LTC 419-2018 Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge Project Update - DeMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive , Miam i Beach, Flo rida 33139, www.miam ibeachfl.gov Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Tel : 305-673-7010 , Fa x: 305-673-7782 NO. LTC # 419-2018 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members om mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manage DATE : July 26, 2017 SUBJECT: Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge P ject Update -Design Review Board The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide an update on the Linco ln Court Pedestrian Bridge Design and Production . Following the City's Comm ission recommendation regarding the design and construction of the Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge, the City of Miam i Beach conducted a Public Meeting on May 3, 2018 . Participants included members of the Public Works Department, West Avenue residents, West Avenue Neighborhood Association (WavNA) members, Sunset Harbor residents, Sunset Harbor Neighborhood Association (SHNA) members and Commiss ioner Mark Samuelian. The purpose of the meeting was to present residents with five pedestrian bridge renderings showing the aesthetic options for the bridge and to be able to have a clear decision of the pedestrian bridge that will be constructed . After a short presentation and question and answer session, attendees voted on their preferred bridge design. Approximately 50 people attended the meeting . Option 4A, with the bubble side panel had the most votes and was the option that was selected by the majority. At the meeting City staff also explained that cost estimates on the additional panels were still being developed by the contractor. It was stated that if the cost exceeds what the Comm ission had previously approved, then the request will need to go back to Comm ission as a change order. This approval process would delay the project, but that delay would only be determined once they received the production cost. At that time, the pedestrian bridge was anticipated to be constructed by the end of October 2018. The pedestrian bridge is currently under design and will require Design Review Board (DRS) approval. The permanent ramping , railing and landscaping on the north side, although still under consideration for the integration of the blue, green and gray infrastructure also will need to be included in the DRS submittal. A presentation will be on the DRS agenda for November 6, 2018. This process will push the tentative project completion to the middle of March 2019 . The Public Information Officer for the project, Melissa Rodriguez of HML Public Outreach, is maintaining regular communication w ith area residents and businesses. She is releasing weekly advisories for the project to notify them of project updates and upcoming construction. Please do~sitate to contact me if you have any questions. JLM/ETC~P