MB RDA REVISED RULES JULY 13, 1979 ' a ECE1VE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ILII 1 3 1979 CITY. CLERK'S DEPT. BY - v TO: Elaine Matthews DATE: July 13 , 1979 City Clerk FROM: Robert L. Shevin 4 1 , City Attorney SUBJECT: Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Relocation Payments for the South Beach Redevelopment Project, Miami Beach, Florida Pursuant to the direction contained in Resolution No. 79-15886 I transmit to you herewith aziaaajmAigimaLligaamijjAzw, tio for the South Beach Redevelopmen Project, Miami Beach, orida, which contains all amendments to same adopted by the governing body of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, up through and including April 25, 1979. Pursuant to Resolution No. 79- 15886 said Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Relocation Payments shall be the official Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Relocation Payments unless and until same is amended by further action of the City Commission. RLS/AHM/mcs Enclosure cc: Murray Dubbin Steve Siskind Gavin W. O'Brien • RECEIVE u i i 1 3 1q79 CITY CLERK'S DEPT. REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING RELOCATION PAYMENTS FOR THE SOUTH BEACH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COPJIMISSION APRIL 25, 1979 REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING RELOCATION PAYMENTS FOR THE SOUTH BEACH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 2 , 1977 Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach By Resolution No. 77-15283 March 2 , 1977 and Incorporating Amendments approved by Resolutions No. 77-15283 March 2 , 1977 , No. 77-15291, March 30, 1977 , and No. 79-15886 April 25 , 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Section I . Purpose and Policies 1 1 . Purpose 1 2. Policy 1 Section II General Eligibility Requirements 1:-- Section III. Definitions 3 1. Acquisition Agent 3 2. Average annual net earnings for businesses 3 3 . Business 3 4. Comparable replacement dwelling 4 5. Conventional loan 5 6. Counted room 5 7 . Displaced person 5 8. Dwelling 5 9. Economic rent 6 10 . Effective rate of interest 6 11 . Family 6 12. Incidental expenses 6 13. Income 6 a. Annual gross income 6 b. Monthly gross income 6 14 . Initiation of negotiations 7 15. Mobile home 7 16 . Mortgage 7 17. Nonprofit organization 7 i PAGE 18 . Owner 7 19 . Person 8 20 . Personal property 8 21 . Relocation payment 9 22 , Settlement costs 10 Section IV. Provision of Information and Notices of Displacees 10 1 . General 10 2 . Notices to Owners at Initiation of Negotiations 10 3 . Notices to Tenants and Lessees -- Initiation 'of • Negotiations 11 4 . Notices to Vacate - General 11 Section V. Standards for Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing12 1 . Physical standards 12 (1) Housekeeping Unit 12. (2) Nonhousekeeping Unit 12 2 . Occupancy standards 12 3. Ability to pay standards 14 4 . Environmental standards 14 5 . Equal Opportunity Standards 15 Section VI . Residential Relocation Payments 15 1 . Moving Expense Payments 15 a. General 15 b. Actual , Reasonable Moving Expenses 15 c. Fixed Payment and Dislocation Allowance 18 d. Advance Payments 19 e. Temporary Moves 19 f . Limitations for Joint Occupants of a Single- Family Dwelling 20 ii ITT EE Teaouop EE quouliced qsaaoqui paseolDuI ZE swaqi GiciT5TTa (Z) TE TeaauaD TE quawAed asuadxa T24UGPTOUI . 0 OE poqqaw anT4exed11Io3 (z) OE poqqow GTnpLIDS (T) 6 quawA2d TPTquaaaggTG *ct 6Z TeJauaD 'P 6Z squpdn000-Jaumo Jo; quawked buTsnoH queulaoeTd11 ' E 8Z surcpTD go buTubTs . g 8Z qTun aT5uTs P Adn000 ATquTol oqM sTenpTATPuI *a 8Z sulTeTD buTTT3 JOg aulTI qTun buTsnoH quawapeTdou ;o uoT4DadsuI (E) LZ quia6Apd apueqsTssv queurkedumoa go quawasanctsTU (Z) 9Z 4uaw1ed apueqsTssv quawAedumoa go uoTTeqndwoD (T) quawA2clumoa ' 0 9Z quawked aDueqsTssv TequaH go quawasamcIsTG (9) Tun buTsnoH 4uawapeIdau go uoTqoadsui (s) VZ . Tequou Aitiquow apleaedulop ( 7) VZ - • Tequaa Aplquow aseq OJ1 (E) EZ quawAed aoueqsTsse Tequa.z go uoTqegrldwoD (z) qein. s.puTg AouGby qj, (T) ZZ quawA2d apue4sTssv Tequou TZ TeJauao 'P tZ sago uTeqiaD pue squeuaI 'quawAed buTsnoH quawaDeidau eZ • O • su1T2T3 buTIT3 J03 4Twri oulTI aovd 1T . v�v 1 4 t ft PAGE (2) Computation of the Increased Interest Payment 34 r e. Increased Condominium Maintenance Payment 35 f . Disbursement of Replacement Housing Payment for Homeowners 36 g. Inspection of the Replacement Housing Unit 36 h. Payments to Joint Owner-Occupants 37 i . Time Limit for Filing Claims 37 t Section VII . Business Relocation Payments Y 37 1 . Moving Expense Payments 37 a. General 37 b. Allowable moving expenses 38 c. Nonallowable moving expenses 40 d. Storage Costs 40 e. Costs incurred in searching for replacement business location 41 f. Bid Requirements 42 g. Self Moves 45 2 . Moving and/or Direct Loss of Personal Property 46 a. General 46 b. Amount of Property Loss Payment 47 3 . Property of High Bulk and Low Value 48 4 . Payment In Lieu of Moving and Related Expenses 49 a. General 49 b. Amount of Payment 49 iv • PAGE e. Eligibility gibility Requirements • 49 (1) In order to be • ellga.ble . 49 (2) Businesses 50 (3) Nonprofit Organizations • ZatY g ons 52 d. Documentation in Support of a Claim Section VIII. G53 rievance Procedure Section IX 53 Amendments and Conditions 55 • v MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING RELOCATION PAYMENTS Section I. Purpose and Policies 1. Purpose These regulations prescribe procedures governing implementa- tion of Relocation by the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency. 2. Policy It shall be the objective of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency to provide uniform and equitable treatment ofp ersons dis- placed from their residences or businesses by public programs . Section II. General Eligibility Requirements 1 . In order to qualify for benefits as a displaced person, a family, individual or business must move from real property, or move his personal property from real property: a) as a result of the ac- quisition c-quisition of such real property for public use, in whole or part, or b) as a result of the rehabilitation of such realro ert P P y pur- suant to an owner-participation agreement between the Agency and the property owner, and c) in either event "a) " or "b) " , after receipt P by such displacee of written notice from the acquiring agency�' g enc Y o r property owner respectively to vacate such real property. a. A written notice to vacate must be given by the ac- quiring agency or property owner to each individual , family, business or non-profit organization to be dis- placed. Such notice shall be servedersonall p Y or by certified (or registered) mail . Where negotiations are -1-- initiated prior to issuance of a written notice, all persons contacted shall be advised that benefits of the Act are available only when the person moves subsequent to receipt of written notice. 