1619-1-8 The Herald - Store operator will face trial PAGE FOUR—S • HERALD TELEFISORI 2.7401 r TIIE HERALDi MIAMI1 FLORID . (THREE ARMY FLIERS .CURB R FIS E I DVSTRIAL GRO��rTII •Resigns Pastorate SUBSTITUTE IN P ARE F11,IJED I CRASH F�u BEAUTY CONTEST o z�1 I AREA IS ORI{JCf�ST AT RIVIi;RSIDE BA" • —.--- open to all the pretty girls who ? Fourth Member of Crew Jumps supply curb service at the count- •Ilium$ Beach Lions Told Reei• ?' Dr. Ii. I.ee—A1cLendt < • less roadside barbecue tvii be ;.i Preach During Motet To Safer,/:As Bomber Pella tween West Patin Bedell end ' dents Recognize Need`Por . . 1 and Borne Mlautl—xas announced today, Year-Round Activity '"`, °;- Pastor,Iles.J. C. :.• 1 r [BY TILE AadBCI4Ten rite55.7 The event alit be staged at the -. <' Industrial development of south During the absence of h I NEW KENT COURTHOUSE. Va.. Golf and Country club September Florida, which will put millions of Slone, pastor, the willpbe of SS Aug. 14.—Three army airmen of the It b being arranged by Roy people to work,was forecnet yesterday Langley Field force warp killed In the by H. I. tareebar . Baptist Church be OCC'. .14431.• tonna r ger, head of the in- flaming wreck of their two-motoredge of the elute•and (lustros: Alvlalon of the PIorlda Power �.. morrow morning by Dr. H. - bomber 1n a cornfield last night.is.n Po),3ernaArl.,andweCh stand op- and LI.1ht Company. .+, '.- Lendon, pastlk of valvar) •i army beard o1 Inquiry reviewed clr- ender. They plan to make It an He told the Miami Reach Lions club I Church,Cleveland,Ohlo_ cumetanc<a of the crnah without ;, ,,•. 4 divulging findings today. annw,l sural, at a luncheon In the tf tax lh i{oven 'FT Ra 1 lintel that people here are more con- (;iJr ' '...uagi,. 'T^a n`; Harold pie•Davidson, direct t A fourth member of the crew, The(Iris are to appear In their J xf` y pro- se' Y young people's department 2 acloua todayof the necessity of a t �'°'• !I-year-old Private N.D.Flinn of Mc- regular uniforms—slacks, shorts, grant of year-round activity than y' 1't< Sundayschool, waited byF Outtep,Ohio, kicked Open the planta while dresses, or whatever they when he berant LighttC with the , 04:. (t,''- ' 1 bomb hatch and Jumped safely with . - Salvo, director of music, w Near to work Florida power and Company In -• • -•! e his parachute a few seconds before 1924 ;,. ,� ''v ,c the will pr sent a t. The yo 1 the airship nose-dived from an enter- tilt '...,-•.. ...::.;r ' •-� -There are opportvnttra here for, pie will present a program 0. gency-landlag glide.smashed Into the producing footle of exceptional value,"' flan Thinking.". e ground and exploded an flames. AiIi LTJ h°asserted. g!' Flinn ssld • motor "choked" at �g I A F SDS ALLOTT D Itir, •Nfossbarger, chairman of the Martha Lee W'llkerwn Iv/ 1 6,000 feet and the-pilot in charge of 11 ••1R agricultural committee of the Miami 1� .1 the piano during the abacncs. the training cruise, Lieut. W S J OR STOR 1 SIIELT�RS the cults et Co 01 the E e predicted Chet + Nary Ball on vacsllou. Marron cruise, Calif„ ordered the cult) or C in the Everglade■under ` F th6 three•others to"ball out" before proper water control will out more ;'trylag to land, people to work than there are here RETIREDI} PAST( i Marvin was killed, together with now. L� FOR r Privates John H. Mnyher of Sfclieee- lie believes there is n great future LLAVI:S r port,Pa.,and James H.Crittenden,23, Official Save Structures'grill Be for the dairy industry here. Grass In _ of Richmond, Va, Built At llatecumbe and the Everglades, he amid, Is more nu- - The somersault of the plane as It tritiotu than alfalfa. Lutheran Church Cil'i'a Dipped on its back after plunging Tavernier Mr. Mosabarger has encouraged ! ' lion For Dr, hip( Into the ground threw Maybe:35 feet. Expenditure of $90.000 to construct aviation comps nese to ratabllnh branch e K �1His clothes and body were In flames planta hare. 