LTC 291-2019 Highlights of the 2019 Community Satisfaction SurveMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 291-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manage DATE : May 15, 2019 SUBJECT : Highlights of the 2019 Commu ity Satisfaction Survey I am pleased to provide you with highlights of the 2019 Resident Survey results. Conducted routinely since 2005, the survey measures satisfaction levels with City services and reflects community priorities. This data will allow the city to identify areas of improvement and guide the Strategic Plan through the Lens of Resilience, the annual operating budget, and services. The 2019 Business Survey results will be provided once received. You will receive an overview of the results from Chris Tatham, CEO of ETC Institute at the May 21st Commission retreat. ETC Institute is the survey provider in charge of administering the survey, ensuring that results are statistically valid and representative of Miami Beach 's population and main geographical areas. I am sharing his presentation before the retreat for your review. Mr. Tatham will cover the highlights and main priorities to help inform your discussions. After your presentation, he will present to the Management Team . Full survey results will be posted online shortly thereafter. Survey Summary Miami Beach is setting the standard for service delivery and public engagement 0 Overall satisfaction with city services rated 19% above national results 0 Overall satisfaction with public engagement rated 29% above national results The City of Miami Beach is moving in the right direction Since 2016, satisfaction ratings increased or stayed the same for all 15 major services that were assessed (14 of 15 areas improved). 0 Major services continue to receive high levels of satisfaction among residents. Top rated services include: Fire services , ocean rescue/lifeguard/beach patrol services , emergency medical services and City's emergency/hurricane preparedness efforts. The percentag e of residents who would recommend the city as a place to live increased 10% from 2016. The items be low are opportunities for improvement as they ranked lower in satisfaction and higher in terms importance : 0 Efforts to Address Homelessness ° Condition of Streets 0 Efforts to Manage Stormwater Drainage and Flooding 0 Quality of Police Services ° Cleanliness of Streets in Neighborhoods encourage you to review the survey highlights attached, which include Florida and national benchmarking . I look forward to a more in-depth analysis and discussion of results at the Commission retreat on May 21st. For questions, contact Amy Knowles , Deputy Resiliency Officer at x6081 or amyknowles@miamibeachfl.gov Thank you JLM/SMT/AK Attachment: Survey Results Presentation by ETC , Institute City of Miami Beach Resident Survey PRESENTED BY ETC INSTITUTE 1 Agenda Purpose Methodology Bottom Line Up Front Survey Results Summary Questions 2 A National Leader in Market Research for Local Governmental Organizations More than 2,000,000 Persons Surveyed Since 2009 in more than 900 cities in 49 states Helping organizations make better decisions 3 Purpose To objectively assess satisfaction with the delivery of major City services To help determine priorities for the community To measure trends over time to help guide and evaluate the implementation of the City’s strategic plan and budget process 4 Methodology Method of Administration ◦Conducted early 2019 ◦A random sample of households were selected for the survey ◦Households were mailed a survey and given the option of responding by mail, phone, or the Internet Sample Size: 1,324 resident surveys were completed ◦851 by mail, 411 on-line, and 