LTC 039-2020 Sidewalk Cafe Report Fiscal Year 201920 Quarter 1M IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. L TC# 039-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of th FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: January 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Sidewalk Café Report Fiscal Year 201 This Letter to Commission constitutes the Sidewalk Café Report for quarter one of Fiscal Year 2019/20. On April 11, 2018, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance 2018-4294 creating a quarterly reporting requirement for violations of the Sidewalk Café Ordinance specific to subsections 82-385 (b), (e), U), (v), (w), and (x). This subsection encompasses requirements for the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct, including hawking/solicitation, menu price requirements, automatic gratuity and other charges, and receipt itemization of charges and taxes. See attachment A for full details. While the reporting requirement was adopted in April 2018, sidewalk café operators were given time to comply with the menu price requirements. The ordinance was to take effect on July 2, 2018 for the cates located in the MXE district and on January 1, 2019 citywide. In addition to this ordinance, menu design Total Inspections Conducted: 348 guidelines needed to be established which subsequently did not become effective in the MXE district until October 1, 2018 and citywide until January 1, 2019. A total of nine businesses sidewalk café permits were suspended due to failure to comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. Q1 Sidewalk Cafe Inspection Outcomes Complied Immediately, 13 Proactive Inspections -Nop Violation Issued, 264 _, Courtesy Notices Issued, 32 Should you have questions please contact Code Compliance Director Hernan Cardena. Attachments: Attachment A: Section 82-389 Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct Attachment B: Violations issued in FY 2019/20 Quarter 1 related to the requirements of this report sac%., Attachment A: ORDINANCE NO. 2018-4188 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 82 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED PUBLIC PROPERTY," ARTICLE IV, "USES IN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY," DIVISION 5, "SIDEWALK CAFES," TO AMEND THE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR SIDEWALK CAFE OPERATORS, AND TO FURTHER PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL PENALTY PROVISIONS FOR SPECIFIED VIOLATIONS OF THIS DIVISION; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance Nos. 2015-3982 and 2017.4082, and in ordor to prevent deceptive or misleading business practices In the operation of the City's sidewalk cafes the Mayor and City Commission have amondod tho City's Sidewalk Cafe Ordinance, codified in Chapter 82, Article I}, Dksion 5 of the City Code, to require that sidowalk cafos display or disclose (i) picos for food and drink menu items or menu specials; (il) any automatic gratuity or servlce charges; and (iii) the amount of all applicable City, County, and State texas; and WHEREAS, in order to further promote transparency and reduce the incidence of deceptive or misleading business practices by sidewalk cafe operators, Ihe Mayor and City Commission now desire to adopt the amendments and additional disclosure requirements set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECT1ON1. Chapter 82, entitled "Public Property," is horeby amerged as follows: CHAPTER 82 PUBLIC PROPERTY ARTICLE IV. USES IN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY DIVISION 5. SIDEWALK CAFES Subdivision I. Generally S0c. 82371, Civil fines and penal ties; denial of future permits to ropoat violators; enhanced penalties, (a) [Civil fines and penalties.} 'The following civil fines and penalties shall be imposed for violations of this division: (1} First violation: S500.00. (2} Second violation within the preceding 12 months: $750.00. (3) Third violation wthin the preceding 12 months: Suspension of the sidewalk cate permit for one wokend (Saturday and Sunday) and $1,000,00, {4) Fourth violation within the precoding 12 months: Revocalion of the sidewalk cate permit for the remaining portion of the permit year and 1,250.00. (5) Failure to apply for permit: Termination of sidewalk cafe operations until a permit is applied tor and obtained. (6) Failure lo renew permit: Suspension of sidowalk cafe operatlons until the permit is renewed. (b) Enhanced penalties. Tho following enhance penalties must be imposed by the city mreneager: (1) A pormittoo who has been issued more than four violations pursuant to this division within a permit year shall be prohibited from applying for and obtaining