1631-7 Air Conditioning LiNfON G CHINF_9!L AND AMEfICAN CUISINE 7311 COLLIN6 AVE. * PHONE Me 6313E3 * MIAMI BEACH, FLA Mal 2, 1952 1 Hill Iork Corporation 1225 S. W. 8th Street Miami, Florida Gentlemen: your Hill York lir Conlitioning System in our restaurant ant two 7e Since installingare ago, our business hats not only held up through the summer months, but has shown a substantial increase. Are are enjoying our business and notice that customers come in more often, ars more pleasant and stay longer to consume more food. • Our employees work better and are notioably more efficient. We would not part with your. lark System for anything. Your service is unexcelled. Very truly yours, LIN FOC C6/