Resolution 7687 RESOLUTION NO. 7687 WHITEWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NW-81 WW-81 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, met on July 6th , 1951, pursuant to the notice under Sections 29 and 30 of the Charter of the said City to hear all written objections to the confirm- ation of the preliminary assessment roll of Whiteway Improvement WW-81, District WW-81, by any person whose property is described in said preliminary assessment roll, which roll was filed with said City Council on June 8, 1951, and WHEREAS, the City Council, having received no written objections filed to the confirmation of said preliminary assessment roll by any person whose property is described in said roll, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, that the prima facie assessments as indicated on said preliminary assessment roll, be and the same are in all things confirmed and sustained against any and all lots or parcels of ground described therein except as to the following described lots or parcels against which said assessment is modified and reduced, the amount by which said assessment is hereby reduced being hereby charged to the City at large, so that the assessment shall be as follows, it being hereby decided that the special benefits to said lots on account of the reasons given, are those benefits as stated below, after such reduction and modification: MODIFICATION AND REDUCTION OF ASSESS- MENTS IN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WHITEWAY DISTRICT WW-81 DESCRIPTION REASON FOR PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT AFTER ADJUSTMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFICATION AND ADJUSTMENT Resubdivision of Block 11-A Island View Addition as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Lot 1 1/2 frontage 122.33'1@ $05506898 61.165'5 @ $1.5506898 $189.70 Lot 2 1/2 frontage 62.00 ' @ $1.5506898 31.00' @ $1.5506898 $96.14 $48.07 All Lot 3 & that part of Lots 16 & S.40' of Lot 17 less the N'ly 130' thereof 1/2 frontage 55.00'5$1.5506898 27.50 ' @ $1.59 506898 Lots 4,5,6,7,8, 9 & 10 1/2 frontage 365.78' @ $1.5506898 182.89'28$1.5506898 $567.21-1- DESCRIPTION REASON FOR PRELIMINARY ASSESSN_ENT AFTER ADJUSTMENT ASSESSMENT MODIFICATION AND ADJUSTMENT Resubdivision of Lots 16 to 21 in- clusive, Blk 15 of the amended Sunset Lake sub- d ivision as re- corded in Plat Book 9, Page 145 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Lot 2, Blk 16-B 1/2 frontage 90.00 ' @ $1.5506898 45.00' @ $1.5506898 $139.56 $69.78 Lots 3 & 4, Block 16-B 1/2 frontage 120.00' @ $1. 5506898 60.00' @ $1.5506898 $186.08 $93.04 Lot 6, Blk 16-B 1/2 frontage 120.00 ' @ $1.5506898 60.00 ' @ $1.5506898 $186.08 $93.04 Amended Plat of Sunset Lake Sub- division as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 52 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Lot 1, Block 9 1/2 frontage 63.2 ' @ $1.5506898 31.6 ' @ $1. 5506898 $98.00 $49.00 Lot 2, Block 9 1/2 frontage 63.2' @ $1.5506898 31.6' @ $1.5506898 $98.00 $49.00 Lot 3, Block 9 1/2 frontage 63.2 ' @ $1.5506898 31.6' @ $1.5506898 $98.01 $49.00 Lot 4, Block 9 1/2 frontage 63.2' @ $1. 5506898 31.6' @ $1.5506898 $98.00 $49.00 Lot 5, Block 9 1/2 frontage 63.2 ' @ $1. 5506898 31.6 ' @ $1. 5506898 $98.01 $49.00 -2- 7 ASSESSMENT AFTER Dt SC}IP`PION REASON PO PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND Ai .T;, S .+i N Z' A63±2,,6,:) '�=�L' ADJUSTMENT ',ot 6, ;lock 9 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' g $1. 5506898 30.0 ' ti X1.5506898 93.04 46.52 'got 7, I.-lock 9 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4p1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3, Plock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 $1.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1,5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 9, Block 9 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lit 10, r'lock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 11, " lock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.0 ' fi $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 12, Flock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 $1.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 13, - lock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 41.55o6898 93.04 46.52 Lot 14 , Flock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00' } $1.5506898 30.00 ' :' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 15, Flock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.00 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 16, Flock 9 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' : 1.5506898 30.00 ' x,:1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 17, Block 9 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' 1. 5506898 30.00 ' . $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 18, Flock 9 1/2 fronta-;e 60.10 ' 1. 5506898 30.05 ' $1.5506898 93.20 46.60 Lot 19, Flock 9 1/2 frontage 60.4 ' $1.5506898 30.2 ' @1.5506898 93.66 46.83 Lot 20, Flock 9 1/2 frontage 60.8 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.4 ' @ $1.5506898 94.28 47.14 Lot 21, Flock 9 1/2 frontage 61.7 ' $1.5506898 30.85 ' ?: $1.5506898 95.68 47.84 Lot 22, 'Flock 9 1/2 fronta;~e 62.7 ' a $1.5506898 31.35 ' ; 1.5506898 97,23 48.62 Lot 23, Flock 9 1/4 frontage 117.01/4!-, +1 .5536398 29.25 ' •« 4;1.5506898 181.43 45.36 Lot 19, Flock 10 1/4 fronto 2;e 122.8 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.7 ' C4 $1.5506898 190.43 47.61 Lot 1, Flock 11 1/2 frontage 84.6 ' ti *1.5506898 42.3 ' c 41.5506898 131.19 65.59 Lot 2, ':lock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' ,w }1. 5506898 80.0 ' x¢1.5506898 93.04 46.52 -3- • ASSESSMENT AFTER DESC lap'rI0N HEAS0}i OR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT Lot 3, Flock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 4, lock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' ' :w 1. 5506898 30.0 ' ;4a $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 5, "look 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' v $1.5506898 30.0 g $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 6, Flock 11 1/2 frontage 84.6 ' a $1.5506898 42.3 ' $1.5506898 131.19 65.59 Lot 1, Block 13 1/2 frontage 64.3 ' a $1.5506898 32.15 ' i'.1.5506898 99.71 49.86 Lot 2, Flock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 4,1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3, lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 41, $1.5506898 30.0 ' }: $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 4 , T loc k 13 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' •t• $1.5506898 30.00 ' t' $1.5506898 93.04 46 . 52 Lot 5, -lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 6, '-:lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.00' ' $1.5506898 30.0• ' 41 $1. 5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 7, Block 73 1/2 frontage 60.00' a ,-1.5506898 30.0 ' @ $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 8, Flock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.55061898 30.0 ' :w 1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 9, Block 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 10, Block 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4p1.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 11, Flock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' x:1.5506898 30.00 ' 6 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 12, clock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 'a $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 13, ='lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' : . *11.5506898 30.00 ' a 01.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 14, I'l c,ck 13 1/2 frontage 64.3 ' $1.5506898 32.15 ' 4 0..5506898 99.71 49.85 Lot 1, lock 14 1/2 frontage 63.35' 4 $1.5506898 31.675' ;? $1.5506898 98.24 49.12 Lot 2, zlock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' a $1.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3 , ' lock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' $1.5506898 30.00 ' : $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 4, rlock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' Al $1.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 5, Flock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' $1. 5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 6, flock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' a $1. 5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 t ASSESSMENT AFTER £)ESCRIP'PION R 'AEON FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND ADJUSMEN T A6SESS U? ADJUSTMENT Lot 7, Block 14 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' $1. 5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 8, Flock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' ti 41.5506898 30.00 ' ;1:: $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 9 Tflock 14 1/2 fronta._ e 60.00 ' X 41.5506898 30.00 ► 6. $1.5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Lot 10, T'lock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' +6 41.5506898 30.00 ' ,-: $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 114 Flock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' 01.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 12, Flock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' @ $1. 5506898 30.00 ' 4)1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 13, Flock 14 1/2 frontage 60.00' 01.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 14, Mock 14 1/2 frontage 63.35' X1.:3506898 31.675' $1.5506898 • 98.24 49.12 Lot 1, Flock 16 1/2 frontage 57.2 ' 41.5506898 28.6 ' 41.550689E3 88.70 44.35 Lot 2, clock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' L $1.5506898 30.0 ► $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3, T1ock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' -1.5506898 30.0 ' 6 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 4, Flock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' @ $1.5506898 3 .'.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 5, Flock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' 41. 5306898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Iot 6, flock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' 01.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 7, Block 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' <; 01.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 8, Flock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' 6 01.5506898 30.0 ' yrs $.1. 5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 9, rlock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lots 10 & 11, 1/2 frontage 120.00' 6 01.5506898 60.0 $1.5506898 Flock 16 186.08 93.04 Lot 12, Plock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.0 ' 4;1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 13, Flock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' 5 $1.5506898 30.0 ' & $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 14, Flock 16 1/2 fronta)Te 60.00 ' ti $1.5306898 30.0 ' 41 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 15, dock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' 6 $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 16, ??lock 16 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.0 ' 1. 55:06898 93.04 46.52 Lot 17, flock 16 1/2 frontage 58.00' X1.5506898 29.0 ' . w-1.5506898 89.94 44.97 r 5- ASSESSMENT AFTER • LESC EIP'i'ION REASO1 Fa`3 PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND AiATU3TYENT aa: s a:: N'i' ADJUSTMENT Mid-Gulf Exten- sion as recorded in Plat E3ook 40, Page 69 of the ublic Records of Dade County, Lot 1, 1/4 frontage 117.32' 4 $1.5506898 29.33 ' 1. 350659 181.93 45.48 Amended Plat of Garden Subdivision as recorded in Plat ''ook 31, Page 9 of the Public Records of Dade County, Fla. Lot 4, Ilk 1 1/2 frontage 98.22' $1.5506898 49.11 ' 41.5506898 • 152.31 76.16 Lot 5, [.look 1 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' $1.5506898 25.0 ' 11.5506b98 77.54 38.77 Lot 6, Lock 1 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' $1.5506898 25.0 ' $1.5506898 77.54 38.77 • Lot 7, `lock 1 1/2 fron!;age 50.0 ' $1.5506898 25.0 ' Cis el.5506898 77.53 38.77 Lot 8, flock 7 1/2 frontage 50. ' e1.5506898 25.0 ' +?I $1.5506898 77.53 38.77 Lot 9, [lock 7 1/2 frontage 50. ' $1.5506898 25.0 ' $1.5508898 • 77.53 38.77 Lot 10, Flock 7 1/2 frontage 30. ' 4.5306898 25.0 ' Lt; $1.5506898 77.53 38.77 Lot 11 , Flock 7 1/2 frontage 50. ' $1.5506898 25.0 ' 1.5506898 77.54 38.77 Lot 12, Plock 7 1/2 frontage 50. ' $1.5506898 25.0 ' ^? $1.5506898 77.53 38.77 Lots 13 & 14, 1/2 frontage 102.97 ' $1.5506898 51.485' $1. 5506898 nook 7 159.68 79.84 Lots 1 thru 9 , 1/2 frontage 228. 50' QY $1.5506898 114.25 ' `i $1.5506898 Plock 8 354.35 177.17 41st Street Business Subdivision as re- corded in Plat Book 34, Page 92, of the Public Records of Lade County, Fla. Lot 2, Plock 1 1/2 .fronta7e 52.51 ' di $1.5506898 26.255 ' r' $1.5506898 81.43 40.71 Lot 3, Plock 1 1/2 frontage 52.41 ' $1.5506898 26.205' $1.55066.98 81.27 40.64 Lot 4 , Ellock 1 1/4 frontage 125.3%3' 41. 