying the dolitht•of Collate aro cold only in original, a of a e Monday morning at I o'clock. Miami 'leach on Sunda morning w•• ee•Icd nekaken. )'rice Ihirl five •' 'Yr.Ilelmaa Is a member of the Via6er Mn. George Sunday end hos two chile I' y- orgaois•uon at Miami Ue•<h. even Mrs.Sunday in the wife of Ceorgo cents. The finest medicine in the; TEN-PIECE SUI' Sunday, son the famous ersggworld for biliousness, indiyeetian, Several mambas of the All Beach oil b the business leges of all hie headaches and constipation. S P E C I A No find I e■�t/■ N EITHER WALNU (ether'•affairs. Ile Is at present nun- that your druggist is authorized to aging the preslduiUd campaign of Mn- refund the price ns •guarantee that' EXCEPTIONAL I for Genual Leonard Wood. with head• you will be thoroughly delighted with DR HIRE ouster•In Chicago. Calotuba.--adv. i ineimm e.lankk 6►001• Reach 9esnu. of thesis newproduction*. They hare!' Nrnw�•• •se•s • Tb• 8dsnieka Picture Corporation^: found the Snowden home • pretty set•' i r 1 -2-3-4 tatting scenes tAtl I Beach for o ling moray of their•pu<ial olu•lion•.I P While at the booth the n ember• f I �' fit Leonard Clecnelle Refrigerators. the mpany motto himilnuutors•t the '� --• .�.I Moore Furniture Co.,Tel.1070.—adv. Bnenk.•re hotel. The following were r g•I . ' ialere.l at this popular hotel on Friday ��f k� _r nil Saturday lent: Conway Tearle,Alias, __ '/.en• Keefe, George Arch^inbend, Jack u� ---- • Vanden Brock, Jack Robinson, Walter `• Arthur, Ray Davin, Mrs. Id• Darling, �� .. Juice Cronrger, I). J. Menages. Dire. lit:a The st; - Jules Crundu Ker, J. C. ',razor.), Gladys - 'rte f_ 1 • 1'u•h<e and K. W. Singer. ... �'vl(� T Popular Orchestra to Return. •��LL livery • �.' Ray M.nder.on, the popular lender �, '■�iII and ma of rat lea uccenDlandeully � P� rr<hesln'welm operated •u wce<ufuliy ,44 S E til l • >rT • est the winter Iletin casino during tu led r'•y' —= / Y� � i lest inter .e..n en. J. rewe.oat N Sold on from a trip to Cub•. ar. H•ndenon • - seas ant to Cubit by Carl C�h'Ish with to look into the issuer actuation with k tA. Ilea ea hrifor t • next assn,t^• ..■■aa toih. fpr the neat ce.sen, .. DADS FU F ♦, .' •n •Jdltlonal ulnetion. Dir.Man.lerson will ne here next wler. Karina Lepra sneer'' •nein Ly 409-411 TWLLFTII ST. c'inher, <h•rge of • nrre-;lace ur- heat.,)nln addition to the m• berg who were here,three morn will be added,two••t•phones end a base violin. Mr.Manderson left yesterday for At•I1 !antic City, where he gone to fill •n • engagement at th.Blackstone hotel,this ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE being hi• third. season engage- nt•t Atlantic summer -eft • mThi• ill be goof new.to Mr.htmder• Name "Ba"Bayer" it On Ctenuing •C son many friend.,who•e unenlmeu• Y�• cou hi. orcneslre I. user brat m ln• Aspirin—say Dryereounvy. •$IZ 'loosest silos•t Orseh.]moonsrat th of real .stat• ver `T i; �� i ads by A. C. V n Hagen of Miami `a�{/*{/�/� rLIlc•<h dosis[ the I••t few days: M �- n I I ho Want Toe-Room . Jpn T.ylpr. l.wynr. of Diuml. par. Q�1 �yR leaens from Mr.Von Began•lot 76.17• r� ''') feet In block loo Indian Croak,Miall L`"'a 41.1 W/ / Reach, south f lh• Snowden •n•ion. j 1Vdy;sensible shoo Is not a hall-room,but i Mr.Taylor will build a Le•utifui winteraldrne e• ithisnt. elle to b• ready fur �•xok at iia solid build and its downright ^• mint wl^ter.en.p^' '+��`• M�J.kitYleh••1 of 6linneapolis boughtbilines. Your toes lin rfectl fiat room lot. g...6,a.rad 7 in Lipek z7,r.pnl• pe ys Ing on the ocean and Doth of the Snow- Insist on "Bayer Tablets oil den •tet•. Lon 1,2,a• d 4 In block Aspirin" in • "Bayer package," con- n foot.:=<Your foot will slip into this shoe t, directly west of the Miami Desch gaining proper direction. for I feed- ulno ere p rch•sed by the truunea ache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lam- F1"1".ii RICKM. use satisfaction with which you drop I. of the Aliml Dank and Trost Company. Dago, and Rheum•liem. Mi m• For the erection of a high•<lase candy "Beyer" mean. genuine Aspirin pre- (sy chair. Solid comfort: Your full foot- k •n,' I cream hep,Mr. Staley bought uribed by phyaiciana far nineteen . from�Mr.Von Hagen•badness lot on aaonablo price. You will find this shoe's the Alton Road and near the new Pia- Years. handy tin bores of 12 tablets lingo hold. cost few cents. Aspirin Is trade in some of our many other shapes of I mark of Dryer Manufacture of 110.0• ISMININONS hndern Cold Stang•Plant. aceticaeidester of Salicylicacid.—adv. i The •re<uon of • $60,000 cold •tor- -B. y age plant with • wholes•'• rad retell ((,,C.. diatributing wales department for meats, fro%Indiana to the Deneb cold storage, ii buttes, eggs, milk, cream, thee•• • d which will has••c•p.cily of 10 car lot.. �st.ny�.e/ • •11 farm products la the latest•cquld- Mr. Wyckoff eluted Carl 0. Fisher V floe to Miami Beech, during the tut season at the beach and V Th•foundations•renow being laid and seeing tb• great,poeslbilitie. then, •t r'elii6111/etjerIt i•epee tad that the building will be o n• p d lore •• wall as • site ready for I.operation by December L The w6•n h..will build •blind...oa winterbuilding situated on he causeway k.,,..near the new power plant and Is lh• Every day sees nomn= •ot•rpris• project of Stanley Wyckoff, president started tied t6•r•1•Do Ilmit a the pons of lh• lodlanapolla Poultry Company, alblllues at we.' Uea<h. 'Fir who will supply milk•fe cochmcoens rada all eh• Doe• .honed dill••to CEWE BROTHERS tlaml,Miami Beach,Palm Beach,Cubs, Furniture Co. Tel. 1070.—adv. the D•h•m•Wands and all Hhe south. Duplex Fireless Cooker.. S oore . SOLE AGENTS All the farm products will be brought — welfth Street Miami,Pia Sellers' White Enamel Cebinats. Moore Car Co. Moon Furniture Co. Tel.1070.—adv, There will Man Important meet- . L � Ga. at 60.will not worry you II log of the stockholders of the Moore , .-. '[hats"hu •Ma or Ford Carbure• Car Co. Monday,April Jppath,at 8 , °'' !�.i'r.'''::.'::•._-+;:�,: ,,• ,. . tor, New York Gering*,827-4th SI. m. •t Engineer. Hall, old Are. D, • • Phone 1687,—adr. over Tompkins Variety \\``Store.—adv. ' ti .7. - !a. .'. ilk N r) . 7 • w. ) ' a e) LA '1 '1 1 1)¢fk 1.'1,rr