LTC 083-2019 Surfrider Cigarette Ashcans MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Tel: 305-673-7010, Fax: 305-673-7782 083-2018 NO. LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o he City C mmission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 12, 2019 SUBJECT: Surfrider Cigarette Ashcans The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide an update on the installation of the cigarette butt ashcans (Attachment A) purchased from the Surfrider Foundation. At the January 19, 2018 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, $10,000 was identified to purchase and install 100 cigarette ashcans. To date, 66 of the 100 ashcans have been received by the Public Works Department. Installations are nearly complete throughout high traffic areas in North Beach and South Beach (Attachment B) on existing Victor Stanley bins, lights poles, and sign poles. We anticipate receiving the remaining 34 over the next couple of weeks. As part of the City's partnership with the Surfrider Foundation, the citizen science component of the program volunteers will empty the ashcans, track the amount of labor spent servicing the cans, and quantify the amount of material collected for a period of one year. This initiative also supports the Sustainability Committee's motion (Attachment C) to continue the implementation of dedicated cigarette butt ashcans throughout the City in order to reduce cigarette butt litter. Cigarette filters, more commonly known as cigarette butts, are one of the largest pollutants found on the sand and in our streets. Nationally, an estimated 1.7 billion pounds accumulates in the natural environment on an annual basis. A common misconception is that cigarette butts are composed of materials with biodegradable qualities. In actuality, cigarette filters are comprised of cellulose acetate, a fibrous plastic that can take anywhere between 5-10 years to completely biodegrade. Discarded cigarette butts can be carried with stormwater runoff from streets to drains, to canals, and eventually to the ocean. In addition to the Surfrider ashcans, the City also has existing ashtrays on the dual bins located on Lincoln Road and the BigBelly Solar trash compactors located on Washington Avenue. With these completed installations, the City hopes to reduce cigarette butt litter from public spaces. Should you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Wheaton, Environment and Sustainability Director, at 305-673-7010. Attachments: A—Ashcan Pictures B —Ashcan Map C —Sustainability Committee LTC 411-2016 Sgr SMT/ESW/JJF/FCT/YP ATTACHMENT A AI 11E=.1 110 GET YOUR BUTT BUTT , IN HERE STOP STREET LITTER BUTTS ON THE GROUND ENTERS STORM DRAINS END UP IN THE OCEAN, WHICH LEAD TO THE OCEAN BETTER TO RECYCLE AND HARMS MARINE UFE. \ THEM HERE. SURFRIDER SURFRIDER gg MIAMI MIAMI.'.'__ RISING RISING ABOVE ABOVE OL-u,N pR V E E.�,�, fir+ UP p� #KEEPMBCEEAN #KEEPMBCEEAN 612 \110 ICOLITIRESU LLA AQUI ;1 LA BASURA DE LA CALLE TERMINA EN LA BAHIA DONDE DANA LA VIDA MARINA. SURFRIDER '^IAMI RISING ABOVE o uNTEER Er'. P #KEEPMBCEEAN ...0 , . --. _ ... 1 • - '-- %., . * 0 . • . ...... . i / i -,... . .. • aro_ • ‘`6,., - -... , . . . i• ...„,. .. I l' .. .. , ..: / _ ,.-L-4 . ..--e. . - ' II / i I -.. , I1I I . eei 1,11 1 I , 1 t. io if. . . .7". - 4 0.,..._. , i i I . ( 114,,,t ..,:t ---4.1,„._ ..., ... iip pi 1 /1111 lik ,C$,Iii\s‘s. Vil • iii t, pipp. , . .., ,, .: . 1 . , . •1 - . 1 gir t '11 ATTACHMENT B MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Tel: 305-673-7010 , Fax: 305-673-7782 NO. LTC# 411-2016 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of th City Commis on FROM: Jimmy L. Morales,City Manager DATE: October 10,2016 SUBJECT: Sustainability Committee Motions The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with correspondence received from the Sustainability Committee regarding the motions made at the meeting held on September 27,2016. Attachment c - SMTIE W/FCT MIAMIBEACI RISING ABOVE City of Miami Beach Sustainability Committee C'. David Doebler,Chair TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission Members: FROM: David Doebler, Sustainability Committee Chair Steve Vicenti Nancy Bernstein DATE: October 10,2016 Michael DeFilippi Richard Conlin SUBJECT: Sustainability Committee Motion Scott Diffenderfer Cheryl Jacobs Dear Mayor and Honorable City Commission: The Sustainability Committee met on September 27, 2016, and passed the below motions regarding intentional releases of balloons and sky lanterns and implementation of dedicated cigarette butt ashcans throughout the City: The Sustainability Committee recommends the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee support an ordinance prohibiting the intentional release of balloons and sky lanterns outdoors in parks,recreational facilities,public and private properties. The Sustainability Committee recommends the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee encourage the implementation of dedicated cigarette butt ashcans throughout the City in order to reduce cigarette butt litter. As an Advisory Committee,we sincerely ask that consideration be given to the above motion. Sincerely, David Doebler Chairperson, Sustainability Committee U - E Z 5W g 2 U U Q Q II IIII i 1 ;1L::1 4 • ti4",--Nra„II Per la t c2v) r'(IriiiiI o I in is: Miami g .In 72. 111 ,, I�I ka �a,D 8 iii• V � WASHIN�T,ON AVE � .0 A -laTON AVE 2111....... �114 ZR, 'Ayprl4 illiiii I , " 111 4ttti) r, ' 1D 11 .., ezr,..,„,„414 — ziii.--, glum gin. in Ilt., s 8 § i OMEXEI AVE COSUBCCO g1D; xE ! .lI! 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