2. In order to qualify for benefits as a displacedp er- son, except for moving benefits pursuant to Section VI 1 which is governed by Section II 1 above, that person must: (a) Be a citizen or permanent resident, of the United States or must be in the process for applying for the same or must be legally residing in the United States at all relevant times here- in; and (b) Be domiciled within the project area and be a resident of the project area for at least six (6) months in each calendar year; and . (c) If the person is registered to vote, the glegal voting address of the person must be within the 'ro ect area. P � 3. In order to qualify for benefits as a displaced business, p uszness, except for moving expenses pursuant to Section VII 1 which is governed by Section II 1 , above, that business must be in occu- pancy and operating in the building acquired or rehabilitated within the project area for at least six (6) months in the calendar year prior to receipt of the notice to vacateurs Section uant to Section II I . -2- Jam' 4 t11 '3 tmg -5 sem. 4 If • ...rte ...�.L.. )..M. a a'r'.wM+.1.4,.1+•....w.........,;,......w.MYid 4 4 7 sy Section III . Definitions ; t 1 . Acquisition Agent . Any representativeMiami • of Beach "0 Redevelopment Agency authorized to negotiate on behalf of said 1IAgencyo for the purpose of obtaining ownership or possession of w ,. property: 2 . Average annual net earnings for businesses , The net 0 ' earnings of a business before Federal , State, and local income tax, +:� during the five taxable years immediatelyprecedingdisplacement eriAt q p ,,• (or if the business was not operated for that lon a eriod such .� may other period as z be approved b y the City or displacing Agency) , 40 and includes salaries, wages , or other compensation p �. n pa id by the '0 business to the owner, owner ' s spouse, or dependents . _� p p nts . In the case of a corporate owner, earnings shall include any compensation paid d 1 tc the spouse or dependents of the owner of a majority interest •�.n the corporation. For the purpose of determining majority j x owners ' :';-.) hip, ' stock held by a husband, his wifen their d their dependent children Ishall be treated as one unit. 3 . Business. Any lawful activity conductedprimarily: a. For the purchase, sale, lease, and rental ofer � sonal • and real property, and for the manufacture, processing, or marketing of products, commodities or any other personal property: b. For the sale of services to the public ; 1 a 04 '...4 It Mi 4 .. ,,, ..-J •.aa: ., . Y' «•.r•.w.►iil. I. ../ .... L►1►."1r,/j.-.l.`....-.ti . .,.y..wig.:'.r'./A :..,d•...r. •... vn.-, •.. ..M.'ti..i.4..rl...r«. ..,w.:S..:i+..r.i +lM ....si siia11 Mse ' il :,: , • 4 I Y-F c. By a nonprofit organization; or ,- d. Solely for the purpose of qualifying for moving and -:.:� related expenses, for assisting in the purchase% sale, , • resale, manufacture, processing or marketing of �. products, commodities, personal property, or services i by the erection and maintenance of an outdoor adver- 4 tising display or displays . Such displays do not necessarily have to be located on the premises on which .' any of the advertised activities are conducted. time,, 1: 4. Comparable replacement dwe l'inr . A dwelling which is : . LI a . Decent, safe, and sanitary: y b. Functionally equivalent and substantially the same as the acquired dwelling with respect to number of .y rooms, area of living . space, age, and state of repair, provided that it is standard -and adequate in size to accommodate the household as more fully herein defined; b c. In an area not generally less desirable than the area ,4. in which the acquired dwelling was located in regard . _-A to public utilities and public and commercial facilities; : ti1d. In an area reasonably accessible to the displaced person ' s present or potential place of employment;1::1M e. In an area not subjected to unreasonable adverse environmental conditions from either natural or man- ,7 sources; f. available on the market to the displaced person; g. Within the financial means of the displaced family ' .,� or individual , as more fully herein defined ; :r . vi 4 h. Open to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, or national origin in a manner con- sistent with the requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. • 5. Conventional loan. A mortgage commonly given by banks and savings and loan associations to secure advances on, or the unpaid purchase price of real property, payments of which are not insured by any agency of the State or Federal governments. 6. Counted room. That space in a dwelling unit containing the usual quantity of household furniture, equipment and property. Rooms or storage areas which contain substantial amounts of personal pro- perty equivalent to one or more rooms may be counted as additional rooms. 7. Displaced person. Any person who moves from real property or who moves his personal property from real property as a result of: a. acquisition of such real property for public use; b. rehabilitation or improvement of property when such rehabilitation is required as part of a project; and c. said person receives written notice to vacate said property as provided in Section II, Subsection 1. 8. Dwelling. A single-family structure, a single-family unit (including a nonhousekeeping unit) in a two-family or multifamily building, a unit of condominium or cooperative housing project, a mobile home, or other residential unit . _5_ • r ;.M., Nw 0 t 0 lest Nai d_r - _ .►. ..r.. ... .r r..... - rte.. - -wy'a....•._.^ .r• r.•.r„M.1.rw..•iA«.•s .r•.L J'..•.•.......:.+.. •W iMi..'ti•r w.' ?ice • r AY' 7 r; 4• 9 . Economic rent. The amount of gross rent the displaced 1.t tenant would have had to pay for a similar unit in an area not generally less desirable than the dwelling unit to be acquired. _.;.e7 (Gross rent is contract rent, pill:- cost of utilities to tenant, over and above contract rent. ) . 10 . Effective rate of interest. The annual percentage rate 1r�. paid on the debt of a mortgage as a result of including debt 4 .._ r service charges in the total interest to be paid on the mortgage ,..t debt, as an incident to the extension of credit, when such debt 1I.. service charges are normal to the market . - '"' 11 . Family. Two or more individuals who by blood, marriage, 4 adoption or mutual consent live together as a family unit . Where =, •� two or more individuals occupy the same dwelling with no identi- fiable head of household, they shall be treated as one family '. ; for replacement housing payment purposes . i 4.1 ♦� 12 . Incidental expenses . Reasonable expenses incurred for 1„„ evidence of title, recording fees, and other closing costs on the purchase of a replacement dwelling. 