'Phan I.one of Ills actly- two additional hurricane-proof shel•l4 Dr,0,A.Btlgwall,fencing When H.B.Robinson, a farmer,raced ter° on the Florida keys was author f plea for the promotion of Lod uatrla! / 8t, John's LutheranviChid, Mf there and threw earth over frim.The ;zed yesterday by Aubrey Williams, ticvelopmen L, _ . bodies of Marvin and Crittenden were Thomas H. Bedstall, vice president '` `. •-. forMrear for is leaving today deputy Aa works progress dispatadtnich f tor, 1 nearly consumed by the fire. an Associated Press despatch from of the Lions club and manager of the " br. G. A. Engwall, St.Js°re- for liar Soy Akron, Ohio, nisi I Capt. Robert Flamer, poet adjutant Washington reported. PowerMiamBranch branch of the presided dgnlltg the pastorate of Nt.John's home and the home of their 'at Langley Field, saki the inveegga- Willis said the shelters, to be Power and Light Company, presided athema Church after nine)ears, two daughters,Dr,Fngwall, x I, tion. report likely would not be made built at Matecumbe, and Tavernier, at the luncheon. Photograph by VanDyke Studio. years old, 4 retiringfrom ll. pubife.Shveatlgators Bought to deter- will be constructed by federal enter- :• atlas why the motor stopped. gency relief administration workers at ministry and will reside In A fitllryyc� BVD }tp11',N C�ppf� T�t1�1�, a camp south of bnnml In charge of No Do f s O 6-�'y g{o`l o f �PA Dr, angwall wu ordsned Cksr1'N :fiA 411 is 1 ILJ„Ii, Lieut. Comdr.W:Ilium M. Oreen, Doffs J.7 �1..!!11 Pay JY 1 L l .J Lutheran Church, Augustan(. ��I) The aheltere, togethith torm- (]B To Boston ,[). June 6, 1897, He has held p, $ s proof school houses .7„,w,,,...„;bulli Isv 1?11Swer 1 O Boston C�larcre In Kansas City,No., Elgin 1..rti• by the works pmgrcnn edm Btlalrntlott r ISS?]]..111 s. at Fort Lauderdale and Belle Glade, and Akron, Ohio, before soh '_� �-AGAINST cm/mhoBE would be ndequn[o as protection In an Miami nine yeas ago.A fare I arnergency,W1111ama declared. [ST t'NITED raaiss.I i� {„r.0�11Tt1.t�; 1��11 t1rt� r caption was given In their Ito • I With the release of funds, lmme- WASHINGTON.Aug.14.—The works ij j GED 11Il1.l11I R II day night by the membernhl effete beginning of the work was anti- jJJohn's Lutheran Church. rife el Chicago Gangster Is cipated yesterday by Conunander progress adminMtratlon lose up in- 0d As Transferee In Green. This protection has been dignantly tonight and declared, no (( 1[t1�i1f1'''R111' l�T1Iv{11t���}1� l( SUNDAY7SCII�I1OO whisought°0ce the Labor vestosm, Itt al gee, there aren't any dogs oa Its ,\vBULV 1 OF AljUll`iSIV 'GROUP 1T`J M S5I,498.08 Transferee which 500 World war veteransy storm, , in pave roll. 1 J I D A federal tax Ilea of$51,498.08 was clvlltana were killed. The federal emerge icy relief administration and But four Boston actresses threw the • f flied-In United State. District court the Red Crone have been