1619-1-1 Counties oppose slot machine law IOP only lust debts which would, Threaten in Any of ' It seems, automatically eliminate — .`,.,. a - the loan company's demand. Fur- aA.e [her, one of the bark•s most bear_ ,;County Offices Mounting Returns Fail to 4. llant attorneys has agreed to fight t }J•. b • the fireman's battle for him, all $$$jjj ( Give 30.Per Cent of g tt n a record In number of ^4' ;,1 of which must be discouraging to ballots cant expected to total above the loan sharks. 38,000,Dade cduntlans today awaited Vote Required fi s only fragmentary ends of an alae- i;., SLOT LOSS—Slot alachine pro- tion tabulation which early In the far Aw«tatae Pres.) ponente gave up hope yesterday day.definitely gave Pres 1 d e n t JACKSONVILLE, Nov. 4.—The • "eo,• . before tabulations were started. Roosevelt a near three-to-one ma. Democratic landslide In Tuesday's ` "a, , They figured a heavy vote would jority over Alfred M.Landon.Rep. mean defeat,' and they were right. J. Mark Wilcox a more than two- general election In Florida appeared 1 • f '� ;s They had hoped for a light ballot, to-one majority over T h o m a■ so great today that the Republican li t F./4.,'•; `' then their employment of several Swanson and turned thumbs down party, which lost all Its contests, k, hundred persons, none of whom on slot machines. may.even lose Its right to be rec- Z if had 141/ than five votes in their Polling place officials In the o Ized as a legal gra g politicalroar • immedlate family, might have cut slower precincts still were counting g P• - 4.- some Ice. The machines, haw- votes this afternoon,among them eleFlorida not only gave Its seven HYDE PARK,N.Y.,Nov.ever, under an attorney general's the ballot on authority for the velt votes to ore Land but his family on the porch of his ruling, are expected to operate county commission to install voting volt over Governor Iandgn but DEMOCRATS WIN neighbors who celebrated his r until'next October because they machines which In other states sent two Democrats to the United already have been licensed for the S[atee•senate, five to the national • minimise delay lb counting. house of representatives, e . fiscal year, which started Oct' L Charles Rannoch was not sassed one to DOZENGOVERNOR City W�11 Ask Meanwhile, some slot opponents P the governorship le and hundreds of In his race for county surveyor,be- others to the legislature and Into have been unkind enough to suit- Ing opposed by W.J.Knox. , countyoffices. e gest only We sky will be the limit Democratic campaign leaders an- RACES, LEAD 14.p rojects Tota of the machined "take' for the Mounting reports from yester- concluding months of their legal nounced this afternoon , they day's balloting indicated the Re- ezLtence. planned a victory ball probably publican party failed to poll 30 per ' Saturday,and were hurrying Dian. cent of the total vote for any ofts MERCHANTS' AID — Although toward completion. candidates. It also failed to do so Republicans F a 1 t e r i n Commission Author;z the Merchants' association has Penalona for the aged received in the 1934 general election. pledged Its aid toward getting ac- hearty support, carrying five-to- • Drive law says onlyDrive to one and the countyplaced its ap- Y recognized Regain Con- Submission of 19 Pro tion Oa the proppsed municipalpolitical may stadium in any capacity needed, prove] on ,voting machines by a names of their escacandidates printed the the city appear to be overlooking two-to-one count, although the ac- on the en 11in trot of States posed Improvements a good bat by not Immediately ac- Non 1s not mandatory on county general election ballot In officials, Consolidation of the Key Florida. Only parties which poll cepting the proposal of private fit (By TON, ea Press) Miami Wanting which the merchants have West and Monroe county govern- 30 per cent of the total vote in city adopted sitq • mints was approved here four-either of the two preceding general WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.—Demo- unanimously sly amanagerresold, offered to undertake In order to to-one, electlona are recognized for this crate captured at least 12 of the 33 authorizing the city . protect the ;112,000 federal gunk With one precinct missing early Purpose. • governorships at, stake and were director of public service to r The trend at the moment Is to got teak,Roosevelt had a Dade county To date only the Democratic and leading for 14 more today as the mit to the county planning tem the merchants behind another free- vote of 9';,133 against Landon's Repu can parties have been rbc- election returns rapidly neared and eventually to the national holders'referendum,which,even if t completion. sources committee, projects;on successful—and there are a couple 9,830.'ent atlcnn strength was most Republicans were victorious in six-year public works r of big "ifs" there—would entail apparent Maim'. Beeson, Coral President Roosevelt led the ticket two