1659-20 Sports 1 x• tA•1 "141h' It1th mrd Ihr' PassedCJIa"1".' Citrus 1 ark, npin•nil.• tllat;i.. table Boss the Buck rutted la lbw Par',r slat*. tweet ,„d 11 „.1.„.1. ural \r1•14rsdaT. rtb• ' .; .1fit'�. \'nDla rill Lr U,. hr,t aplr.urm.i andbrn. Paliloners, awl their were 'fri.�„�'I�� t" VI r al 1'hilrI •IpAr nftrr thy J -- I relnelus and snows in the plateau re• runty _t. Fmk rt 11 o'clock. / "•' tq•- ......,iii. have fini.hI tla,Iu sr•rirr ''• 1C. 1'rinF. rill Ina ar•.e11*or. Ir. conn. haus•.., 1:.•nd ad in Ills p�nrr.-., y.`':'•I ��u(rr York'a' mad 11'w.bintt.u; lea,,.. Irrr•1 lady IAnI he n.rorumeurkdj Calder w'nlArr pnrtl4 in the •f U• Hill Ket their first r,liuq,.rl Ix" a"vl, ■go that the ae.rsemut weal Ralf alate*and all nertlous From `'` ' f Ihei Heil Sot „f •F'. •F•. L'nrs he rnlare an 1.h r^ ill arlimr xbnl .hal l prop- the Mississippi en ippi valley eastward es• I Il as. lif,rtnn ti.•uu1•ra r to the ''Cly at Buena Vista hut .I h the city YOU ` • '••"•" •'j flab •fly to tares IAr n,r4in April „wuu•il, xhirh hew enMrr.l 6iln to a,•pt the extreme south Atlantic mut I I 1•r•^,„t alt tlrr !' t Curti„e to ..u... and Florida penlaut4. Temperatures • Fa.feta 1'luba n oiler IAS,rowpla,nt, paid un attention are abort the 11eawual at.age {e the '1'Ar n Lon; Trull. 1.r the nY•,nuan•ndnlfon at that time ral•r �II..Iesi 1a rail•y l i .art n.t.•nr rinf.+ ..ill b.• Ihr (rear! _ .f the IttMky alougla{n and pl leen 1 t 10 bit the urea fur the fsr end of, / --- "(� the ri n. Thr intsal�n .•( the xr.l /ae regions f will n,'r•11 .0 11nv lo. xh•u Kr.,fnnl` 'lllon�f of the Best 1'artlr rtnudy weather, with nII r, • rill 1 he f'hira . 1'lahr.l••Iphi.t alt! a etch temperature. U Indira) for a �+ �• SI. 1.. 1.; New \.rk at lb,.. t .4444, 131x,%e Fed To Fishes �liuni mail virluitT daring bl Isht W6 !t • �� 11'r.Ai mal 1.r I and Ttrar4y. . Eton Irrr4euL 'Ilse tvrq, Lake Worth Sunday tttctrslin R'. (l R.Y. ain•a el June Cilla I'hu•n sm. \ra.hi, Ito wt f • in. Fla.: `t von, Pelona a, 1'tntn•lelphrn,J I'rf r•.1: 1:.•r•r;:r 11a•, la 1, wl \rw r4•• I�r.el•1 1• lb. Mrerelr..lte)' LoseIrn.l r IG,nI„„. ,k earl 1'1•t« 1VF.x'1'1•.V.\1 IIF:.\<'ll. F'rn. !1.- tii•Ir RnIG.n. of I:.nlna 7 a 1'LirARn. Is•Ia,ir. \\'n.hi aCt.., rn•I t•.the li•b.