1659-3 Sports - i J, • C1� 3 July • 2V8th 1821 ,I _i Ems. Thos. a., Pamoast, ri ,zi Beach 1 provorort Co., - { � ?liaTdf. Beach, Plori i a. • • Y. ' • Dear r. Pancoast: - L - I u dorsts}.ud that the Council it clonsi carrot f;ivint; permission to sone one for thv erection of a building to '- h• old d prize fi gifts and wrostlin ratchet: at tha Beach. Cort�tin1y, I ea. of understand what tho Council is thin3dng of. Thorn is plenty, of roam for them in the City of - L•tiartiand the city coons to like this form of sport, not Let than haVO it. Oieso tht. novor drai- desirable poopf.a to the Boaah, ', from a rosithmtial standpoint anci if azo building i© orooted. at tho Bosch it ae: n,inly is not rr,ir to be naa*:ennei t or tnjthin we could by prointd of. Vary truly your;, , oc-r i3 i y • r