1640-18 Causeways .. r
• iuy 3 '955 3q-t.), 6� 1155
The Behind •
Front Page • Tike �, •
By JOHN PF.NNF.RANIP s. ti* Front Page `•�
IF WE'RE GOING to give serlOt j5 {ysk%
si4eration to a roadway In the hay" male By JOHN PESSERANIP •
fcon or by any other name—there—ISlt—�
Mch time to waste. ONE OF THE SUGGESTIONS for which
There soon will he a ready-made base I find general public support but only ef-
for the road,along the Intracoastal water- (ficial indifference.1s for a road in the Bay. •
way. This won't be the place where we decide
It will be deepened to 12.feet, and in who originated the idea. it has been advo-
the process a spoil bank will appear beside Gated by many. •
It for moot of its north-south course. But no one will deny that Its most per. •
Nearly all of the land on which the sialent sponsor is R.C.Gardner.the former
spMl will be thrown Is publicly owned, city rommfcsl0 of been talking up
tins reducing rlght•o!•way cost tt A snits. the idea of a 'malecon''the name being
lsmm derived from l• Tamous seaside drive
—for as long as I can remember, and to
us Some of It alre y appears above the all who will listen.
surface at low ti
Unless 1t la u d as a roadway It willAll manner of plans tar•urh a high•
become a angles growth,featured by sky. Ray have been advanced.One called for
'reaching, light-o scaring Australian palms. s antisho dries to straighten out the
And, ■ prim area for the Miss of de. Miami shore line.
'♦elopers who sill attempt to get It from Another is for a great highway to border
the state for ore fixing In of bay Wanda, - the Intracoastal waterway. In digging this
* * * . channel a spoil bank was made for prat•
WHY NO CONVERT It Into the area's tically its full length through Dade county. •
moat beautif I waterway drive! It in just below the surface. and will
Its nattuc I appeal could make it onehe above the surface when new fill, to
of the wor I's most fatuous and talked be added as the channel is further cleaned
about roads, ys, and deepened so deposited, providing a
Gov. Lei oy Collins recently delegated • readymade road bed.
Gleason N. Stambaugh of Went Palm * * *
Reach,to g to Washington In the Interest
of the than I deepening project from Eau THAT SUGGESTION shows the most
Gauls to 0 land. • enterprising planning. It includes the you
Stauibaug is vice chairman of the aibillty of traffic distributors where it cross-
Board of Flo da Inland Navigation District ea the Seventy-ninth arrest. Thirty-sixth
Commission. street tthe building of which in inevitable), •
* * * MacArthur and Rickenbacker causeways.
ASIDE FRvl ITS APPEAL as an east
side,scenic the ughway for this area Slam. Idea of the distributors is to take
Ibaugh sees the eepening project as a boo4 .. much of the congestion out of the narrow•
to' navigation." euveted, bud4uareas of both Mlaml
and Miami Beachp,and thropah engineer•
It has a defelae value In that it Pro. ed facilities to send It more directly to
♦Ides an inside waterway in which barges Ito destination.
i and other croft could operate, protect.
ed from attack by\submarine., • It would help solve the problems created •
by the expansion of the north end of the •
"Even aside froth defense considera• county on both sides of the hay,the down•
tion," says Stambaugh),"the channel would town sections of both Miami and Misml
be worth many times its cost In Increased Roach and the congestion of the growing •
barge traffic, and in an estimated 2,500 traffic to the south.
additional email craft each year In South-
ern Florida cities. * * * •
* * * BY FORMING A connecting link with •
"ONE FACTOR ALONfy, the free flow thesroad which the county commission is
of oil barges to all cities Along the water. s planning southward over the keys and
way, would be of far"reaching Importance shallows from Key Biscayne,it would make
to the area. thousands of additional acres accessible to
"Oil Is heat.light and power to Florida, automobiles. •
and every new resident ups the require- The road could start in the northern
ment. •
"We In Florida want reared residents reaches of Dade counts.or even In Brow•
to come and live with us and we want and county,and provide one of the world's
i them to be able to do it happily and with. finest scenic drives. •
out financial worry. .
"Bet, unless the Costa to'deliver crude Through highway (Achilles thus would
M provided east of Miami, just as they •
oil are reduced •
, ss , the price per capita for now are being built, of necessity,to meet
electricity and heat may become prohtbl• the need to the west.
* * *E * * *•
i A PROPOSAL SOMEWHAT similar to i THE MIDDLE of the bay project Is
I� the Biscayne Bay ma'.econ pops up ever (more feasible than the proposal for a road
F •
so often further north to Florida, along the shore line.
I There It is estimated that a dotter road•
SC way,built on the canal's spollbank through That would involve many miles of hulk•
S the Uantanzaa and Indian Rivers would pro- heading and filling and probably endless •
vide a waterbordered scenic drive from s litigation as to property and riperlan rights
Jacksonville to Stuart. lot present bayfront property owners.
' No serions engineering problem Is In.
volved * * *
ed in continuing it to border the en.
tire East Coast, IMPORT.AN.,HOWEVER,would be pub-
tic ownership and administration Of the
While the proposal has Ib atmsgeet right-of-way as well as the adjoining bay
support In the Daytona Beach area, it bottom to prevent the filling in and de-
also meets its principal resistance there— velopnlent of adjacent land.
largely for the Rams reason that pre..
The road would traverse and open to
sure intereata opposed and delayed the
building of the'turnpike. development considerable land southward.
my the portion in the bay off Miami
They want all southbound traffic to be should be preserved as a marine scape. •
compelled to operate through the heart of •
the city, and to halt it there, If possible. The county causeway at Seventyninth
Roads that bypass,or go to South Florida street once provided such a view. •
are on top of their opposition list. However,the adjoining bay bottom came
All of which should be secondary to into the hands of speculators, with con-
our efforts to get the hay highway while- sidereble honky.tonk atmosphere resulting
the getting Is good—and cheap. for much of its length. •