•cud duel.in Lake 1Vonik tlyltallo. naata Rs k �. '~�•• • 16rlq rd is els K for \,-o 'lurk hole Iwrn awud,rl I': :u i Nundre urn,n..g b) It 11'. llilhur h; ?w �� •. ,'ar ..Io r it 11._ ur.la ■'cath. while I1.,• o a .a.-, 1 .,) p e inch, bol ) other =. ,.n•rrutGnla It will ra ''hlb.-I Iev.•Me1, tit. L.•, four!M.st.'pr.•1„I i,••n geol,11 r. 111lbu r1. C•rted 1.7 U. fl. �{» 3 c ...ew1 rhos• fur... phi* apd lG,.nm have I�•'•.1'Inlndrl•I Arv:di. t a i.a ti n[win•I the ..•e• ll'Yul[I S1lseatl ^ v �A 4. •I. /'r.lnnl•u•, le, i.,boor.. /111//11 'tart,. Karp a xnll w t waeh .! ,h,• N'niyan'-,rd __ �A take / ' torn,. a.heal he feed ,Ire bender. =oat..... ryda y.rw.t p,IhvrrJ to \tlanlle 1'Ify. N. J....SI :kt 1.111 we ` .. I It 1�1.• rd,•rr xJl 1,• laird in um.... IAr...rut. • all elan n b••lidu,r. Ind ...Imo.•I _ h.q.n, \I■.•. hi :GI 1.18 }� plc„• 11.• r,.I' r ,Y. lire Iraq',q'Ih I 1'In•alt•• xdl plat al \I\ItKI.\til: LICK:\XYY 1'b ri tall y. P, {_ Ill .o the risk iu f.•m ..f i I•.•1.•.. ''A'telt all: 11. ' Ile ,r.1 at be al sr I ••-- Chicago, Ill. .N 11 .1 •:I. o/ d•n..l.• f1.1:F1'w p.•r 1 ,u.•' \1a-. ;Iw' all Ilu.l•q II .1 \.., Xourrr+. G:1 11 • 1'.G/. .Y .i. 11.. ..1«n Ar• n tau 1'b dadrtld•,a alt \ ‘...',1••, ' cud earl IMllle ' 1( JI • Lu.•x t•:,t rx \'a, ..L•1' • .1 •• otieh•.r d roam ;:4. 141 )lull•., Iowa ,'1Y :GI ,II Ile :e p:un.•. :stns :, Ilei oto i , F'. .I I'ufo•1•I and ram. N. IMI,. I:at re.tnn. 'Cera .', IC �( �l •tTv •b if r II.. ..„,(..•1 if role Ihr,`•I,..tnlr,l I. An r 14II••,., ‘‘.%1....1.1..,...1 I 1"":%:".1:::,:":"1::::::: ,r.11. ::: 1'11.11 1'111• 11•.. :41 1N ,11 By+ a bottle of y`e. / X0,4. 'tour 1•",'. ell 1.• .„ :i•r,•.u,I. 1\ SI 11ail all,wu•I Ii.ra !!nubile- 1.0. Augelea. Calif. :.t - .n Cu-Ma. Try it for ,l..... hrll.•rl, 1.•. altI,, u. ?la..,ll I'Inlu•!rlph'. Ctrl \.•.. 1..011•:1 "• In.ebrillr, Ar. "1 .._ II p •; r.nK.r.•.,•rt •.Ihr., tb,.at. "'•''Y' \. e• small,. :Ge. and Ida Mae 11M- leoll•hI.. Tau.. ."Y :in ,11 four days. If it helps 1r•. r,nlr.mae h.•r..••h.,.• I'""'b„iou Ilea \[:u• ::n 1'Mrag„ •alto :•' \IanIR,•n.err. .1 b. J,: U Jill yell the benefits you • ' -" nor `I.11 plat al I x1.1. to Lr.1. art I' 1. ,1..1..,•11. _', awl 11100ebn•l M. New 141.•re. Ala. ..4'J 41 .II receive will be e• - •'1Y••x••1.1. t'Ie,ehu,•I a 111 1•.• ;,r I'"1.1„•, I. New York, V. Y. ..IN ;1': �ill he H 111a1•• in ltd. (,,lean- \1a.hingl,.n ..dl ■t hr,u. 1..: I.....r III_Cnn, :t1, and V..IIaabel► II►I..h•.na City.Irtla. .6'r ;p 1.1111 less. If !t doesn't bottle dew lr.rl, cud I1..