a sidewalk cafe permit for a period of two pemit years, allowing the permit year in which the applicant/parmilteo Incurred the aforestated violations. (2) For life safety violations of this division, site plan violations, and violations of subsectlon 82-385/v), (), or (x), the city manager shall be authorlzed to issue an immolate order suspending the sidewalk cafe permit and operation, and tho sidewalk cafo operator must cease operatlons for at least 24 hours, and until the city manager finds that the violation(s} have bean corrected and wlthdraws the suspension order, The issuance of a notice of violation or an ordor suspending tha sidewalk cafe permit shall raise a rebuttable presumption that a life safety violation, site plan violation, or violation of subsection 82-385(/), (w), or [x) has occurred. (3) For life saloly violations of this diision, and violations ol subsection 82-385/y\, ), or (8), the city manager shall be authorize d to commence proceedings. pursuant t section 102-381 ol this Code, to suspend or revoke he sidewalk cale operator's buslness ax reelpt. The_issuance [ antic ' Wilalion pursuant to this paragraph shall raise a r@billable.presumption that_ a_ life safety_ yiolalion__ or jiglgtion of subsection 2-385/y\.(}, or (x}, has occurred. (A} Reporting requi rement_ _[he city manager, or tho ciy manager's designeo, shall, on.a guartarty basis, present the city commission yiih a yyrittgn rgot detailing tho city's gntorcgmnert agtjyii@s rolatia to life safely violations of this _giyilslon, site plan violations, and_violations of subsections 82-335), (), and ). Iha report shall includo gialistics relating to the numtggr gf enforcement_actions taken against gach sidgyyalk_cafe operator, and tho outcome of each enforcement action, Subdlvlsion II. Permit Sec. 82-381. Permitted areas; condition permit; city manager's right to remove sidewalk cafes; requirement disclosures on monus, bills, and rocoipts, ¢ t ¥ (h) Each sidewalk_cate menu shall comply with the rea litemn erls of thls subsection (h} The oily comp1rissl2n. may adopt, @y resolution, sidewalk cafe menu design guidelines. onslslenl with thg lntgnt and purposò f lhls subsection [h) in_which case each sidewalk cagfe menu shall additionally comply with such guid ellnas., A sidewalk cale must display or disclose,_in 2 writing, actual prices for food and drink menu item(s), or display ar disclose, ln rill1g, lhose clual prices and sccurate terms and conditions ior any food and drink monu special(s). The displayed prlce for the food or drink menu item(s) or food and drink menu special(s) (and, if applicable, the terms and condillons. or. any (ood and drink_menu special{s}) must be in a size {font) and typeface, which is at least as large as the name of the menu item. Such. )rices (and, lf applicable, terms and cord[tions] musr be displayod aliacgnt to tho nano description, photograph), and/or image of each_menu iten or menu special, except as nay be expressly authorized pursuant to tho sidewall cl9 fepu design guidelines. All mneflu. prices must bg displayed in numeric_ format_A_ sidewalk cafg may n9 charge a pricA that is groator than. tho price displayed or disclosed tor any food or drink menu itemis) or food or drink_ menu specials] in the event that a sidewall cal oat9f makes a unlque or specll (uS l [Qr g food or drink menu item not listed on the menu lhe sidewalk ca[g must disclose, to th patron, he price ol./he unique or specially requested (ood.a. dlk menu item prior to agreeing to prepare the rood or drink menu itom. A fl that prominently display8 }he name of the side/alk cale operator; actual prices tor food and drink_menu item[s] Ac for food and drink [)eß 88/alls}; end, if applicable, accurale terms and cgngiticns for ary food and drink_menu special[s). mus! be.0ß0/led to each sidewalk cafe pal/on, {l) A sidewalk cale that automaticaly includes a gratulty or service charge, elther, in the pnce of tho meal or drink or separately imposed for all items ordered, must be displayed thg actual amount _of such gral lulßy gr .sorvlce charge on the menu and on the face of the customer's bill. This disclosure serves to provide tho customer nolificallon Ihat an automatic gratuity or service charge is being included by the sidewalk cafe operator. Tho disclosure of the gratuity or service charge within the menu must_not be_smaller than_ 14A_pgirt font_ or gng _te disclosure yithin thg bill must not be smaller than 12-polnt font. (j) A sidewalk cafo operator that includes a gratuity or tip as a charge must separately itemize and state the actual amount of this charge on the face of the customer's bill and receipt, and such gratuity or tip must only be calculated bgsgd on tho