5506898 31.35 ' A $1.5506898 194.43 48.61 Nautilus Subdiv- ision as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 95 of the Public Records of Lade County, Fla. -6- DESCRIPTION REASON FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATTONFAND Ai tTST?NT ASSESSMENT ADJUSTMENT Lot 52, Mock 1 1/2 frontage 100.00' s $1.5506898 50.0 ' a $1.5506898 155.07 77.53 Lot 53, Flock 1 1/2 frontage 100.00' t . :1.5506898 50.0 ' 41.5506898 155.07 77.53 Lot 54 , Flock 1 1/2 frontage 100.00' $1.5506898 50.0 ' 4 $1.5 06898 155.07 77.53 Lot 55, Block 1 1/2 frontage 100.00 ' as $1. 5506898 50.00 ' 4 4;•1.5506898 155.07 77.53 Lot 56, Flock 1 - 1/2 frontage 100.00 ' 4 41.5506898 50.00 ' 4 41.5506898 155.07 77.54 Lot 57 & N.50' 1/2 frontage 150.00 ' 41 ►1.5506898 75.00 ' ti$ $1.5506898 Lot 58, Flock 1 232.60 116.30 Lot 59 & S.1/2 1/2 frontage 150.00 ' 41.5506898 • 75.00 1 41.5606898 Lot 58, f'lcck 1 232.60 116.30 Lot 60, nook 1 1/2 frontage 100.00 ' $1.5506898 50.00 ' U $1.5506898 155.07 77.53 Lot 3 & 4, 1/2 frontage 160.00 ' $1.5506898 80.00 ' 6 $1.5506898 : lock 2 248.11 124.06 Lot 16, flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 17, Flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 $1.5506898 30.00 ' : $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 18, Flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 19, block 3 1/2 frontage 80.00' J $1.5506898 30.00 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 20, Fleck 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' ids $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 21, clock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' g $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 22, '=lock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 :1.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 23, flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 41.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 24, - lock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' ti 41.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 25, Flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' ` $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 26, Flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 27, Plock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' 4 41.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 28, Flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.00 ' , $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 29 , -block 3 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 -7- ASSESSMENT AF RR __ __ . .._ . DESCRIPTION REASON FOE PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION D A 'JUST ENT A.:;S SN ADJUSTMENT Lot 30, flock 3 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1. 5506898 30.00 ' 4 *1.5506898 93.04 46. 52 Lot 17, flock 4 1/2 frontage 60.2 ' 01.5506898 30.10 ' 4 $1. 5506898 93.35 46.68 Lot 18, Plock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 41.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 19, flock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 01. 5506898 30.0 ' s $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 20x i:lock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 41. 5506898 30.0 ' +; 41.5506898 93.04 46. 52 Lot 21, flock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 41. 5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lots 22 , A 23, 1/2 frontage 120.00' z 41. 5506898 60.0 ' $1.5506898 Flock 4 186.08 93.04 Lot 24, Block 4 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' ut $1.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 25, Block 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 01.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 26, Block 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 27, Flock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 41.5506898 30.0 ' 4 01.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 28, r1ock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' 41.5506898 30.0 ' S $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 29, flock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 01.5506898 30.0 ' 4 0..5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Lot 30, flock 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 41.5506898 30.00 ' 4i $ 1.5506898 93.04 46. 52 Lot 31, block 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 32, _.1 ck 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 4 $1.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 14 , Flock 5 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' a $1.5506898 30.00 ► $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lots 15 & 18, 1/2 frontage 120.00' $1. 5506898 60.00 ' 4 $}1.5506898 flock 5 186.08 93.04 Lot 17, Flock 5 1/2 frontage 60.00' 41.5506898 30.00' 4 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 18, flock 5 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' ' $1.5506898 30.00 ' ,; 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 19 & S.2" 1/2 frontage 60.17 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.085' $1.5506898 Lot 20, ?lock 5 93.31 46.66 Lot 20 leas S.2" 1/2 frontage 75.08' 41.5506898 37.54 ' 01.5506898 Flock 5 116.43 58.21 Lot 21, flock 5 1/2 frontage 89.96 ' 4 $1.5506898 44.98 ' $1.5506898 139.50 69.75 Lot 22, flock 5 1/2 frontage 89.96 ' 4 4,1'.5506898 44.98 ' 4 41.5506898 139.50 69.75 -8- ASSESSMENT AFTER DESCRIPTION REASON FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND AL3 USTMENT AS:a. S5Mi N.T ADJUSTMENT Lot 23, Block 5 } Frontage 09.96' ' $1.5506898 44.98' $1.55069390 139..50 69.75 Lot 24, Flock 5 1 Frontage 39.96' 5s $1.5506898 44.98' 5, $1.5500896 139.50 69.75 Lot 25, Block 5 * Frontage 89.96' $1.5306898 44.98' $1.5506898 139.50 69.75 Lot 26, Block 5 } Frontage 89.96' W $1.5506898 44.98' $1.5506998 139.50 69.75 Lot 12, .Flock 6 * Frontage 60.00' kis $1.5506898 30.00' 5 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 13, Block 6 1 Frontage 60.00' 5 41.5506698 30.00' $1.55506:98 93.04 46.52 Lot 14, Block 6 • Frontage 60.00 ' $1.5506898 30.00' 5 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 15, Block 6 - Frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 16, ".'lock 6 Frontage 60.00' 0.5506398 30.00' 5i $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 'lot 17, Block 6 Frontage 60.00' .w e1.5506898 30.00' 01.5506898 93.04 46.52 111 Lot 18, Block 6 1 Frontage 60.00' $1.5506898 30.00' 11.5506898 93.04 46.52 /I Lot 19, Block 6 1 Frontage 60.00' . $1.5506598 30,00 ' 1.5506896 93.04 46.52 Lots 20 5 21 1 Frontage 120.00' $1.5506898 60.00' 1.5506898 Block 6 • 186.08 93.04 Lot 14, Block 7 Frontage 176.55 ' 5i 41.5506898 44.14141 U.5506898 273.78 68.45 Lot 15, Block 7 I Frontage 60.00' rr $1.5506898 30.00 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 16, Block 7 j Frontage 60.00' _ 41.5506898 30.00' 41.3506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 17, Block 7 ; Frontage 60.00' :. $1.5506898 30.00 ' ;; $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 18, less the frontage 57.90 ' g $1.5506898 28.5' 1 $1.5506898 13 ' , S lock 7 98.39 44.19 Lot 19 & N.3 ' j Frontage 63.00' ., 1.5506896 31.5' $1.5506898 Lot 18, Block 7 97.69 48.85 Lot 20, ;lock 7 Frontage 60.00' x1.5506898 30.00' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 21, B15csk 7 Frontage 60.00 ' 5;1.5506898 30.00' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 22, ?lock 7 * Frontage 60.00' 5.i Z1.5506598 30.00' ',:l..5506898 93.04 46.52 ASSESSMENT AFTER LE$ : -IPTION REASC: F01i PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND A:1JU8 i'4J NT it .L5LNI ADJUSTMENT . Lot 23, Block 7 1/2 frontage 60.00' vi $1. 5306898 30. 00 ' 41.5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Lot 24 , flock 7 1/2 frontage 60.00 ' _s 41.5506898 30.00 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 25, lock 7 1/2 frontage 80.00' : 0.3506893 30.00 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 26, Plock 7 1/2 frontage 60.00' : 41.5506898 30.00 ' i 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Resutdivision of Lots 48, 49, So & 51 of 'clock. 1, Nautilus subdivi- sion, as recorded in Plat Book 35, Page 46 of the Public Records of L-acieCounty, Fla. Lot E 1/4 frontage 180. 15 ' 1.5506898 45.04 ' 0..5506898 279.36 69.84 Nautilus Extension as recorded in Plat Took 34 , Page 47, of the Public Re- cords of Lade County , Fla. Lot 1, 4-lock 16 1/2 frontage 71.69 ' 41.5506898 35.845' 41.5506898 • 111.17 55.59 Lot 2, Block 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' ,w 41.5506898 40.00 ' :x:1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 3, Llock 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' ie, $1.5506898 40.00 ' 0.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 4, :lock 16 1/2 fronts e 80.00 ' 0..5506898 40.00 ' 7:1..5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 5, : lock 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' s 41.5506898 40.00 ' 0..5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 6, Block 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' ,-(.4 $1.5506898 40.00 ' 0..5506898 • 124.06 62.03 Lot 7, Block 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' $1. 5506898 40.00 ' 4 01.550689 ; 124.06 62.03 Lot 8, rlcck 16 1/2 frontage 80.00 ' 0.5506898 40.00 ' 01.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 9, lock 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' $1.5506898 40.00 ' 4 41.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 10, ilock 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' t1. 5506898 40.00 ' d $1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 11 , Flock 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' ; x:1.5506898 40.00 ! g x;•1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 12, Elock 16 1/2 frontage 80.00' w 41.5506898 40.00 ' t 41.5506898 124.06 62.03 -10- 1 LE8cRIP "I4N tiEAS0 ASSESSMENT AFTER FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND Ai J US T?i.r:NT ��� :..: ::: ; �i `P ADJUSTMENT Lot 13 & M. 0.41 of E.89.9 Lot 14 , 1/2 frontage 80.00' @ $1.5506898 40.00 ' 41.5506898 Plock 16 124,06 62.03 Lot 14, Less iii, 0.41 of E.89.9, 1/2 frontage 80.00' 4,: $1.5506898 4o.00 ' 451.5506898 rock 16 124.06 62.03 Lot 15, Clock 16 1/2 frontage 75.53 ' $1.5506898 37.765 ' '; 111.5506898 117.12 58.56 Lot 1, flock 17 1/2 frontage 75. 53 ' e *1.5506898 37.765' 0..5506898 117.12 58.56 Lot 2, r lock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' _=;. $1.5506898 40.00 ' ' 1.5506899 124.06 62.03 Lot 3 N'ly. 1/2 1/2 frontage 120.00' 4 $1.5506898 60.00 ' :s $1.5506898 Lot 4, :lock 17 186.08 93.04 s1 'ly 1/2 Lot 4,& NE 'ly 1/2 Lot 5, 1/2 frontage 80.00' x+1.5506898 40.00 ' «: $1. 5506898 Block 17 124.06 62.03 Lot 6 & S` ' 'ly 1/2 1/2 frontage 120.00' : 41.5506898 60.00 ' ►1.5506898 Lo 5, Block 17 186.08 93.04 Lot 7, =lock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' 6 x+1.5506898 40.00 ° 6 0.5506898 124.06 62.03 7,ot Os =-lock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00 ' 41.5506898 40.00 ' $1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 9, Mock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' + i 0.5506898 40.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 10, Plock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00 ' 0..5506898 40.00 ' '4! $1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Tot 11, Clock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' 01.5506898 40.00 ' 61.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 12, Plock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00 ' �:= 0:1.5506898 40.00 ' $1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 13, Elock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' ,1,55068g8 40.00 ' , x:1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 14, Flock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00 ' k 1.5506898 40.00 ' 41.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 15, Elcok 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' 4 p1.5506898 40.00 ' 6 1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 16, i lock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00 ' 41.5506898 40.00 ' 6 41.5506898 124.08 62.03 Lot 17, Block 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' w 0..5536898 40.00 ' 41.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 22 lees NW * 1/2 frontage 120.00' 4p 41.5506898 60.00 ' $1.5506898 All Lot 23, Elk 17 186.08 93.04 Lot 24, -lock 17 1/2 frontage 80.00' 0..5506893 40.00 ' .``t $1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 25, Block 17 1/2 frontage 80.30' 0..5506898 40.00 ' $1.5506898 124.06 62.03 -11- ASSESSMENT AFTER ;ESC aiPTIC'I4 aA , : FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND ALJUSTMENl' Lot 26, '-lock 17 1/4 frontage 133.95' 's $1.5506898 33.49 ' $1.5506898 207.71 51.93 Resubdivision of Lots 18 to 21 in- , elusive and NM'ly half of Lot 22, 81,)ck 17, Nautilus Extension, as re- corded in Plat Book 39, Page 8, of the Public records of Dade County, Fla. Lot A 1/2 frontage 90.00 ' 4 $1.5306898 45.