Islam, Mohammed ISLAM, Mohammed This page is intentionally left blank MIAMI BEACH CITYCOMMISSIONGROUPIVrt^RMGrAPPLICATION prn lI44 n^- fThis applicationformisrequiredaspartoftheCityCommissionGroupIV2lc9frQpthiatl&Vubmittal. ThecompletedapplicationMUSTaccompanyyourletterofinterest, currentresume„phxtggraph,:andCityof MiamiBeachoath. Youmayattachadditionalsheets, ifnecessary, toprovidetherequiredinformation. See theNoticeofCommissionVacancyforadditionalinformation. Is1-. n4- 1 Mo14,q-r-IHf-17 RAFl© 1— LastName FirstNameMiddleInitial 1004-1 r ARRIT2 Dt21vE #3 MI/r(4I 13goctt St.eP4tw5314I Home Address City State ZipCode tt- 30"3 - 340} molcww,rme4.161.owr, lei([cD . cww-tam) .l • CellularTelephoneEmailAddress1 t124,---esSlASLR.+Y ( ElII) Business Name 1 2 Occupakon Sal{ R2,60e Businessddress City State ZipCode Have youbeen aresident of MiamiBeachfor aa,minimumofone year? I1d” Yes No Are youaregisteredvoterinMiamiBeach? L7Yes No Florida VoterRegistrationNumber(located onyour voterinformation card): IO, 1124A1tLt Are youpresently aregisteredlobbyist withtheCity of MiamiBeac ? YesL1YNo Have youeverbeen convictedofa felony? Yes Haveyoubeenisedaviolation(s) oftheCityofMiamiBeachCodethatremainsopenorpending? YesNo If yes, pleaseexplainindetail: N1• A- • Do you currently owetheCity of MiamiBeach anymoney? YesL7No If yes, please explainindetail: f,1 • A Page1 of3 Inwhatorganization(s) inMiamiBeachdoyoucurrentlyholdmembership? DewAecyeA)C- 15C-671to cll b - Neu': ; '- OrganizationName Position e'n10EC20PM1: 06 OrganizationName Position ListallpropertiesownedorinwhichyouhaveanownershipinterestinMiamiBeach: 10o41 f1/21`aYn}3 .Drive / µ aw ., i'-,tact. ft_ -7,3141 - 4) £siMItcc..c,k. fL-3314j How long have you livedinMiamiBeach? 21 25 Have youservedon anyCity ofMiamiBeachBoard(s)orCommittee(s)? 1L`( 1 Yeess _] No 1 If yes, whichBoard(s)orCommittee(s)? S(ii$' n LtdlTt- y,L1La-Srf- C6•+f4 fVV What wereyourcontributionstotheBoard(s)or'Committee(s)?_' AS be-t n tott.n/thl W S c-tty iW1 4,sta OtM LAA-;-irte, coo 1 WhyareyouinterestedinservingontheCityCommission?1AMA_ 5,1-raide.A-c-1: 2-n"- kaDA Wall , AyA.LILLAA4-n6/ otrs9-ti.aj >`9 i x tcoxc Howdoesyoureducationand/orexperiencecomplementthepowersanddutiesoftheCity Commission? trd CIVI S VJhr. l trW Q CcL( 4 - • 4t& Page2 of 3 Will yourunfor a City Commission seatin2019? L`fYes No Undecided IHEREBY ATTTHEACCURACYANDTRUTHFULNESSO'fl-RrA GLIP{'A1iIGi 11 i f o I_ Applicant's SignatureDate NOTE: ThecompletedapplicationMUSTaccompanyyourletterofinterest, currentresume, photograph, and CityofMiamiBeachoath. Youmayattachadditionalsheetstoprovidetherequiredinformation. Thecompletedapplicationalongwithallaccompanyingmaterialsmaybesubmittedvia: EmailtoRafaelGranadomiamibeachfl.qov HanddeliverytotheOfficeoftheCityClerk, 