pro-tax sale amount of he food or drinks. A sidewalk cale operator that includes a service charge, minimum charges, corkage fees, set up fees, sharing foes. or charges, or any alhet similar charges, must itemize and separately state the gctua] amount f such charges an the faca of he customer's bill and receipt. Ser'vi@ ch8[@gs. mnlimm_charges, corkage fees. Se!up [OOS, sharing fees or charges. or glhr simlaL charges imposed {y • side'elk cale operalo_gs art al./he. charges [or furnishing, sering, or preparing food prcduIs must b subject. to galas tax and_surlax, A sldewalk cale operator must state the total combined percentage and amount of city, county, and state taxes on the face of the customer's bit and receipt, and must label such taxes accurately. Sec. 82-382. - Application. (b) Application tor a pemit to oporate a sidewalk cafe shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: (16)4 sample menu that will be used by the sidewalk cafe to display ot disclose actual prices for food and drink menu item{s), or display or disclose those actual pricas and pcuale tern all.undilons for any food and drink menu special(s). The sample menu must display or disclosa tho actual pre [or food or drink menu ltem(s) or food 3 and drink menu speclal( s) (8pd, [ applicable, the accurate terms and cgngilons for any tood and drink m1gnu sgclalsj} l a slza (font) and typeface that ls at least as large as the name of the menu or food item,_and such _prc [and, if applicable, tgrmg and conditions) nus! be displayed adjacent_to the nam e description. photograph, and[gr image of each menu item or me4 8pel @l, except es may be expressly authorized ursuat to thg sidgyyalk_ cafg n gnu design quidolings_ adopted by the city commission Ru(Siller]! to section 2-3g_1/h]. A_re1u prices must be displayed in umgrig ormat 1hg_rame of the sidewalk. cal@ operator must bue prominentty dis played on the menu. Each sidgyak cafe operator shall submit a sample menu to the cily oach year, which must be expressly approved by the city prior to each renew3] of the operator's sidewalk cafo permit, (17)4n affidavit by the sidewalk cafe that the incluslon oi an automatic gratully or servica charge, either, in the price of the meal or drink or separately imposed for all items ordered, will be disclosed on the menu and Ile face of Ihe customer's bill and receipt, and that the total combined percentage and amount of tho clty, county, and state taxes wlll also be stated on the face of the customer's bill and receipt The affidavit must state that tho notification to the customer of an automatic gratulty or service charge and the statement of the total combined porcontago and amount of city, county, and state taxes are being included consistent with. and pursuant to, those requirement{s) set forth in subsoclions 82-301(0j and (@). Sec. 82-385. Minimum standards, criteria, and conditions for operatlon of sidewalk cafes. (v) sidewalk caíe shall bo prohibited from continuing its operation until such time that it. displays or discloses_in_yriting, actual prices for food and drink menu item{s), or displays or dlscloses, J lling, those actual prices gnd accurate tgrms_ and conditions for any food and drink menu specials), consistent with those requirements set forth in Section 82-381/h) and 82-382/b(16). A sidewalk cafe may gt charge a price that ls greater than the price dl82lyed or dls closed for any food or drink menu item/s] or food or drink menu special s) A_mgnu tat prominently displays ho. name of the sidewalk cale operator; actual prices for fggg and drink menu item[s) and for tcod and drink_menu speclalßs}; and, lf applicable, accurate terms and conditlons tor any food and drink menu special[s}, must be provided to gach sidewalk cafo patron, ('w) A sidewalk cale that autom atically includes a gratuity, or service charge, minimum_ charge, corkago fee. sot up fag. sharing fee or charge, r olher similar charge, elther In the price ol the meal or drink or separately imposed for all items ordered, and fails to proporly notify tho cust ome r of Ihe automatic gra tuity or service charge, is prohibited from operating on the city's property. Tho notification must be consistent with those requirem ents set forth in sections 82-381(i) and 82-382(b)17) (x) A sidewalk cafe that fails to sep arat el y Itemize and state the act ual amount of the following: (1) Gr a tuities or tips; (2) Service charges, minimum charges, cotkage foos, set up fees, sha!lg faas. or Cl8I/es, or similar charges or 4 (3) The total combined percentage and amount of city, county, and state taxes, an the face of tho customer's bil and receipt, ls prohiblted from operating on the city/s property. The notification must be consistent