rebuilding work relief agency into a Mild tar- • Baptist ,'fJJ/N'/atiot Ia, ;.here.yesterday by J. Edwin Larson, public and private etructnrea, du- moll by saying otherwise, aid offer- )litC}u'li I). orrice, Ailonley, / I eolloctor of internal revenue to riot- atroyed to the keys by the/storm.with Ing to make ¢ftltlnvlta to back up Speaks At Meeting of Alain$ Conference of. DeyJartm Ida, against Mrs. Mae Capone, Palm concrete designed to withstand the heaviest wluda. their charges. Acacia Club Miami Baptist Sunday Bohm Island,M1am1 Beath,wife of the Ohl- elation will meet at 3;30 p. sago gangster now serving a 10-year They charged that a works pro it Mitchell D. Price, attorney, told morrow. at Lenhon City Bapllat s sentence in Alcatraz prison for tax 'gess admtnlatratlon official In their members of the Miami Acacia club Rev.J.Max Ctxrk,preslJeut, x ovation. - HIGHER PAY FAy0R1+;D home town received$04 a month fromaide. Mn, Capone was named as at its meeting In the the three Congress build- !!11 tram- Washington for letting hie pet walk I Departmental conferences • • I. fere which government agents de- g I Ing yesterday that three highest conducted by Mn. Mva Corn:. tined as customary procedure when Aly P,RR acrorsa the stage in a works progress I qualifications of manhood were phya- E. P. Yilie•Mr.and Mrs.Y. A. r the assets of one person are trans- F0ii I omli ISSIII 1141 administration theater production. I Ical, Intellectual and moral qua]Inca, miller,Miss Dorothy bpar ka,Di 1•Serred to another to evade payment • 1 And that's not all. They are ready A hock of anyof three, the Bald, re- Pittard, Mn. C. V. busscll u of taxed, Mn..Capone Is not residing • Ydropped and We, Fred Boyd. At her palm Island estate,it was said, to take an oath the were Ieultcd In an Unbalanced'character. Alfred Sa The lien represents taxes due on tri- Labor's Citizenship CoII1I111 ttCC from the worka yrogress adminla[ra- The subject of its address wits "A PP will have chi Jlun'• registration and E.C.McCully is Dome during 1926,1927,1928 and 1929. Proposes$5,000 For Citytion employment list because they ){c urged a more thorough educe- man of the reception Cummlu r On Thursday dispatches from Wash- 1 wouldn't drink cocktails. tion of youth in fundamentals of Li tngtoh stated that the federal parole Of 1i0ials "Sour gropes." was the phrase used moralityand res board had rejected a parole-petition by a works progress edminlaration dl- soviet Ponal Dluced'toward a i�+ An increase in the salaries of Miami Y. He waw Introduced by Dr. MUSIC IN TILE CIIURC Of Capone. The former beer baron city commissioners from {1.800 to rector here to size up their co:nplelnta. Runs A. Williams. began the prison term on Map 4,1132. > g p $5,000 1s beim urged "They were dropped," he said, "when En tertelnment included cumbers Tamiamt•Temple. Rog Hutches l and became eligible for mole Betic g g d by Labor's Cltl we had to cut the Boston work quota, bythe Or b 3,1938: xenahlp committee which Wednesday picnic Male Chorus,directed rector:Mildred Adair et.ee.organn. '! and they're mad." byH. Carlton Slack, former director !:14'I 6klnne. Di."'' m. yroce approved a motion that organized 1 alabor sponsor a)eglnative act provid- He said the taxpayers may rest aa- of the Boston Symphony orchestral o(.paMorning fpro.n.