1700ConventionCenterDrive, FirstFloor PostalmailtoCityofMiamiBeach, OfficeoftheCityClerk, Attention: RafaelE. Granado, 1700 ConventionCenterDrive, MiamiBeach, FL33139 PUBLICRECORD: PursuanttoChapter119, FloridaStatutes, thisapplicationandeverythingattachedtoitisapublic record. ThematerialsyouprovidewillbepostedontheOfficeoftheCityClerk'sElectionwebpageand willbeavailableforinspection. IfyouareanindividuallistedinSection119.071, F.S., whosehome addressisexemptfromdisclosure, theCityClerkwillmaintainthatconfidentialityifyousubmitawritten request. F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\ELECTIONFORMS\VACANCYAPPLICATIONREGFINALDRAFT.rO Page3 of3 CITYOFMIAMIBEACHdkri- n-r20pm1: 05 STATEOFFLORIDA COUNTYOFMIAMI-DADE Beforeme, anofficerauthorizedtoadministeroaths, personallyappeared 4kCAM".tomewellknownwho, beingsworn, saysthathe/sheisseekin111559 appointmenttotheOfficeofCityCommissioner (GroupNo. IV) fortheCityofMiamiBeach, Florida; thathe/sheisaqualifiedelectorofsaidCityresidingwithintheCityatleastoneyear beforeapplyingforthisoffice; thathis/herlegalresidenceis: 1004 Yh?grnl4jy,r;ve -4;h_3WAALoai4P1 -31,141 . MiamiBeach, Miami-DadeCounty, Florida; thathe/sheisqualifiedundertheordinances includingMiamiBeachCityCodeChapter38governing "Elections") andCharterofsaidCityto holdsuchoffice. 1 tc----------- SignatureofCandidate Swornto (oraffirmedandsubscribedbefore methis 2.a f day of 1%)e.C.c Ant '. , 2018, byfof+lt4Med1/AF-if-Jut. 'rstI\M . NOTARYSEAL) 0-+y-/-' v SignaturefNotary lic-StateofFlorida i. MYCOMM1951QY*GC 051808S.OrtiGl`l ,tri11,EXPIRES:Ag113,2021 OF sandedn,,,Warr Pubk036• 14, NameofNotaryyped, Printed, orStamped Personally Known OR ProducedIdentification 77 I f Type ofIdentificationProduced F(-o R,_Aa `) lit kf e(L15 Lt Ce,) 52 1/. s-... . N(40 1i'lb I t i1 . i VS'4 1 1 0 Irillir.- Iii LeFi ss Cr- 611fRY n r 11 { 1C3+ LIS r"tOl At+mcC l 1StCtw1 I. 1°"+' 11'., Q D Af2 1 T V\GVL 11114 Yu-In is ( sin -W&Ity e ` 'GYM--jKit ) JC LJ 'VacemikCrv% Savvy-el3rd 20 tat . s S7v4-1, Y2btSvwe l7ixitn—. bc44<v " I . P7A,Y1Cfi 1GlenCAV: 3 1.04 14AA-x 02- 4/LCA AAP)Lne4 Vitt (nal Voetr4 gcel-am • Frnve.4, 4' — ff ceyl Ca-wayvti }e . P c. tk 1 h 20 I3 YuvI C IYi iti 1 k C`5 th11-2M 6 hCS Szc.efl AYo..` V w h, e clti • P .yz v..14-1,3 UYCSivw` aN` aOCvtMn VU Ki`1 9 TO-Its-v. • iti lis • St Drli2ott.• ice"6 CC 3441 . rnCq•; 711BC20P" 12: 29 RESUME MohammedRafiquiIslam 1004BiarritzDriveAPT #3 — owneroftheproperty MiamiBeach, FL— 33141 Phone786-303-3407; Emil: Objective: Toobtainachallengingandrewardingpositionin whichmyskillsandexperiencecanbeutilizedtocontributeto thegoalsofanorganizationwhichoffersgrowthand advancementopportunities. Education: B:S, incivilengineering (Bangladesh) passingyear 1985. Professionalexperience: Iworkedasprofessionalengineerand