1664-27 Real Estate, Commerce, & News EL P A S O HAVEN WILSON ASKED B I D D L E WILL Ini • 's "01�1y" Theatre FOR •M E X I CANS T.O L I•F T LID NAME REFER IJuarez'Cut Off From Commu- Representative Dyer Cab i e s..Tex Rickard Requests Hea I LA110 N - nication With Rest o fMeriico ; President Appealing Abolish- Army, Navy and•' Civ and Civilians Flee to U. S. ment War-Time Prohibition, • Boxing Board to Act fo*J •lion by .lir. I<iank with his El Paso, Tex., June 10.—Juarez, •Washington, June-'10.—An appeal Toledo. 0., June 1,—T Ri, experience, was the.COM- cut off from.communication with.the was made by RepresentativebDyer,re-1 promoter of the. heavyweight , RONS, hence he is s •ecialiZ- n'rest .of Mexico, had all the appear publican, inn ca legram to President Ipionahip contest between Jess P ance of a deserted village today'. A Wilson todto issue a proclamation: to 'only theatre of its kind large portion of the civilian popula- declaring war time prohibition void,l lard and Jack Dempsey here' JI tion had sought refuge in El Paso and in view of the apparent determination I tonight' requested Major Antho, ,ling system. ' the 2,500 troops were either confined of congress to let the law stand. • I Drexel Riddle, president of the : to barracks or on duty In the trenches "I cabled President Wilson," said'navy and civiiihn board of boxing and other defenses of the city. Mr. Dyer, "that we had given con- trot, to select the referee•for th, SPACE TOMORROW From the'roots of tall buildings in sideration in the judiciary committees test. Rickard aaiil Willard amt 1• El Paso men could .be seen at work to some bills for repeal of war time where the •Mexico Northwestern prohibition; to the extent'of permit-(say.had agreed to accept the 1 crosses the Mexican Central railroad ting the sale of beer and light wines. tion of the•board. three of four miles out of the city We have gone far enough, I told him, Rickard in his letter to Major but whether they were federals or in consideration of these matters for die,suggested that the board nar, , _ rebels could not be ascertained. Sol- tae to know there was no chance of of the officials to be.connected diers in the trenches.and around the' the committee..recommending any bill the contest,which includes the re )R 0 M E blockhouses apparently were engaged of that kind. I told the president I and two Judges, if the board s• in battle practice, felt the only hope was that he should aides; to appoint the,officialSo far as is definitely known the take' action under authority I felt keeper and to alter any conditio nearest rebels are at Guadalupe, 10 he had, and that he should do so at the match,'which' the board he' miles east of Juarez, where Generale once to relieve the situation." will be helpful to the glove.spors :w �t.�x.ua nr•.rr r Felipe Angeles,Ramon Vega and Mar- Mr. Dyer'and other members of.the Rickard's startling announce tin Lopez have a large force of judiciary committee who have felt came as a distinct surprise to cavalry. The country occupied by reb- that a repeal measure'would not •be score or more candidates who els is well watered with plenty of I reported out, hnve.contended that the sought to be appointed referee. Me Today grazing for the horses andnit is be- president would have full power after aid's letter to.Major Riddle se !levet!the rebels are resting in prepay- July I to declare by proclamation that part: anon for an attack on Juarez, which •demobilization was complete, which "I urn writing,to you in your r. even federal officials in Juarez admit automatically would permit saloons sty as president of the army,naw; is inevitable. It also is admitted that I closing on that date to re-open. civilian board of 'boxing control. the rebels outnumber the available I• Representative Sabath, democrat,I many years I have been eo bTucHT ciiftseon;federals and that the latter are cut off I author of the war time repeal mess-l thut boxing in this country is I from retreat in any direction save are said today he believed there was i cupped because of the'absence across the Rio Grande into the United no chance of the committees making proper organization to look aft States. �_ a favorable report interacts. • 2i;SCVT '}� — "Boxing was in an even work C � I BEACH HAS CABLE, OPERATORS TO dition in Englund when Lord Lou td Sea Waves BE INCLUDED IN THE ; had the moral' rm,iage to rams HALL , ward andbestablish the national l 'DININGTELEGRAPHERS STRIKE. ing club and a board of boxing OF LAUGHS AND GOOD MUSIC I I trot. • New York, June '10.