62 by phone Confidence level: 95% Margin of error: +/-2.69 Home address of respondents were geocoded Demographic composition of the sample was similar to recent Census estimates for the City’s population 5 Location of Survey Respondents Good representation of responses from throughout the City Distribution by Area •Mid Beach: 234 •Condo Corridor: 210 •North Beach: 300 •South Pointe: 176 •South Beach and Belle Isle: 404 North Beach Condo Corridor Mid Beach South Beach South Pointe 6 Demographics Attribute Census Survey Difference % Male 53%50%-3% % Female 47%50%+3% % White/Other 94%93%-1% % Black/African American 4%3%-1% % Asian 2%2%0% % Hispanic 55%47%*-8% % of adults Age 65 and older 19%21%2% *Note: Some respondents who would have been counted as “Hispanic” by the U.S. Census did not identify themselves as such on the survey, which is the reason the percentage is slightly lower in the survey. 7 Summary of Major Findings (Bottom Line Up Front) Miami Beach is setting the standard for service delivery and public engagement ◦Overall satisfaction with City services rated 19% above the national average ◦Overall satisfaction with public engagement rated 29% above the national average The City of Miami Beach is moving in the right direction ◦Since 2016, satisfaction ratings increased or stayed the same for all 15 major services that were assessed (14 of 15 areas improved) ◦The percentage of residents who would recommend the City as a place to live increased 10% from 2016 There are opportunities for improvement ◦Efforts to Address Homelessness ◦Condition of Streets ◦Efforts to Manage Stormwater Drainage and Flooding ◦Quality of Police Services ◦Cleanliness of Streets in Neighborhoods 8 Residents Are Generally Satisfied MAJOR FINDING #1 9 69% of Residents Gave Positive Ratings for the Overall Quality of City Services; Only 9% Gave Negative Ratings 10 Location of Survey Respondents Good representation of responses from throughout the City Distribution by Area •Mid Beach: 234 •Condo Corridor: 210 •North Beach: 300 •South Pointe: 176 •South Beach and Belle Isle: 404 North Beach Condo Corridor Mid Beach South Beach South Pointe 11 Ratings for the City as a Place to Live are High Throughout the City Citizen Satisfaction Mean rating on a 5-point scale ETC INSTITUTE 1.0-1.8 Very Dissatisfied 1.8-2.6 Dissatisfied 2.6-3.4 Neutral 3.4-4.2 Satisfied 4.2-5.0 Very Satisfied No Response 12 Most Services Received High Ratings 13 Residents Gave the Lowest Ratings for the City’s Efforts to Address Homelessness 14 The City of Miami Beach is Setting the Standard for Overall Quality of City Services MAJOR FINDING #2 15 Significantly Higher Than State Average: :Significantly Lower Than State Average Setting the Standard for the Overall Quality of City Services 16 Significantly Higher Than State Average: :Significantly Lower Than State Average 17 Sat isfacti1on w i1th Major Ca tegor ies of Ci ty Se rvi ces Mia mi Beach vs. F lo ri da vs_ th e U .S. by p ercentage of r es p ondents w ho rated the ite m 3 or 4 on a 4-point scale w here 4 w as "excellen t" and 1 w as "p oor " (exc lud ing don't kno w s) if Fire services if E m erg·enc y m edical services ~===============~~ if Ap p eara nee /maintenance of the City s pu blic b uild ings i------....,.....-------..,....----.,.- ~ •••••••••••••••• 82°/Q LI u .uality of park s and recreation prog ram s F-'-'-""~""""""~~~~""""""~~~~.:;,,:;,:;,,,;.~ ~ ••••••••••••••• 18:1% LI Main t en ance of park s :/.: .Yo Yo : ...................... lllj79Jo, Garbage /trash co llection /.7% 5Wo -·-·74%. if Landscaping along City streets /publi c areas !""=========""-"'~ if Availability of Polic e in y our neigh borhood 0% 40% ·66% .8G% ETC Instit ute (20 19) !