builtalotofbuildings, roads, bridges, andculvertbackhomein Bangladesh. Iwasinvolvedinabigproject (Damconstruction) anditwasunderSaudiMinistryofwaterandirrigationandgot agoodreputationandcertificate. Iwassiteengineerin differentsite, suchascofferdamslurrywall, pouring, concrete, rockexcavation, consolidationgrouting. Overalleverysitegain hugeknowledgewithpracticalexperienceitwasaverybig Mik project 200 twenty ninev6e. R. projecttheconsultantcompany wasAL-FaisolandAuxoninternational [ Americanconsulting firm]. Duration of this projectfrom 1987to 1992. ThenIwasbacktomyhomecountrystartworkingwiththe consultantcompany (Pmaxconsultant). AsanengineerIwas involveinaruralinfrastructureepically360' longbridgefunded bytheU.S. Aid, laicaandotherforeigncompany. Alsoinvolve withalotofsmallbridgeculvertandroadconstruction. Most projectbasicallyforfloodprotectiontosavethecoastalarea fromtheflood. So, Igainalotofexperienceaboutflood protection. Businessexperience: Startedagrocerystorebusinessin1997 at71St, StreetMiamiBeacharea, thenthesecondbusiness openedin2001at71St, StreetMiamiBeacharea. Thethird businessopenedin2003, named "STOPNSAVE" locatedat 1245- 71St, streetMiamiBeachFL33141. Usedtobe711, closed thatbusinessin2010. OpenedfarmstoreinHialeahuntil2012. Finally, IopenedagasstationinKeyMarathonFL. Languagesskill: English, Bangla, Spanish, Arabic, Hindu, and Urdu. NotaryPublic : Since1999workingasnotarypublicand notarizedlotofdocumentssuchasimmigrationdocument, personalpapers. SometimesIworkedasaU.S. notarypublicto helpthemobileembassyofBangladesh. Since2001inMiami DADEcountyFL. HomeOwner: Ownsomerentalpropertymaintaintheproperty in a nice manner. V Maritalstatus: Married. Childrenonedaughterandtwosons Reference MR. BruceSchinberg (Attorneyatlaw) Address: 800WestAvenueSuiteC-1MiamiBeach, Florida 33139 Contactnumber: 305-538-7575 AdmilsonPetersonex-employeesince1997-2010 Contactnumber: 786-769-9345 KamrulHassanKhan: Businessowner Contactnumber: 786-380-7817 AtpresentboardmemberCityofMiamiBeachsustainability andresiliencycommittee. Article: MiamiBeachisacitylocatedinMIAMI-DADECounty Florida. OneofthelargestpopulationsintheCounty87,779. MiamiBeachhasbeenhometoseveralresidentsfromvarious nationalitiesgenderssocialandeconomicsclasseswith hundredsandthousandsofvisitorsfromaroundtheworld travellingeveryyeartotourthefamouscity. CityofMiami BeachhasbeenacommunitytomanyoftheUS. Everyonehere hasgoodrelationswiththeirneighborsandbecomefriends. We can help to keep our community safe and clean place. HowIcanimprovethecity IntherainyseasonresidentsofMiamiBeachfacingbigproblem withthedrainagesystemduetofloodingwhichismajorissue. Asaprofessional, IcansaythatIwillproposeaplantoaddress theissueandwillensurethatthisplanisexecuted. Iwilldomy best to ensure that ourneeds aremet. r