13 .. Income. a. Annual gross income. Projected annual income from all -- sources of each member of the family residing in the ` household who is at least eighteen years of age . . : b. Monthly gross income . The total monthly income of a .,„ family or individual irrespective of expenses and ',, voluntary or involuntary deductions and includes, hut is not limited to salaries, wages, tips, •commi ss thus , 74 i -6- 1,,,. -i. - _�.k. tea. �...��•:"i..i.:a«.'+aa1h`S1�L`..V...i►I�r ....,.;i.�.•:Y":�.%�..t%, .4..1 ..4''...w:w1�+r1►•. •.i!.. ►il:V'1r"Z`rAiVL!r w�77.L iij•It.�►,. • 1 rents, royal_.tie - 'dividends-=_ :nterest-,i' prof t, pensions, and annuitie . 14 . Initiation of negotiations . The date of the lni'tia.l written offer to purchase to the owner of real property to be acquired for public use. • 15, Mobile home. A vehicle designed or used for human habi- tation, for carrying persons and property on its own structure, and for being drawn by a motor vehicle . 16. Mortgage. Such classes of liens, including Deeds of Trust, as are commonly given to secure advances on, or the unpaid purchase price of, real property, under the laws of the tate of California, * together with the credit instruments , if any, secured thereby. 17. Nonprofit organization. A corporation, partnership, individual or other public or private entity, engaged in a business, professional, or institutional activity on a nonprofit basis necessitating fixtures, equipment, stock in trade, or other tangible property for the carrying on of the business, profession, or in- • stitutional activity on the premises . • 18. Owner. A person who: a. owns, legally or equitably, the fee simple estate, a life estate, a 99--year lease, or other proprietary interest in the property acquired; b. is the contract purchaser of any of the foregoing estates or interests; or c. has succeeded to any of the foregoing interests by devise, bequest, inheritance or operation of law. In *Editorial Note w7_ Should read Florida %M y �f .44 P, le illi 711, K.1 y,. r ,fes�, A: the event of acquisition of ownership by any of the •.fir foregoing methods, the tenure of ownership, not = occupancy, of the succeeding owner shall include ..- ;'f • .-.'. the tenure of the preceding owner; d. holds an interest in a cooperative housing project which includes the right to occupy a dwelling. 11 19. Person. An individual, family, partnership, corporation, is or association . 1,, 20 . Personal property. �4 a. Tangible personal property which is situated on the tea: real property vacated• or to be vacated bya displaced ^� p -_=I person and which is considered personal property and is noncompensable (other than for moving expenses) % . under the State law of eminent domain, and r4: b. in the case of a tenant, fixtures and equipment, '� and other property which may be characterized as real property under State or local law, but which the tenant may lawfully, and at his election determines -; to, move and for which the tenant is not compensated • in the real property acquisition. In the case of an � irs Q. J ., f •Y 1 t �g_ • µ, t1•� - .{M. , " •' .�•1:r ?1'. .I•.. ., q} w .r�$'.f i. L.def..4 ,F'ti. �.�w *.r."1of �'w •.. `1,. �'ir ` ...*. � •/•�, .•T'!71.. .i. .yr �� 4,k4' S •-. - o_ ' ''; .i- -'f .i., -4 r !f, .,. }` . .. � ft'„ I'j�. -`++I. M,.,"1t. l: ;'v sf+y-.• .rte. t, w'.f•�['*.'}y.' 1•''.y�., �••i/..}M, f 'S i .� Liy,1�/,y,1 -\.f. 1'. •' ,�•rri�.'• � �'., .�c+� �'n .. v •� ,{ T7i`� c* , • t•!'• •' •,I r. y' �.S.7Mii �i��.7it ; f ,• r +k�li � ' V.,s . Y� .��. �'�� .,..����,• ,�!�!':.�.._. "�^�i� f��•�. . • owner of real property, the determination as to whether an item of property is personal or real shall depend upon how it is identified in the acquisition apprai=- sals and the closingor settlement statement with respect to the real property acquisitions : provided, that no item of property which is compensable under State or local law to the owner of real property in the real property acquisition may be treated as tangible personal property in computing actual direct losses of tangible personal property. 21. Relocation payment. a. For families and individuals : (1) a payment for moving and related expenses; to assist in the purchase of a replace- menta payment ment housing unit; or (3) a payment to assist in the rental of a replace- ! ment housing unit. b. For business concerns (including nonprofit organiza- tions) : rganiza--tions) : (1) a payment for actual reasonable moving expenses; (2) a payment to cover the actual direct loss of tangible personal property; (3) a payment for actual reasonable expenses in serching for a replacement business; or. (4) a fixed payment in lieu of the above equal to the business concern ' s average annual net earnings, but not less than $2, 500 nor more than $10, 000. ray ! r ••r "moi: 1-S1 i fx ., 40: 1 •r *$,::-. -. i d1, k.•••►y'w1.• ••7♦ N.,-r:.,,.. .. •.• .: 'r•rt w.M•r r• ,►•�'♦wr..•,,.r....^.....«... .+v... .....-... r X Vt 06, 22 . Settlement costs. Certain 'expenses incidental to the e = transfer of real property to the acquiring agency which would 20 - tIt ordinarily be borne by the scl ler. 4. 4' Section IV. Provision of Information and Notices to Displacees i. 1 . General . Informational materials will be prepared and 41(41, distributed to every resident to be displaced or otherwise affected 77 by a program or project. Immediately upon adoption of the Redevelopment Plan, all residents will be contacted for the "'�r establishing shin their• occu ancy and to provide information �� • purpose of estab g P �' nature of the project, benefits and services on the scope and P j , 1. ; _ available, and eligibility requirements. 2. Notices to Owners at Initiation of Ne otiations ._ Acqui-• • be responsible for informing relocation staff sition agents will p MY too opening negotiations for purchase of properties . Nati-- _. prior p g ., • fi.cats. ' on of dates of written 'offers will be provided promptly, A of ac uisi.tion escrow, actual rental as well as dates of closeq tenants,iij and fair or economic rent as determined amounts paid by f by the real estate appraiser. . - Relocation staff will deliver relocation information to each owner at the time of initiation of negotiations . Every effort • • should be made to arrange for simultaneous contacts by acquisition Y. and relocation personnel. When this is not possible, care should '' - be taken to assure that there is a minimum time lapse between contacts. jb At the time of delivery of the acquisition package, the relo-- g cation assistance pro ram is to be fully explained. All services _ f and payments are to be described. If questions are asked which o cannot be answered at that time, the owner should be advised that the .4g7" . _1o_ • 4 E I ♦`1 ti ^-A kir - 4• .i • - • requested information will be obtained and furnished as soon as .