•Miami Beach PZi FJod da o U. S. 93 I Significantly Higher Than State Average: :Significantly Lower Than State Average 18 Satisfaction wi1th Major 1Ca tegor ies of 1City Services (cont .) Miami Beach vs. F lorida vs. the U .S. by p e rc enta g e of respondents who r ated the ite m 3 or 4 on a 4~p oint scale where 4 was "exc e ll ent" and 1 was "poor" (excluding 1don 't kn ows ) 'frstreet lighting '"0=========.:;.-;i.,~. 'fr Qu a li ty of public en gage me nt efforts "'""'"""""""""'"""'"""""""""""""""""''"""'""..., 64% 63% .J Clean li ne s s of s t re et s in businesslc omm erci a l are a ~==========~ .J Effort s to m an a ge s t ormw ate r d ra inag1e a nd flooding """'""'"""'""""..:..,;...w;...'"""""""======~~ .J Co ndition of stre ets ~=======~~,...,·=~=61% .J Condition of s id ewa I ks f-"'-"~""""""'"~~="""""""~'""+-'+""+ 10% 40% I• Miami Beac h m FJorida D U. S. E'DC In sti rute (20 19) Significantly Higher Than State Average: :Significantly Lower Than State Average 19 Sati1s fa ction With Parks an d Rec rea ti o n Mia mi Beach v s. F l o rida vs . .th e U .S. by percentage of r espondents w ho r ated the ite m 3 or 4 on a 4,-p oint scal e w here 4 w as "excellent " an 1d 1 w as "p oor" (excl uding do n't k no w s ) 'fi' Qu ality of City recreational facil it i es ......................... ~ ........................................................................... ~ ................................. ........... &% 40% 16'0r% 180% ETC Insti tute (20 19) I •Miami Beach f22J FJonda o U. S . I 82% e.1% The City is Moving in the Right Direction MAJOR FINDING #3 20 Percentage of Residents Who Would Recommend Miami Beach as a Place to Live Increased 10%21 :Significant Decrease in Satisfaction from 2016Significant Increase in Satisfaction from 2016: 22 :Significant Decrease in Satisfaction from 2016Significant Increase in Satisfaction from 2016: 23 O v e ra U Ratin gs for th e Ci ty of M ia mi Beac h (co nt.) 2009 to 20 19 by pe rc en t age of responden t s who rated th e item as "exc el len t" or "good " (excl uding "1don 1 know ") if cleanliness of streets in y our neigh borhood I 1----------------~68=..;% I 1-----------------~74~ 1------~---~---~--~75~ ••••••••••••• 64%, : ~==""-'~"""~"""'"""'"''"""'"''""~64% : Street lightin g 65%71 % : 1------..,----....,-------:-------' ts% if Cleanliness of streets in bu si nesslco mmercial a re as 1----------------6"""'1...:..;...,% 6'9% t-----~---~---~-__,71% if Efforts to m anage sto rmwate r drain age /flood in gi if cleanliness of canals/w ate rway s 53% ........... -----------~57% ,__ ___________ _,61% if condition of si,de w al k s 50% if Efforts to address ho m elessness 0% 20% 40% i60% 80 o/o 100% 1•2019 Jm 201 s, 0 2014 0 2012 02009' Source: ETC Institute DirectionFtndor (2 019-}Jiami &11.Ch, FL) Trends There are Opportunities for Improvement MAJOR FINDING #4 24 25 Top Priorities: Importance-Satisfaction Rating City of Miami Beach Resident Survey OVERALL Category of Service Most Important % Most Important Rank Satisfaction % Satisfaction Rank Importance- Satisfaction Rating I-S Rating Rank High Priority (IS .10-.20) Efforts to address homelessness 22%6 30%28 0.1503 1 Condition of streets 26%4 47%26 0.1407 2 Efforts to manage stormwater drainage and flooding 22%5 50%23 0.1098 3 Quality of Police services 37%1 72%16 0.1024 4 Cleanliness of streets in your neighborhood 33%2 69%17 0.1016 5 Medium Priority (IS <.10) Condition of sidewalks (few or no cracks)17%10 42%27 0.0958 6 Overall quality of the beaches 32%3 76%8 0.0770 7 Cleanliness of canals/waterways 15%15 49%24 0.0755 8 Street lighting 18%9 64%18 0.0648 9 Cleanliness of streets in business/commercial areas 