Michael Milberg/General RE " City of MlamIIlead1 Oll\otof the City ClerIc 1700 ~ OmtIlrOnw, -Illlactl, FL JJ:39 E1I1BII~ ~m1-_Ch.n.us LOBBYIST ~IKATJON FORM (Cltyol' MilImllll!acll, Cly Clldl!o..Rr 2. DMsIool3, !iecllDIIl-'l8l) CJ ChedI; Box if.... A~ J~~,\~ ~uu...aL. I~. NAl'fIi 01' L : (Lact) ( 1'1t$!) ~~~~%...~~ ,CO~ BUSI ADOIlfSS: moer IIIIll SInlet \ (city) ~S"-"t'~,\\~ '00::" s:rc...\- ~'t'Cj( TE\.EPHOI'lE N . fAX NUHIlfR: 'Ir\. ' ~ ',~,' ," (M.I) DATE QUAUl'lfD ASlOll8l'l5T .u..,,"- :Ll .j\\\G..o~_ ~L '-"T",H,\ (State) , -~<I;1JI Cclde) EMA1L~ L lOBlMS'r 1tE1'~ 11'1"= ~~IU.\. 12........ ~~E Cf!>~~T\...~ "'- ~~ <;'uJ <(.~ ~~-'~"L1-~ ~,............-.. FL B1JS1NfSS ADDRESS: (Numberllnd!lmc!t) (City) (stnk, ~Er-:~~~"!..~ ~01~~~:~S >> '~L.\ (Zip Code) / 8Wl: (0ptI0J1al) F1II011tthl....... .~l". Cofpo.....,,,, .........lSfIIporThm(hdIotl. Z-2(clJ . - OF OI!EF ClFFXO;ll. PAR1NEIl, OR 3ENEl'lQ,4lR\'; ~"'-~~,...... y............", ~!"_,~ l ~O :JQ<M.e>.$ ~O(S"") V\(l usr AU. Pel\SCItl5 HClI.DlNG, D1RfC11.YOlllNO,tREC'llY, A 5% OR ~e O\Nl';EllSHIp lNTEREST IN SUC~ DtC'Sl CORl'ORAllON. PAR.'rnERS1iTPOR. nUSl: I' n. 1IPIlQ~ UlIllIT IIIllle ~~&~v--L~ v...~'i:....-X~v.....~J:.. issuetDtJi rd{DMaPJe---"'<MtaI)~- ( ~L-"':'<:'" t)t::.. t-.\.fo.IL &'\.1' '" u.J'~ DL CI'l'T NiettCCu:../~..LS1'O lIE LOll_I); A) Pd ..... 01 tMdIwIduadl1'lll8 B) RnIIoMItIp .- . JY. ~\laUKW:;UI'" ,~"""~. a vr ..~..m. ~r..v.. '~I;;; ft'nl:l~ "fJU""'", F1.ATRATE'CR OTHER): , A) lOllSYlSTDlSCl.OSlJR,E: t\"'L.,--o _"-~'v. r-~ l_ r. , \ B)1PIIJNCIPAL'SP""0SURf(OFlOllBYlST~~~ "UJDtf) Mj),~~"I, \l"e~: .,.e{ 1) ~u;n~r:I1:"=lI~I\~~9t~~=~S:~~~~~~'== 5 Cillnoalon Cmtributions BY L.o!lIlvIsrs on Pmrurement lssues": ~=:=~.."="::~~~ ~:u~ Dr ~1rP.L Drons ~ .l 2) PU''il",,,t tn Ordlnalll'1" lIlo. ,.DO:J.:DIM AnH!ndlna ttlillmi II.!.."". ~~~ 2. Artlde \Ill Dn.: 5 tbetelf EIIli~ "Camoaign Fk1ana! Refannw. Via 11le Addill(;; i:i~_ __ H9D Entitled "Proh_ CamOllian Ctlntribution~ Ilv ~ ~l Estate ~tll@ftt M;Uf!.';"' AnI vou Ia.bbvIna an a Del'Idl4a atlDliaHna far. DevelaDnleltt AGreement with the City or .y:'~ for ehallGe fA U1ninJ Ift1lIIt deslenatlon or chanGe 10 the CltY's Fut;;,;L.;'; Use MaD? Y. SlG!MTUllE UIlDE" OATH: CI'II 0C1'D8I!. In OF EAaf 'lfAR.1!AOt lO8IJVIS1' SHALL SUBMn'1O ntl ClTY CLERK. SIGNED nAnMl!NT UNDER OATH, USlINC$ L08&YlNG E)(PENEmlIIt!S Il'Illtl! CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THt: ~ CAIBlDQ. Yl!!AR.. . ( dO SOIemnlV _r that all of the foregang fad.'l iIR! true and correct and that t have read or am fltmilllr with the pr'OIIls/ons cont!lil'ltl!d in Sllction ',482 of the MiamI BeiJc:h City Code as amended, and all repa!ting requirements. Signature of Lobbyist; Signature of PrincipeVOlellt: \IE. Cl Proc:toced ID . Form of J<B1tIk:atlon YD. SIGIilAJUflE AND IrAMPOf NOrIlRYOR DEPIITYCLEJII(; Stale Of Florida, COunty of Mlam~Dade Sworn to and subscribed before me This ~ of . 2001. Signa1Ure Of PUblic Notary - Stare of Florid;) flrint,. slamp or type name d NOOJi'y PublIc ~ IPQR CURlC'S UR ONLY' RfVsIratJllI'l: VAdEmD [ ) RE1B:TED DAre ?3 rrrelected,.stlllenlil~ ~ . ~~ _..~., '" [J" iJ"'" [J_ ~ n: ~ _ o,ll1t, EN'mr PATe' '1 'Z.S _ 200J EN~ Il'f; . llICl ~ l/18/ISJ . F: :n.\LObbrists~.doc: ~f\ I . V /