wlth those requirements set forth in subsections 82-381(1) and 82-382/b)17). SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in confict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY, If any section, subsection, clauso or provision of thls Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and It ls hereby ordained that the provislans of thls ordinance shall become and be made part of the Miami Beach City Code. The sections of this ordinance may be ren umbered or retellere d to accomplish such Intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to 'section, " "artlcle," or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. As applicable to sidewalk cafes located in the mixed use entertainmen t (MXE) zoning district, this Ordinance shall take effect on July 2. 2018. As applicable to sidew alk cafes located in all other zoning districts in the City, thls Ordinance shall take effect on Januar y 1, 2019. PASSED and ADOPTED this ll_ day or _prl _,2018. i ·'1----· ATTEST: ej} "--- r, 43i ?r z.s -$?2$„2%%% R;fáel E. Granado {}. 'errs!%... {} APPROVE0 AS IO City Clerk !J gt ·%} Fóf M' & LAN G UAGE ~OOnotesodditions \* \i~coRr r~Wf,½' &.FOR EJ<ECUllON sis@si@is „3 /$ Ro%l 1//é (Sponsored by Commis$loner Mark Samù~fJt.};~'$;:}' c11vA11c,inev .. · Dole F:\A TTO%\LN1/JRJIN/INCES',Skh:,·1,1_~k C¡líi;, Ordlna111;o mn0rrJrr1&f111B • BllC()Jlò í81Hl'llO (e.s !lm&l'dí!djJ.loo.x ~~ 6 A tt a c h m e n t B : Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to Sidewalk comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café SPICE ART Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: 5 signs/ menus and also a RESTAURANTS, of Conduct - drink display with the sidewalk cafe. 1st Offense $500 INC. C/0 MAYA, CC2019-07843 S30 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/01/2019 007C BWC used. eco M. Jefferson 747 ceo A. Perez 736 1st 500.00 ALEJANDRO Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the OCEAN Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RESTAURANT of Conduct - REF: Hawking/Soliciting First Offense:$500.00 CORPORATION CC2019-078S6 740 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/09/2019 007C A.PEREZ736 BWC Ist 0.00 DBA BOULEVARD Sidewalk Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to SOBE USA, LLC OBA Cafes Code compl y with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café OCEAN TEN C/0 of Con duct - Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. BWC ARRIGHI, CC2019-07857 960 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Invoice Pend 10/09/2019 007C used 1st Offense Fine $5000 CCO M. Jefferson 747 Ist S00.00 ANTHONY Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the ROMINA @ THE Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. BEACH, LLC DBA of Conduct- REF: Hawking/Soliciting First Offense:$500.00 THE FRITZ c/o CC2019-07858 S24 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Invoice Pend 10/09/2019 007C A.PEREZ736 BWC Ist S00.00 ZAFER ADILA Sidewalk Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to Cafes Code comply with the requirements In the Sidewalk Café NEWS CAFE I NC of Conduct - Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. BWC C/0 BEATRIZ CC2019-07859 800 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/09/2019 007C used 1st Offense Fine $500 ceo M. Jefferson 747 1st S00.00 CAPOTE P.A. Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the SPICE ART Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RE: RESTAURANTS, CC2019-07864 S30 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Invoice Pend 10/12/2019 of Conduct - Hawking/Soliciting 2nd 7SO.OO INC./DBA Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the OCEAN Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RESTAURANT CC2019-07866 740 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/12/2019 of Conduct - Reference: Hawking/Soliciting. 2nd 0.00 CORPORATION Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the DOWN AND DIRTY Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. TACOS AND CC2019-07867 1144 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/12/2019 of Conduct- Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting 1st 500.00 TEQUILA BAR Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the HAVANA OCEAN Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. TEN LLCC/0 of Conduct - First offense. Fine:$500.00 Ref. Hawking/Soliciting. CCO CONSULTING CC2019-07872 940 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007c 7SO/CCO 7S7. 1st 0.00 SERVICES OF Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the SOBE USA LLC Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. D/B/A OCEANS of Conduct - Second offense. Fine:$750.00 Ref. Hawking/Soliciting. TEN c/o Anthony CC2019-07873 960 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/13/2019 007C CCO 750/CCO 757. 