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 139.56 69.78 Lot " 1/2 frontage 90.00 ' $1.5506898 45.0 ' 4 41.5506898 139.56 69.78 Lot C 1/2 frontage 90.00 ' 4 $1.5506898 45.0 ' 41.5506898 139.58 69.78 Lot id 1/2 frontage 90.00 ' 01.5506898 45.0 ' $1.5506898 139.56 69.78 Nal tilos Adciti on as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 130 of the Public Records of Lade County, Fla. Lot 1, :f=lock .10 1/4 frontage 153.00 ' z $1.5508898 38.25 ' $1.5506898 237.26 59.31 that portion of Lot 1 lying S't 'ly of the following described line ; commence at 1111y corner of Lot 1 thence SW'ly 60.0' to Y .O. F . thence at right al ,ale to last course run Si 'ly 179.29 ' to Elly line of said Lotl, 1/2 frontage 97. 55' x:1.5506898 48.775' 4 $1.5506898 Tlock 11 151.27 75.63 That portion of Lot 1 lying NE'ly of • following described line ; commence at N'ly corner Lot 1 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' :' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 0..5506898 thence S;¢i'ly 60.0' 93.04 46.52 to P .O.F. thence at right angle to last course run SE'ly 179.29 ' to Elly line of said lot 1,111k 11 Lot 2, Flock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 $1.5508898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5508898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3, block 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' x%1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot. 4, Flock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.0 ' 4X1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 5, Block 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 .5506898 30.0 ' 4 01.5506898 93.04 45.52 -12- ASSESSMENT AFTER • liESCRIPTION PEAS', N FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND • A?;J U a'MN'P 9l;". ,. _. :E;' i' ADJUSTMENT Lot 6, Plock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' : 41.5506898 30.0 ' a $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 7, Flock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' H> $1.5506898 30. 0 ' $1.5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Lot 1, Flock 12 1/2 frontage 56.05' iii $1. 5506898 20.025' .a, $1.5506898 86.92 43.46 Lot 2 , Flock 12 1/2 frontage 56.05' 0..5506888 28.025' a $1.5506898 86.92 43.46 Lot 3, flock 12 1/2 frontage 56.4 ' 4 $1.5506898 20.2 ' 41.5506898 67.46 43.73 Lot 4, block 12 1/2 frontage 51.0 ' a 41.5506898 25.5 ' 41.5506898 79.09 39.54 Lot 1, pluck 15 1/2 frontage 65.0 ' $1.5506898 32. 5 ' $1.5506898 100.80 50.40 Lot 2, Clock 15 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 61.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lgt 3, Flock 15 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 3:).0 ' L 0..5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 4, Clock 15 1/2 frontage 54.27 ' 01.5506898 27.135' 01.5506898 84.16 42.08 LaGorce isolf Sub- division as re- corded in Plat Pook 14, Page 43 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Lot 12, r'.1ock 2 1/2 frontage •70. ' 6 11.5506898 35.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 108.55 54.28 Lot 13, Block 2 - 1/2 frontage 60. ' ; 1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506890 93.04 46.52 Lots 14 thru S. 1/2 frontage 150. ' $1.5506898 75.0 ' $1.5506898 a Lot 16,Flk 2 232.60 116.30 Lot 17 & Nei 1/2 frontage 90. ' 41.5506898 45.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 Lot 16, Plock 2 139.56 69.78 Lots 18 & 12, 1/2 frontage 120. ' a $1.5506898 60.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 Block 2 186.08 93.04 Lot 4, Clock 2 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' 0..5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 21 , Clock 2 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' <. $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 22, Plock 2 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 23, Flock 2 1/4 frontage 193.8 ' :t $1.5506898 48.45 ' @: $1.5506898 300.52 75.13 Lot 1, ' lock 3 1/4 frontage 197.05' $1.550689€ 49.26 ' ; $1.5506898 305.56 76.39 -13-.. ASSESSMENT AFTER i ESC! IP TI0W REASON FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND ,A ZN' it' S, HNII ADJUSTMENT Jots 2 thru 4, 1/2 frontage 180, 0:;' 0 $1.5506898 90.00 ' 1.5506898 Plock 3 279.12 139.56 Lot 5 & 1 'ly 9 ' 1/2 frontage 69.0 ' 4 41.5506898 34.5 ' 41.5506898 of Lot 6, Plk. 3 . 107.00 53.50 Lot 6 & NE'ly 5' Lot 7 less NE'ly 1/2 frontage 56.0 ' 41.5506898 28.0 ' 1.5506898 9 ' Lot 6 , Elk. 3 86.84 43.42 Lot 7 less NE'1y 1/2 frontage 55.0 ' 41.5506898 27.5 1 0..5506898 5 ' , Plock 3 85.29 42.64 Lots 2 A 9, 1/2 frontage 120,00 ' t 41.5506898 60.0 ' 41.5506898 ' Flock 3 186.08 93.04 Lot 11 & S'ly 1/2 frontage 90.00' 41.5506898 45.0 ' 0..5506898 1/2 Lot 12, Elk 4 139.56 69.78 Lot 12 less S 'ly •, all Lot 13, & S'ly 5.0 Lot 14, 1/2 frontage 95.00 ' X1.5506898 47.50 ' : 41.5506898 Plock 4 147.32 73.66 Lot 14 less S.5.0' 1/2 frontage 55.00' *1.5506898 27.50 ' '4; $1.5506898 "lock 4 85.29 42.65 Lot 15, :lock 4 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' ;. 01. 5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 16, Block 4 1/2 frontage 60.00' 41.5506898 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 1 Lot 17 :s S'1 5.0' 1/2 frontage 65. 00 ' a, 41.5506898 32.5 ' c 1.5506898 Lot 18, -lock 4 100.80 50.40 Lot 18 less S'=s 1/2 frontage 55.00' $1.5506898 27.5 ' 4 41.5506898 5.0 ' , Plock 4 85.29 42.64 Lots 19 & 20, 1/2 frontage 118.5 ' •w 41.5506898 59.25 ' 41.5506898 'rloc k 4 183.76 91.88 Lot 1, r-lock 5 1/2 frontage 64.3 ' 4 41.5506898 32.15 ' 4 41.5506898 99.71 49.86 Lot 2, Block 5 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' •z, 41.5506898 30.0 ' : 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3 & Lot 4 less 1/2 frontage 100.00 ' -1. 5506898 50. 0 ' 4 41.5506898 3\\ 1/3, Mock 5 155.07 77.53 Lot 5 & SW 1/2 1/2 frontage 80.0 ' 41.5506898 40.0 ' 41.5506898 1 Lot 4 , Uock 5 124.06 62.03 Lot 6, clock 5 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 41.5506898 30.00 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 7, Flock 5 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.00 ' X1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 8, Block 5 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 41. 5506898 30.00 ' «, 41.5506898 93.04 46. 52 Lot 9 , Plock 5 1/2 fronta e 65.0 ' 41.5506898 32. 50 ' w 41.5506898 100.79 50.40 Lot 11, Pitck 6 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 41.5506898 30.00 ' :1.5506898 93.04 46.52 =14_ ASSESSMENT AFTER _-ESCRIPTIOP: • RE PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND A.:JU S 1`:;;EPy ADJUSTMENT Lot 12, Elock 6 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' L 41.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Lot 13 8: Lot 14 1/2 frontage 110.0 ' ti $1.5506898 55.0 ' 11.5506898 less N.10.01 , Blk 6 170. 