1652-2 Transportation ... t, r 'r �' r„ -ct 4 v.. T eti ••J •+, i :' "+rte�'��+'� M•. r a f ,,.. <' 4 v• "rp-t• rye'• .. . .�Y� - . • • s THE MIAMI HERALD, SUNDASt, JANUARY 26,-1920. Ilh,,ulll,...111..1 ► ' ( MIAMI BEACH NEWS I I III 1' I 8peelsl Barpia f'll'„II I NOTIONSI II • S, '1 WORK ON CAR LINE FIRST POLO GAME' IS . NOTIONS! .... • 3c YORK Pins, Safety Pins, Darning I ISI ! -IS' BEING RUSHED SCHEDULED TUESDAY Cootton,mbs, Hat LPinatltch nBraid, L_____ -_..�Mt,� ___ SII;,' i ill ,• Miami Beach Electric- Com- Miami Beach Polo Club Will �,.I�I�i�� 1 II • • pony Hopes to Hlve 16-Min- . Meet Visitors From P'-n I m • .1101'411111 Ili�p�',f1! 1 I I ate .Schedule' in Operatiod Beach; Record-B r e a k in g Itut�'I,IiI --Before End•Present Season. Crowd Is Expected At Field. +ii. ii • MONDAY It Iljl,•�;,Ir'inl 1 Street car service across the new In connection with Miami-Beach lay, causeway'between Miami and Miami polo perhaps the roost important-an- ,o� • Beach during the present season As nouncement of the season a first O f Last Week of... the aim of the Miami Beach Electric big game that is to be. d next . Co.,•and work on the construction of Tuesday. Capt. H. H. Holmes, secre- . , i • the new.line Is being rushed in order tart' of the club,took a flying trip to !-ñveñtE I • that the two cities can be connected Palm Beach yesterday to.make ar-. •v is the by trolley at the earliest date pout- rangements with several players who • ble. are there, and so satisfactory 'wore rhtghigh t Every arrangement has been made oke' arrangements made that he is ;t as a, - and perfected to have a most corn-' able to announce this big polo game. plate and elaborate service. Only the The game is to be on No. 1 field, finest up-to-date cars are to be in use, between Miami Beach Polo Club and -- built by the Cincinnati Car Company, Visitors, to commence at 3:30 p. m. . . Lie... of Ohio. There are to be eight periods of seven • • g' ( .The route arranged by the Miami and one-half minutes' duration each, . Beach Electric Company covers the and upwards of seventy ponies will whole of Miami Beach and touches at be used during the.different periods. ;tis - . every important place, and the cause- Capt. Holmes has'”secured for this Ora 1.1.1..e:.•e: • way drive will be one of the finest game several players famous in • • J street car rides in the world. American polo sad it is expected,that '"""' , The-cars are to be of the ve latest a • oY game of unusual interest will be �� ��� safety designEacof the pay-as-you-enter amidemonstrated to the' visitors to MI- Savings : ' system. Each car will be operated by ami Beach. IN one man and the entrance and exit The officials who will control the l 'will be in_front and to insure abso- gems are Capt. H. H.'Holmes, ref- lute safety the doors cannot be opened eree; T. B. Gaddis, scorer, and Ii. E. eel.' until the car comes to a full etop and Talbott, time keeper. tt, likewise the ear cannot be started un- The players will be Henry Carne- tilLe the•door are again closed. The gee Phipps. of the Meadow Brook Special Savings in Dress Goods N( container. rear door will be used in case of Club. who i■ a polo expert and a high l04a emergency only. They will be abso- handicapped player; Rodman Wana- lutely noiseless in operation, with-a maker,who is considered to be one of AT $1ii, .69 82.00 French Matrluiiette in a fine f, ,0 seating capacity of thirty-six pawn- the most promising polo players in selection of Colo d stripes on a gen. ,The cars will be immaculate in America and is a member-of the Bryn white ground.' 40 inches wide. h v kkr color and cleanliness and the uni. Mawr'!Polo Club of Philadelphia; are pu ?L.