states—Vermont and New totaling $38,280,000, 'prop 1 long delay. ,'Tae merchants have Gables and the Redland area, the by a smashing margin, although Hempahiro,=and...wero leading1n The kat accounted far,by resentment Governor Landon was far In the projects were listed as offered, red,03 attempt to term ahold- Rfev+tlMe; of Red-van of Republican candidates seek=three others, Iowa, North Dakota lows: Sewage disposal, $6,000; a company which would, in ef- Inst tariff .,ft. erw ,' .butt.and;blatant}.Qew�}'l)!105al,.iven,d States ssnateAaet• artd:'iouth Dakota. - sanitary sewers and storm w. "9^ 4 �` 0. arra d•+t_' evelt'E doW4o-drdb sate Headed-for the• a1f retinae ��T pracinot�,sl;,./e•the nor[ tlte'gooernorahlD,' ` ag .water sup cons sweep yesterday apparently � C dollar 1.0itfore7►xure e14 ?sax Tom Returns from 818 of the data r supply be 'divided t2,fSOt p jest,• provided the city 1.822 precincts gave assured Democratic �gubsrnatortal ter supply d 83,000,000 for will give some definite assuranceMr kgOaa triumphs'In Connecticut, Delaware, tributton; enlarging Incinerat ''. the Money will be refunded from 21`COUNTIES OPPOSE 174,880 ballots to 66,276 for Landon. Fred P. Cone was leads Tennessee, Florida, Illinois,hodeNew $500,000; rebuilding$3, streets, $3,( stadium proceeds. Should the mer- tit o r.York,Texas,Georgia,Rhode Island, 000; sidewalks, $3,000,000; fire i chants be asked definitely to aban- Callaway in their race for fever•Idaho,Ohio and Washington. Bona, $75,000; high-pressure don the plan until alter the Dec.4 SLOT MACHINE LAW nor, 121,750 to 27,034 in 750 pre- In Mihigan, Gov. Frank D. Fitz- mains, $40,000; dock and hat election, which incidentally, is'an cinctn. C. O. Andrews had 138,483 gerald, who had led Democratic I facilities, $2,500,000; F. E. C. t unknown quantity in so far as le- votes in 775 precincts to 27,256 for Frank Murphy, on leave as high way terminal removal and impr, frailty is concerned, It would prat- H. C. Babcock In the lone contest commissioner of the Philippines,in ment,$750,000;Pan-American bar ['catty preclude the possibility of However, Despite 'loaf, De-for the United States senate, the early returns,trailed later, ink, $2,000,000; airport imp r o private financing, since the mer- vices Run Until Oct. 1.. The three Democratic •congrea- Gov. Philip La Follette of Wis. menta, $1,500,000; bulkheading chants would have no talking atonal candidates who had Republl- consin had a substantial lead for ami river,4500,000; park lm r) point In the event the election -- can opposition were sure to.theirmeats,$500,000; new eld ea on failed. Meanwhile, PWA la not tar Awetatee res.o seats. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN) B JACKSONVILLE, Nov, {—In- — Hagler st,S.Miami ave.and N. going to keep that $112,000 grant Even In the fourth district,where CITY HAS OBTAINED 27th ave., $1,500,000; monument earmarked forever. complete returns from yesterday's Townsend club support was ac- 20 square miles of municipal a — local option slot machine refer- corded the Republican nominee,the L Q.TEST—If you can spell these enda sounded a knell for the de- Democrat was a two-to-one victor. $415,000; bulkheading street Cl • 10 simple words correctly, without, vices In many•counties, Rep. J. Mark Wilcox polled 29,913 $500,000; new city hall, 51,000,1 of course,having previously looked Even in counties voting against votes in 129 of 187 precincts to 12,_ 000. THIRD OF'ITS BUDGET iernadonal airport in bay, $5,0 them up in the dictionary,then you the machines, however, the wheels 047 for Thomas Swanson. -- The recommended list was s may go to the head of the class, will continue to whirl until next Returns from 174 of the 326 first milted by the city planning ba • Someone gave them to Commission- Oct. 1 because the state supreme district precincts gave Rep.J.Har- Fuller Report9 Receipts of of which Public Service Dire, • er Orr. who In turn passed them court decided new annual licensee din Peterson 30,015 votes and B. L More Than $1,000,000 William Sydow is a member, ',Impels-around city hall, with the urpela- issued last month cannot be re- Hamner,Republican,8,200.An even will be submitted to the cou 4 lag result that the general average yoked. 