$ possible . A signed receipt is to be obtained from the owner veri- • *! f in that the relocation infcrmation packet has been provided Y g to him. Confirmation of occupancy data, such as full names of occu-- pants, addresses, number of rooms, rental amounts, dates of initial occupancy, etc. , should be obtained from the owner during the contact visit. 3. Notices to Tenants and Lessees -- Initiat 'on of NQgptiations Relocation information is to be provided d to tenants and lessees promptly following the first written offer to the owner to purchase. All services and payments pertaining to relocation of tenants is to be explained at the time of delivery of the packet, and any . questions answered. The date of initiation of negotiations is to � be provided signedp also. A receipt is to be obtained and placed in the relocation case file.• If personal contact is made with tenants and lessees, such made within ten working contact must be days following the' first to the owner. If personal contact cannot be made, written offer • information rmation shall be sent by certified mail, with a request for •personal interview interview to explain the relocation program and benefits and determine the needs of the person to be displaced. At the time of the first personal contact with a tenant, it • is important to confirm occupancy information, such as date of initial occupancy, number, names and ages of occupants, etc. . 4 . Notices to Vacate -- General . No eligible person lawfully occupying in real property shall be required to move from a dwelling or to move his business without at least 90 days notice in writing, and in the case of residential tenants, unless adequate replace-- 11 g: . 1 0 4- , T .S 4 74*. . Section V. Standards for Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing 1. Physical standards . Ade decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling is one which meets all of the following • minimum requirements: K lic . a. Conforms with all ap-11 plicable able provisions for existing structures that have been established under State or local building, plumbing, electrical, • -,g housing and occupancy codes and similar ordinance and reg ula- -11 °: tions . * b. Has a continuingand --ii- adequate supply of potable safe -4 water. . -, c. Is structurally sound, weathertight, in • 4 g good repair, 4 and adequately maintained. (1) ,HousekeepingUnit. A housekeeping • unit must li include a kitchen with fullyusable 4:i e sink, a stove, or connection for same; a e ,.. parate and I complete bathroom; hot an �` and cold running water in both the bath and kitchen; an rt adequate and safe afe _"� wiring system for lighting and other electrical ' �c services; and heating as required byclimatic conditions and City Codes. (2) Nonhousekeep n Unit. A nonhousekeeping unit p g unit is one which meets City Code standards for 1boarding houses, hotels, or other congregate gre g living.t- V 2. Occupancy Standards . The f o - llowina standards .. sh11. - oe used 'as a guide in determining the number of bedroomse . requ�.rE�,� 'ol 0 4 ,.. . _ . . . . . .,..,„,i.,..._... .......,...„.....1,,.4,Lt.A.,,,,..;..4....„,..,.,....................i.,....:. „r.• . ,A4 7v V . . At . however, any special needs of a household to be relocated will be considered for purposes of locating a housing unit of proper size. _-. - ,•. ,, 40i 11 Number of Minimum No. Maximum No. Bedrooms 'bccupants Occupants _,-- 0 1 2 1V 4 * 1 1 . 4 2 2 4 11 .., 4 6 8 5 . 8 10 -4* . 4 Living rooms should not be considered for sleeping purposes except • in the case of efficiency or studio apartments. 12 • *ax years shall be the definable age limit governing eligibility or additional space where opposite sex is a factor in determining adequate sleeping space. Eighteen years shall be the definable age limit governing eligibility for additional space where the same 11 sex is a - factor in determining adequate sleeping space. **If the third occupant is a child under three years of age . Note: An owner-occupant who decides to purchase replacement housing is entitled to purchase a unit with the number of bedrooms in the .:! unit acquired for public use, provided the unit is adequate in size .,.), 4 to meet the needs of the household. '...,. 0 , A . I 4 1 . . • 4 ,f4 ,:.‘ 4 s •.. r. i f i 1 i .., ". . . . . ,• r.:N:.• .'li.. !..••M r.\rv.• i•JM•vas 7.'\:•►}•�. Ii IA':i!yyj�,•;MA.:••.:J.I. •.a• . i4 �P:.1Y1.Y�•4� w a vf4i1, .i�41..:..1.41.�.•GN y..A,,,V..-a.•..1..YA0.•VM\.. w .. 0►....l4. *..... • 7M'!ti I : : I • . 3. Ability to pay standards. Dis lac es ' ability p � o pay will 1 • be based primarily on income. For householdsincome whose income •�.s public assistance, the budgeted hou- in allowance g will be consi- ._ dered to be the amount whicha c n be afforded for replacement housing. Gross rent (contract rent and utilities) whichdisplacees 'zi., to pay will be determined on the basis jcan afford of gross • v income, and after consideration of other necessary • expenditures . .t A and obligations . The amount which is being paid for housing at ., the time of acquisition of thero ert from which.� y the household is being displaced will also be a factor to be considered. If 11. there are- household needs which are not beingadequately q y met, • these needs will be taken into account in order to insure that no •- � undue hardship is caused. For those dis 1 c p a ees who plan to pur-- chase replacement housing, the same generalrocedures will 1 be fol- lowed to determine gross income and the reasonableercenta e p g which can be allotted to housing costs. . As a general guide, 25% of income will be used in determining g ability to pay; however, theercent . p age of income which can be afforded for housing will vary with individual displacees, depend- ing e e p p nd-- ing on circumstances in each case. 4 . Environmental. Standards. Persons to be displaced will p aced will be referred to dwelling units in locations not subjected, ected to adverse - environmental conditions, natural or man-made, not generally less desirable than the acquired dwelling with res ect to accessibility p sslb�.lity of public utilities and services, schools, churches, recreation, creation, transportation, and other public and commercial facilities- , and accessible to the displaced person ' s present or potentialp lace of employment. 1 -14- IM . s it IP !wI • 41 l allir*.-—«.— ••-•h:.. .� ...r..• 1..._.1.•` .......%; ,, � -ivi,..., -..f4,:iw,.i:4..4::..;:—.....:a M+J.A... t..,;:14,..z..+.,z1., ..*,..++vN'1.4..i4.,; . r , ' • �.�.'•..;M.. .w•r .r.l..d. . , '��Li.J;.AM�'�i'.