LTC 585-2019 Cleanliness Index & Assessment Program Results for FY 2018/19 Quarter 4 MAMEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # 585-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of tP!e City Com ission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: October 28, 2019 SUBJECT: Cleanliness Index & Assessment Proaiam Results for FY 2018/19 Quarter 4 The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to communicate the results of the award- winning Cleanliness Index and Assessment program from FY 2018/19 Quarter 4 (July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019). Key Q4 Metrics: • Citywide Cleanliness Index Rating: 1.65 • Citywide Cleanliness Index Compared to FY18 Quarter 3: 2.9% improvement • Citywide Percent Assessments Meeting Target: 83.2% Background The Miami Beach Public Area Cleanliness Index is an objective measurement of performance ranging from 1.0 (Very Clean) to 6.0 (Very Dirty) and includes assessments of litter, garbage cans/dumpsters, organic material, and fecal matter. The results of the assessments are used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented initiatives to target areas for future improvements and assure the quality of services. Quarterly sample sizes are set to ensure no greater than a ±5.0-percentage point sampling error given the 95% confidence level for each of the public areas assessed. During FY 2006/07, the City tightened the target for the Citywide and area-specific cleanliness indicators from 2.0 to 1.5 — the lower the score on the cleanliness index indicates a cleaner area. This target continues to be the same from FY 2007/08 to date. As important, the City also has a goal to ensure that 90 percent of assessments score 2.0 or better, with awareness to seasonal fluctuations. The scores are compared to the same quarter in prior years to account for seasonal variations. The program received the 2007 Sterling Quality Team Showcase Award. All improvement action plans implemented are validated against the Index. Cleanliness results at the end of each quarter inform stakeholders if the action plans have worked or if they need to be adjusted. Tangible benefits obtained as a result of the program include the city's achievement of one of its strategic objectives to be cleaner. Summary of the Cleanliness Assessment Results FY 2018/19 Quarter 4 Overall, the Citywide Cleanliness Index improved during FY 2018/19 Quarter 4 when compared to the same quarter in FY 2017/18 by 2.9% to 1.65. Additionally, FY averages reflect steady progression as evidenced by the Index, anecdotal information, and results of our most recent resident survey. Additionally, 83.2% of all public area assessments scored 2.0 or better (target=90%) in FY 2018/19 Quarter 4. Cleanliness continues to remain a top priority for the City. Positive and Stable Areas in FY 2018/19 Quarter 4 • Parks- Parks improved to 1.42 or 2.7% when compared to the prior quarter and the prior FY same quarter with 90.2% of assessments meeting the target. Parks will review data specific to organic material in playgrounds to ensure contractors are maintaining designated areas. • Sidewalks- Sidewalks improved at 1.48 compared to the prior quarter and to the prior FY by 5.7% with overall percent meeting target at 89.2%. Commercial entertainment areas improved at 1.39 and commercial non-entertainment areas improved at 1.50 compared to the same quarter in the prior FY by 11.5% and 3.8% respectively. The primary issue continues to appear to be litter on the ground and organic material in residential and non-entertainment areas during the weekday daytime hours. • Streets- Streets improved at 1.54 when