�'B,I,n�it 1 v-POUR AMERICANS • Ing for a change In the city»charter stored that none of the {eoeral Fells! with Mra, L. Clark Linton at the them .P...."1"'•ne< ve t'. lgrd'• IY I permitting the commissioners' sal- fume la being spent by works prop- piano, F. Penn gave a rending en- ndtt'u---OrtilienderLolrauettelsahee, 1 CHOSEN BY JEWS ales to be raised $3.200. reaa,atlminlatnttlmn to keep dogs In titled"The Man Who Apologizes." Dr, Leads M• I will Follow" W,acher F. r .-.-...-e.:—... Herbert C.L.dgecombe,chairman of bones and biscuits.or their owners In S. P. Alderson was In charge of the "4•o"rdarcC B(Galbraith:c urrnrea I beans and brown,bread, e Named In Permanent Or'Qnfza• the committee, appointed a aubcom- Eall tnz the matter wasn't Rs easy program. thoremll,nchoral anthems.-T•tie I I g mittee t0 draw a resolution to be pre- as ail Lhat. The actresses' attorney, Be HoIY"dale tbina l; offertory, "L lion ofJewish Congress tented the 1937 state legI 101cnrt ef- fecting '- anima-OnLlsen: ywtlua<. 'v. B Harry M. Lewin, wine reported on the Opus 78 (ont•). fectmg the charter change. OE.'7SVA. Aug. 14: try—Americana Mr. Ed ecomlce way here to dcrnnnd that dlrectora ARE YOU GOING? g pointed out that Miami Beech eumtnumV.Ruby B .Rare flamed today to the four most of the Boston worka progress admin- Baer, dlrector: narr> De le. supe the comm organiz the educational and that antri: a I••i mportant posts In the permanent or- of labor organizations here and that Lstratlon theater protect be discharged, The children•° art class will meet ba:,ton• woo,i lecied.a P. a uns: .:.ganlyduon of the W rid Jewish:con- and right rney,too. 1n the annex to the Miami Federal tory. •Berreu,er tueluruckl; nth.. Q a�one o1 the educational forum meet- Inge on Civics It waw held that the ° attorney said he wanted the Galleries. Second floor, old'post of- Mildews Yonder"utault:yostiud<,• r a Federal Judge Julian W.Mack, flrtt removal of Leonard Gallagher, state flee building, from 10 a, in, to noon ill Puytuoa°•:11,,-',..11-r.7.--L commiseloners are underpaid for the president of the American Jewlah federal drama director;Bert se Lot-urin, freef gybe galleries will be o Ra'. pan Msl res. WSir. ',congress'when It,was founded during work required of arethema his assistant, and Alphonse Lot-, Ps'n ■el•,ns, director; L. L Sergent. or. _•' '�••the war, was bomtnated honorary '•We believe we are urging a raise P r from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. with • n(, prelude. •o,vertpr< To air. tringer,Boston program director. an xhlbltlon of etchln s reeltlent. There will be no In salarycommensurate with the g and nnezzo- •rPlo,ow';,e,o.Mn.w,H••e1••n.•ad i• ,1 ppresident. Works re Indicated they administration of- Linin, [feaorr•, .ollu Bolo. •arca rolls" U Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, chairman dutlee the commissioners are required flclala here they wouldn't back,. Sehreu.tupar: yoalude, to perform_ For Instance, theyde- •renin' (batutr). Of the American Jewish congress and do anything about it. They said the A danceo sponsored Commerce by the Miamiplace I president ofthe Zionist Orgnlzation voted days and weeks of their Llme to problem is one Sor Paul Etlx•erda, 1n Chamber of Commerce will take t{Anhan arpusic ralndtor+i. Win. .of America, was named-ehelrman of the mtheircipal budget, They upend charge of'the Whole Massachusetts tonight 1n the Mlamf Civic Ceter, Lli,ii " oe , il;the executive committee which