•..iw 4.1�'M.Mn t�• ��"r. iii .v. '� f � r'r 4, ,.,,,,, . , , 5. Equal opportunity Standards. All replacement housing �r irr.r���..�.rr..wr�.. w ..�rrwn.•.w��rir listed and offered for referral will be open to all regardless • . -�u of race, color, •religion, or national origin in a manner consistent with Title 8 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, applicable codes 7110 4of the State � • of Florida, and available without discrimination based on source of income. AI Section VI. Residential Relocation Payments wf 1. Moving Expense Payments 1i1 eligible General . A displaced family or individual is eli ible to receive a payment for moving his personal property, 4 himself, and his family. A person who lives on his .4, business property may be eligible for. moving and r • - related expenses as a dwelling occupant in addition to business payments. The displaced family or • • individual has the option ofYm a ent on the basis of yy P actual, reasonable moving expenses or a fixed payment 1 based on number of rooms of furniture. . b. Actual Reasonable Navin. Ex.enses. il . . (1) Allowable moving expenses may include the following: 9 . .-ov (a) the cost of transportation of individuals, families, and personal property from the acquired site to the replacement site (includ-- 1 ing to storage) not to exceed a distance of 50 miles, unless the City determines that relocation beyond the 50.�mile area ' i s -15-- • '4 M4 Al *4 t N ,4 .Lt. ..„, ._ ,i. . . 1 • ,r - .. .K q y.r v I. \ /1 l N r l.lY^•'.• • Yr'1•V•.".\4.IygY. ly �S 11 ! . .-'' „.. • ...:t justified and reasonable (e.g. , because of ��` greater proximity to employment, business, 11 or educational opportunities, or other eco- ., nomic factors; for reasons of health) ; -,:ii (b)packing and unpacking, crating and uncrating 11 of personal property; 4�rw (c) advertising for packing, crating and trans portation when the City or displacing liagency determines that it is necessary; . (d) storage of personal property, for a period w generally not to exceed six months, when the City or displacing agency determines that 3 storage is necessary; . (e) insurance premiums covering loss and damage .. of personal property while in transit or z t: storage; (f) disconnecting, dismantling, removing re-- L i 7,' assembling, reinstallation on or reconnection ` of machinery, equipment or personal property, I-4 including household applicances, not acquired • as real property; (g) reconnection of telephone service at replace- - ment dwelling to the extent service existed at the acquired dwelling; 11 (h) disconnection and reinstallation of burglar r 11 alarm service; i `�a 1 --; -16- y ,, ji 516 94 t , `AF ,"fir ■z; .•„ S. •_. y:.:/. •..«.,,•,...'¢.i..'.........„,.......1,,.....-......a.•.v...11444:.,a,.i,...... 1..;..�1,.:4...ce.a... n✓i.C. •`i•.t:Aai•.Mili..14,ij, .k:,,,,i.t .d. ilk; r e I:04. i j gas r• . (i) property lost, stolen, or damaged (not caused by the fault or negligence of the displaced person, his agent or employees) it in the processofmoving, where insurance to cover such, loss or damage is not available 4% . (2) A relocation payment for moving expenses may not include expenditures for the following: (a) additional expenses incurred because of living it-, lt in a new location; (b) cost of moving structures, improvements, _w or other real property in which the dis- placed person reserved ownership; ls1 4 (c) interest on .loans to cover moving expenses; (d) improvements to the replacement site, except when required' by law; . 11 (e) personal injury ' 3 ,0 (f) cost of preparing the claim for moving and related expenses. I (3) Self Moves. In the case of a self move the dis- ia 41 placed individual may be paid actual moving costs, supported by receipted bills or other .:i evidence of expenses incurred but such Raymertt '.;.i�: may not exceed the estimated cost of moving commercially. The estimated cost must be docu- A mented by obtaining an estimate from a licensed 1, 1 mover and/or other contractors , depending on w� t services required . The displacing agency should '�`. assist in obtaining such estimates . S` • ....1i c. Fixed Pa ment and Dislocation Allowance- In ' l�.cu of actual and reasonable moving expenses, an individual or family displaced from a dwelling unit may elect to receive : (1) an amount, not to exceed $300 . determined in accordance with a moving expense schedule approved . for the State by the Federal Highway Adminis- tration, g y is tration, and (2) a dislocation allowance of $200. Where the household furniture and equipment is owned by the displaced family or individual, payment for each counted room shall be : 1 room: $60, 00 5 rooms : $180. 00 2 rooms : 90. 00 • 6 rooms : $210. 00 3 rooms : $120. 00 7 rooms : $240. 00 4 rooms : $150. 00 8 rooms : $270. 00 9 rooms or more : $300.00 Additional storage areas may be counted if they contain furniture and equipment. Not more than one such room may be included' in computing' a fixed payment. If the displaced individual furnished none or only a nominal amount of his own household furniture and equipment, payment for each room shall be: 1 room: $20. 00 $10 for each additional room As moving costs change, the above schedule may also f ".f' :.s • f 1 4 `t • . lid .44 t t . • . z...,•r_C', ...:..•i ••.. �+'.v.1.•.•.:C•`•i •.4'1[.✓Y•i.iA t.....'..;��. .4.......•pNy 4.........41.•1..••,•". R..••►.►•.••,1?.L'•b��•i••.+a .. �. .-...,.�Yrr%�•.6"r..�-r•..r•Jarei. .M • • r r..•e�....r••'7�'�M�•IL'aF1fA.•r+t�.•i . t It 42 ..tiff ) 4 :, d. Advance Payments. Advance payments may be made to claimants choosing the fixed payment method for moving 71 ...-44 expenses, if the displacing p g agency 4 determines that a hardshi 1p exists. An advance x payment can be any amount up to the amount of tosl 14the dislocation allowance,_ $200. e. Temporary Moves. Temporary moves will be kept to an 7.1 Y.R,. absolute minimum, but may be approved if determined to be necessaryfor the progress of a pro- ject or because of the dilapidatdd • condition of an acquired property. If a claimant is required equired to move temporarily and later to move to a permanent . � location, both moves will be paid for; however, the fixed payment method ofment a p y can be chosen for .„ only one of the moves, and actualmoving moving expenses . will be paid for the other move. 3 Temporary housing must be habitable and must also meet ability-to-pay and • occupancy p ncy standards . The. 1 g displaced family- or individual should be provided with A° written assurance that suitable l ' permanent relocation housing will be offered within oneear y following the 1, temporary move. Relocation staff should continue to work with displacees during their residence in n the temporary unit in order to keep the period of temporary occupancy to a minimum. --19- i a . i ,- .r; J. -rai R 1r.i h Y r: -+ •'•.w rte• .. - 7••.4t�h••'..!