—The nation-: "All honor to you for having •:ATURE PICTI'RE S ith'i Casino Addition Exce wide strike of telegraph operators. the sante thing in accepting the 7 Anything Else at Beach ordered for tomorrow morning, will.;dewy of the army, navy and ci' n in "Vicky Van" • include cable operators also, it was; hoard of boxing_control, which I . I Will Open tin Season. announced here tonight after'a meet-;derstand Colonel Roosevelt v ing'of union officials. One pt5rpose; have clone, had he lived. of this move, it was said,was to bring ."I feel that in being respnnsibl Miami Beach has an up-to-date and the strike forcibly to the attention of i the exhifhtion between Willard PUBLIC OWNERSHIP beautiful dining hall at Smith's casino, President Wilson by interruption of Dempsey,. it is in my power I. OF RAILROADS PLAN owned by G. It.Moor of Detroit, Mich., the cable service he receives daily. I something to strengthen the auth 'N and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Joe' It was said that all Western Union,;of your board and after diacussins OF GENE E. PLUMB 'Weiss, caterers who have had experi-'Commercial, United States and Haiti.matter with the Toledo boxing . ence in big hotels and eating places i and Anglo-American system lines.mission,two of tine members or m to Atlantic City. V. J. June 10.—A of the bust. The big dining room will i would be affected. Five hundred• the major. C. Schreiber,and its , til proposal that organized tabor.insistnot be opened until the beginning of pickets have been detailed to duty at;man, C. Wall—are of your boar,: ed uponrpublic 'ownership of the rail-nthe season, as there is no demand for cable offices. i have derided to invite you to as it during the summer,, the smaller -- I to roads of the country was submitted to- control in regard to the appoints day to the delegates attending the room being sufficient to take care of Signed No Agreement. I of all the officials, the referee, reconstructionoeof the the present demand. New York, Jane I0.—Reports that judges (if you think them advis: ly American Federation of Labor byThere arc twenty-five windows in Clarence iI. Mackay, president of thel,uul the time-keeper. ,b Gene E. Plumb, counsel for the rail- the dining room and railing is of Int- Postal Telegraph-Coble Company, had, •'i also ask you to alter any et tice work,the color scheme being blue signed an agreement with the Com- ition ii.r Closeroad rtherhoods.relations between working and white, and brown and liers are suspended mercial Telegraphers' Union, averting•benconducted.fif iner which sthe}Iio�pirtim tions ad'enIn d thlcttdrSoath A ebrica Sawereuel froii; theSeven �ceil ng awhile the wallsnare morrow,nweres e den ede etonight Called fat heor I in onsistent w tl theltlawsi�of tun yet to be decorated with flags of the company's offices. i . Gompers, president of the federation, allies arid mirrors. Potted plants and "Mr. Mackay has received no:de- rty and the r•ulea o{'clean and u I p- and by labor officials in Chile and an imposing sideboard also•are to be mends from the union, has conferredi'sonre iiajo•rnRi,l -.ip tt Peru, which were rend to the conwen- placed in the Wiling room, which will11a'or •Riddle., a millionaires , g with none of its officials and has•' • man of Philadelphia, always has • tion.• accommodate more than 100 people. signed no agreement," said Wm. J. a supporter of boxing - The kitchen is equipped as complet Deegan, secretary. "So far as we 1 p anti won I ly as any first-clshotel, having know, the strike will begin tomorrow, self, teglove- championships I large range, broiler capable of broil-I but we do not believe that it will he'self. lie seconded tter'sadcl ing as ninny as forty. steaks at a serious, as virtually all of our men i Jark" in the tatter's cm. time, and a steam table operated by are satisfied,. 1 with tanley 1Cetchel several � • , . , . electricity to keep foods warm. A — —_ --- -- aF;n. large refrigerator, capable of holding ARABIAN MISSION I Jt .O'Brien,wns.said here tonight that beard would respond favornbl to I and preserving large quantities of • I v food also I� in the kitchen. The ARRIVED IN FRANCE t motor ltl•kard's appeal. Rickard 'i... . ,r '.. . restaurant i open fur inspection any ._.- _- • he had absolutelL no anu^e.'tion • .- '•.. ,• time. • Marseilb's, .1one 10—I French Wire-,niatc in regard to the selection ,:'p:;•,; Other features are the ice cream and I less Servi i'.1---.1n Arat,ian mission•r"•fecee a i"1 neither Willard nor Is, cold drink counters in the hobby of the to Franee beaded by General Nciirc o,'y would ,,iter any sugirestion::. J - a;,•' '' , casino, and the cigar star?cl. There is 1 Said Pasha arrived herr today on i 1\'ilia rd cotcre.1 four miles �,n �- ...-;'r• • S .- ,'x� ?:S;,V also a pie counter._ . • ' .I board the French cruiser Jules Ferry.I rnrol this morning and boxe7l s.