ThefollowingistheauthorisedEnglishtranslationoftheoriginalcertificateandisvalid onlywiththeoriginalBanglaiertIcate. MONOGRAM Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka CERT!FLCAF1. inaccordancewiththestatutesoftheUniversity flohammebRattqu13igtam havingsatisfactorilyfulfilledalltheacademicrequirementsand havingreceivedtheapprovaloftheSyndicateisherebyawarded, withalltherightsandprivilegespertainingthereto, thedegreeof RACFHF.LOROFSCIENCEINCIVILENGINEERING nal academic session Dateofpassing, 1953-54 flardj1955 Heisplacedinthe APeconbetas SIGNATURES SEAL OFTHE Vice-Chancellor UNIVERSiT" Registrar Date 296jfebntarp 19SSControllerofExaminations Compared and Verified cv CONCORDENGINEERS8CONSTRUCTIONCCONCORD! ENGINEERSaBUILD Date : 10-08-86 TOWHOMITMAYCONCERN ThisistocertifythatEngineerMd. RafiqulIslam, 8/0Mr. Abdulaamio Sheiyenof27/2KabiJashimuddinRoad , Kamalapur , Dhaka,Servedinthiscompanyforabouttwoyearssince1985asEngineer . Duringthisperiodhesupervisedthehih-nvr .: ,n, aJunior Building thantwentystoried) atMotijheel , JnanatagBanksHeaduOfficeworks, withentireresponsibilityandgatheredthearacti„a1experienceofmodernbuildingconstructsHe wasfound dependable ontechnology, kindinestimatingtheCivilworksofdifferent er' drovedtobesincerehardworkingintel7ronC,trustworthy.g activeand wishfilmeverysuccessinhomeandabroad. rTh MitSawkatHossain director (Engg . )Dhaka. AL-QAt(HEE4 CORP. & CO. en.000.07 t}rtiot 11814* DAMPROJECT J./4'A:,,4*— HEAD OFFICE—MADINAH AL.6n:NACARAH t.{JR - 4}—yr P.OSOX 331—CABLE:AGDA EE. tA5 .:.. frJ i'+ Y••,e TELEX SWI: AL-DASHEEF. S.3.—CAL OM A 011I. J—,, L AIr •. TEL. 6349 —FAX- £1261:6Z5 DATE _li._June1989 SERVICECERTIFICATE TOWHOMITMAYCONCERN : ThisistocertifythatMOHORAFIQOLISLAMs/oAbdulHamid8huiya NationalityBangladeshibybirth , hasbeenservinginthiscompanysi 2. 11. 87asaSiteEngineerattheBISHADAMPROJECT. Duringthisperiodhesuccessfullysupervisedthecompletionoft slurry cut-offto the cofferdam , ( done by sub-contractor ) , & thecc creteworkinvolved-, donebyourownlabour. HewasalsoworkinginC ingandblastingforrockexcavation. During this period hehas proved tobe sincere , active & hardwol aswellastrustworthy_ Heisstillworkingwiththecompanyonthisproject. Iwishhimeverysuccessinthefuture. Engr. MalekGhazal 7, 1 Executive Pro). Eng A. OMANMONo] RiA ROADNO. 4s.MANA. NOLApE 880anettOHnKA ProjectManagementAnd TELSX • PHONE Consultancy ServicesLtd 550405208527 TOWHOMITMAYCONCERN Thusistocertify' thatMr .Md .RafiqulIslam, 6/0Mr.AbdulHamid Bhuiyanof27/2 , r.abiJashimuddinroad, Kamlapur, Dhaka, hasbeen servingassiteengineer ( civil ) inthiscompanysinceDecember-90. Duringthisperiodassiteengineerheusedtosupervisethe constructionofruralroads, bridges , culverts , buildingsetc. at differentssitesorlocations. At present he is supervising a36Dft. Long R.C.C. Balanced CantileverbridgeonboredpilesatDemraunderNarayangonj district. ItisaspecialProjectinLocalGovernmentEngineering oepartment ( LOCO) . He is active, sincere, deligentandamiableinnature. Heis obedientandtrustworthy . Iwishhimeverysuccessinlife. 