16%13 58%22 0.0648 10 Availability of Police in your neighborhood 19%8 73%14 0.0514 11 Availability of recycling in public places 9%19 47%25 0.0496 12 Reliability of potable (drinking) water 16%11 76%9 0.0402 13 Garbage/trash collection 14%16 75%11 0.0348 14 Maintenance of parks 15%14 81%7 0.0284 15 Miami Beach trolley system 11%17 75%10 0.0268 16 Miami Dade County's bus service 7%23 59%21 0.0265 17 Emergency medical services 20%7 88%3 0.0243 18 Quality of customer service 6%26 63%20 0.0223 19 Availability of green space near your home 8%21 72%15 0.0220 20 Reliability of sewer (wastewater) services 8%20 74%13 0.0215 21 Landscape maintenance of rights of way along City streets/public areas 6% 25 74% 12 0.0160 22 City's emergency/hurricane preparedness efforts 10% 18 85%4 0.0155 23 Quality of parks and recreation programs 6% 24 82%6 0.0115 24 Fire services 16% 12 93%1 0.0113 25 Quality of public engagement efforts 2% 27 63% 19 0.0084 26 Ocean rescue/lifeguard/beach patrol services 7% 22 90%2 0.0067 27 Appearance/maintenance of the City's public buildings 2% 28 82%5 0.0030 28 26 Top Priorities:27 The City’s Efforts to Address Homelessness Satisfaction with Major Services Mean rating on a 4-point scale ETC INSTITUTE 1.0-1.75 Poor 1.75-2.5 Fair 2.5-3.25 Good 3.25-4.0 Excellent No Response #1 Opportunity For Improvement (based on I-S Analysis) 28 Condition of Streets Satisfaction with Major Services Mean rating on a 4-point scale ETC INSTITUTE 1.0-1.75 Poor 1.75-2.5 Fair 2.5-3.25 Good 3.25-4.0 Excellent No Response #2 Opportunity For Improvement (based on I-S Analysis) 29 The City’s Efforts to Manage Stormwater Drainage and Flooding Satisfaction with Major Services Mean rating on a 4-point scale ETC INSTITUTE 1.0-1.75 Poor 1.75-2.5 Fair 2.5-3.25 Good 3.25-4.0 Excellent No Response #3 Opportunity For Improvement (based on I-S Analysis) 30 Quality of Police Services Satisfaction with Major Services Mean rating on a 4-point scale ETC INSTITUTE 1.0-1.75 Poor 1.75-2.5 Fair 2.5-3.25 Good 3.25-4.0 Excellent No Response #4 Opportunity For Improvement (based on I-S Analysis) 31 Cleanliness of Streets in Neighborhoods Satisfaction with Major Services Mean rating on a 4-point scale ETC INSTITUTE 1.0-1.75 Poor 1.75-2.5 Fair 2.5-3.25 Good 3.25-4.0 Excellent No Response #5 Opportunity For Improvement (based on I-S Analysis) 32 Customer Service Findings 33 34 35 Satisfaction with Customer Service Has Increased Significantly in All Areas Since 2016 :Significant Decrease in Satisfaction from 2016Significant Increase in Satisfaction from 2016: 36 Mobility Findings 37 38 39 40 41 Additional Findings 42 43 44 45 82% of Respondents Are Supportive of Increased Taxes to Address Rising Sea Levels 46 Willingness to Pay More Taxes for the Maintenance of Buildings, Streets, Sidewalks, and Vehicles is Mixed 47 The Top 3 Sources of Information Are Provided By the City of Miami Beach 48 49 Summary of Major Findings Miami Beach is setting the standard for service delivery and public engagement ◦Overall satisfaction with City services rated 19% above the national average ◦Overall satisfaction with public engagement rated 29% above the national average The City of Miami Beach is moving in the right direction ◦Since 2016, satisfaction ratings increased or stayed the same for all 15 major services that were assessed (14 of 15 areas improved) ◦The percentage of residents who would recommend the City as a place to live increased 10% from 2016 There are opportunities for improvement ◦Efforts to Address Homelessness ◦Condition of Streets ◦Efforts to Manage Stormwater Drainage and Flooding ◦Quality of Police Services ◦Cleanliness of Streets in Neighborhoods 50 Questions? THANK YOU 51