LTC 653-2019 Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride Event January 9, 2020M IA M I BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E CI TY M A N A G ER N O . LTC# 653-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the FRO M : Jimmy L. Morales, Ci ty Manage lb, D A TE: December 16, 2019 SU BJEC T : Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride Event January 9, 2020 This Letter to the Mayor and City Commission is to provide information on the 2020 Wounded Warriors Soldier Ride Event and to invite the Mayor and Commissioners to attend the Cheer Stop on Ocean Drive on January 9, 2020 at 0930 in front of Finnegan's Way, 1344 Ocean Drive. Wounded Warrior Project is an organization that is dedicated to serving wounded veterans through a wide variety of programs, services and events. The organization was established following September 11, 2001 terrorist attack at the World Trade Center in New York City. The yearly Soldier Ride event is a four-day cycling experience from Miami to Key West that provides wounded warriors the unique opportunity to use cycling and the bonds of service to overcome physical, mental, and emotional injuries. Please join the Miami Beach Police Department in recognizing our wounded veterans and supporting their efforts to raise awareness about the hardships disabled veterans face as they reacclimate to civilian life. JLM:RCM:tr W OU N D E D WA RR I O R PRo.JET' € SOLDIER ride. SUPPORT OUR NATION'S WOUNDED SERVICE MEMBERS! w · e e I I k t t kt t k k t tk k t k kt kt t k k k k k t k kt k k t t Join your community in support of Soldier Ride Miami/Key West! Bring your friends, family, flags, signs, and spirit to cheer on Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) Alumni. What is Soldier Ride? Soldier Ride is a fo ur-day cycling experience that pro vides w ounded w arriors the unique opportunity to use cycling and the bonds of service to overcome physical, mental, and em otional injuries. * T H U R S D A Y 9 th JA N U A R Y 20 2 0 * Cheer Stops 9:30 am - Finnegan's I O cean Drive, M iam i Beach 11 :00 am - Cheer stop I Marlin Ballpark For more inform ation about Soldier Ride, visit soldierride.org. ©2018 Wounded Warrior Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved.