1622-6 Various Miami Beach ^s, I:tr'"!0. June 18,1924 • •L.; Mr. Fisher: You will note from the attached clipping of to-day's Herald that yesterday some woman from the Federal Women's Club went before the Exchange Club of Miami with this howl they are making wanting the advantage of free ocean bathing at the expense of our development. . Please note that some one in the Exchange Club had brains enough to tie a string to the endorsement when they made it "contingent upon the county having a legal contract upon which it could base its claim that the road should be kept open. The Women's Club had already received a complete endorsement • • for their appeal from the Miami Chamber of Commerce, but this was to be expected. I understand that they are to go before the other civic clubs and I am arranging for some one in each of these clubs to endeavor to get the Club to put the same` proviso on their endorsement,if tny is given, that the Exchange • Club put. Such an endorsementsoworded would really be a help to us instead of harmful. • • C.W.CHASE,Jr. • • • 40 • • • •T" • . - It 1 . . • _ . .14'-pAG..t.,Two,,0;1.kt II A 14.tr? itt-1;,g.ttl.i.'it 0.ii•ti•.3,1i . . , .''.- ••:.:-1;:.,,,• .. . ...,..........___.__ _, .... ..... • . _ .. .„.• ., .. . .. . ._ . . . r • :. CIVIC CLUI,IS BACK MOVE .---"--- 0 11i ...... . .... , . • , . - .. .. TO RETAIN OCEAN DRIVE ... . .„ .• , •• •._ • . , , . . . . .. .,, ..,. , . • M • . i . embers of Ad 'and Exchange Clubs Endorse Women,sCit .-Pight • .. • y ' • • . . . ••- to Save Highway Along Beach; New Petition Is Addressed Bei - • , . , •.- to the County Commissioners; Road's History Viewed. • • • • rMPETUS was given to the campaign boat, he maid, .AcoordInfifly, the de- I to. save'Ocean Drive for the velopere of the tract; persons living • • there, and the life guard station were BY th, •• • people yesterday, when the Ad Club all anxious for the construction of hay' . • \: . , paving• • end the Exchange Club voted up- ctohuenrtoadro,audndall wanted it to be a y prove' of the stand taken by the . • .1 ;.. Dade Coonty Federation of Women's . - A 13' the county funds were too M. Duri . Clubs. • rl for financing it, S. M. Tatum of- street i Mrs. F. J. Ravlin, representing the fared to loan the, commissioners the publlo .. club federation, addressed both clubs money. Provision Was made that if prevent% • ' at'their weekly luncheons yesterday, any of the developers so wished, they the abu . .. • stre•t I. were at liberty to eliminate the ocesan iiy the ' • ' Pointing out the advantages of main-• boulevard if they replacled it with a tattling Ocean Drive .as. a public Of th- road as good or better.• Accordingly big the ; .. thoroughfare along the ocean front, • P. L. Watson was within his rights, been ht The Ad Club was unanimous in its Mr. Hammock said. when he moved and an . L . . ericlorsemrit of the stand of Dade out a part of the road, making a de- be buil 'county women.for Ocean Drive. In tour near the Jungle Inn. The devel- mission. addition to voting as a club, indivici'• opers, he stated, had always consid- for this ' ,ual members signed the petition ad- ered Ocean drive es a temporary road for •wh• dressed to the county commissioners, and had sold property through from 4000,000 • which was presented last week, call- Collins avenue to the ocean. Ocean Street ' • ing upon the officials'to exert every drive often not appearing on the hind-th effort to maintain Ocean Drive open maps. In concluelon, Mr. Hemrnook can sal( . its• entire'distance along the beach. offered as hip solution that Individ- are tryl; . • • ' The Exchange Club named a corn- cal property owners be approached work. • . ' to der ti' mitts to prepare a formal resolution in order to secure from thorn a right endorsing the proposal'to keep the of way. • 'tower ' • highway open. A copy of this will be The club then went on record as' tars id" forwarded to the women's clubs. The endorsing a petition that the neoes- lion dol . .