58 85.29 Loeb 15 & N.10' 1/2 frontage 70.0 ' 4.1.5506898 35.0 t +_.. x'.1.5506898 Lot 14 , Flock 6 108.55 54.27 Lot 16, Flock 6 2/2 frontage 60.0 ' x:1.5506898 30,0 ' 4.4.1 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 17,, :-lock 6 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' x:1.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 18, Block 6 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 61.5506898 50.0 ' 4':1.5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Lot 19 , ':Tack 6 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 41.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506896 93.04 40 . 52 Lot 20, flock 6 1/2 frontage 55.6 ' 41.5506898 27.8 ' 1.5506898 86.22 43.11 Lots 3. & 2, 1/2 frontage 121.6 ' ; 41.5506898 60.8 ' 41.5506898 flock 7 188.56 94.28 Lot 3, Block 7 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4.1.5506898 30.0 ' ::; 1.5506898 93,04 46.52 Lot 4 , :Block 7 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' (S, 1.5506898 30.0 ' x;:1.5506898 • 93.04 46.52 Lot 5, Plock 7' 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' is 41.5506898 30.0 ' '4;1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lots 6 & 7, 1/2 frontage 120.0 ' ; 1.5506898 60. ) 4;1.5506898 ?dock 7 . 186.08 93,04 Lots 8 & 9, 1/2 frontage 125.0 ' 1.5506898 62.5 ' :;:1.5506898 ?lock 7 193.84 96.92 Lot 11 , Flock 8 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' s ti:1.55O6898 30.0 ' .41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 12, Llock 8 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' ,u1. 5506898 30.0 ' 41;1.5506898 • 93,04 46.52 Lot 13, Flock 8 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 41.5506898 30,0 ' 8:1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 14 , flock 8 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' ::1.550&898 93.04 46.52 Lot 15 , Tlock 8 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 41.5506898 30.0 ' ;:1.5.i06898 93.04 46.52 Lot 16, flock 8 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' -;{1.5506898 30.0 ' �• .$1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lots 17 18, 3./2 frontage 120.0 ' :? $1. 5506898 60.0 ' • 1.5506898 F=lock 8 136.08 93.04 Lot 19, Klock 8 1/2 frntage 60.0 ?1.5506893 30.0 ' 4''1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 20, clock 8 1/2 frontage 56.5 ' .x:1.55 )6898 28.25 ' : 4.1.5506898 87.61 43.81 -15- ASSESSMENT AFTER PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND ASSESS ii N`1 ADJUSTMENT Lots 1 thra 3, 1/2 frontage 187.0 ' 01. 5506898 93.5 ' i.-1. 5506898 Flock 9 289.98 144.99 Lot 4 , Flock 9 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' J 01.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506698 93.04 46.52 Lot 5, '.dock 9 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 1.5506096 30.0 ' T 1.5506898 95.04 46.52 Lots 6 thru 9, 1/2 frontage 247.0 ' 4 0.5506898 123.5 ' 4 0. 5506098 Block 9 383.02 191. 51 Lot 10, Block 10 1/2 frontage 71.4 ' 01,3506898 35.7 ' a e1.5506898 110,72 55.36 Lot 11, Flock 10 1/2 frontage 67,6 ' ;1.5506898 33.8 ' $1,5506898 104.83 52.42 Lot 12, :lack 10 1/2 frontage 67,6 ' 0..5506898 33.8 ' 4 $1.5506393 104.83 52.42 Lot 13 , Flock 10 1/2 frontage 63.1 ' 41,5506898 31.55 ' 4 $1.5506898 97.85 48.92 Lot 14 & 3'ly 30' 1/2 frontage 90.0 ' W..5506898 45.00 ! @ $1.5506898 Lot 15, Plock 10 139.56 69.78 Lot 15 lass S 'ly 30 ' ; L11 Lot 16 , 1/2 frontage 90.00 ' x.1.5506898 45.00 ' 0.5506898 'nook 10 139.56 69.78 Lot 17 & S.14 ' 1/2 frontage 74.0 ' 41.5506898 37.0 ' $1.5506898 Lot 18, Flock 10 114.75 57.37 Lot 18 less S.14 ' , 1/2 frontage 100.7 ' * 01.5506898 50.35 ' a► $1.5506898 '.lock 10 156.15 78.08 Lots 1 thru 4, 1/2 frontage 316.6 ' 4; 1.5506898 156.3 ' . 01.5506898 ':lock 11 490.95 245.47 Lot 5, i'.lock 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' u 01.5506898 30,0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 6, Block 11 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' '> $1.5516898 30.0 ' 01.5506898 93.04 46.52 dots 7 & 8, 1/2 frontage 120.0 ' $'1.5506898 60.0 ' @2 0..5506898 Flock 11 186.08 93.04 Lot 9, Block 11 1/2 frontage 80.0 ' $1.5506898 40. ' 1.5506898 124.06 62.03 Lot 11, Block 12 1/2 fronta;.e 75.2 $1.5506696 7,7.6 ' 1.5506898 116.61 58.31 Lot 12, Plock 12 1/2 frontage 67.6 ' y 2. 1. 5506898 33.8 ' 0..5506898 104.83 52.42 Lot 13, Tlock 12 1/2 frontage 67.6 ' ;x:1.5506899 33.8 ' 0..5506898 104.83 52.42 Lot 14 , clock 12 1/2 frontage 67.6 ' 0.5506898 33.8 ' 41.5506898 104.83 52.41 Lot 15, Block 12 1/2 frontage 67.6 ' = ;, 1.5536898 33.8 ' 4.5536898 104.03 52.41 Lot 16, flock 12 1/2 frontage 67.6 ' .5506898 33.8 ' 41.5506898 104.83 52.42 Lot 17 & 18, 1/2 frontage 135.2 ' '1..5506898 67.6 ' <.. 1.5506898 Block 12 200. 104.83 -16- ASSESSMENT AFTER PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND A6SkSLIM N ADJUSTMENT Lots 19 Pfi 20, 1/2 frontage 139.0 ' k5+ *1.5506898 69...; ' 0..5506898 Flock 12 215. 55 107.77 Lot 1, • lock 13 1/2 frontage 61.3 ' 01.5+506898 30.65' v t1.55o6898 95.06 47.53 Lot 2, 1:%ck 13 1/2 frontage 60.1 ' (t 0..5506898 30.0 ' '1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3, lock 13 1/2 fronta;Fe 60.0 ' 01.5506898 30.0 ' .:, $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lo; 4 , lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.() ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 5, `lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 (1.5806898 30.0 ' Z1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 6, Block 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 11.5506898 30.0 ' $1. 3506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 7, '_'lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 0..5506898 30.0 ' 11.5538898 93.04 46.52 Lot 8, --lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' :A 1. 5506698 30,0 ' i4.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 9, : lock 13 1/2 .frontage 60.0 ' .p1.5536898 30.0 ' :1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lots 10 & 11, 1/2 frontage 120.0 ' y;,1.5506898 60.0 ' <.: 1.55)6898 &lock 13 186.OE3 93.04 Lot 12, ' lock 13 1/2 frontage 60.0 + 1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 that portion of Lot 42 descri-ed as begin at intersection of W.line Alton xoed and N'ly `'ulkhead of Surprise waterway; thence run Along W.line of Alton Road to a point, said point being 225' distance S'ly, as measured along W'ly line of Alton rioad & N.ray Rd. from the dividing line between Lots 39 & 40; thence run in SW'ly dir- ection a distance of 235.9 ' to a point on the N'ly '-ulkhead of Surprise Waterway, said point rein, 175.9' from P0??; thence run S2'ly along; T'ulkhead a distance of 175.9 ' to POP, uk. 14 1/4 frontage 234.9 ' 1.