Steinberg, Micky - October 11, 2019MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORTING OF SOLICITATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR POLITICAL COMMITTEES, ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATIONS, 501{c)(4) ORGANIZATIONS AND POLITICAL PARTIES OFFICE USE ONLY f'"' Elected Official's or Candidate's Name r.::::..? ........ )11' \--G~~ Commissioner Micky Steinberg ,, -···-~ • 4 ·, ~---~~ . ~~ ~ j.\. :f .. -.. -..,, ·····: ~-~"'-' ..... ~,.l' > '""· "' ., ·-~ ",, Address (number and street) -·'""' ,_ ;;.~ _,., _, 767 Arthur Godfrey Road i] ;;t~!Jllol 1 .. City, State, Zip Code <:;;;;) : ..... Miami Beach, FL 33140 0 CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED Filing as: 81 Elected Official Office: Miami Beach Commissioner Cll Miami-Dade County Candidate Office: D Municipal Candidate ~ (Name of Municipality) Office: CERTIFICATION It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss. 839.13, F .S.) I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct, and complete. (SECTION APPLICABLE TO correct, and complete. (FOR BOTH ELECTED CANDIDATES ONLY) OFFICIALS AND CANDIDATES) (Type name) DTreasurer D Deputy Treasurer (Type name) [2] Elected Official Dcandidate X X i;J Signature Signature 10/11/19 10/11/19 Date Date MD-ED 28 (Rev. 3/1/17) REPORTING OF SOLICITATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR POLITICAL COMMITTEES, ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATIONS ORGANI 501(C)(4) ORGANIZATIONS AND POLITICAL PARTIES This report must be filed by Miami-Dade County and Municipal Elected Officers and Candidates to publicly disclose their fundraising activities for Political Committees, Electioneering Communications Organizations, 501(C)(4) Organizations and Political Parties within five days (includes weekends and holidays) of commencing solicitation activities, either directly or indirectly, on behalf of said organization(s). (1) Elected Official's or Candidate's Name (2) Page (3) Row Number 1 2 3 Commissioner Micky Steinberg _____ of ____ _ (4) (5) Name of PC, ECO, PC, ECO, 501(c)(4) Organization 501(c)(4) or Political Party Organization or Political Party Miami-Dade Democratic Party Political Party -- Florida Democratic Party Political Party Miami-Dade Foward PC I. D . N u m b er-:-:--:-:---::-----c--::---::-:-:----:- (Only for County Candidates) (6) (7) Description of Relationship between Date Candidate/Officer and solicitation PC, ECO, 501(c)(4) Organization or activities Political Party started Support 10/11/19 Support 10/11/19 Support 10/11/19 SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES MD-ED 28 (Rev. 3129/18)