1641-4 Aerocars om' ...�. � Cr c.• C . if • February 6,1933. Mr. J. P. Wines, • 10 East 40th Street Ne York City. . Ey dear Mr. Wines: Replying to yours of the 3rd, I have used my present aerocar for 50,000 miles. It .has been entirely satisfactory to me, and I am quite positive that there is no other means of trans- portation now available in this country that can compare with an aerocar. I have owned in the past twenty-five years some of the finest oars built in Europe and America, and at the present time have in use as . baggage transfers, automottbiles that two or three years ago were considered the cream de luxe of all cars manufactured. I now use these cars as trucks to haul baggage. I get about eleven miles per gallon from the aeroear, and can travel through the country in great comfort. I do not use the aerocar to sleep in, but as a private coach, and I would not think of embhanging my present aerocar for any automobile on earth, at any price. Yours very truly, CARL G. FI SHJ;R CGF-H