4 , •6. 9, • Engr.Md .GolamMostafa TeamLeader PMAC£ Ltd. FRP/LGED, Dhaka. LAWOFFICES KROOP & SCHEINBERC, P.A. SOWNBAYCLUB.sumC-1 800WESTAVENUE NIANLIbeacu, FLORIDA33139 RICHARDI.KROOP ARE ALSOADMITTEDIN COLORADO 53 BRUCE3.SCNEINBERO MIMEDFAMILYMEDIATORif COUNTY CIVILCOURTMEDIATOR AREA March28, 2012 s PersonnelDepartment PowerlinkSettlementServices, LP 345RouserRoad — Building5 Coraopolis, PA15108 Re: MohammedRafiqulIslam PositionSought: Notary /ClosingAgent DearSirorMadam: Irecentlyhadtheopportunitytoworkoveraconsiderableperiodoftimewithmembers ofyourcompanyinarathercomplexmatterwhichaftermucheffortoneveryone'spart resultedinasuccessfulclosing. Youprovidedtheservicesofatravelingnotarypublicwhocametomyofficeto completethetransaction. Thatpromptedmetowritethisletter. IhavebeenanattorneyinSouthFloridaforover40yearswhosepracticehasan emphasisonbothcommercialandresidentialrealestatematters. Myofficeislocated onthatpartofMiamiBeach, knownasSouthBeachwhichisuniqueinmanyways especiallyintheareaofrealestatebecauseitattractsalargenumberofforeign investorswhoformanyofthemEnglishisnottheirprimarylanguage. Inmyopinion, throughpastexperiencetherearetimeswhenalthoughsomeoneata closingwhoisobviouslyfromanothercountry, mayspeakandapparentlyunderstand Englishtherecanheaquestionofwhetherthatpersonunderstandsthenuisancesofthe languageneededtofullyunderstandthetextcontainedincertainclosingdocuments. IhaveformanyyearsknownMr. MohammedRaiPqufIsiantwhoadvisesthatfora considerableperiodoftimehasactedasanotaryandclosingsupervisoryagentintheSouth Floridaarea. HisabilitytospeakEnglish, Spanish, Bangla, Arabic, HindiandUrdulanguagestaken togetherwithhiswillingnesstotravelthroughoutFloridatvouldbeasignificantasset toassistyourcompanyinclosingtransactionsingeneralandspecificallywhenthe abilitytoconverseintheselanguageswouldmaketheclosingprocessmore understandablefor the parties involved. 2 y} r P WithMr. Islam'slanguageskills, IbelievethatsituationswhereinnonprimaryEnglish speakingpartiesmightlaterclaimthattheydidnotunderstandwhattheyweresigning ataclosingcouldbesignificantlyminimizedifnoteliminated. AlsoMr. Islam'slanguageskillswouldbebeneficialincreatingacomfortableand moreconfidentatmosphereforthepersonsattendingaclosingwhomightfeelthatthey areatadisadvantagewhenallthedocumentsareinEnglishandthatisnottheir primarylanguage. IthereforewouldaskthatyouconsiderusingMr. MohammedRafiqulIslamtoactasa notaryIclosingagentintransactionsthroughouttheStateofFlorida. AnyarrangementsyouwishtomakeshouldbemadedirectlywithMr. Islam. Sincerely, KROOP& INBE jr% nxp emberg% I A1gTIGL-EAt3o01. A