RESOLUTION 91-20264 RESOLUTION NO. 91-20264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE 2ND AMENDMENT TO THE POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE - CAPITAL ACCOUNT FOR FY 1990/91 BY AN AMOUNT OF $8, 687 . 00; SUCH ACCOUNT TO BE FUNDED BY UNCLAIMED EVIDENCE CURRENTLY HELD IN THE POLICE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT UNIT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: WHEREAS, Florida Statutes Section 705. 105, procedure for Unclaimed Evidence, provides that title to unclaimed evidence in the custody of the court from a criminal proceeding or seized as evidence by and in the custody of a law enforcement agency, shall vest permanently in the law enforcement agency 60 days after the conclusion of the proceedings; and WHEREAS, such funds are currently available in the Police Property Management Unit, amounting to $8 , 687 . 00; such funds being unclaimed evidence from criminal proceedings; and to purchase items for the Police Department as such need exists and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach hereby amends the FY 1990/91 Police Special Revenue - Capital Account, said amendment to result in the amended account as reflected herein below. CURRENT AMENDMENTS AMENDED BUDGET INC/ (DEC) BUDGET Police Special Revenue $12 , 471. $8 , 687 . $21, 158 . TOTAL $12 , 471. $8 , 687 . $21, 158 . PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th da o March , 1991. 111110 /71 Air 'OR ATTEST BY: City Clerk Legal Form: . A / / )&44,40,) itV #tdirney Funding Approved: Mana nt and Budget AGENDA ITEM DATE - ' V(cawa" 6 ead ezef M \ " PM �fq� FLORIDA 3 3 1 3 9 -zf. r ,•, yi • *tINCOR • *% "VACATIONLANLU. S. A. •ham ' �, 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER CITY HALL Carlo B. Talarico 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: 673-7010 C COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. l 161-- March 20, 1991 DATE: TO: Mayor Alex Daoud and Members of the City Comission 4 --. FROM: Carla B. Talarico City Manager SUBJECT: POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE - CAPITAL ACCOUNT FOR FY 1990/91 The Administration requests an amendment to Resolution 90-20127 for the Police Special Revenue - Capital Account to appropriate an additional $8 , 687 . 00 to provide funds for the purchase of law enforcement technical equipment. The additional appropriation will increase the Police Special Revenue - Capital Acount to $21, 158 . for the Fiscal Year 1990/91. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the City Commission adopt the operating budget for the Police Special Revenue - Capital. Account and appropriate funding. RWP:PGH:gp 04 AGENDA_____cr ITEM _ 030/dizgo . DATE 3 m 2-O eli ORIGINAL RESOLUTION NO. 91-20264 Providing for the 2nd amendment to the Police Special Revenue - Capital tal Acc p Dunt for FY 1990/91 by an amount of $8,687.00; such account to be funded by unclaimed evidence currently held in the Police Property Management Unit.