1664-17 Real Estate, Commerce, & News Ago�w� 1 THE HERALD, MIAMI, FLORIDA, MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1922. -- - --•- .. _...._.__ . ._.. _ .._ . — — .. ----- . .. --.. _ _.._.._.. ._.. . _ . • = - • -a 'y �!}�., 111C' - aCL�If 1Ftt �70.1.` -4, .. 0'r . y .4�" ILri♦i B ENJOY BEACHES GROWING CHILDREN CONDUCT ! B \ILDING RECORDS E OCEAN LARGER EACH YEAR , SUNDAY SERVICE ARE BEING BROKEN • as ('segregate Suds Deposited by Mhiftisg Currents I )flasal newelsCuagregatlunal Monday I Hundred. of 'rbou.nwda of Dollars In Outlatri Wm- Are Building More Territory te4Jul Clves Pleasing l'htid.n'ft pew Construction Non, Coder Way aged. at Hlatni }teach. Day Program. at Mlnnti Hraok. er brought one --- —..-- ---- f the season to In more ways than one t$ city of I Children played the leading rule In Hundreds of thousands of dollars ting yesterday. all Beach i as constantly expanding. the special services set aside for the worth of buildings are now under witty ' seekers flock- .,s well as growing rapidly in popula young people yesterday at the morning at Miami Hench and acewriiiig to cy�st- in the city and lion and new structures, the city is surf along thehour at the Mlantl Beach Congregation- tract ors• the greatest a• mount of cyan- growing in territory. e foul of the Persons who have lived several years al church. II \tructiun of any year is note prndiit=. in the city have long noticed a con- Little tots from the primary•depart- 1 recent rainy Stant tendency for the ocean front- to ment to the larger children of the In- The greater part of the work at •en experienced build up. During the last few years termedlate department took parts in this time is composed of large arfldi- eased numbers this growth has been especially notice- chorus singing. recltrltlons, and dia- tions to hotels and expensive resldesn- {tltaehfng in the able. Art old resident can today point logues. Each number'on the program cos which will be the winter homes of and the casinos back a space of many feet and show was carried out unusually well, show- visitors and the permanent resieit-ea of automobiles. where the line of full tide formerly log the results of careful rtalning. of people of this section. me over to the came. As ezylaftied by rite Rev. E. A. King, Among the-larger single projects are nd busses. Even within the last few months the the pastor, the exercises were for'the the additions to the Flamingo and Smith's casino beaches have been steadily widened by purpose of'Creating abetter and a new Wolford hotels. The Flamingo addi- largest crowds the action of the waves and the tides. understanding of the Lord's Prayer. clan will call for the expenditure of i place of Dual- Where water formerly stood' almost All the numbers on the program cen- approxlmatety i200.0u0. The accom- f out of town waist., deep at high tide there is In tered around this prayer, with the sig- mdatlons of the hostelry00,000will be groat- °. at this point great- places scarcely enough to wet one's nlflcance of making It inaan inure than . Iy increased by the annex. - feet. According tq an estimate of an ever before. old-tlmer, the shore. line ha; been ex- The opening of the service was a At the Wofforr} the space for guests :Ided sport forwill be more than doubled and two he volley ball ttendrd approximately 100 feet by the processional, in which the voices of stories will be added to the building. ebur playersaction of the water in the last four the eliildren were. mingled with those yenrs. This y'ould give an average of of the choir. Throughout the occasion The cost of the addition will he about dors. 25 feet of new beach each year fur that portions of the Lord's Prayer were $30.000. tai appeared off period. chanted by the choir. Then followed I A permit has recently been (smut,' 1 ners plunged in . One telt• at the south end of the city. reclihtions by children who were for the palatial residence of Mr. bud- is of thrice craft. and which includes rlparlan rights, Is trained by Mrs. H. II. Bailey. Those crick .1. °silts. Racine. \\'is., Inventor erslon for many threatened to be deprived by this pro- taking Part were Melinlo 1.eu.ur, \'ir- I and capitalist. This place when cosin- e jetties..:: 'cess of access to the ocean. The prop- ginia Conrad. Ruth Rruolci Josephine pleted will gepreseut an cx{•enuittar John the pool, erty Yi laid out in the form of a tri- Millard, Billy Andcrsoo, ituglt Ander ,of about $100.0.00. 