LTC 188-2019 Mayor's Panel on Ocean Drive - Business and Culture Practices Subcommittee Motions MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 188-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of e City C mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: April 2, 2019 SUBJECT: Mayor's Panel on Ocean Drive — Business and Culture Practices Subcommittee Motions The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with the motions made during the March 29, 2019 subcommittee meeting. Members in Attendance: Chair Jonathan Plutzik, David Castillo, Britta Hanson, Frank Amadeo, Dawn McCall (via telephone) Members Absent: Commissioner Ricky Arriola, Jen Roberts MOTION: Recommending an offsite public meeting to discuss the city's brand and to hire an outside facilitator to guide the meeting. Motion made by: Member Amadeo Seconded by: Member Hanson Motion passed unanimously MOTION: Recommending the identification of funding for above mentioned workshop. Motion made by: Member Amadeo Seconded by: Member Hanson Motion passed unanimously JM/6k4/AM