LTC 146-2019 IMAGINATION PLAYGROUND ACTIVATIONS MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 146-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the City ommission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manage DATE: March 12, 2019 SUBJECT: IMAGINATION PLAYGROUND A TIVATIONS The purpose of this LTC is to notify the Mayor and City Commission that the Parks and Recreation Department, in partnership with Lincoln Road Business Improvement District and The Bass Museum of Art, is excited to feature Imagination Playground pop-up activations during March and April. Imagination Playground is designed to get kids playing with little more than sand, water and a set of blocks. The abstractly shaped blocks have holes and shapes that fit together in ways which allow endless possibilities, enabling children to engineer whatever sparks their imagination and promoting immersive play. The playground concept has been instrumental for cities with limited park and play space, allowing for mobile and innovative play in non-traditional park spaces such as parking lots, vacant lots and roof tops. The scheduled dates, times and locations of the pop-up activations are listed below. • March 24, 2019 Lincoln Road (Euclid Oval — 700 Lincoln Road) I 1 p.m. — 5 p.m. • March 31, 2019 Collins Park 12 p.m. —4 p.m. Part of The Bass Museum's Free Family Days • April 28, 2019 Collins Park I 2 p.m. —4 p.m. Part of The Bass Museum's Free Family Days • May 4, 2019 Lincoln Road (Euclid Oval — 700 Lincoln Road) 11 p.m. — 5 p.m. Should you have additional questions, please contact Cindy Casanova at(305)673-7730. Attachment JLM/t - Imagination Playground . . 10 RN , lir \ 1 um , N • 111 - _ - . \ , *\ . 1 ..= . . ,. . 11._ - _ -.. ( - .4 . ...O. -. '44/ ..' 1 . .: •4k*,÷* Ily.:4 - . . ',-.,.. w•!'i•Itnr.,:k:111tift.t,' 7.71,1.71/F::11,7": - ' .r, ..,...ik. telt .4%3 ' :.- $6 ..,....• . . ' , „It :,-.1.‘..&, ,.:,'' . ';' _I• • - . , ....• 14 .. ...nip..`-. . '4- • It ^i- • -sir- . ,01 ..- 4 ,e . ... 4 - t. . ____J : . ''''' . .-- 4.. 4. • op fit ', _ , ,. 1 '',,,, • 1,,ii , . *IL 't ' '