1635-1 Anti-Semitism . k` • l y,llth, .1921. • , lir. I7man B. Kendall, C30 .irk avenue, , • New York City. . . Dear Mr. Kendall $ : ." - - • I am asking E.:r. Krom, whorl you will remember ":�.s -tha �nag'or of the Flamingo, to drop in and sec you and sea` If you cannot advise -• of ems one or more n whom you think might be interested in tho purehaso of the .Flaminge at 017,000.00 leas than it coot to build it,'and the hotol grounds on whish it is standin; . In other words - I have t1,567,B61.00 in tho oonatruation - . of:the Hotel. •cottages, tennis oourts, iT'.tf-�ediate roads, oto. Thera , are approximately 1150 foot of ti=rator'frontaCO - and this particular property is located so. that It is 1000 feet loop east and worst. -`oto `have sold over a hundred thousand dollars worth of water front property adjoining the Hotel at the value of t'300 a foot vihore the depth of the j property is only .?CO foot - so that in placinga valuation of X550,000 -on the piece .of ground bn ::hioh the Ilotol stands, we arc; placing a lower valuation on the property thr.n the other pro orty on both sides of the hotel w111.sell for. I have not boon- successful in floating a neer Bond Issue on • the Hotels At the present tine I have a $350,000.00 Bond Issue on ears, but I ongoing to havo to make sore big sacrifices soon to complete my work there,' and I don't want this Ilotol to fall into the handa of Jews. That i s-viny I am asking Yr. Krom to drop in - and s?o you, thinking that you might know someone who would want to rake such an investment. . , This past season• the Flamingo earned 021,000.00 not. It is booked up almost to eapaeity now for next season, and undoubtedly we will again turn away thousands of .people this next year. Yr. Rrom tolls no that the earnings next year. should be hotter than 040,000.00. _ - Be is anxious for me to add forty -or fifty rooms in aux annex, which . would very greatly inoroase the receipts without ratorially raking _ any difference in the overhead. • . -- I am in hopes you ray have somoon© in mind who might be ' 'intarssted in this investiyent. - Mr. _Kron is thoroly"capable of • - handling the Fotel and giving elilendid retu3ts. Yours very truly, CGF:R . -