Resolution 81-16680 6ELEE VQIEJOi3 H3V3E1 IVuVIW- 3AI8Q 831N33 NOILN3ANO3 OOLL -A3NHOLLV A.113 3H1 30 3JI33O T41. 14.C;4! uzo/UVr Att0 lir 1d30ip31 r-)1 ;u 110.10:1 (17,PAIC.C."‘i. INU NJ0TD ' TD i 1 :q-segq-V \\\ APIA 1861 ' aunr go kkp plc s Tui. QSLdOQ\ pug QoS SVd 'equp eTgTssod gSaTT.zPe atiq qu uOTSSTUILUOD AgTO oq OWPS quasald oq pup 8906 0N wnpuuJouzaw uoTssTuzuzo0 uT L EOJ ;es SuoT .Tpuoo puP sulJoq suiteuodn quow -aTggas TuuT J a uTqobau o; paaooad o; pa;oatTp as uoTquJgsTuTwpv auk. pUL /Cau.Ioqgv AgTO a T TeLlq 'VGI2IOrIJ 'HOVSS INVIW JO ALIO an JO NOI S S ITAIWOO ALIO SHL XH QHNIO SS2I L I HE ';3230JS23SHL 'MON ;oPaquoo TPUTJ P JO uoTqnoaxa pup uoTssTuzans pup quuqunoo0P S , apTs;.Ins go uMOJJ auq. Aq uTa.Iau; SuoTgTpuoo pup Suz,Ia . auk go TTpnu TPUT J P 0-4 ;oa Cans 8906 '0N wnpuP.IowaW uOT S S TUIZOD uT qqaog gas SuoT;Tpuoa pup sulJoq au; pa.no.iddP ATaATququaq sug apTsgans go umoI aa; 'SVg2IHHM UP 8906 -ON wnpuP,Iouzaw uoTssTuzuzo0 uT L IoJ qes lTtPTnoTgJud a.zouz ;uauz -aa.Ibu UP pauoua l ATaAT;P;ua; eAutq san..IPd au_ 'SVSdSHM pup :e;ndsTp aqua .Ie;PM buTpuP;s -buoT egg buTT;;as Jo asodand auk. Jog S.IpeA OM; ATa;PWTxoaddP .IOJ apTs J.Ins go uMOL eq; u..TM uoT;PT;obau uT uaaci SPU eDT J JO s 1 lcau.zo;;v ALTO au- pug? uoT;P.Z;sTuTLupJ au; 'S\gdSHM •ALI2IOHL11k HSMaS (INV 23SLVM SUVA-IWVIN SHL QN\I 'SQ I S Jdf 5 JO NMOI aHI 'HOVHS INVIW JO LLIO aHL N3SMSgg IDVUINOD rIVNIJ JO NOILOD -HXH CNV NOISSIW9flS OZ S,D J fs acisa Itis JO NMOL 3HL H1IM 3LVI HHIVM JO INawaraIas QSSOd023d V ONIAO23ddV 'HOVSH INVIW JO ALIO SHL JO ILIOISSINWO0 HHL JO NOILnaOSgH V 0899T-T8 .ON NOILIIIOSHH • Warne: P�"! ....... FLORIDA 3 3 1 3 9 , it.* t A CATIONLAND U. S. A. • - %-.5, h. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER CITY HALL HAROLD T.TOAL '700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE CITY MANAGER TE:sEFHONE: 673-7010 r COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. Lati DATE: 6/3/81 TO: Mayor Murray Meyerson and Members of the City.Commission FROM: H o 'oaf City Manager SUBJECT: TENTATIVE WATER RATE SETTLEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF M I AM I BEACH AND THE TOWN OF SURFSIDE. For approximately five years the City of Miami Beach and the Town of Surfside have been in contention over the amount of money owed the City of Miami Beach for water supplied to Surfside. The attached Settlement of such dispute was approved by Surfside at its last meeting. Said Settlement is essentially the same as the one entered into between the City of Miami Beach and Bal Harbor and Bay Harbor. The proposed agreement must be executed by Surfside, Miami Beach and the Miami Dade Water and Sewer Authority. It is designed to supercede the existing water supply contract of June 24 , 1957 and to establish new terms and conditions of continued water supply from the date of the execution of the contract until the proposed termination date of June 24 , 1987. In addition, the agreement seeks to resolve the ongoing dispute between the City of Miami Beach and Surfside regarding payments for water services rendered under the existing contract. In settlement of all prior litigation between Surfside and the City of Miam' Beach through January 1, 1981, Surfside will agree to pay the City of Miami Beach the sum of One Hundred Forty-seven Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-five and 56/100 Dollars ($147 ,265. 56) in the fol- lowing manner : $24 ,000 . 00 on October 15 , 1981; then on October 15 , 1982 , eight per cent (8%) of the unpaid balance plus $24 ,000. 00; on October 15 , 1983 8% on the unpaid balance plus $24 ,000 . 00; on October 15 , 1984 , 8% on the unpaid balance plus $24 ,000. 00; on October 15 , 1985 , 8% on the un- paid balance plus $24 ,000. 00; and finally on October 15 , 1986 , 8% on the unpaid balance plus the unpaid balance. For the period from February 1, 1981, to the day of contract execution, a lump sum payment of the difference of twenty-five cents per 1,000 gallons of water use paid by Surfside to Miami Beach and 140% of the rate per 1,000 gallons paid by Miami Beach to the Water and Sewer Authority for water purchases shall be paid to Miami Beach upon signing of the con- tract. AGENDA 3 ITEM DATE _____ • . . f' COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. #. June 3 , 1981 Page two ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends the approval of the resolution authorizing the City Attorney and the Administration to proceed to prepare a final contract upon the terms and conditions set forth above and contained in the attached draft Settlement. We will pre- sent the contract for Commission approval in July, 1981. HTT/LTA/mp Encl. %J L L J J_L E1JJ RESOLUTION NO. 81-16680 (Approving a proposed settlement of Water Rate litigation with the Town of Surfside subject to submission and execution of final contract between the CMB, Town of Surfside and the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority) 4 ,1