Will much of their time away from their works progress adlninlatzetion, LO 35 N, W. Second street. Hostesses LLuok•Dasa, De r h,aed" (P1.1Gerin./. th*direct the congress('affairs. private business a[talrs In working solve, lie I.In Boston. Louts Lipsky, for the Interest of the city. They arere Miss A. Burke, Mrs. Allo King, ClarkBromIu, yus nada selected: y. t h.. , Ps y,'vice president of the entitled to be compensated for theftGallagher,Gllh 'however,did some deny- M!ys Mary Breads,Liles Dorothy Ph11- Cl.rkDLlntu r11ot erlVVrr,,at'T r.11Wi 'n Amerlcbn Jewish congress,was nomt- entitle p log hlmaelf. Taking the charged right lips Mrs. Line Smith and Miss Mar- 'or d" tba l uati at solo, lec'td. aatpd for chalrmanahlp of the central on down Lit line,he said they weren't acct Kinney, wrdu Cato; recessional ilnI S • a "Labor ba:ICvea In gelxl wages and g y Lord,•' aloft: Postlude. selected. es council,which will act between Wen- k ao. coal congress sessions and supervise believes a man is worthy of his hire." Furthermore,he added,If any works First presorulas t<eoioj Min' E1hN R. the•Stial congress executive Cbm lttee. • organist and director; a m.,prelude. hJ progress administration official re- • v non" (Motor. Miss Cool: anthem, Louts Stara, chairman of the 0- STORE OPERATOR formedeels:ad-894 a month while his dog per- CII URCII CALENDAR the Hour of TOW (Broome,: off. Slant, committee of the American in the works program etl age," •'lntrospc<uou" exert m.na: dna. King of Lose MyShepherd 1." lake, .Jewish congress.was named treasurer, WILL FACE TRIAL tration production of"Valley Forge,•, MONDAY nIPr Mrs. J. Merrill Whltc .rid Wnma I.r Formal ratification of the names, It was before h0 took office. vette Center of Praelle,I Chale- D. m'. prelude, "B,bba th Cahn- IC unanimously offered by the nominnt- The four• Itch-ease* alleged, In one sanity will have • lecture o ^slblo" t1•nn: anthem. 'Lela; Kindly L' '• 1 Violation 'of, Law Prohibiting progressill 111e . ,rid..eels' {w as work at Iue,al nn: frons,: Howe n. In Intcommittee,Wad deferred whepthe J3 Instance, that worka admin- tell' lArm.trone': yy ,stn, J songful rtes,sntd., Their elethe intention officials sent them to a Bae- • fm .unmet Lutheran board or drain- Row of Sharon" (Gabriel),Mrs.Whit, Slot Machines Chargedutrouaa will.meetat a D. m.ala lee -- however, was regarded a formalit• y, ton hotel to appear 1n a style show, thnrch narlon, Shenandoah Pr<sD>ter„n, Mrs.plat • 4 femlo�ry atorek. 20381etor Ponce oa con-f Leon They claim to have discovered that {hint ha rch d,rl llCTrt 11 of tr.alnbaal �nudon.director; Mrs. Hicks. Mei THREE EXECUTED • (etl°nery oma atr203$ eight "general survey men" from lb. some of Ml..;Lath Co.le:. yes d, Me?"i. 'Haw Loni Wet Av a leu ' yesterday by Waahington comprised the audience. w'. Twentr•noond road. trouper will Me P' ,pBu••en: offertory,.•Andaat• Coral Gables once for violation ofsero'• lwhbon': o$1111. r1 mole ¢¢u•: FORS MURDERSP After the show,they said,they were a•Csnu, Beetle( draeona , meat ect<d: m., prelude. 'Consoi,ml the city ordlnaneo which prohibits urged to Join a cocktail party but ie. •t s o. t the ilia rr h. ,Lust; anthem, •Si111. Still with Tf r slot machines In that municipality. Cora liable. Melt $ o. bo•rM1 f (Speaks), cin Clr; offertory. "Benedict! • 4 p y fused. Their dlam'saal, they said, steward• will meet •t s a• m. at ,L• (D•Ilter): offertory duet. selected. It was the tint arrest by Coral Oa- carne shortly after, church. 