E W A4-L- ?r_nc SU 3.ntuur, 20P'•Ii2: 29 1);--111-nG5hltnnSze wc-ll - SecaIA6..,tlIis nr m r-- fi co-wy:c.) rz. ad,,,caC.ert.R4--rLitt4-c ta re --!,„ co e_. c,,,z1abs ssnc..e...re. cerr- a„c f C..Q-csts Zmpac"}- eii ¢t+ ,- 1 Crr -'r"i..St 1-°r` er-kr ms o- Coni&1- • ' T!,.aAw 1,( C " tr-c, Sa. wb-liis - YO;-ec. r ay.o_ts #.4_ unQh kelp',-rc..44 ? CeL ceirfJah L esAtAi'a G z.1,-;;*".i as - j-rw.. - 1:1G-ci-i cn•, 4-tca-S 1.Jc.c32Scsss" - LA.ncin' S • T1. - Il(Ihq yJANg- . pDYg- -4pbwft tt.e.- Sec. 1/;.:; c41 2n3122cone i- Sv:v - i LPsffNba; P1 S 1 2 • SoilTes4- 3 . So-c.- 1 -{1,_a wno‘e,,( wat -' 4 . 51. vIyr - Wwl'i s . c.c. L...).....l i „ In.a ..iT,4.1- • a- , t 1/2Q4- ", - 1/4-r--s--1/4-r--s- S¢ 1,21(.4.1) ti J.1 5--^,s SOrn/Q-Al cy.vcrwv4 - tys- r_er+,v7'1--4an'n_.c_ .-thrate.-TC.art.- o tt...n- ou+.-cn..,. on-t-‘-111Era. 9....4-•0;Q°"r.am oak;/LtY," -- - T 11/4-1;°Qv:, l3e.u.c,L. L. r.re.c.. . -t-+.wtl./ . Pia.ya,ft-c.c.;v/y Y s"` ic.>c-?' a i r uY' i tNc'- C1A. 5V-: * 0 ,..)r p, JU ice. J'a•A V"):\ u;n} ire. 2.. • c°''{ -1-25 T I. - . 11,..2.5LS 41R9-,. V-`'r^! t 13.4 1r cl.vvi- O` r p C S ray.. CCom,. In-¢.r2; kti r<rx.",„a-;...(- t-C C- kkl'AvuAkt&L) V cS- OC_aM- . I S Tom 6tku.i es.,_ Ti LTr TIl I Fr , iiii: sr 1 1c H! S. 1 , I G Cet I I1i C/ l7IG\ I lCD I I Co, Mil 1Ens 1If Fon Gall Hoo issanniors kfosit Naso ciakate- Chravta'06 canny. 2AIA41 ci Lkac Collet* 71•••51 .-c - 4U -- drew. oc.o/1n. brcc . gc.La.E% n Soi ; Com,'1--i crn 1rJ cCtx-vB+nTA, -HeSae-- I)PjcsaC_t, A mow yJc it iS # a fcr\- ho* ,, 9,A- its CAY‘ 49, W4` k d j- t k- Wak-4v.tn 'ote ' 3. Seal i ¢ inti Ctrs. w 71,12- bo{{-atin iso rh L1/416,1. iVote's -3, atoc Sem., tocress" F-o `b1-r.b1a- Wc1,1Shv»Lqtoa_ h{(ol-o-& X 4' y_ t""v.9- "- c., l', (j c.iic_c-A ho LI o „ bT Y W6., 11 Cs C&. I(tc (" Lk(t•-.7 a;-tbtj` ! 1, f Wcvyl `-Q."5svrl- ` - Ri avYay-i- &amn.2.J- WGJ'..a„! 1--&-Awd t,it,.ALL Li rtoLc), So-'A -ta. G a_ bca.v.. ti a 61,-F-0 1"J6.,l-ft., dvc1 , Ti,,. sisfr r vvv-etd r Cstwgz-ai r r e c trw-, - 1 oc( , -1-+ an- G.-d, oft- V Yvon -ra, . cG-ia3ttih.-e-i1- - SLuryrWhy ;h Ti ; . is ?-t,,,y_ w‘414- t mr•(io vv5 Dc, a-': t* aS« Ai12h (TY1'V‘&141Gl. b't^Yf -f. W0c4l/J•e_ t avo. Y42- IC ois_ Rr F. 11 I t.s (Ca... n'taa ± t3bw l / iu"6i.T'4.1. t.. 1mit *v &V& 3 a-",„,,„,,} pr; vwv Tan( 4; A c..erciS. it W a- car Procas,s At. Ste, l.. &, 11 c.Ywkt tr GYAMA 077)..),,-vuvl Girm.m. TV Tis is Lot_Ne 6Ya,bx"( kms"l e I wa ii sJ 2.14`r-S") a l 1aw.:ciL W11 heFLJ f eGcl. ' Q VU Tla Wlele H mawt'r ?riwitn-- c A A y.. ., r'' l.Tli' yJ \ t/M4` /T4Y'Tl fat) 11 rr - IMy Pruet//A1 h (rc .c LO\e- 2CC!^/G.Y1611 f& VU t L7 c ' A biCrk, DhVte* a, c.. C C 1 v‘\\ N t in A. i \ F P az \ tit \_ ro H\ ) k-- i $. r i:'4, n o Iz i r-- h, ro r m i 1 T) 5 5eavJc.A\ kele.: Ms 1 s -i-t - 2- 4 - ?"1" t p ( 54 - Ats_ w 1v let +-‘> S ' -i-r) C m.J c,_ Hsatt,.y10-“-"Cf, c- riS Gltyw Can Wa CS4-r-•,t I tr.. e, N.ac -n t Su Wei wlesCa' ' 2, Jr Ls I ts2ntGSer. VMo'41 1 j- n , T7V-4-7,...