�L forms of all operating will be white. General Bickford of Montreal, Cana- AT r eA M Zephyr Ginghams in a large variety. The car barns will be equipped with da; F. N. -Bardmore, of Montreal, •Y of plaids and small checks. This ' the latest washing and compressed Canada; W.•P. Hulbert, of Middles- air apparatus for cleaning and each burg,Vs.;J.C.Andrew,of Lafayette, gingham is 2T inches wide and is • car will be thoroughly cleaned daily. Ind.; George Miller,of Austin. Texas, really good value. • - • .-the route is to be from starting-at and Robert H. Hassler, of Inaianapo- . AT $1•69 Cotton Baronet, in a very high, lua- ' Twelfth street down to avenue C to lis, Ind. •Val Rickmers street, across the cause- The grand parade that made such,a trona finish and comes in white, way to,Miami Beach, south along Al- sensation on January 15 showed thw gold, navy and rose. The width is ton road to First street, then to Mi- great interest the public.is taking in 36 inches. .........' anti avenue, then along Miami avenue this branych ofpsport at the Beach end AT Q5 0 Baronet Satin in an extra north and Sheridan.avenue to the it is full expected that a crowd Simi- eeDD v heavy Banal,across the canal to Dade boule- lar to the one that witnessed the quality and extremely fine finish. yard, then west on Alton road to the parade will see this game next•Ties- • Yard wide and comes in white, grey, ' causeway and back to Miami. Cars day. The parking space at the fields pink, light blue and flesh. will be run in both directions;,the is limited for the season to two hun- AZ • n ' tracks.being provided with turn-outs dred, so it will be necessary to make e)(9 Colored Voiles in • beautiful line of • for paaaiag. reservations for space at this game VV solid colors. The width is excellent— Ti There. 'will be a fifteen-minute immediately. There is no doubt that . 40 inches and the colors are orchid, includ, schedule from Miami to the Bea0 and this game will figure as indica- blue, yellow and white. Orchid from Miami Beach casino viill be tive of the high standard of polo sport made in twenty-six minutes. ;Ten that will be seen at-Miami Beach dur- • cars will be in operation to begin with, trig subsequent win seasons. , which number will be augmented as t Ilj1',irCli , the conditions,demand. were made of her when grouped with A. Real$7.00 'Value • Miss Kathryn Stafford, Miss Virginia ' �;il in Ladies' tnsot�i► GOOD SCORES MADE Nichols and A. L. Hart. — '1,••;i;i � I e IN MiXED FOURSOME PERSONALS. 1 ��� �� w..M�awwwe r — 'F. W. Wood of Louisville, Ky., is a , • NAn interesting mixed foursome was guest at the Lincoln hotel, Miami Notes_ •, played at the Miami Beach golf Beach.. He is here on a business trip Fine quality-Gabardipe, very pretty spot count, yesterday. Golf, since the in connection with the Carl 0.'Fisher 1 i novelty pockets, trimmed with large pearl bu ► ante { opening of the season,has brought to- rprises. 1►t ,t.Scout,tzecu- gather.local players and those from ' • • troop•at ecu- near and far in such numbers that the At the Lincoln hotel, Miami Beach, ,lti hand found the committee has decided to haven on Yesterday, bir. and Mrs. Thompson of indent the clink- their season's schedule tournaments I'lnrira' N. Y., entertained for Mich- • tev.el. B. Bog- of one nature or another every week. eon Mr.and Mrs.Osterwood and Miss \ Unusual interest was shown In Satur- Witcher of.New York, J. B. Marsh inter this week. day',- game and good scores were of I)eLand, Fla. E. L. Easley, M. E. ay night were: made by both men,and women who Fox and J. W. Kobb of Chicago. ' tin" Pitchard, were taking part y Flneher, Wil- Mra.'D. F. Kelly and Miss Eileen Zeigler, Frank ^t After the scores were turned in the C. Kelly of Chicago ars guests far the tables bles all about and happy families tus-it would add a great deal to th, • eler, rank 3s were