100 of the 289 precincts in the new Finance Director A.E.Fuller re- planning board tomorrow. was 40 out of a possible 100 per In 27 counties the Incomplete fifth district gave Joe Hendricks, ported to city commission today - - ---- cent. The list, Orr said, has been vote was against slot machines. (CONTINUED ON PAGE.TEN) that collections of revenue for the Electionsubmitted first four months of the fiscal year other educational leaders, along Charlotte, Dade, Dixie, Escambia, OKLAHOMA REPEAL amount to one-third of the budget. with just folk of ordinary learning, Gadsden,Gilchria.,Gulf,Highlands, VOTE APPEARS LOST Total receipts from all sources Payoff Bring: with no one having yet reached a Hillsborough, Milan River,Lake, $1,040,- perfect• score. The words are Lee, Leon, Madison, Manatee, Or• as of Oct. 31 amounted to■pelled correctly here: Vilify, em- — 790.78, of which $485,318.de was on Jurist Odd-Ric fY .nage Pinellas,. St. Lucie, OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 4— real estate, personal, delinquent barrass, supersede, innuendo, pie- Sarasota,Seminole,Suwannee Tay- (41—Citizens of Oklahoma, one of and tax certificates and interest. nicking, Inoculate, harass, plaguy, for and Volusla the few remaining "dry" states in In addition $55,480.35 accrued from rarefy and,desecrate, the nation, apparently decided in licenses, fines and forfeitures and Attorneyt0 _ Browned and Hamilton counties Wheel Oppenb( • *JUST THE TYPE"—While no favored slot machines on the basis the voting booths yesterday they de- other similar sources. For the Up Flagler St. In Bar- .voting machines were used in yes- of the few votes reported. aired to retain prohibition. A pro- same period last year, total collet- ' row, Sunday Nothing had been heard from posed constitutional amendment to Bons from all sources was $724,- ' ,i_ terday's Dade county balloting, other counties voting on the same repeal the state's prohibition law 508.50, of which $278,899.74 as on ' hundreds of the thousands of vot- question. Peace Justice Henry who approved them at the and set up a commissioncontappointed real, personal, delinquent, tax cer- era ry Opp poll!,.yesterday were to The 1935 legislature legalized and by the governor to control sales of distales and interest, and $445,- born, a staunch Democrat, n the quick totalizators tater In able action.seeA taxed slot machines, but provided liquor through the state ware- 608.76 on,other accruals. Sunday will ride In state, in widely known business man wee for local option referenda at the houses and retail stores, was be- This year, $315,508.29 was col• wheelbarrow, from Bayfront pt general election. The law allows hind on a two-to-one vote when lected from real and personal taxes admiring the mechanical Counter one machine for each 100 popula- one-third of the state's 3,421 pre- not due until after Nov.1, against to the courthouse, pushed by S. at the courthouse and voicing en- Bon. thuslastic approval, when he was cincts reported. 1178,324.97 from the same sources McCahill, Miami attorney s Interrupted by an indignant tem- last year, in a similar period, chairman of the Degle county I ;nine voice: "You're just the type," THEY TOLD EACH OTHER• The total increase in real, per- publican committee, as the see the objector squawked loudly,"who a sonal and other taxes in that rate- of an election bet. would vote for a contraption like gory amounted to $186,416.69, and that to keep a lot of people out of a the Increase in accruals was $129,- The bet was made Monday al work." Respite this viewpoint, You Have My Sincere "All of Us Will Now Pull 871.59. - at Bayfront park when McCaa which doubtless accounted forReal estate collections during the stopped'in during a Democra many of the minority ballots cast Congratulations," 'Wires Together," Says • first four months of this year rally to assure all and sundry ti against the vote machines,the"con- amounted to $279,019.67 against Landon was as good as elected. , traptions" have been approved and L¢tldOn Roosevelt 5168,140.01 last year. Personal When it was pointed out to Pe, It Is entirely ocean•- Dade county's property taxes amounted to $46,- Justice Oppenborn that the ro, last "long count" is being per- thy A.aeA{ee Pimp 488.82 against $9,184.96 last year. laid out in the contract Invol, formed today. e (By Associated rear) Licenses jumped to 1312.100.99 violation of the traffic laws TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. {.—Gov, HYDE.PARK, N. Y., Nov. — duringthe first one-third of this Y traveling the wrong way on Eli AI[ M. L a n d o n congratulated President Roosevelt, re-elected to fiscal year, against 5251,837.78 last ler st., he said it was no conn That Election Bet! President Roosevelt today upon his another four-year term in the year. Fines and forfeitures, driv- of his,because only the pilot of I re-election. White House, rested at his moth--- era' licenses and other similar ac- vehicle would be subject to arr. What i headache today Is "The natien•haa spoken,"the Re- er's home today after telegraphing civals were far ahead in roller- McCahill must dress in overs far some persons—andachewhatys publican candidate said in a tele- Gov. Alf M. Landon that he was tions'up to Oct.31. and try to look like Landon nwh ew cupful of joyful"I toldyou so" gram addressed to "The President, confident"All of us Americans will Hyde Park, N. Y." now pull together for the corn- ELE$.TION PLEASES POPE as Oppenborn is to present as Heal for others. "Every American will accept the mon good." - as possible the appearance of Pr, •18./.. Where are ou'An :nerd c, _.. ,.c,.a , . . A "4^v. 4.—(.I')-- ident 11.,,,,,--,