compared to the prior FY quarter by 1.9%. Commercial entertainment streets remained stable at 1.53 or 6.1% from the same quarter in the prior FY. 86.4% of streets are scoring 2.0 or better. Commercial non- entertainment streets improved by 2.7% when compared to the same quarter in the prior FY. • Beaches - Beach areas maintained by CMB improved to 1.60 or 10.1% compared to the same quarter in the prior FY year and areas serviced by the MDC improved to 1.39 or 6.1% compared to the same quarter in the prior FY. The issue appears to be organic material on the beach and little in the beach spoil on the weekend. City staff will continue to work with Miami Dade County to address the issue of excessive seaweed on the beaches. Areas of Focus in FY 2018/19 Quarter 4 • Alleys- Alleys improved to 1.83 or 6.2% when compared to the same quarter in the prior FY with 76.9% of assessments meeting the target of 2.0, a .3% improvement. This remains a poor scoring area since program inception; however, there is consistent improvement from the past two years. Sanitation alley service operates Monday through Friday (5 days a week) every morning from 5t Street to Espanola Way for litter removal. Code continues to support this effort citywide with officers required to conduct a minimum of one (1) hour of sanitation and alleyway inspections each day in the morning and afternoon. Code and Sanitation will continue to review warning weekend issuance for overflowing dumpsters to determine weekend service needs, as well as review data. Effective the beginning of Q1 2020, Code and Sanitation will be conducting alley sweeps one time per week during the weekday daytime hours. • Parking Lots - Scores at 1.84 improved by .5% from the prior quarter and 11.5% from the same quarter in the prior FY. The percent of assessments meeting the 2.0 standard improved to 73.2% compared to the same quarter in the prior FY, a 5.8% improvement. A litter can garbage truck route has been added from 1 pm to 9 pm five (5) days a week (excluding Tuesday and Wednesday to service the cans with an emphasis on parking lots with low scores. Current resources have been utilized. • Waterways - Scores deteriorated by 19.6% or 2.01 when compared to the same quarter in the prior Fiscal Year. The percent of assessment meeting the 2.0 target deteriorated by 11.7% with 71.6% meeting target when compared to the same quarter in the prior Fiscal Year. Issues appear to be organic material and litter in non-hotspot waterways. The new agreement with AEI has been executed effective October 1, which includes cleanliness data and fine issuance for not meeting established standards for litter. 91:63:- %,9- 'ICC - - '13 Si:91- I :54 Mt 6s-t •h,:i 55.153tsucdrau lacall kur I., 540.15.Scceff S 61 96:6 - :: -5. Si, or 1 ..c56.15:4•55 %5 9- -95 3,- 56. sI. 56 1 is. Si: 0,0717 %p•Ø5. 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IrSIM 6,40,0,4 laN Si 5 .505 TWIN' - - 5'. --- .-.1, a:: *4005 .30 1144145 el: CC SO IC 5815 05403.5 I*OA 4 1 4',O&M)cc./31.4c.1 1.5,..."6..11 HDV3i3 i V i c., i,,,"\ e„ • NAIAAAIBEACH rverstlego of As sat einunb smrina ZPI or Mil,No3...,0"•. 1,101411 P915110 Area tal iai .4! 04 1.1.Icon CA./Wide 57.5% 71,1% 55.7% -5 5* 66-2% Street; 99--it -9-% 93.3% 45'* 73,4% Corrinerctil-Ertertainmert53 5 t I% 4-5% 74.6% 67,316 • Cernmeir al-1,3311-Ertert3,'-T''. 722% s-z-••,.. STIR 52 1% 66.2% ES•-- --'3 5% 364% r.3% a e.2% 43345 Sidewalk; 32.6% 487% ii.i% 58.7% Canrretedl-EnIertaln-t-ert 53 3,-. -1 5% 41,7% -t-:: 33.6% Canmerc al-hieri-Entertainmert Ea 3, 33 4. '95% i-- 75695 Re:Ddersta 5Z-: -i 02. % 3:: 48.2% Parke ...s s: 14: 58.2% :,a et5•a% 210gra -3:,- 3:+i- -;?:',3 14:, Si 4% Waleratav 4:3: 3-3, ES'a- 3.