LTC 304-2019 Weekly Meeting Notices for the week of June 3-7, 2019MIIA,MI BEAC:IH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC No. 304-2019 TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk rj May 28,2019 ( 4 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of June 3-7, 2019 Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of June 3 -7, 2019, published on May 26, 2019. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 305.673.7411. REG/Ih Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play In our vibrant, tropical, historic community MEETING NOTICES June 3-7,2019 8:35a.m. 9:30a.m. 3:30p.m. 8:30a.m. 9:30a.m. 8:30a.m. 8:30a.m. 9:00a.m. 9:00a.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 9:00a.m. 2:00p.m. MONDAY, June 3 Treasure Island Elementary School PTA: Board Meeting Special Master Hearing/ Jewish Educational Leadership Institute, Inc.* Transportation, Parking & Bicycle·Peclestrian Facilities Committee TUESDAY. June 4 Design Review Board., Convention Center Advisory Board WEDNESDAY, June 5 City Commission/RDA * THURSDAY. June 6 Normandy Shores Local Government Improvement Board Cultural Arts Council Special Master Hearings* Mc1yor's Panel on Ocean Drive/Security, Safety & Infrastructure Hispanic Affairs Committee/Hispanic Heritage Month Sub-Committee Hispanic Affairs Committee FRIDAY. June 7 Board of Adjustment* Mayor's Panel on Ocean Drive/Business & Culture Practices Teacher's Lounge 7540 E. Treasure Dnve Commission Chamber 3"' Floor, Cit7 Hall Parking Dept .. 2'"' Floor Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue Commission Chamber 3'd Floor, City Hall TCED Conf., Room, 5'" FL. 17 55 Meridian Avenue Commission Chamber 3'd Floor, City Hall OBPI Conference Room 3'' Floor, City Hall TCED Conf., Room, 5'" FL. 17 55 Meridian Avenue Commission Chamber 3'd Floor, City Hall City Manager's Large Con f. Room, 4"' Floor, City Hall City Manager's Small Conf. Room, 4'" Floor, City Hall City Manager's Small Conf. Room, 4'" Floor, City Hall Commtssion Cl1amber 3"1 Floor, City Hall City Manager's Lmge Con f. Room, 4"' Floor, City Hall For any and/ or all of the above meetings, one or more members of the Miami Beach City Commission, and or City board/ committee members may be In attendance and participate In discussions. ,. Aired live on MBTV: AT&T U·verse 99 Atlantic Broadband 77,0iqilal90 & 107.3 ·"' ~. Commission Committee Aired live on MBTV No. 0003997416-01 Ml/\MIR§J£•tk,K~Hl We am cammfl(ed ro providing e.~ce!len! pt•bllc Sf!lli/ce and safely Ia ill/ wila IJVe, work illld pltly In 0\rr Vi!Jr<Jnt. /raplcal, ltMancal COnll!ll!IJ//y Mem!Ers of the public tnil)' pres~n\ mKIIo/vlsuat (AV) materlills relating to Agenda Items a\ llllB'Iised rrrellltngs held tn ttle Cmnrmsslon Chamb9t by ulillc:ing Ills Ci~/s AV t~qtJipmnnl, pravtded that mmerials are submllt!ld to the Depanmen\ of MarketlntJ .:~nd Comrnunlc.o~tlons by 8·30 A.M., one (1) busmess d.:~y prior !0 the meeting. Advance sul,rnlttal of a presentation Will allOW the Comrnuntcmtorls Depilrtrn~nt (o pl<m far the use of lite appropriate AV equlprnem AV mawrlals mily be su/Jrnlm~d Vlil email at rnrrunufllt<l\lmi;I':Pmrunllwechfl nov; or hand delivered In ujlllnp drive. CD or DVD to Altent!on Dllparunent of M.:~rKeung and Comm~.:nlccmons. 1701 Meridian Avem,e, Fiftlt Floor, Mlurnl Beach, Fl33139. Presentauons, VIdeos or links mustlnclucle a label noting the mune or group, con/at\ person, clay\1tna telephone number. email mldress, descrlplion/title of tim prestlnl<ltlon and Agcndil llem T1lle as well m the Agenda hem nurnlmr Accaptabl!l formats lor c:ectronlc sullrnlss\on ale pdf, .ppt. pptx, .pps, pp~x. wrr1v, .avl and .rnov (Note that [XIf is the preferred format rorPowerPomtpresentDtlons.) City Hall Is lccated at 1700 Convention Center Dnve: aJ'ld the Mrarnl Beach Convent/en Center Is locared at 1901 Convention Center Drlvo Any meeting may be opened and caJ'l;JnuecL and umler such circ\llnswnces. addulonal legal r10tlCEl VI ill not be pl'ovldlld. T a reqcBst lhlsrnaterwlln <lll'Srnatefarmal, sign l;mguflge lnlerpreter(flveday nottce required), lnformalionGn access forperson$withd1Sabillti6S, ahd/ar <lilY <ltcammodatldn 11J re•llow any docwncnt or parllcipme In any Clty·sponscred proceedings call 305 604 2•189 ami select 1 for English, then option 6, TTY users rnay call VIa 711 (Florida Relay Service) A meeting not notlr.<:H:J 1n the Weekly Meetlrlg Nolictl ;;~d and detemuned to be art emergllncy nleetln~ Wlill:.le posted en til~ btJilP.tfn boards throughoUt C11y H.:~ll mtd Will be ilVOIIabie on lh& Cit(! webslle at bllp·l/wPIJ.I~Jov/r:t/Yd"tki<IMmJII.asox?!lir177B Pursuant \O S~C\Ion 286 0105, ~Ia St.o~\., the City hereby adv1ses the p~\JIIc that 11 a person deCid!'l~ 10 nppe<:~l any decision made by the ildatd, agency, or c:onltnJssion wnh respnctto ony rniltter considered at such meeung or hearina. he at she w\11 rme{j a rt!corcl of the proceed1ngs, and thai, lor such purpose. he or she rnay need to ensure tllElt<l verhatlr;~recordafthe proc"!edlngs 1srnacle, Wh1cl1 recoiCI lnclucJes lhetesllll/onyancl evidence upon whkht~te <tpp!lol Js to tla based