-a,r'-+.h:/w'.r'3.,'1 •^wiii.'... /.%�_`:li.'. •.Y.iK.,1,Sti,h''• ..i. •.M b.i.* .`P,. ......,„,.r ,...•�w4..•�.�.. %,.„..,... .. t ,1•'�.•tiaxa,r.........,...,..;,....7....:. .,.,,,...t4. • w -44 '_� f. Limitations for • Jo nt occupants of .a Single-Fami • 1 Dwelling, Individuals who are joint occupants of a single family dwelling unit areentitled entito receive Y.• separate payments for actual moving expenses . If, how- ever, ow-ever, the individuals choose the ' 14 * fixed payment method, 4 and more than one claim is submitted, the amount of the . 7,4 fixed payment and dislocation • allowance will be ,pro- . - - rated among the claimants . - _ The total of all the claims . :r must not exceed the amount which would be payable to one household occupying the -�� g unit, based on number of counted rooms. SSM ,.-► Families jointly occupying ng a unit are . . entitled to fixed payments based on the number of • rooms occupied by each, and separate paste dislocation allowance payments. . • i g• • Time Limit for Fi.l in �Cl�a iMs. • The time limit for filing claims for movingexpenses penses shall be' 1 8 months h s 4 following the date of theerma p Hent move from the F ,410 project area. 51 4 . • • • • a -20- a 4 . . - 2. Replacement Housing Payment, Tenants and Certain Others. A. General . The Replacement Housing Payment for Tenants and Certain Others provides assistance to displaced tenants and owner-occupants (who elect to rent rather than purchase) in obtaining comparable standard housing. The general eligibility requirements set forth in Section II shall be met. In addition, the claimant: (1) must be in occupancy both one year prior to the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan and on the date of receipt by claimant of notice to vacate as required and provided in Section II , Subsection 1 of these Rules and Regulations; and (2) in addition to the above requirement, the claimant must rent or purchase and occupy a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling within one year following the later of the following dates: (i) the date shown in the Agency's written notice to vacate; or (ii) the property owners written notice to. vacate if the property is to be rehabilitatedp ursuant to an- owner--participation agreement with the Agency; or (iii) the date of the actual move from the ac- quired property. A displacee who has been an owner-occupant of a dwelling and has met the general eligibility requirements above and the requirement of this section is eligible for a replacement housing payment as a tenant when he decides to rent rather than purchase replacement -21- y housing. In such a case, the rental assistance payment may not exceed the amount which the claimant would have received as a Replacement Housing Payment for Homeowners. b. Rental Assistance Payment. A displacee who meets basic eligibility criteria as outlined in Section VI, paragraph 2 (a) may elect to receive a payment • to assist in renting standard replacement housing following displacement. Subject to the limitations set forth in Subsection b(I) below, the maximum rental assistance payment amount for which a claimant may qualify will be determined by the claimant ' s age or in the event the claimant is a family, the assistance payment will be initially deter- mined by the age of the older of the family (excluding dependent member of the family regardless of age) or the head of the household. In the event the older member of the family dies after qualifying for a rental assistance payment herein the re- maining claimant (s) will be entitled to rental assistance payments based on the age of the remaining claimant as of the time of plan adoption less any amount previously paid to said family prior to the death of the older family member. Maximum payments and lengths of time for which -22- r .y s„. 1 I.. .........r...... "P. 1 assistance will be provided as shown below. * L .. It Age at Maximum plan adoption payment Itt A70 no Maximum (paid for life) 65-69 $10, 000 474 4 60-64 8, 000 i 55--59 6, 000 !' 50-54 5, 000 • a 49 or below 4, 000 a•x (1) The Agency finds that there is sound and natural justification for the above payment schedule and that it is I in the public interest as well as a benefit to the project to make the above payments.' However, in the event it is ...b finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that it is unconstitutional or otherwise illegal to provide graduated benefit payments as set forth above, the Agency 4 Y 4 shall set the maximum payment to a displacee at $4, 000• regardless of the age of the displacee. 44 (2) Computation of rental assistance payment. The payment is computed by determining the difference 4 between the base monthly rental for the unit from which 7 4 the claimant was displaced and the lesser of (i) the monthly rental for a comparable decent, safe and sanitary dwelling or (ii) the actual monthly rental for the replacement housing. For those claimants *This section has been amended by City of Miami Beach Resolution 77- 15283, March 2, 1977 . (See Section 10 (g) and Section IX Amendments and Conditions) . 1i • isits . . t- . A __, , . . . : ip - . 4....,. :y:.':�. 1•' .{y•:rI t..V .�T.�r:.:�!'r4t.►. 4rMl�iirQw' 1�-:rte r..ti ......., ...........,:........:,.....,....4.,..4...1 .. . ijj:,`1 :.(L•O J•r•oir"'ty/ ♦••A. !�i• +i�M"4l+•+Mu L A�..••�• .w..yl.. " ie 4 4 V under age 70*, the difference is multiplied by the U appropriate number of months to arrive at the maximum a: 1, payments amount. 14 (3) The base monthly rental hall be either t . (1) the average monthly rent paid by the :" claimant for the three-month period prior to initiation i —...t • of negotiations; (ii) the economic rent for the unit . (i f the r tclaimant was either an owner-occupant or was not J . required to pay en •r t, or jt (iii) 25% of claimant ' s income, whichever is less. 11 (4) Comparable Monthly Rental . Determination of . monthly comparable rental shall he made on a case-by- , 4! case basis, using two or more dwellings actually available, selected from the general area from which the claimant moves, and which are determined to be X ""' most representative of the dwelling from which displace- ment takes place. . All comparable units selected for use must meet local codes and must not be in an area known to be designated for public programs which would a :, cause displacement. • IF If comparabales are not available in the general s area of displacement, they may be slected from other areas, similar and at least as desirable as the 4 displacement area. *This section has been amended by City of Miami Beach Resolution 77- a 15283 March 2, 1977 . (See Section 10 (g) and Section IX Amendments and Conditions) . 