2nd 750.00 Arrighi R.A. Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to Sidewalk comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café ROMINA @ THE Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. BWC BEACH, LLC DBA of Conduct - used 2nd Offense Fine $750 CCO M. Jefferson 747 ceo THE FRITZ c/o CC2019-07874 S24 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/13/2019 007C 7SOCCO 7S7 2nd 750.00 ZAFERADILA Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to 720 OCEAN DRIVE, Sidewalk comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café LLC DBA THE Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. BWC PLACE C/O of Conduct - used 1st Offense Fine $500 CCO M. Jefferson 747 ceo DIGIUSEPPE, CC2019-07875 720 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/13/2019 007C 750 CC0 757 Ist S00.00 ANDREA Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to Sidewalk comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. ßWC NEWS CAFE, INC. of Conduct - used 2nd Offense Fine $750 CCO M. Jefferson 747 ceo C/0 CAPOTE, CC2019-07876 800 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/13/2019 007C 750 CC0 757 2nd 7SO.OO BEATRIZ PA Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to Sidewalk comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café 834 OCEAN DRIVE Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. BWC LLC D/B/A: Kantina of Conduct - used Ist Offense Fine $500 ceo M. Jefferson 747 ceo c/o: FRITTELLA, CC2019-07877 834 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007C 7SOCCO 7S7 Ist 0.00 STEFANO Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to Sidewalk comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. BWC CAFFE MILANO, of Conduct - used 1st Offense Fine $500 CCO M. Jefferson 747 ceo LLC C/0 FRITTELLA, CC2019-07878 850 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007C 750 CC0 757 1st 0.00 STEFANO Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to Sidewalk comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. BWC 860 OCEAN DRIVE of Conduct - used Ist Offense Fine $500 CCO M. Jefferson 747 ceo LLC DBA ICON C/0 CC2019-07879 860 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007C 750 CCO 757 Ist 0.00 SU MINA, MARINA Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the OCEAN DRIVE Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RESTAURANT LB, of Conduct- First offense. Fine:$500.00 Ref. Hawking/Soliciting. CCO LLCDBA CC2019-07880 1052 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/13/2019 007C 7SO/CCO 757. Ist S00.00 MARGARITA Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the 660 OCEAN DRIVE, Cafes Code requirements of the Sidewalk Cafe Code of Conduct. LLCDBAON of Conduct - Reference: Hawking/Soliciting $500 Fine 1st Offense PD OCEAN 7 CAFE C/ CC2019-07881 660 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007C Camera Used. eco 7S7 / eco 7SO Ist 0.00 O RIZZI, ANTONIO Code Description Description Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the OCEAN requirements of the Sidewalk Cafe Code of Conduct. RESTAURANT Sidewalk Reference: Hawking/Soliciting 3rd Offense $1000 Fine / CORPORATION Cafes Code Suspension of the sidewalk café permit for the OBA BOULEVARD of Conduct - remaining portion of the permit for one weekend. PD RESTAURANT C/0 CC2019-07882 740 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Owed 10/13/2019 007C Camera Used. eco 757 / eco 750 3rd 1,000.00 ROBERT CONTI Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the DOWN AND DIRTY Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. TACOS AND of Conduct - Second offense. Fine:$750.00 Ref. Hawking/Soliciting. TEQUILA BAR CC2019-07883 1144 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Appeal 10/13/2019 007C CC0 750/CC0 757. 2nd 750.00 OCEAN DRIVE LLC Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the SOUTH BEACH Cafes Code requirements of the Sidewalk Cafe Code of Conduct. ASSOCIATES, LLC of Conduct - Reference: Hawking/Soliciting 1st Offense $500 Fine PD D/B/A SOCIAL CC2019-07884 1024 OCEAN DR CUA City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007C Camera used. eco 757 / ceo 750 1st 0.00 CAFE. C/O Stefano Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the Havana Ocean LLC Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. DBA Havana 1957 of Con duct - First offense. Fine:$500.00 Ref. Hawking/Soliciting. CCO C/0 Consulting CC2019-07885 1410 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007c 750/CC0 757. 