9 house Mg th0 casino angle, and this triangle has been stead- sou and Flora ''/.liter, The colony of Spanish _ .ss of humanity. fly coming- to a point which would re- A group of children tinder the di• c- built for Mr. W. F. \\'hitman. of chi- :ed dialcultkfeata atilt• according to the judgment of some thin of Mrs. W. E. Brown thea ga a a sago is one of the big projects nopt• tan- the cruAd�, person, to being cut off from the ocean. dialogue, with a main solo by a I the der way. Six residences have sb-ea 1- _ LL _ It Is thought that the construction of girl. Three little girls followed vtth been started with framework alTLra.fy the jetties has had much to do with recltatluns. Two children received all- tip fur three and foundations lakl f..r ' Griffin, who will this gain of territory. since with the tism (rcorn the pastor. the others. More than lilt$.0,000 be (tended visit. currents coming in a certain amount of Mrs. li. 11. Hailey told a story to the spent on this work. The r0'iii es has •returned to sand is brought. This sand is stopped children, teaching a lesson of levo Ion with all be completed by telnter. g a few days in .wlien the .flow of the current is broken and of growing Ilk.-neon to a g at \t the south end f the city, tr'o by the big bowlders forming the Jet- man. The title of the story was •e4 t ties. The accumulation of sand has I.uve His Marne." large buildings are going up in ed- been noted more especially along the A groti{f of children followed with joining blocks. Mr. A. R. Borriil is water front at the southern end of the recllations. w'I'hose taking; Part were building n three-Story hotel which trill ccofT, George \V. beach than elsewhere. l'amille Stephenson. i•:velyn Dulbs, Flu- trust approximately $30,000. In She d• J. Rogers corn- ra %then. Ruth Sawyer. Maybelle .lodes, next block Mr. M. J. !toughen is erect- i y to Miami on Margaret Brooks, aunty lrl.tchard. Itis a twinPertinent building which RALSTON WINNER Walter Ziher, Helen Virginia('on- will represent an expenoittire of am.nl rad EIsbe*i Ellis and Mary Louise $25.000. Another apartment is teeing 3t- nd daughters ' OF TOURNAMENT Could. Other recltatluns were given built two blocks farther south which by Charles C;,uld. Floosie Tomlinson. will cost about $E'..000. • liami, where they • Dorothy Bailey, hubby tlibson and Mary Numerous resldenres are nssnnsi,ig s. L. F. Blalock • Louise Robinson. shape thr.,nehnut the city. while other a they will go to Silver Loving Cap is Trophy for Blind ,, collection wits taken roe the b-ne• will be started soon. tan i'alm Island. friends. They ex- • Par Round Reld on Ham- fit of Sunday school%extension. Mrs. Mr. t' E. Busch has Just started in reel. t Ocala about a 1Ago Links. - ' Ruby Showers Baker sung :t solo. deuce which costs around $SS.000. was invented 'in R. W. Ralston was awarded the hand- About Miami Beach Previous to 158B. C., the time was called at Rome by public cryers. accident, sonic silver loving cup yesterday as the __ _ _• winner in the blind par golf tournament • -- ----- — held on the Flamingo golf links. Mrs. E. L. Roth, who has spent sev- . RIA Mr. Ralston brought in a nep score of era! months at the Miami Beach in t, is • D74 with a handicap of 14. Seventy-two{leaving to day fur her home in Knoxville, was set at par for the tournament but Tenn. the number was withheld from the en• d Children tries u. 01 the last of the tournament. I,. Mi. W. A. Stanton lots opened •t lunch it. Jenkins came in second in the play and cold drink counter ill Biscayne mr1OYears and won six golf bolls as the prize. R. avenue. facing the ocean. Mr. Stanton 1,,� � M. Price was third and received four formerly operated the Bungalow in //.,Iti balls for a prize. Ocean drive. /�.�T` G The number entering the tournamentI yesterday WKS cul down by many who The way bac horn cleare.l fur the open /IA • . . r .....t i inc of Alton road from First strict to I _ i