- oL-6-v-A- SwV t9 1 1hW Lt Wim,\._ -F'> - ; a-s-k`-`ti` 1C,er„ _,WL^'v T`6 v,. t_ Com . C1w . G.. 'n_, r ' yir-))Aof-. c' S lb 1 CJ'dI 0 Wt19 +q '^'u-4 ? 1aifC,.'nnC`rvY *C S bit cry Y a c lo to 1 \o 11,4 - 2 vv.a cQo Oh is no; v"° ranA11oc . gip-ti C-e-- i -Yli.r:1‘) g, e (T. 4 SFAtv4t-1-.. ADVANITAyc DistADVAlaTAGe- AeiVar i-cizrz trz +ukrrol-D y t tttmGnn G- avetretcc. o l;f,to, v Is 4t..ak Pro 4 4-ttr QYYO5;ay. As tae0;. 4„--6 er ..no crj b v l-wee 1.-avv4c, cpm4 ;CC. . Le Ir et, lsa v'cc 3/4grazi rroTeltnen^ 4aXtva Ry0A^(e.wre_ vJal-a.v 1.-eN e. ls ,Q DiSADVAt-17A Pe1/4ulh c.-,- 44 ,w Se-c- 14c4\snThoaQ- au 1F? c ;c1r),i=-•-r itcent 0-^rg-a- • Sv.c,L. as. tin s Seli-lxmv,frii rSo;'to-ra,ros-icr. "ttr,ki;— tau-5,- 4d 4r...2._ UZq 4I-n-c- A--r, b,,:,1d; Yoi be co b i Tt3-s 04rsrrocYvr tiekerig c*' i r-t e:- cure_ uoc-b, ;-- - it,s- 5n, wwtifra- likvir vwdtk ce n LA-rtALA tIrv. }, rv4ttotGia1'-ictivrir 4: re% b•-! 4 % tel`p-4 e flyva& M LS—{i..a W\AArn r te" tai 1\ • tv eat- Is. uc,t-s wr.. k-r • t-.c ft&/,- fA 1,? .- i - - V (lrne, n S IiO ig So Wel ,, 7zt _3e l r; rw;s i Amok Pine-al/1str v;sszs 1. Grec.} c. S9Qwa4a_ Wt+. i. 4r, Sat, Wc.A1 . T1..es b. rin aT a.6vi5(1n .*, „ryj + S-etiN]k11 . Z , N bSeXvsCkWitteisI/v.0-tJleLgpb 5)(1).--6.1v..c p G..t._ 4 Va V+-ruts,!- ww+ k. 1 . Cl 3. t.\ask a9ci,.au.:I.q_ CAN-wsv.\ -4friv,Jn 1.41...ok&.vt e cp.,; 4. 1.5... 14.4)- c— 1$6.431. , 4• Desrs--' C - - 5T M nc- c,\ er j' e-r r a - in11...4cad t1 - rues. LS mope—i.421CYC - t-I . x, . z Mn ,y....„ st...„, 1 . 4;b4 Y2y'1 nn+hC crew... N u 3 4 7i 4r, g' H?: a psst Firer 4 all w'_ neacR 4t 4%614 Wkc.# is +kxCakslltar ,for 4723-14 • 1. 1'1J(an,ovy •Nabbaa, IrOwetrealanLanaQmmown$ 4 Yrtiin OCc-w„ an.1 Q gpkivP4-rie j 4 -i+i».L b-- ro-w, i V`rSl•rum , -4rttct.. 1 S $}ernen %Nen-ICA/ea , o Gyr.,}ro 1 •Ills C.t.\n:s. Va4_ r- Hy Srern int.,r ne- 4Y n SIC Erw. i rw actz Sid-AwnCont1,1— Calci- rel 1— Ct14-o G. Yes-4i. IsS{ ovn . 2 . ` T d L Wesdia - : - II R air% W u.4-11-dV srfm WI/Lis 1vrtA1dPaSSSKr 4 O_ A a'1 L-.'K¢ -40 ` Q,Nrw, rnra.4. • .Lyvp , "/, j y Wv1 ba_ca,vaaE wU- iSVanharnraul - W11/494•- 1NA.aV1 roan tnAty Oak/L-! Cano} NAASknr+ i YAivot p1-201/49" `xiNMN0 " tin/ A."‘YK ln--- can 1-0352( S 6 tri k9cuirn once,-o+ ady^ tis #7, t5. 4...“2.__ w'Wn-o Lerhtp sr r VW-MRS rsltrn tom cN w r • T rts' r, A ranove, et-054 YetAsdSaokMtdc 6%4,441,4, 4 Svc 04,•.6 1:1JAI rn W[tier/-,t , breAC CkhPte..`r5Ckft_mt.a.) 4.)&kLt ATI tt Alt -z.) ) 12Q-C-C. LLSA j1ictLs -1-r&V t S .'t•=Y tswR _ rr litho g' P,v YR. 4.tt a but tn.^ l Krv- 4-n Sm tea tti sit' W r W:orn.• 1. 