16 Mintrtel Required To Exact blew police In the'"one-armed There is supposed to be one other L'tlas n,4Y coral (fable. Conerr`'uon•L Fret pP rc•Ivan bra tl.t Wom+n•. MI.,Inn- Hover Bergh. director: Wan li,rdn Tenrteasve Death Penalties bandits•were legalized In Dade coon- affidavit, a declaration that a minor r .0.Icty »m most a oar Lurch •nl.r. m. occlude.Warner u. tY. they said. Peacock was .;barged work° progress admfnletrstlon off ictal r,ra b,l ,,'o sod"••"`r ta. I'h iun0h- IUl: e . ulon.l. 'j{.ure 1>I Augwith roaxennIon of a p g I n, Mre, s:dna Tow.. tel 2,?.-`;2;Y`.: .rano iu, ••load Sha N a •WASHVSLS.Y, Tenn,: Aug..14.','.P)— 1gambling device: circulated among the actreneee pa,ssln Leve herce of 'be ro, , ° l e 'lege. Wade uvm s t Ths state•attain tris spats of 16 min- The machine was confiscated 1'p police, out cards with the name of a motel,a aubiert l,.r the briar:.'',Y:ae p, r:41,•:;,,'",,,,;-;,-..,;:sR. ••old It eu re w 1!(r1r I Utes, electrocuted three negroes to- •t Onus Centra Ili br •..rote u,i WillI P b .$Dila Selo It S•r•h b<r Fescpen was released under room�h um bee and a date.charge s to lit mbtr.'• lralp Ian.vase cls,.wi,I than.-"corse Hut SDInC' iSchneck° day for u many rinurden• bond pending trial 1n Coral Gables report to the hotel, the charge aaltl, n,ae, a, ,,p, nt. Willum Answer kiMi and legit(:traverse. ' First to go to the chair was.C. H. Mu nlcf al court, tint h,dapenrel•Lutheran Church Will.Anaw•r EY•ry?rarer' Ix'r Lrrl; po Cur10Y) Ballard,,,,56-year-old oma- P meant dlunimaL ouscu win siert al c v. m. •t Ian lode,from •etabat Mater'. (Hwamll. home of M r. and air.. Albert M,na- �'$gged brick mono of Kingerport,conn 41111.Ml us '. W. a,au.b.,,e1. First Christian. H. Carleton Slack. ! l letgd of killing another negro to col- First rre.erttrl.r, You,.ll! trr<u.People rector:Afterton. planet: Ann annuli. ricin 1192 insurance, /f Wheeler [[\�/r 1� •• u. bassi ' 11“,,ee,''', prone: ,m,ur•lude, -Serenade•t W,du .. .Next was James Smith, 27, who, L W u res y y h e e Ye r Designs e vo I. aW lyric O+.rat ms lead the ensemble i>mrr, 'EY.r With J..,. 11 street. e devotional d w'.Il.e. Armstrong 111 iN'chol': tenor aalo. blreu•tl, of t along with another negro, was con- ala 'he and ,ludr boat review. Il I's" (Net ln), Pruu ,fu.t•! Bolla e ,YlCted of, murderlpg Hugh Mattock, M,r: ii pmt °r''' wnl el t brm. •Fold. Y• the Pallier^ (dupnot. .0 1 the hams II Mra,John r"`..- Doetlude "PilarI ins' Chola•' (W pot. i, 65-year-old m bits cutter of Fayette- 3%0. W. Ieurleenrh ire.,. D ❑'.prelude. "'Nocturne" tOhuUlp l; �jt �y�{jSyL,,�M<��..,}}�e Y Itu,lnnd Woman'. circle u! tVevl • - Yllle: �./ 8w�J(i-i7•w� ~ r'-M .Jl t /!W.. i„tiff •luster Presbyterian(•bocci will eat thorn. No Shadows Yonder" Maul): t James Cherie, 23, of Memphis was • �{,CV is J t yy.. _ • • yf jt{, t t w l'• m•sl,he church.with j... Rutler: -fYable hymn: ,tech,mTh0. Js. I Last, He waw convicted of ehootln - ,+}/�s'{ �' '� b x\ 'l' J.Y.Singles hooter, ( Butler; •n sembl 1> I Ca.Thy/hod: g ...1.1'. 3; fe vr•/y3j v,,�./ a ' r:;' WI,Uvt.s UA2 ) the Lord- lM<adeladoltnl; pound 'Richard Sheehan,77,•a former Mem- . y"' .,d. ^A".f'� `� ts')` -7 Mla,al 11 eh brb'bt paver a -Torch field M et ICIerki, phis High school-football star,during I , a huralctr•nf the Nllcehe' •