LTC 018-2020 Miami Beach Production Industry Council MotionMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF TIE- rvMMAMACED NO. L Tcn 018-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor an ever and Members of//he City C 1mission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager January 9, 2020 Miami Beach Production Industry C ncil Motion The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("LTC") is to inform the Commission of a motion passed by the Miami Beach Production Industry Council ("PIC") during its December 12, 2019 meeting. Members Present: Daniel Davidson (Chair), Christina LaBuzetta (Vice Chair), Bruce Orosz, Joanna Kravitz and Muhammad Abdul and Aleksander Stojanovic (via phone). Members Absent: MOTION: To request the City of Miami Beach create or identify and purchase a domain name, and related intellectual property assets, in an effort to establish and promote a brand that protects Miami Beach art and cultural activities generated by, but not limited to, Miami Beach Art Week. Motion Entertained By: Daniel Davidson Motion Made By: Christina LaBuzetta Motion Seconded By: Joanna Kravitz Motion Passed: 5-0 CC: Marcia Monserrat, Chief of Staff to City Manager Matt Kenny, Director, Tourism & Culture 1