Dennis A. RichardCity of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 ConvenUon Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 R ~',~ ~ E I ~t! E D Emaih cityderkOd.mia mi -beach.fi.us LOBByI'ST REGI'STRATZON FOR" 03 J~!]~ -6 P~ ~: 1'7 (city of Miami Beach, City Code Chapter 2, Division 3, ~S~b. ~.n 2-~4~,1). ~-., ~, ~- LJttY UL~.r~n ~ OFFICE El Check Box if an Amendment Riche~d Dennis A. NAME OF LOBBYIST: (Last) (First) (M.I) DATE QUALIFIED AS LOBBYIST 825 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite 1748, Miami, FL 33131 BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code) 305-374-6688 305-374-0384 dennis~richardandrichard.com TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: LOBBYZST RETAZNED BY: Philips South Beach LLC d/b/a The Shore Club EMAIL: NAME OF PRINCiPAL/CLIENT: 1901 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Number and Street) (City) (State) -- .(Zip Cede.) . 305-695-3236 305-695-3255 matt.par gament(~ianscnragerhotels.com TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (Op~onal) EMAIL: (OpUonal) Fill out this secUon if prlndpal is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section 2-482 (c)] · NAME DE CHIEE OFFICER, PNa, TNER, OR BENEFICIARY: zee attacheD. · LIST ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CO~RATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: See attached. 1I. SPECZFZC LOBBY ZSSUE: Sky Bar Issue to be lobbied (Describe in detail): 'rn'. ~,~.m Y AGENCIES/INDMDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Full Name of Zndividual/'ntle B) Relationship City Administration, City Attorney's Office, Mayor & City None Commission, City Boards and Committees, if permissible FLAT RA'rE OR OTHER);, $425.00 per hour. A) LOBBYIST D[SCLOSURE: B) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): $425.00 per hour. 1) 2) pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3393 Amendin~ Hiami Beach City Code Chaoter 2. Article VIL Division 5 Thereof EntiUed ~Camnaian Finance Reform" Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-488 Entitled ~Pmhibited Camo~ian Con~butions By Lobbyists On Procurement issues": Are VOU Iobbvina on a Dresent or pending bid for aoods, eauiDment or services, or on a Dresell~ or ~endina award for aoocb, eauiDment or service? Yes ~ Purulent to Ordinance No. 2003-3395 Amendina Miami Beach Cib/Code ChaDter 2, ArUde Vt"[ Division 5 I;hereof Entitled "Camoaian Finance Reform". Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-490 Entitled ~Pmhibitecl C,~mpaiqn Contributions Bv Lobbyists On Real Estate Development Issues": Are you Iobbvina on a Dendina anolicatkm for a Develooment Aareement with the City or mnn!lcation for chanae of zonina mad desianaUon or chanae to the City's Futura Land Use HaD? V. SXGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER Is~ OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CZI'Y CLERK A S~GNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, I.~ST~NG LOBBYING EXPENDZTI. IRES TN THE CiTY OF M~t! BEACH FOR THE PRECEDXNG CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and~that ! have read or am familiar with the provisions contained ll~ Section 2-482 of the Miami Bk~ch ~ity Code as amended, and all reporting requirements. (-.~, J Sig nature of Lobbyist;/I .axxrv~r~ Signature of Principal/Client: LOBBY~T XDENTZI~CAI~Ofl: Produced TD [] Personally Known Form of Identification ~lGNAllJRE AND STANP OF NOTARY OR DEPUTY CLENKI State of Flodda, County of MiamFDade- S~tate o.f Flori.da, .Cou.n. ty ,of M, iami-Dad~li~/Sworr~ I~ ~and subscribect.before me c_,~ 1 ~worn ro She suoscn_Deo before, me L~_v~t This ~ day of ,h~ ~ ~,Or . 2003. Sig~aL'Jt~[ p~ic I~~ a Florida i Signature ~i~:s~q~J:a~ of Florida Regis~'afion: ~:~ACCEPTED If rejecl~l, state reason: Registration f~ paid: ~Yes [ ] No DATA ENTRY DATE: _(~'[ ,9~ 2nd Revision 3/18/03 FOR CLERKS U~E ONLY ,2003 ENTERED BY~'~, F :\CLER~lATL¥.obbyists~regi~b aliona03.doc