• .\161.91.. „r1.•I.,„r.,e,•• r.•I.n''I• .you return the • •dd m•1. ..f b.rn.tr•1 In'r•t 1iae�"I rt 1'lnl.drl dun. 'f.„ ' },,••1.6 1•.ruur,er, _c 'ie•. ir, a. iu 91 - .Ira Elude i'1 n r,rgh�i•.. i, al n I and get bock every cent • liar l.rtl:� �'•"ten 1t••. Sea Iuae 1„,.•014,,,•n :I..•\I'd'r ::r ,"1"' d. .lhr•r I.I.I,a 11.1x.1 I.1 t1.. Ir.rK„. 1 .\4„•.1 •'.lu„noir. '-', ant Edith. SI. ..A. . 1•. 11 :as .IN you paid for Re-Cu-Ala. . •._._. ._____._ -a thinker Ihll !'n., .Ince 1:. and I4.u.a. I\ - t Lnui,. 11... GI ;It ,11 poria .r fol.. clot Wove fal• x,Ur'1111 r,,:••,•'1 XL ILu.. )Ileo. 21 - .n •_ 1..1.'.1..�••'•t'(un Lr;11,11. 'Ir•1'••u '!'late• 1.w *. .•pP^u•yd. , -- Salt I,1.►•City, PtahW l_ ,n This offer IS open to 'IAr• ere three•11..•••4.1 ala• w 1,,.,, I The Metropolis Classified Ads N.. rhes,, coif. -- till • anyone. It has already • Ur.-1 .• all 1•.I nal, ,Ir ,h'�.•b r.thre 1 tush 1,• Nat I'are Pooshfrs, sa• Yruo 1 .. l alit. .111 ret 18 been accepted by thous- • •••,. fort r.•ar, .n• I"a C'.• 1.•I all Ihr.•.• 4,.„11.1. ala ., Nestler 11'x.6. 'IN' 41 .111 1 :.1 In she 11,,,11 M. '',.•'alt• 1'A.. .I,1«., on ul 010r1 h,❑ %ll I•II I'Ur"ft"r..I.e:t''1 1 Y ' '•< n.•.•I•np.r soil• ,.n v1., Irl. 1.:r \la) I, burr .•. •rhl.tap••nhL t1 iN 11 "..Iis. f ••,11.1....,.•.1,..•.1 I l,r -'. anti ' :YI "% 11 �•'•k „n wh,•-h shall �.Pt. I. \'..u•. „ I -n9•s g;,:;,,,,..„.7.:.:.,::::.h \\'.,hh.gtrla, 11. 1', ,�yl :1'� .i1 Fell S.\1.1: 1.1' . ,1•, In 1!:1. f..11,,..lea; - \\.d/ 11,.. "1.n« �,.a 1.,r 1•Int mg ;..!..!,1,1„.!*,- I.w rn,nSl.e .1 __. Il.rlr 1'harer,r)' 11,•.•:',•:..',.'♦., •.oFbrA4 Fir1ee19,, 1'1.r)', K«d 1..aaI 1'harnwry a ' I:..VIe 1'LPr•Tlu\ 'a• I1.•r.d.. „a \tar.-I. 1St., 19.11, an. Harlow ol..•,,,.„.•,d:terrain.•Abrll.er or not Finaaa :11 A= .A I 1'trr)', .\Ikea`,rl.t squeal-ley 1.r..., treat Ihrlr• EVERYBODY •nut ,.rota DI•.. ��ec aeaa..�� �.1.,....1./.11 A..Ir.urd Ly•1.W AlMrlrt JI1 )el .1/ fret!•, lirrne lAuc Mute SMILES •u•,il• ale Ihr 11nm of h.clew tAme, kt, Lnulerrlab Irl %1 .11 .1 la,,rn l Va. n ..f .not 4.4111,111-..,„u.ad).besrin 1 Yt. 11 rota fly Ali ,11 ' 1 L.,„I L .,n Slnrrn I.. When Stomachs thele work- • ;::•.71..;•r.r 1.r r,1. ..r r, °' /' 1•i•II •.••. A. d.erroa• ue one n.