-- resolution has a string to it, in that nary steps be taken to condemn the follower • 4 . .-• the club makes it plain that its en- closing of Ocean drive, in the event is Pssat -diitisernent is contingent upon the that the county has.a..legal oontraot. can gait . ' • county having a legal contract upon President 3.'K. Dorn appointed H. E. The 40 which it could base its claim that McCe:y. Francis Miller and Berl tans t, , . at the road should. be kept open. Ctirry to InVestigatec.itild. draw up and pay •.. . • Mrs. El. 41,.. Jenition, chairman of the resolution.,. . .. . ' which 'i • the -federation committee on .the Mrs. Raviin, it the 'invitation of be done . ' . •-Ocean drive.. .was a speaker at the the Ad Club, gave a :short talk on Ing dl' ... ,Exchange.Club luncheon. So also was the fight being 'Carried on by the sewer d • , . • • Charles G. Hannook,. who outlined women of the county to preserve he expl, . the history of the road. - Ocean drive. Mrs. Ravlin's talk was in some . greeted with applause and the club and ot. ‘4118. JENISON announced that not only voted to give the Women's sewers ' • , • 1.V.1 since the meeting of the fed- organisations the club's backing in 1,...,ONTE ' eration, May 24, when it was decided their fight, but there was also a pe- Mien-circulated whilch •Was signed V--4 pavi: • • to' back back the movement to maintain t s. :' , by',the.,indIvIdual members of the. Flagle. .Ocean drive as a public thoroughfare, e.eitah. - . ... • .- ' over 700 names had been.'-preq!tnted•. ,• - • • • a. . i 'Twelfth. . . ---"--4\-XISL . --In-petition• to the..zanett- YTIV.8- COOLIDGE --;-'4-0----'- - •-• — sioners. While a. Wimiliix Pet•tt-n -an f . .heing circulated among the'Exchange., y-1 y."L • Ctub member.... Mrs. 11.6.Vlin. fi poke i• .c!!../_.11•!... ' . • - strongly in favor of the.pnblic.rights1 -..• '. • . ' .•• "at stake. , . ' 'At present." she said, ..'.!'our ISIews.)• • • ' • Chamber of Commerce spends thou•-I vantag . ' sands of .dollars annually,. adisertis-I,the Ma • ink 'Miami by the sea.' but if imine;. to Aisc • i . diete steps are not taken, the'•tOurfat 'tween : • of the future will see something of ler, aril Miami,-hilt little of the sea. Riparlac •Sena. rights are dangerous privileges. -en- •W. Mr • . •dangering as they do the property. 'the• • rights of-the public at large." • " Preald , - ' Mrs. •,RavIln• characterized the: trip d. blocking by fences, trenches, and a , .The' . mansion, on the drive above the Fire. irterht;, atone estate; as a test case, and de- red that,If . thiissue is met well, s • Sunda: Glared fairly, the-Ocean drive be saved the pr. ' .. for all the!people, not only for one . . • • • • • Mlle, htit for many miles of beauty. .....,,,,: Inc,its crusade, the federation has the CIPZ. ' support of the Chamber of Commerce. . : nv ..ln the discussion which followed ...•''''. , • 1...4tiarle.s..0...liannock,- who,. in- ,0c7 ''• •- ": i tober, 19,17,71eas in che.tge of the,con- iiiA.Ri struotirgf.'oct,he Alghw/iunder Mr.. RevoI . . Crabtroseq4.altetchedW:ne .111a Or"the Francta: . ' ..,'• : htistorfi..0.?eandiri4s, revfoile to eemeeif •-;- '"-VIl' Ith'th.V.at.011.4( 01-41%.9f tr0,11'.:r.7, 1.... 4.•y,s . . ' • • 2: i, -:•'''?"-‘j* It4 ,.1;._. .-.- ..,_ - . ,•'', 1 _ .1, ,...,:. 740 . , Itrv4T,.;-`.• •'''' -lys:.*-1, 'eci* •-.'",,----' ,t'''. . .:•••,!.- . , , • ' ,:. - • .....; •.4t,:,er,•ler-'. - ‘1.‘,1' t 1. .41-•''''..t. 4.,..;.-•' ', 1).•tift,•'"el- , 4....;,:'19 0.. ..t.. . ,...,,`-e,4j'' 1,,i - •i:,.42,„.1.,..,, -2,;...Ce.:',.•11- kiL • - .