�-50689B 58.725' 0..5506898 364.26 91.06 All of Lot 10 and that part of Lot 11 as descrit.ed as follows: for POt com- mence at S='i 'ly corner Lot 11 then run N'ly along ly t oundary line of Lot 11, 3.81, to a point on W 'ly bdry. line Lot 11; thence run 7Ily along; straight line 125' more or less to a point on Elly 9dry line of Lot 11 said point being 64 ' S'ly from !?Elly corner Lot 11, thence run S'ly 3.62' more or less to 5g 'ly corner of said Lot 11 thence run W'ly along rdry. line of Lets 10 & 11 to POT, Elk 15 1/2 frontage 86.32 ' '41.5506898 43.16 ' 1,1.5518898 133.86 66.93 -1,7: ASSESSMENT AFTER i SSC RIP TION REASON FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND AL%JU3TMEN`F ASSESSMENT ADJUSTMENT _.--- Lot 11 less that part described as follows : for POS:' commence at S' ''ly cor.Lot 11 then run r,'ly along w'ly Fdry line of Lot 11, 3.81 to a point on W'ly bdry line of Lot 11, thence run Ely along straight line 126' nor or less to a point on Ely Fdry line of Lot 11, said point being 64 ' S'ly frora *'E'ly cor. of Lot 11, thencr run S'ly 3.62 more or less to SE'ly cor. of said Lot 11 , thence run along Edry line of Lots 10 & 11 to POF and Lot 12 1/2 frontage 71.62 ' 6 41.5506898 35.81 ' $1.5506898 less N.601 , Fik 15 111.06 55.53 .60' Lot 12, 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' X1.5506898 30.00 ' $1. 5506898 Plock 15 93.04 46.52 Lot 13 , Flock 15 1/2 frontage 67.62 ' :11,: $1.5506898 33.81 ' $1.5506898 104.86 52.43 Lot 14 , Flock 15 1/2 frontage 67.62 ' *>l. 5506898 33.81 ' •<:,. $1.5506898 104.86 52.43 Lots la & 16, 155.24 ' ,1.5506898 67.62 ' 41.5506898 Flock 15 1/2 frontage 209.72 104.86 Lot 17, Flock 15 1/2 frontage 67.62 ' -:. ` 1.5506898 33.81 ' y 1.5506898 104.86 52.43 Lot 18, flock 15 1/2 frontage 108.1 ' $1.5506898 54.05 ' '41.5506898 167.63 83.82 Lot 1, nlock 16 1/2 frontage 66.7 ' k $1.5506898 43.35 ' 4'1.5506898 134.45 67.23 Lot 2, !:lock 16 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.00 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 3 & N.35' 1/2 frontage 95.0 ' $1.5506898 47.50 ' $1.5506898 Lot 4, Block 16 147.32 73.66 Lot 4 less N.35' & 1/2 frontage 85.0 1 : $1.5506898 42.50 $1.5506898 All Lot 5/Pik 16 131.81 65.90 Lot 6, Flock 16 1/2 frontage 60. ' $1.5106898 30.0 ' ? $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 7, Flock 16 1/2 fronts e 60. ' 0..5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 8, !lock 16 1/2 frontage 60. ' 41.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 9, Block 16 1/2 frontage 60. ' ; 1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 10 & N.10' 1/2 frontage 70. ' X1.5506898 35.0 ' .z $1.5506898 Lot 11 , Flock 16 108.55 54,28 - 718- ASSESSNT TER �ESCa IPI'IOr REASON FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATIONFAND A ;JUS IENf A . _... z.. ...NT ADJUSTMENT Lot 11 loss N.10' 1/2 frontage 60. ' 41.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 Flock 16 93.04 46.52 Lot 11, £'lock 17 1/2 frontage 71.43 ' 4 41.5506898 35.715' ",, 41.5506898 110.77 55.38 Lot 12,8•look 17 1/2 frontage 67.62 ' 0..5506898 33.81 ' 41.5506898 104.86 52.43 Lot 13 , Flock 17 1/2 frontage 67.62 ' 41.5506898 33.81 ' i4 $1.5506898 104.86 52.43 Lot 14 ; Flock 17 1/2 frontage 67.62 ' k 1.5506898 33.81 ' $1. 5506898 104.86 52.43 Lot 15 & S.1/2 . 1/2 frontage 101.43 ' i1.5506898 50.715 ' $1.5506898 Lot 16, `1ock 17 157.29 78.64 N.1/2 Lot 16 & All 1/2 frontage 101.43' : 1.5506898 50.715' 41.5506898 Lot 17, Fl8c k 17 157.29 78.64 Lot 18, Plock 17 1/2 frontage 67.62 ' $1.5506898 33.81 ' 41.5508898 104.86 52.43 Lot 19, Mock 17 1/2 frontage 67.62' 31. 5506898 33.81 ' $1. 5506898 104.86 52.43 Lot 20,Flock 17 1/2 frontage 86.7 ' 41.5506898 43.35 ' / g U 41.5506898 134.45 67.22 Lot 1, Block 18 1/2 frontage 70.0 ' 0..5506898 35.0 ' 41.5506898 108.55 54.27 Lot 2, Block 18 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' ;% 41.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lots 3 & 4, 1/2 frontage 120.0 ' 4 41.5506898 60.0 ' i $1.5506898 Block 18 186.08 93.04 Lot 5 , Flock 18 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' . 41.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 6, Flock 18 1/2. frontage 60.0 ' 0..5506898 30.0 ' a 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 7, Block 18 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 64:1.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 8, Flock 18 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' ;&; $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 9, Jock 18 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' @ $1.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 10, Flock 18 1/4 frontage 177.2 ' 0..5506898 44.6 ' 41.5506898 274.78 68.70 Lot 10 S.1/2 1/2 frontage 127.9 01. 5506898 63.95 ' 41.5506898 Lot 11, hock 19 198.33 99.17 N.1/2 Lot 11 & 3. 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5606898 1/2 Lot 12, Flk 19 93.04 46.52 N.1/2 Lot 12 & S. 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 41.5506898 30.0 ' 41.5506898 1/2 Lot 13 , "lk 19 93.04 46.52 N.1/2 Lot 13 & All 1/2 frontage 90.0 ' s 41.5306898 45.0 ' $1.5506898 Lot 14 , Flock 19 139.56 69.78 Lot 15 & S.1/2 1/2 frontage 90.0 ' 41.5506898 45.0 ' *1.550689S Lot 16, ., lock 19 139.56 69.78 -19- ASSESSMENT AFTER IESCNIPTION 1 EASO FON PRELIi,AINAH/ MODIFICATION AND • AI.JZ S fME.N`: ADJUSTMENT N.1/2 Lot 16 & All 1/2 frontage 90,0 ' 4 $1.5506898 45.0 ' y 1.5`? '6898 Lot 17, Flock 19 139.56 69.78 Lot 18, Flock 19 1/2 frontage 98.0 ' $1.5506898 49.0 ' 0.. 5506898 151.97 75.98 Lot 11 Lot 12 less 162.5 ' 4 $1.5506898 40.63 ' $1.5506898 N.171, _`lk 20 1/4 frontage 251.99 63.00 N.171 Lot 12 & all lot 13 & 8.421 1/2 frontage 120.0 ' 0..5506898 60.0 ' ;1 1.5506898 Lot 14 , Flock 20 186.08 93.04 Lot 14 'less 5.42j ' all Lot 15 & 5.22411/2 frontage 100.00' 41.5506898 50.0 ' ; 1.5506898 Lott 16, Flock 20 155.07 77.53 N.371 Lot 16 & All 1/2 frontage 97.5 ' a 41.5506898 48.75 ' :r $1.5506898 Lot 17, Plk 20 151.19 75.60 Lot 18, Flock 20 1/2 fronta a 60.0 ' 4 $1.5506398 30.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 19, Block 20 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 30.0 ' $1.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lot 2) , Flock 20 1/2 frontage 60.0 ' 1.5506898 30.0 ' a 41.5506898 93.04 46.52 Lake View Subdiv- ision as recorded in Plat Book 14 , Page 42, of the Public Record's of bade County, Fla. Lot 1, ; lock 21 1/2 frontage 40.1 ' 4 $1.5506898 20.05 ' :: $1.5506898 62.18 31.09 Lot 2, Flock 21 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' $1.5506896 25.