• w1 h•. .11 owl air Good dFuCau(s n. •, •.r1 :.,•I«..1..i and lbwets move actual! alt r.,,•c a err nannne, for I:ai5,.. III ' • ,, ' •...I• ,•r Iii ,, / y. • I .tho r..1,...,n,r hun.ae.•.. 1.•.x it. Jack:marine 4Y 71 11 iii • .� .I, t)Ju.'.n.n, �•'�•1'•s IJVLR Ng-au 1'.•r ur.• n•••-r•.urY nrwlorrnrrav of 1•• OS •t%1 n.. p„nhe Ire.. s••hna• r1. mold A,w-I hes We IVs A, 11 • Tyr.,,. .f .,, mane tis stomach dl,:eat t004i '....1 a,1 u•• ...rent tear, for U.•1\I:.\UI � NO Ikell , • '.•,'.t p., sat Bswela mora as thud ahorld r.•.r..•nr ..r wnl,l nl.In.,. IIrlrn,bo r�■ 1 , „Int: 4.ft....•r. -...t' ..r pr,. role 1. !al .11 one bund,•A RIO ply!, Pr11Y4,.1a 411 • ...r•• 1.:,f n!pnvtre.,. j '.� Un.us,nd dollars ellsn,tau.0a1 of Sudard - 'n /,....1• •ue .er,l dr• ,• • 1.......1 .rrn ill. nrr••1..f,.r. taus, Tampa 1•' )I'• 11 • r.••.r . aro Cor sleEll ■ 1.`x•1 ,nnnlrm,u•o end 'now 'WI 72 All r.•-a «,•aa tort d. u,.l. r Uta•�5. 1..a ..• al a all . I.. n,., ,.,� { "WV torn 6!1.11.1 0..0.0, Cl . era Miami. ►•1•,�Frb 111 11:�rnA., I. The"erom•ncl reo7In ee • ,..t r..1,r•It rl..u,.r..n't ■ ■ ,Ir....., 4,114.iv 111..,11 he "e ..f ....h...4 wort• L lver '� ' I.etl,.111.•,1 In 111�.\tan III/1'l,Ilf.l. 1\V'rlt l'. • t .,• ,...,e..t r.•r ..lr.,ar . • S. I,••;i-LI .M,•tt..n sA,ll ala Ivld alt Ina tint relit Tit?:r-rn'NTY 1r• --for the a f 'let • .e..n1 dor. Ira • •,..„.11.1..,.•. La rk uH. Florida. in n•\ICY.. y1i:y,- 1.Y FI AINII, boteei Ch •,ru•t, 1.of r w.t•,• _ J a im u,.:ru I. 't1. I:y 11.\%. --forbowels . The poll,. are .paned 54 F'ISU ill. t Q ,, rq,...l Mu loon, u1 , --- a•Rr1arY and County 'Jul.. '` un•o•al dol• --- -forfhrllit liver .1 ,I•o to.. o In, are r T '---. L and kidneys .all be p,nnnit to -264%+156.. '/I 1,71 j�q. ...... r _ �•a •...IL F• held al Co- t ,,.VIII:r�r I '✓1 orn:. e,, 1 .roll",*. LIIIP DR • • t.,.i1 L� ROS .1.It : ; u I ® ® r Clairvoyant t:a,l Palmist c 1.,r„; .t. 1: \tad.. FIlamiillfllger. ` {l ip - •I.1I., I., ,1 I.I rII..•r 1 L•ll I I lf,f�,j�t 1t�//t71� ,t II,. \,.p.1g11raArnr � �`�.w 1• '•r• ",1111+�111{.Lti , „r 1111,, �. Ulu ql•A 1.. MIAMI 131' 1('11 1' 11.I.1..,1.111lug f.ie r 1.11,111•10.,%I....,m : of , '(II/ItI I)!� l E 14 11.. 1 .J•-r6 1•a11.I. 6, ..I ''y. - •',•r 'x,11 Abd ,.,r... . 1..,,.,• I., I. 1••11 r.. y FE I • • l• li1 F. 1.A : r.:.", :al ..sol• � �.0�1D6 2l •1 I ) s -'I: I:11.1;14 pnrl•.rs { • *hall Ira'...Ned a.