1r -24- . • s (5) Inspection of Replacement Hous ' ' ina Untt. In order for a displaced family or individual to qualify - q for a rental assistance payment, the replacement housing g unit must be determined to meet the requirements set forth in Section V for decent, safe andsanitary anitary housing. The displacing agency is g Y responsible for determining adequacy of the replacement dwelling. Ins sections of Re•lacemejnt Housin• for persons who move outside the locality. When a claimant moves outside the locality, the will agency will arrange for an inspection by an agency of City housing ng or building department in the localityto which h the person moves. If no arrangement can be made for an inspection, a claimant may inspect his own unit and complete a form for self-inspection of dwelling unit for submittal with the • claim for rental assistance. The displaced person will be required to sign sign a statement verifying that the replacement housinghas been examined and meets all requirements q s for standard housing. In . addition, the statement shall assure that should defects subsequently occur in the housing unit, the claimant shall in no way hold the displacing agency responsible for such defects . (ii) Substandard Dwel l i g. If an otherwise eligible claimant moves to substandard housing, the unit must, within 90 days following displacement, be _25_ • brought up to standard or the claimant must move to a , standard unit before any rental assistance payments can be made. (6) Disbursement of Rental Assistance Payment . Usually, the payment will be paid in monthly install-- ments. Claimants will be counselled with regard to proper use of the rental assistance payment and • if necessary, given yelp wih setting up bank accounts, etc. C. Downpayment . A family or individual displaced from a rental unit who meets general eligib-- ility requirements for a Replacement Housing Payment for Tenants and Certain Others may elect to purchase instead of rent replacement housing, and receive downpayment assistance of up to $4, 000 . • (1) Computation of Downpayrment Assistance • �i Payment.. The downpayment assistance payment includes: (a) The amount which would be required as a typical downpayment on a comparable replacement dwelling unit if the purchase was financed with a conventional loan, or the amount which would be required with conventional financing as .down- payment of the replacement dwelling, whichever is less. The amount of down payment which would be required with conventional financing shall be determined by the agency • through periodic contacts with major lending institutions in the locality. -26- • -26-. 4 10 t.A1 . f ]Ir (b) Certain expenses incidental to completing • the purchase (closing costs) , but may not include prepaid expenses . Typical incidental costs are listed in Section VI . 3 .c. (c) An origination or loan services fees 1 (points) if such fees are normally charged jiin real estate transactions in the area. Such fees may not exceed one percent. Jr (2) Disbursement of Downpayment Assistance Payment. '3p The full amount of the downpayment assistance payment must be applied toward the purchase of lrthe replacement housing, and all amounts paid A must be shown on the closing statement, a copy of which will be retained in the family or individual case file. (3) Inspection of Replacement Housing Unit. In lraddition to the inspection described in Section VI, paragraph 2 .b. (4) (a) the following shall be required as documentation with the downpayment . assistance claim: 1! (a) certification from the City Building Department that the replacement housing 'f - meets all requirements for occupancy; and (b) certification from a licensed pest control operator that the property is free from - infestation by termites or other pests . 011I It -27- . 27- a • 'i + `, '.j4t�..•ri.J ... -.L.V � L ---a.:i:N.i...'''NM. �2 i+iw•-•MAr'J.fa2.'..v:la ai W►w rM•.�•+'w•'^^.r.. ... ....... .._ 10 M I 4 i . The displaced person will be required to sign a statement ;_,. verifying that the replacement housing has been examined - Y g and meets all requirements for standard housing. In addi-• ..v, tion, the statement shall assure that should defects subse- quently occur in the housing unit, the claimant shall in no 1 : sql way hold the displacing agency responsible for such defects. • If a Claimant has received rental assistance and sub- sequently desires to request a downpayment, the amount irpaid as rental assistance shall be deducted from the maximum J' =i i ' . $4,000 down-payment assistance . 4 ,4 d. Time Limit for Filing Claims . Claim Applications must be lr filed within 18 months of the displacee '-.s move from go 41r4 the project area. e. Individuals (not families) who jointly occupy a single unit Payment for Tenants and w�. . : Certain Others. The payment may be shared equally or 3 otherwise prorated, in accordance with the needs and RI . desires of the individuals concerned. Split payments 41 will require that all of the individuals sign statements rt theportion of the payment to which they are �a verifying P Y entitiled. An individual who relinquishes his right to any :114 portion of the payment must also sign a statement to that effect. li . f. Signing of Claims . Claims must be signed by head of . :141 household P and, spouse if also living in the acquired 31 dwelling. When payments are split , all eligible in- dividuals claiming a portion must sign. ,Y • , -28-. r-1111. 74.E • r . 4 J � . • 4 If 1 • ;3 3. Replacement Housing _Payme t for Owner--Occupants . 1' • a . General . The Replacement Housing Payment for h7 Owner-Occupants provides assistance in purchasing replacement housing to families and individuals 4 who meet the General Eligibility requirements set -4 forth in Section VI*, paragraph 2 (a) . O _. The family or individual must purchase and occupy the replacement dwelling within one year following the date on which the final payment of costs of the acquired dwelling is received, or the date on which . he moves from the acquired dwelling, whichever is later. The Replacement Housing Payment for Owner-Occupants, in an amount not to exceed $15,000 , may consist lr of four parts ; a differential payment; payment for certain t: incidental closing costs; an interest differential payment; ! - a condominium maintenance payment. 