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 77.54 38.77 Lot 3, 'lock 21 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' 4 $1. 5506898 25.0 ' $1.5506898 77.53 38.77 Lot 4, lock 21 1/2 frontage 50.0 $1. 5506898 25.0 ' 4 $1.5506898 77.54 38.77 Lot 5, lock 21 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' 41. 5506898 25.0 ' $1.5506898 77.53 38.76 Lots 6 & 7, 1/2 frontage 100.0 ' a 41.5506898 50.0 ' U 41.5506898 Flock 21 155.07 77.53 Lot 8, 'lock 21 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' 41.5506898 25.0 ' a $1. 5506898 77.53 38.76 Lot 9, Flock 21 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' $1.5506898 25.0 ► 01.5506898 77.53 38.77 Lot 10, t1oek 21 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' a 41.5506898 25.0 ' *1.5.306898 77.54 38.77 Lot 11, Flock 21 1/4 frontage 130.92 ' 4 41.5506898 32.73 ' $1.5506898 203.02 50.75 Lot 1, Clock 30 1/2 frontage 211.3 ' •r 41.5506898 105.65 ' a 0..5506698 327.66 163.83 -20- 7 - - ASSESSMENT AFTER -ESC i IP TION EEA:S( ! O., PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND A ;JUSrMENT ASSESSMEN i' ADJUSTMENT Beach View Addition as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 10 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Lot 1, rlook 13 1/2 frontal;© 89.8 ' Y 41.5506898 44.9 ' • 01.5506898 139.25 69.63 .:.cot 2, Dlockl3 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' $1.5506898 25.0 ' :. v1.5506898 77.53 38.76 Lot 3, Flock 13 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' 41.5506898 25.0 ' •:. 1.5506098 77.54 30.76 Lot 4, lock 13 1/2 frontage 83.72 ' 0..5506898 41.86' .-. 4.5506098 129.82 64.91 Lot 5, Plock 13 1/2 frontage 50.00' 101.5306898 25,00' , :1.5506398 77.53 38.77 Lot 6, r 1,)ck 13 1/2 frontage 30.00' c., $1.5506898 25.00' : ; 01.5506898 77.53 38.77 Lots 7 & 8,Plook 13 1/2 frontage 127.0 ' 1 01.5506098 63.5 ' t, 01.5506898 196.94 98.47 .93.34 Lot 15, Tlock 13 1/2 frontage 45.54 ' :s $1.5506898 22.77 ' -- 0..5506898 70.62 35.31 Lot 1, '"dock 2 1/2 frontage 138.5 ' - !1.5506898 34.62 ' ; 1.5506898 214.77 53.69 Lot 6, Plock 4 1/2 frontage ,32.0 ' 6 41.5506898 26.00' -1. 5506898 80.64 40.32 Lot 7, utak 4 1/2 frontage 50.0 ' •z. t1.5506898 25.0 ' 01.5506898 77.53 38.77 W.50' of 5.1/2 Lot 11, all of Lot 8 R4 W.1/2 of Lot 9 ' Plock 4 1/2 frontage 75.0 ' Lt. 0..5506898 37.5 ' L:. 1.5506898 116.30 ' 58.16 E.1/2 of 1c t 9, all Lot 10 & E. 77' of 5.1/2 Lot 11,rlock 4 1/2 frontage 77.0 ' : $1.5506898 38.5 ' $1.5506898 119.41 59.70 Lot 1,Plock 5 1/4 fronta;o 129.0 ' 0..5506898 32.25' 41.5506098 200.04 50.01 Lot 18, ?lock 5 114 frontage 125.0 ' 4:1.5506898 31.25' 01.5506898 193.84 48.46 Resubdivision of Lot 6, Block 1, Peach View Addition as recorded in Plat !'ook 35, Page 56, of the Public :records of Lade County, Fla. Lot D 1/4 frontage 144.45' 41.5506898 36.11 ' $1.5506898 224.00 56.00 -21- 1 ___ _ ASSESSMENT AFTER DESCRIPTION rSASON FOR PRELIMINARY MODIFICATION AND A:.JUSPMENT A461.1N2 ADJUSTMENT Indian Creek Sub- division as per Plat recorded in Plat Took 31, Page 75 of the Public lie c ord s of /ade County, Fla. Lot 1, 1/4 frontage 215.5 ' $1.5506898 53.88 ' 41.5506898 334.17 83.55 Lot 53 . 1/4 frontage 215.5 ' 0..55O63Z 53.87 ' 01.5506898 334.17 83.54 All of S.558' measured along center line of the Island of Allison Island being that part of Allison Island lying S. of line 37.5 ' S. of and parallel to center line of Allison Island bridges and street 75 ' wide crossing Allison Island , this center line further described as follows : From point of inter- section of N.Line Lot 21, filk. 1 Base line as shown upon plat 2nd Ocean Front Sub of Miami Reach Bay. Whore Co. recorded in Plat i'Sook 8, Page 125, Public Records of Lade County, ,Fla. run S. along saic base line a distance of 255 ' to a pipe Monument, said pipe monument being lo- , f cated on center line produced easterly of the 75 Street crossing- Allison Island and on center lines of bridges, thence deflecting to right an angle of 800 28' along afore- said center line a distance of 863.3 to outside face of E. concrete seawall of Allison Island thence continuing; along said course a distance of 500' more or leas to the outside face of A. concrete seawall of Allison Island containing 5.8 acres more or less known as Tract No. 1 1/4 frontage 501.0 ' $1.5506898 125.25 ' $1.5506898 776.90 194.22 Amended Plat of 2nd Ocean Front Subdivision as per plat recorded in Plat Pook 28, Page 28, of the Public Records of Lade County,Fla. Lot 1, Flock 3 1/2 frontage 93.93 ' '1.5506898 46.965' 01.5506898 145.66 72.83 Lot 35, Flock 2 1/2 frontage 77.53 ' * $1.5506898 38.765' 41.5506898 120.23 60.11 • -22- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sums and amounts assessed against each of the lots or parcels of ground described in said preliminary assessment roll, after modifications as above set forth, and the sums and amounts against each of the lots or parcels of ground therein set forth, after said modifications have been made, are less than the amounts each lot or parcel of ground is benefited by said improvement and that the total assessments as indicated on said assessment roll in the sum of Twenty-three Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-one Dollars and Thirty Cents ($23,421.30) , are hereby approved and confirmed . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ten days after this confirmation of said assessment roll the same be delivered to the City Clerk, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered , thirty days after the date of this resolution, to make collection of the assessments therein as required by law, provided, however, that the owner of any lot or parcel of land which shall have been assessed in excess of $25.00 may, before the lapse of said thirty days, file with the City Clerk his written undertaking, waiving all irregularities and illegality in connection with said assessments against said lot or parcel and agree to pay the same in equal instalments in each of the five succeeding years at the time in said years at which the general City taxes are due and payable, with interest upon said deferred instalments at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of said confirmation, which said five year period is hereby fixed and determined by the City Council. PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of July, A. D. 1951. 4\2) V Mayor ATTEST: ity Cler 1 H H n 0 -P x al 0 a) N- -P 0 a) a) y o H 0 cr) C7 H H t* o a rw o co +) r-I w CO o o o c • ► r i