LTC 368-2019 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of July 8 - 12, 2019OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC No. 368-2019 FROM: Mayor Dan Gelber and Me~t;bers of thetity Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Cle~ ·~ July 1, 2019 TO: DATE: LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of July 8 -12, 2019 Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors Section of The Miami Herald for the week of July 8 -12, 2019, published on June 30, 2019. See insertions in blue on page twb (2) for cancelled, added or rescheduled meetings. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 305.673.7411. REG/Ih Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community MEETING NOTICES july 8 -12, 2019 MONDAY, July 8 10:00 a.m. Red Light Camera Hearings Commission Chamber 3'cl Floor, City Hall 3:30p.m. Transportation, Parking & Parking Dept., 2'' Floor Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Executive Coni., Room Committee 1755 Meridian Avenue 4:00p.m. Ad Hoc Anti-Bullying MBPD Chief's Coni., Room Task Force 11 00 Washington Avenue 5:30p.m. Parks and Recreational MB Tennis Center, North Facilities Advisory Board Shore Park, 501 72'' ST, TUESDAY, July 9 9:00a.m. Marine and Waterfront City Manager's Lorge Coni. Protection Authority Room, 4'h Floor, City Hall 9:00a.m. Historic Preservation Board* Commission Chamber 3'' Floor, City Hall 9:30a.m. Convention Center Advisory TCED Coni., Room, 5'h FL. Board 1755 Meridian Avenue 10:00 a.m. Miami Beach Employees' MBERP Pension Office Retirement Pension Board 1" FL. Breezeway, City Hall 1:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee City Manager's Large Coni. Room, 41h Floor, City Hall AWm 2:00p.m. Special Master Hearing City Attorney's Large Coni. Special Setting/Miami Lymph Room, 4'h Floor, City Hall 4:00p.m. Human Rights Committee City Manager's Small Coni. Room, 41h Floor, City Hall 4:30p.m. Committee on the Homeless Housing & Comm. Services Conf., Rm. 555 17'h Street 6:00p.m. Music in Miami Beach Town Normandy Shores Golf Hall-Proposed Pilot Allowing Course/240 1 Biarritz Drive Ambient Music Inside Restaurants/Commissioner Aleman WEDNESDAY, July 10 1:00 p.m. Sustainability & Resiliency Commission Chamber Committee** 3'' Floor, City Hall 3:00p.m. Mayor's Panel on Ocean City Manager's Large Coni. Drive/Security, Safety and Room, 4'h Floor, City Hall Infrastructure THURSDAY, July 11 8:30a.m. Normandy Shores Local OBPI Conference Room Government Improvement 3'' FL. Breezeway, City Hall Board 9:00a.m. Special Master Hearings* Commission Chamber 3'cl Floor, City Hall 2:00p.m. Special Events Community TCED Coni. Room, 5'h FL. Review 17 55 Meridian Avenue 4:00p.m. Cultural Arts Council TCED Coni., Room, 5'h FL. Public Hearing 1755 Meridian Avenue 4:00p.m. Hispanic Affairs Committee/ City Manager's Small Coni. Hispanic Heritage Month & Room, 4'h Floor, City Hall Simon Bolivar Celebration Sub-Committee 4:00p.m. Mayor's 41 '' Street iberia Bank, 2'cl Floor Committee 400 Arthur Godfrey Road 6:00p.m. Hispanic Affairs Committee City Manager's Small Coni. Room, 4'h Floor, City Hall 6:00p.m. Music in Miami Beach Town Murando Grande Comm. Hall -Proposed Pilot Allowing Room/ 400 Alton Road Ambient Music Inside Restaurants/Commissioner Aleman FRIDAY, July 12 9:00a.m. Board of Adjustment• Commission Chamber 3'cl Floor, City Hall 2:00p.m. Mayor's Panel on Ocean City Manager's Large Coni. Drive/Business and Culture Room, 41h Floor, City Hall Practices ~~jc~~~~~~:a 0~~e~~~ ~~v~ n~~~~\:~c~~= ~~dm:~~~c~~~~s d~!c~s~~~~oml Beach City Commission, ond or City * Airr.d live on MBTV: AT&T lJ-verso 99 Alkmhr. Broodbond 77 Dlgilal 90 & 107 3 * * Commission Commillee Aired livo on MBfV No. 0003997463-01 tv11AMIBEACH