pLawe. for by Lee Nei- winter at the Breakers hotel, Miami gathered around listeningto the mu- attractiveness of this city." s Clarence her- son, the club' professional, and the Beach. sic of a great orchestra. . . . Mr. Howard, after he completes hi' McIendre• and low grass seer• of eighty-two was • "There is no reason why the water- work here,will awarded to Miss M. Felber and Tom go on to Havens,Cuba ;era. Morris •The socondprize, with aMIAMI BEAUTIFUL IS longfrngt asnd notf be ■wide,dfifty sme t toido of Miami work there. }els vls'of a assistant stoat- and 600 feet because it tint, beautiful is that.of •n score of 107,went to Miss Murray and can be carried oat to the deeper Chan- expert, and as he said in conclusion ,I,,composed of J. B. Moritz. The third place was nel where the yachts can come to the 1t in not impossible of realization if ree, T. B. Wal- drawn by Miss Miriam Russell and PICTURED BY ARTIST sea wall. How beautiful this sea wall Miami will only look to tike future saki Norman Reilly, *hose aeon was 99, could be made if it were built solidly pi=n rte development with avi on. y troop,having and the next fortunate ones were-Mrs. ., of native rock, crowned by an artistic ;e,1, now being E. L Easley •and Mark Henry, with ) balustrade with vases,and with finely COUNTY ENUMERATO )s, and on next 99. The following players and scores Possibilities of Developing This wrou`ht electric light poste offering • No. 9 will•be were: Mrs. C. J Feller and Jack City As "The A en e r i e a n possibilities for festoons of light at HAVE UNTIL JAN. 31• eel a Kennedy,85; Mrs-J.C. Marsh and F. Riviera" Discussed by Fam- times of festivity. - TO COMPLETE WiiRipC r the boys of E. Carter, 1171 Mrs. Towner and N. "I would like to prepare a model nor roast,when B.T.Roney, 115; Mrs.Thompson and ons New York Architect, showing In miniature the actual ap- Persons residing bernd the city View, arrivin E. L. Easley, 91; Mrs. il. W. Phillips * pearance of Miami from which sa limits who had become uneasy for but happy =n� and B W.Phillipe,96,and Mrs. Rich- waterfront could be developed.'sailsailThis fear they would not be counted in which they will srd Davies and Richard Davies, 110. Possibilities of develo)iing the beau- has been don• in Rome and in Paris, remit,s, weremuch relieved to le y�j MI at the Holy tirul to the city and Its homes so as aid it gives a graphic pkturp,such as yarierdry that the enumerators i iii morning. • SUNDAY AFTERNOON TEA. to make Miami the American Riviera one obtains from an aeroplane. suburban districts Just beyon,f lh► mposed prinel- The in appearance that it is in its natural "Miami has a great opportunity and limits of Miami, and those residln Hitting are ks on Beach easloogement of snnouncrn as a r Miami attributes were diseuaeed yesterday '_would be a pity if it were not real- and limits a In the country, have unlit?K t D Y by Francis Howard, a distinguished 14, these boys for Runday beginning today from 4 to garden architect from New ork, In ysTurning from a visualisatlon'of the January .11 In which to cumplet, 1h1 they are surely 4 o'clock afternoon tea. Music dor. an interview with a lleratd reporter. "pole city Mr. iluward also discussed work. ,, Ing then hours with a suitahls high Mr. Howard has been herr only a few the concrete instances which can be The enumerators within'1. ally •••n on the hike oiass rogram, win.be rendered by days, but he said yesterday this had reedited by Individuals. Ile said: YMtehlay rnntlnued to make tri v boys of the Rayanderson.Archestra. been long enough for him to visualise "This le •. tropical country wlt� Plantae "rens they had been unship tint thus __ Miami •■ the City Beautiful of Amer- (molest yr set at l..n a,,,i .l, ,nn ,,.I Orad citizens. and as a ,w..,t, r