6re- peclsCs-be-r,1- C3rQL t ' tS4t -t4Sst*cesSe, te1eA"'1 4-0 leg :e rn0W- A - r-even At„_ 't-ena1-.a. pc\ eraai% TA- 1S Col 1et.- k+Y J ‘ tit tnC\ e C ' _ ' iryt, ''a-1'•1 i(Jtnr4{t-AtYe_GL IIJ t'T 6"` ''AJt_ l..tovus_ . eM40s,en t tc-e-R4S W t \--! 1RQ r l tvw ah avcat.anC , Cate-- &rftre itn. ilea- So;1evYrevettiitj- 1A.tch- _ b-c iveitel Ca.AL. e —dim .4-z . ltaa_t en- 2" dtSct,,c, t Ya- fir. W0. s Cr( 1-mwkk •,rtiYnA to I )ata cwr` .9_ tWuIjz 4v & wail ekYetin trine ll { tot,, ore iv, lit er S Sttic& a.Sloc,S„w,wir t,-! Crat' M ca -1-o '4to_cir 0-?°C-AY, U.\(-Jr.*/ + ) Qy°_J0t,• - lack; ktkcf, I9,. A_ mb 4 ct VIAL{ QS UY 1 i T: e ?•IAd .6tis J roc t.a1 ertlom , tat-a.-12 otf +ti-- It ( 1--wAA <It is W ' L !7 O 4fl . taw" 0., to ci.Lrt'm"3 . ltAltair 1 i VIAngt Cc Inn GQ2434-4- Akl .{rcrvn L8L.J cmi1we Geo t . Cs s4-w•. 4k61^- 14 Prn Havv`katAl 0_ Mk Vanji rangyl-.., o- c,Y ISVie— rnw,t- awe-- 737: 2;: n4-.s-, w Jib, _ _ -rt,_± w^^ VaCA/y^- Ww L' ter‘ -3` n` d Z aa Sal I dsL CiPL CIO f-f£RE -AYar 3 119 3 /auCow. tdo +it' arh'C . Sigh aim. et* -4a aL•iyv cck Srle_AL-tis bake) 17LIQS . J u5-VIC toot-23SSi-rc,..3-s L•0 (Q1tiSct j R s1/i fl- S AM ICCA-Hc-S Serke. CAnsiv. ,,;uv$okCL 'yam 3 i>eni°the Ana eznA d 1 m^ -4-0 CU--63rI e Tttem4 1^i e s rV} e-r• uMcrwnta 13r Ate-' ne(- - uS1-+C 121,4,12 e2rn'rv""v.RC ao -tt;"rs4 JwYF t-:5- -tt.=43e P-i c- wI.cl r 4-„a4 by s c. Pi- 0-/ A4 en M, 07, iS al w10- 4 -l-t54\4,13Ce.9>e6wciv1etzS tt r l ave -4-1"142, CA-cAicrn 4--a ^reAAAca \91-445A-1 c- - t-c v-a- if encrfAAifriv) \--J2-4-44 9-94-ab1i541/41ha 4 4ActuAino ol, i t bRsh Pra i, o,r 4) 104bA.Q4k. N lh Wt.cL, frr ,1' upct witty nwA t - i v23 - l-V bv&x, inosh c_Ulnemsose-tl•.t- v t3e- A c,nn4 1c M4 -1-0Ats...;rcs,Ata TA2- aAkcii iron- eyakuls Tad- imuire- Cbt- P- 111 P 4 \ i tovn- neziAtta_ Lie i+,v e 'ycs -4a b Gan CA-- f trinr 101i0,iNRS . , wl.a- AAsd cA-rg.- A feui,"re 11-52-- l S-t-crr,- , vv"c vc- t&c en- C-1- Q r4A-, we_ c_aa-,do Qtythe vor2-G.TI / 9- V1 L.9-; Y6- to 2V-OVc - af +0-,. cAl) Mn'crnY3e c-G. C-e-wllcci1wi- totethra,-,"cc.Q 1Ckcc vtSe wikt tli - 0-c Incikwc4 toe__- ` 1 - 18/ ,6-ivU a- M,OD- €1trc_u7wbv'Y,t& PS r ac1.A,s 4 ` 11-ev0 s " Maki-) ri-s_ 61 wi 11 ei-a:r it <n vKc., 14 6-00tei--e--mac .). JSi 1 O t,n.4it,tu e iVy d - ` 0,A1of U3Cenv„vwi C• Cr-Ann Va lA c.)its p 10`^-1)21, ttis-e-t,"" SA-+ Ci 1 zvr s f Ai"D- ?I wS-C. - t- J2J2— M C.S2- ec=1CAA a-v. wrAMA Vj.em.S, l S C trwt)V4e) ; c rre rS ) g- ruvJS ) QJtA 1 . rl trilmei?1 li cS 17th Vrcv`na*2_ 4 1ouS+ V 2Srs - 1't.G„' i e Yfen,. 1- a\/n S 2-- 'i.J, 1 v p 1 Q ''1it -T p to ELe-tti2Wm_ 1-QM 1 L-c>t't'' Y Ann1S l-aS+ - O ' k 4 .Q4A6lttkRms i -} 10 w-,4%3- v3 1 lat (ev,ov e• 1 - 3 Ti,.:t 1Rve 1 1.-,4S; ase 4'5'^` h-si" cA5 -, ,, a1;iA101a_ Nh Ld1cac 5 19-ct34 ''"'o13 00/ f2 Lt Sct . , This page is intentionally left blank