• f r ,� r ,• i!ol nerd 1.:• • 1C) T►1f1L�y1 l-t/•/�_��,//r } 1,1.,1. 1'r halt • •..,,"•,.•'•.,111 •s,... . - �'�1 e 1j(i '••••••••••e- 1..1, curl ,., ar rr„ , ,1 -11.11 h.. 1 4Le�®• 31 •eac.,l that yup 'I", r ,,..put i • e M. II' : !-a 1..•,I ala .tram. • '.,.. Ile rel.•.p ori I • p r U. '� f ✓ 1'111\'.i,TE MI. •- ,1 \'r\ e,r• ; The ('uhan Team Versus / 'P.\1u.11lty , \1 I all ' n Club itt �s _c Tenth tit, 1t. tll•1 t Flarningub 11 1- '1 1'1..,1/It I (.Plug (Red) 1 •; IC .,I , soil 1l'hite► r ,, n:. %. L. Perez > - ,AL- ala Mauls '1 he• XT?4 .Capt. e rlr�ch:1. . . . .1. .. . . . . . . . r. . G. - .14 f'� 1�s , I : Mr. r 'C. Fidler 'rf:• "HES T 11 F:- [''. 1)1.'1. . .. Jr�,. .r 1,11\11 QI F:1. . . .2. ..... ... . .,. . . . H. E. ,Talbott '1 ION." ng Matinees I Limit. V. TI111't'C ; . N. �•. �A el..1111\llrSte \Safi. POWER. • •'• •r• S. Talbott 1„u to He Fall Jude. E THEATRE Cul. E. Silva Back 1 art,• 1a11 t. n••,,,le the •ep�rat- 1 J Andrew «I• par• sprielf and happy stair 3 P. M. .1 Int'I'etee 11. .raft. r137.... ocrr•ynn• en.Corr, nuts, 14,(f. '22. .plern'r.tad habil,dud 1-ad lurk I of all k1q,t:, 1 lift } of your Scorer and Time-keeper-T. Pr.Gaddis. sorrow aur., trouble .uJ start you nu alt Olsen )I path.t I.at•pl.lea, mod pfl..tlerlty. r •� There In n•. heart rn bad or halt so ��• dr,any heat 1 cannot bring suuabllae V9. Parking' ` )*Ceti 'into if. In fact,no matter what Cay ' I for day, $�.Otl. Includes tar and I., your 1.,,,.., (r•r 1.r ambit Pio. 1 1, Demetrat- occupants. JR'ttrtnlrr , o, it t„ y„u (50, 1 { ),.0 lilt.r n ....1.1 1•, ala•. to•1 utter 1 p an. hnl•or.l• if y.nl are not absolutely 1.1111,-\t.lfn Boxing. t1, i Admission to the grounds and grandstand, $1.49, "n'lydW r'. ez. HadaltaI aIotn �� ( wun•Mrf 11, Kf11Nn. ,,. Jahr Next game with the Cuban army Thursday, February 24 fallhlr t• fnlhll„try » ..41 wa t:.iln l ' canto to shut, .Ile :!lrVrrme Theatre.' • I 1 11,•I, ),.Ir war wit e I pay c.,,1.v pn,rr. I do D.•rc»tth alga inl.y tame wider 11kcal1. jF oath. • - _ .ea,- L.•.r r., • 1 Hours: 0• I'II F. 1..\ !il), 11-',11""•`•""1."'^ae, std tiuoday. Phone 2it'�' m., Rally y• ) •1 C.►,; . t,t--•r~•, - ''a ••i:-. .;q,leoai ,11..' . I♦,F . -et •v. • • • • • Tli(hf11.1'. �(nl'T 4\T. rEml• i. cxs 21. 1121. . nroree4a A.rlr.At rf--- � ......• ^^ : �v .M�-�.r� .•. -_�� •