LTC 527-2019 Diversity and Cultural Competency WorkshopsMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# 527-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City FROM : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE : September 26, 2019 SUBJECT: Diversity and Cultural Competenc I am pleased to communicate the status of the commission approved diversity and cultural competency workshops with a focus on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community. The issue of LGBTQ diversity train ing was discussed at the November 6, 2018, LGBTQ Advisory Committee meeting with a recommendation to provide in-person diversity training for staff members who interact with the public on a consistent basis. The issue of LGBTQ diversity training was also discussed at the December 14, 2018 and January 28, 2019 Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee (NCAC) meetings followed by funding approval at the May 29, 2019 Finance Committee meeting . Members from the following departments were selected to participate in a two-hour workshop with a prerequisite to complete the online diversity course: Code Compliance, Building, Finance (Customer Service Center), Recreation, Public Works Sanitation, Housing & Community Services, and the City Manager's Office. Organizational Development Performance Initiatives (ODPI) provided 15 workshops from August yth to September 17 1h, 2019 . The below chart reflects participation by each department: Required not Number scheduled/ Department required #Attended no show % Attendance Code Compli ance 20 20 100% Bu ilding 76 75 1 99% Finance 28 30 107% Recreation 184 149 35 81% Public Works Sanitation 103 117 114% Hous1ing & Community Se rv ices 22 22 100% City Ma n ager 15 13 2 87% Totals 448 426 38 98% A brief evaluation form was distributed to participants and below are some of the comments for the question asking: what parts were most valuable in the session? • Never make assumptions • Understanding people who are different • Key definitions related to gender identity and addressing it • Learning about tolerances • LGBTQ+ explanation • Removing labels from individuals If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer. c: Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Dr. Leslie D. Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer MT/L~~