1st 0.00 Services of South Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. failing to com ply with the OCEAN HOTELS Cafes Code requirements of the Sidewalk Cafe Code of Conduct. INVESTMENTS LLC of Con duct - Reference: Hawking/Soliciting 1st Offense $500 Fine PD DBA CALA CAFE C/ CC2019-07886 1244 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007c Camera Used. ceo 757 / eco 750 1st O.DO O ROBERT CONTI Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371 . Failing to comply with the 12500CEAN Cafes Code requirements of the Sidewalk Cafe Code of Conduct. DRIVE, LLC D//A of Conduct - Reference: Hawking/Soliciting 1st Offense $500 Fine PD THE CARLYLE CAFE CC2019-07887 1250 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/13/2019 007C Camera Used. eco 757 / eco 750 1st 0.00 C/ O Antonio Rizzi Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to DECO WALK HOTEL Sidewalk comply wi th the requirements in the Sidewalk Café & GOLF CLUB, LLC Cafes Code Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/Soliciting. 1st OBA VOODOO of Con duct- Offense Fine $500 BWC used. ceo M. Jefferson 747 ceo ROOFTOP LOUNGE CC2019-07893 928 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/16/2019 007C 745 1st O.OD &HOOKAH C/0 Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to com ply with the OCEAN Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RE: RESTAURANT of Conduct- Hawking/Soliciting 4th Offense: $1,250.00 A.PEREZ736 CORPORATION CC2019-07920 740 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 10/29/2019 007C BWC 3rd 0.00 DBA BOULEVARD Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the ESPANOLA CIGARS Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RE: CORP D/B/A CC2019-07982 409 ESPANOLA WAY City Code Violation Appeal 11/22/2019 of Con duct - Soliciting/H awking First Offense:$500.00 1st 500.00 ESPANOLA CIGARS Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371 . Failing to comply with the VIDA Y ESTILO Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RE: CORP C/O CC2019-07983 410 ESPANOLA WAY City Code Violation Invoice Pend 11/22/2019 of Conduct- Soliciting/Hawking First Offense:$500.00 1st 500.00 CONSULTING Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the MANYPLUS Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RE: LIMITED LLC d/b/a: CC2019-07984 610 LINCOLN RD City Code Violation App eal 11/22/2019 of Con duct - Hawking/Soliciting First Offense:$500.00 1st 500.00 7 SPICES c/o Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the Sidewalk requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RE: GIULES & CO LLC Cafes Code Soliciting/Hawking Taverna - 719 Lincoln Road Notice of d/b/a: TAVERNA of Con duct - Violation Issued First Offense:$500.00 eco 735 eco 728 c/oARMAS, CC2019-07985 719 LINCOLN RD City Code Violation Appeal 11/22/2019 007C Video footage captured 1st 500.00 ALFREDO Section 82-389 and 82-371 . Failing to comply with the Sidewalk requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. Cafes Code RE:Soliciting/H awking Maya;s Grill, 809 Lincoln Road HOBO L.L.C. DBA of Con duct - Notice of Violation Issued First Offense:$500.00 ceo MAYA'S GRILL c/o CC2019-07986 809 LINCOLN RD City Code Violation Appeal 11/22/2019 007C 735 CCO 728 Video footage captured 1st 500.00 Alejandro Maya Sidewalk Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to com ply with the Cafes Code requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. CARMELO ITALIAN CC2019-07987 920 LINCOLN RD City Code Violation Appeal 11/22/2019 of Con duct - RE:Soliciting/Hawking First Offense:$500.00 1st 500.00 GRILL Section 82-389 and 82-371. Failing to comply with the GALILEO Sidewalk requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. ENTERPRISES LLC Cafes Code RE:Hawking/Soliciting Mare Mia Restaurant- 447 DBA MARE MIO of Conduct- Espanola Way Notuce of Violation Issued First RESTAURANT C/0 CC2019-07988 447 ESPANOLA WAY City Code Violation Appe al 11/22/2019 007C Offense:$500.00 eco 735 eco 728 1st 500.00 CHAAL, WAEL, Sidewalk Violation of Section 82-389 and 82-371 . Failing to Cafes Code comply with the requirements in the Sidewalk Café IL GIARDINO LLC, of Con duct- Code of Conduct. Reference: Hawking/ Soliciting. 1st C/0 R.A. CRAIG M. CC2019-08039 1236 OCEAN DR City Code Violation Fine Paid 12/03/2019 007C Offense Fine $500 BWC used. CCO M. Jefferson 747 1st O.DO DORNE, PA Section 82-389 and 82-371 . Failing to comply with the Sidewalk requirements in the Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct. RE: GIULES & CO LLC Cafes Code Soliciting/H awking Taverna - 719 Lincoln Road Notice of d/b/a: TAVERNA of Conduct - Violation Issued Second Offense:$750.00 ceo 757 eco c/o ARMAS, CC2019-08043 719 LINCOLN RD City Code Violation Appeal 12/04/2019 007C 745 2nd 750.00 ALFREDO