1627-4 Interviews successively asst.supr.,asst.chmn.,chmn.,mgr.dept.mech.engring. Middle of the Night, Strangers When We Meet, Boy s Night Out, • • research, 1952-59; dir. creative and devel. engring. Miehle div. Notorious Landlady,Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders,Kiss Mc Miehle-Goss-Dexter,Inc.,1959-62,dir.research and devel.,1962-64, Stupid,The Legend of Lylah Clare, 1967,The Great Bank Robbery; dir. engring., 1964-67, dir. tech. research, 1967-68; dir. engring. 1969, Tales That Witness Madness, 1973. Named one of 10 most Robertson Photo-Mechanix, Inc., 1968-69, v.p. engring., 1969-71; popular movie stars by Box-Office mag., 1956, All-Am. Favorite, chief engr. duplicators Addressograph Multigraph Corp., 1971-. 1961; Brussels World Fair poll as favorite all-time actress in world, Churn.mechanics colloquim III.Inst.Tech.,1953-54;mem.adv.corn. 1958. Office: care Agy for Performing Arts 9000 Sunset Blvd Suite Graphic Arts Tech. Found. Pres. bd. dirs. Wilmette United Fund, 315 Los Angeles CA 90069 1963. Mem. Wilmette Sch. Bd., 1968-74. Served with USNR, 1944-46. Named one of six outstanding young men in Chgo. area. NOVAK,MAXIMILLIAN ERWIN,educator;b. N.Y.C., Mar. 26 • Chgo.Jr.Assn.Commerce and Industry,1954.Mem.Am.Soc.M.E., 1930;s.George and Elsie(Loewy)N.;Ph.D.,U.Calif.at Los Angeles Am.Soc.Engring.Edn.,Tech.Assn.for Graphic Arts,Sigma Xi,Tau 1958; D.Phil., St. John's Coll., Oxford (Eng.) U., 1961; m. Estelle Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma. Home: 246 Westmoreland Dr Wilmette IL Gershgoren, Aug. 21, 1966;children-Ralph, Daniel, Rachel. Asst. 60091 Office: 1800 W Central Rd Mount Prospect IL 60056 prof.English,U.Mich.,Ann Arbor, 1958-62;prof.English,U.Calif at Los Angeles, 1962-, Clark Library prof., 1973-74. Fulbrighi • NOTMAN,DONALD DOUGLAS,banker;b.Buffalo,July 11,1924; fellow, 1955.57,Guggenheim fellow, 1965-66. Mem. Modern Lang s.Walter John and Ernestine(Spaulding)N.;B.A.,Yale U., 1949;m. Assn. Democrat. Jewish. Author: Economics and the Fiction of Gertrude L. M. Raynor-Smith, Apr. 26, 1950; children-Gaffer L., Daniel Defoe, 1962;Defoe and the Nature of Man, 1963;Congreve Andrea T., Donald Douglas. With Marine Midland Bank,Western, 1971;The Wild Man Within, 1972;English Literature in the Age o: • Buffalo, 1949-73, sr. v.p., 1969-73; chmn. Nat. Bank Washington, Disguise, 1977;editor: Augustan Reprint Soc. Dryden: Works,vol 1973-. Bd. dirs. United Way, Washington, chmn., 1976; bd. dirs. 10, 1970;Southerne,Oroonoko, 1976;Collected Writings of Danie Washington council Boy Scouts Am.,Fed.City council Rec.for Blind. Defoe. Home: 10380 Dunleer Dr Los Angeles CA 90064 Served with U.S. Army, 1943-46. Decorated Purple Heart. Mem. Am., D.C. bankers assns., D.C. Clearing House Assn. (dir.). NOVAK,MICHAEL(JOHN),(JR.),educator;b.Johnstown, Pa. Episcopalian.Home: 1633 31st St NW Washington DC 20007 Office: Sept. 9, 1933;s. Michael John and Irene(Sakmar) N.;A.B. summa Nat Bank Washington 14th and G Sts Washington DC 20005 cum laude,Stonehill Coll.,N. Easton, Mass., 1956; B.T.cum laude Gregorian U., Rome, 1958; M.A., Harvard U., 1965;LL.D., Keuk: • NOTT, GOLDIE LUELLA TILMAN,librarian; b. Eugene, Oreg., (N.Y.) Coll., 1970, Stonehill Coll., Mass., 1977; L.H.D., Davis ane Jan. 1, 1913; d. Charlie Humphrey and Lillian Lena (Hoffman) Elkins (W.Va.)Coll., 1971, LeMoyne (N.Y.) Coll., 1976;m. Karer Tilman: B.S., Miami U., Oxford,Ohio, 1934; B.S. in L.S. with high Ruth Laub,June 29, 1963;children-Richard,Tanya,Jana, Marys honors, U. Ill., 1942; A.M.in L.S.,U. Mich., 1956, M.A., 1962; m. Teaching fellow Harvard U.,1961-63;asst.prof.Stanford U.,1965-68 • George William Nott,Mar.31,1942.Childrens librarian,br.librarian asso. prof. philosophy and religious studies State U. N.Y., Ok Dayton (Ohio) Pub. Library, 1935-42; head librarian Greenville Westbury,1968-71;asso.dir.humanities Rockefeller FquncrkI.Y.C.. (Mich.) Sch-Pub. Library, 1943-46, Ferris State Coll., Big Rapids, 1973-75; provost Disciplines Coll., State U. N.Y., Old Westbury Mich., 1946-74. Mem. Mich. Council Librarians, 1962-74. Mem. 1969-71; vis. prof. Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1970 careers corn.Mecosta County 4-H Club, 1963-65.Mem.Am.,Mich. Immaculate Heart Coll., Hollywood, Calif., 1971, U.•Calif., Sanu (chmn. dist. IV 1955, chmn. coll. sect. 1964, sec. acad. dir. 1971) Barbara, 1972, U. Calif., Riverside, 1975; journalist nat. election; library assns.,AAUW,Bus.and Profl.Womens Club(pres.Big Rapids Newsday, 1972; writer in residence The Washington Star, 1976 1971-73),Phi Beta Kappa,Beta Phi Mu,Kappa Delta Pi,Delta Kappa syndicated columnist, 1976-; scholar in residence Am. Enterpris. Pi,Tau Kappa Alpha,Phi Sigma, Delta Zeta,Delta Kappa Gamma. Inst.,Washington, 197&-;asso.editor Commonweal mag., 1966-69 Club: Zonta Internat. (pres. Big Rapids 1963-65, 75-77). Methodist contbg. editor Christian Century, 1967-, Christianity and Crisis (ofcl. bd.). Contbr. articles to profl. jours. Home: Rural Route 1 1968-,Jour. Ecumenical Studies, 1967-;judge Nat. Book awards Rodney MI 49342 1971, DuPont Broadcast Journalism awards, 1971-; speechwrite. nat. polit. campaigns, 1970, 72. Kent fellow, 1961; fellow Hasting NOVA,SAUL HARRY,apparel co.exec.;b.Boston,May 24, 1924; Inst., 1970-76; named Most Influential Prof., Sr. Class Stanford U. s. Meyer and Sonia(Schwartzberg) N.;student Syracuse (N.Y.)U., 1967,68.Mem.Soc.Religion in Higher Edn.(central corn. 1970-73) 1941-42;m.Pansy Mae Adair,Jan.8, 1945;children-Melvin,Ilene, Am.Acad.Religion(program dir. 1968-72),Council Fgn. Relations Jeffrey. With Henry I. Siegel Co., N.Y.C., 1951-, nat. sales mgr., Council Religion and Internat. Affairs.Author:The Tiber was Silve 1963-65,gen.mdse.mgr.,v.p.marketing,1966-69,exec.v.p.,1970-. (novel),1961;Naked I Leave(novel),1970;Belief and Unbelief,1965 Served with USAAF, 1942-46. Mem. Am. Arbitration Assn. The Experience of Nothingness, 1970;The Rise of the Unmeltabl, (panelist).Home:26 Leatherstocking Ln Scarsdale NY 10583 Office: Ethnics, 1972; Choosing Our King, 1974;The Joy of Sports, 1976 16 E 34th St New York City NY 10016. There are the few that make Address: 128 Dorset Rd Syracuse NY 13210. Many persons have things happen. There are the many that watch things happen. And found a certain emptiness at the heart of human life-an experienc, there are the rest who never know what's happening. I've always of nothingness.Hidden in it,implicit in it,are prio.commitments t4 strived to be one of the few, honesty,courage,freedom,community. To increase the frequency a such acts in our lives is to grow,and to feel them diminish is to wither NOVACK,BEN,hotel exec.;b.N.Y.C.,Feb.24, 1907;s.Hyman and Sadie (Cohen) N.; student N.Y.U., 1924-26; 1 son, Ben Hadwyn. NOVAK,MILAN VACLAV,educator;b.Cobb,Wis.,Dec.24,1907 Operator Monroe Towers,Cornell,Atlantis,Sans Souci hotels,Miami s.Philip and Barbara(Vavrina)N;B.A.,Macalester Coll.,1929,D.Sc Beach,Fla., 1940-52;pres.Hotel Fontainebleau,Miami Beach,from 1947; M.S., U. Minn., 1930, Ph.D., 1932, B.S., 1936, M.B., 1938 1954,mng.dir., 1954-64,now chmn.bd.,owner.Mem.Miami Beach M.D., 1938;m.Dorothy Flint,July 28, 1934;children-Mary Dayle Hotel Assn.(past pres.).Republican.Home:4441 Collins Ave Miami John Lotus, Raymond William. Asst. prof. bacteriology U. Tenn, Beach FL 33140 Office:Fontainebleau Hotel Miami Beach FL 33140 1932-33;pharmacology research fellow U.Minn., 1933-34,part-tim• instr. bacteriology, 1934-38,chief bacteriologist,dir. blood bank U NOVACK,GEORGE,author;b. Boston,Aug. 5, 1905;s. Israel and Minn. Hosps., 1938-40, instr. in med. bacteriology, 1938-40; ass() Ada (Marcus) N.;student Harvard, 1926; m. Evelyn Andreas,June prof.bacteriology and pub. health,U.Ill., 1940-43,prof.,head dept 22, 1942. Editor, Internat. Socialist Rev., 1965-. Treas. nat. bacteriology and pub. health, 1943-64, asso. dean Grad. Coll. campaign com.Socialist Workers Party,1968,sec.,1972.Author:The 1950-68,acting dean Grad.Coll., 1968-69,dir.blood bank, 1942-54 Logic of Marxism, 1942; The Law of Uneven and Combined asso.internal medicine U.Ariz.Coll. Medicine, 1970-,coordinate Development,1958;The Long View of History,1960;Moscow versus Ariz. Regional Med. Program in Pulmonary Diseases, 1970-; dir • •