-5-3, Janatutazah 1rt3-1 Beach Rendomtta•ti Cart, a- rt a---Cade C-at.irt7i P.excr:a -.- '33 -3- FYISIII P58588 3883 RV Scoop Ct_tatt_ktile 3-14, Mlift.16 Ea. E.3 Cdrrirevtlal-Erten:VI-lent 89.5% E E 2 Gummi(-Iken-E1,tertainment87.5% a S siteDletnea,r -9133-* !dry: 7-.3% 3•4, 11.33.9(2133. 89.9% Ctaint•-erctal-Ertertainmenr IMMIllir. a-E C.-en-men al-hcrt-Errtertatrtment 599% a E- ReSIdentlai Fillir- -1, LI= i 7 .23311/33. -9 5% 12323.0121 -3'C €7 3 Slash Meat 1333-1 Bean Relporettriti Only 3 1 r.am-Cade C,,O.Y-7,Pet.Tcr...,bur/ E. imam Dortbranu, 01111mffice Putter Area *I .... 02 , ,Sous Or prisr IllVel6Mr. e/ *MOM =Lyda 94.3% "32 813% El 739 9 t 4% 8.4% 18.2% =me, •I 3-•E 87.9% 84.9% 97. -3.3% 14.3% Carrrneredi-Erten.,- -et, W 7%i 3- 997% 96.5% 59.0% -84% 20.74 Cernmeical-Ncr-Erteita---e-• 5C E% 3 3€ 671% 83.6% 97.8% -35% 35% 3-E. 374 8 970% 96.9% ' 975% -0 1% 13 3% 56-4% 71M% .6.6% 73.3% 8.0% 29.4% Sidewalk; E a.E 65.6% 37.5% 96.1% 1.5% 18.4% SCN,,,V,V.51..Entertainment 16......3C.3, 33.3% 39.5% 86_9% 1_2% 22.5% C.Crrmefr al-hen-Ertertalnment 99' ;2.51 57 339 35.3% 86.1% 4.8% 14,3% Rredenta Be, ,--- ,-,, 94 9% 55.7% .03% 35.9% Parke 111.16 ": 5 -% 92.3% - 0.8% 26.4% P ldsliaa 77_5% i-i, i--, 47% 149% Walen6av 85.0% 38 3: 7 E.€ Eli E. -% 4.76 246% , e,-oh Area; '.'5'" 6exn Re--cormitaity Onty 136.4% a- EC 4 ts a. . 5.434 t.3--Cade 2-at.intr Re:gent:60v 875% 31 ICC.3% I!.8% 31 3 x 27345 .,..,..•• .......wa• 0141.•••• Pubic Area 31 t,- id .44 it,sww tt•"7.at ton prior *omens* v.- rtes. WO* ✓ityyme 80.0% 90.77 822% 33.2% 8 3 315 5.9% 7.7% Streets 99.9% 84.9* at. : 86.4% Is a t 4 3% 1.6% 1.0% lion-mere at-Entertainment 69.3% 85.3% 86.7% 56 3% .2 5% 2.9% 121% Corimere ad-hen-Entertainment 83.6% 33.1% 502- 56.3% 545% 1.1% 2.745 -13.8% de-41<len5at 85.0% 96256 36.1% 86,0% 1 3% -3.8% 0.0% Merl: 13.2% 75.7% 79.9% 75.9% -21% 3.3% r 7 7% Sidewalk; 86.9% 85.8% 33 • 592% 97.1% 3.6% 5.739 8.545 Cide-rnercdi-Entertainment 89.8% 033' 12. 4.1% 3.4% 21.2% Cernineir al-Nen-Entertainment 85.1796 34.8% 933: 15 7% 56.4% 1.5% 2.4% 1.3% Prer,lelerta 83.9% 82_9% 145% 33'% 84.4% 1.8% 5.6% 3.8% P5fIIG ERN 57,8% 92.2%--1119.W71 -D 3% 28.4% LW= 49.9% 74.9% -,:-. -19-, -03% 5.3% 4.2% •Ataterway 88.6% 75 9•4: ''3', 91 535 43% .11 7% 14.8% ihautudikai 5,3-•Beach#5-74nrt:•1>•31 Only 868% 57 t% •36.5% 87.'7% -0 3% 3.4% 8.0% 1.•3--Cade Car-7,P.ezecns5339 . Cleanliness Key Intended Outcome Cleanliness was identified in our community surveys as a key driver affecting overall quality of life. In addition, in the 2019 survey, residents and businesses rated cleanliness as one of the services the City should strive not to reduce. The City has implemented increases in service levels and community satisfaction levels have improved. Overall scores have improved by 28.0% from FY 2005/06 to FY 2018/19. Next Quarter Assessments City part-time staff is conducting cleanliness assessments every quarter. Additionally, residents are always welcome to participate. If you or any member of your staff is interested in participating in the City's Public Area Cleanliness and Appearance Program, please contact Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld with Organizational Development Performance Initiatives at extension 26923. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. c: Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Roy Coley, Public Works Director John Rebar, Parks and Recreation Director Saul Francis, Parking Director Hernan Cardeno, Code Compliance Director Betsy Wheaton, Environmental Director Darrell Caldwell, Sanitation Division Director Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer MT/EC/LDR