11 b. Differential Payment. The differential payment is the amount, if any, which when added to the amount paid for the acquired dwelling, equals the amount which would be required to acquire a compar-able replacement dwelling, or the actual amount which the owner is required to pay , whichever is less. *Editorial Note: Should read Section II . -29_ s ' • ftazt inr'a s+li;-w:u:+iNr;w ►ar. •tM The cost of a comparable dwelling will be determined by the agency using either the schedule method or comparative method. Generally, the schedule will be used. If, however, it is determined that the acquired dwelling varies . • significantly from those used to compute the schedule, the comparative method will be used. (1) Schedule Method. A Schedule of Average Comparable Sales Housing will be prepared annually, or oftener if real estate market changes indicate, and will be prepared for use by all displacement programs in the City. The schedule will be developed• after conducting a survey of housing sales, costs 'and availability over • a period of one to three months, depending on the number of units available to be included in the :•stud X.. (2) Comparative Method. When the comparative method is used, the Agency will select two or more standard dwelling units comparable to the acquired unit, depending on the availability of housing. • Housing used as comparable must be on the market and available for purchase at the time' the pedisplacedrson erson is looking for replacement housing. -30_ • • • d If the acquiredwell�.n � • g includes a use other than occupancy by the claimant (e.g. a commercial or nonprofit, enterprise p e operated by the claimant o� , others, or a portion of the unit rented to other residential occupants • occupants) , it will be necessary. to obtain a real estate appraisal showing theo • P rt�.on of the acquisition ' price to be allocated for each • use. . The owner-occupants differential payment . shall be computed byusing ing only that portion of value assigned to the owner ' s s residential. use. The . clairriant may be eligible�.gzble for separate benefits relating to the nonresidential ntial use of the acquired . property. If a claimant has received all or a portion of a • rental assistance payment and subsequently files a claim for Replacement Ho �; using Payment for Home- !! owners, the amount which has been paid as rental assistance shall be deducted from the approved • amount of the Replacement Housing Payment for • Homeowners, c.Incidental Ex ense Pa meat, (1) General . Certain Certain i incdental expenses p ses may be reimbursed if they are actually incurred by the homeowner as a result of purchase of re- placement housing. Such costs may not include any prepaid expenses . 31 :! }1 V • • •. •••: • • ' ' •'.vlue*/ • 41, t.,.44 . Y�MI+'1 �1�•'�"w".'` •ra �,r (2) Eligible Items . Following are some costs which may occur as incidental expenses . Others may be approved by the displacing agency if it g Y is definitely determined that they are nonrecurring ng closing costs. (a) Legal , closing, and related costs including luding title search, preparing conveyance y ce contracts, notary fees, surveys, preparing drawings s or plats, and charges paid incident to recordation. (b) Lenders, FHA or VA appraisal fee. ee. (c) FHA or VA application fee. (d) Fee for obtaining Certificate of Occupancy or other certification of structural soundness obrained• from the City, if such a fee is normally charged. (e) Fee for termite report . • (f) Credit report. (g) Owner ' s title policy or abstract of title. (h) Sales or transfer taxes. • (1) Escrow agent ' s fee. • All claims for incidental expenses shall be carefully reviewed with regard to listed items, and the owner ' s responsibilityfor r such items documented on the closing statement at close --32- • • 1 . 1 1 ' I .y...... .••4..•.1+1 r IW 1r•I\r .r1..w. of may escrow. No reimbursement be 1made for ) - any fee, cost, charge or expense which is determined to be a part of the debtservi• ce or finance charge under the Truth in Lending ends.ng Act, Title I, Public Law 90-321, and. Regulation Z (12CFR226) issued pursuant thereto by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Loan service fees (not to exceed 1%) and origin- ation or discount points are an eligible g le expense if such fees are normal to the real estate market in the area, as part of the interest payment. d. Increased Interest Payment , (1) General. The increased interest payment provides compensation to the displaced owner-occupant for increased interest costs required for financing ng the replacement dwelling. Thisa ment will Y will be made if: (a) .the acquired q dwelling was encumbered by a bona fide mortgage which • was a valid lien on the property for not less than 180 days prior to the initiation of negotiations g for purchase by the displacing agency; (b) the mortgage on the replacement dwelling bears a higher effective rate of interest -33_ • '.� .L � .' •! '•.d' .. • 'tit•' . .' •y..,!�Y'��'�����'iY11Nw ;,' `� "�► i::sz��i►� iIcii4Fiafb+�i�I�w'ia�+�b'�'■' , than the stated mortgage interest rate on the acquired dwelling. The increased interest payment will be based on the amount of the mortgage encumbering the owner-occupied • residence at the time of acquisition by the displac- ing agency.. Any additional mortgage amount on the replacement dwelling cannot be considered in com- puting the payment. (2) computation of the Increased Interest Payment. Generally, the increased interest payment equals Ole sum of : • (a) the discounted present value of the differ- ence between the amount required to amortize the unpaid balance of the loan on the acquired dwelling over the remaining term of that loan and the amount which would be required, at the interest rate of the loan on the replacement dwelling, to amortize that amount over the same period of time. • (The interest rate used for computing this a ment maybe the actual rate on the re- P Y placement dwelling, but shall be no greater thanrevailing interest rates normall • . ' P g Y charged by mortgage lending institutions in the area. ) --3 4- 4, r • .... - -• -._... .. _' _-. -'- .- _ -..-.. -._.-.r. ... -.... _+. .•+. .. ..........r.... ..w..wr.w-......•...r+«.....w..rw.w►...,.r�r .w.w+n.rrw.gr•,,,`r.rYgMr.► +r�.•...�/.+Wr M► The discount rate shall be the prevailing interest rate paid on savings deposits by commercial banks in the general area in tt which the replacement dwelling is located. The displacing agency will be responsible � I for maintaining current information with • regard to preVailing interest rates . I (b) debt service costs (such as points paid by the purchase not to exceed 1% if such fees are normal to real estate transactions in the area. ) e. Increased Condominium Maintenance Pa ment . (1) General . The increased condominium maintenance payment provides • compensation to the displaced owner-occupant for • increased maintenance cost required as part of the ownership of the replacement dwelling. This payment • 1 will be made of : • (a) The replacement condominium includes the require- ment that the owner. join a condominium association and pay monthly or annual dues or fees for the purpose of maintenance and upkeep of the common areas, or if the replacement dwelling includes the responsibility for contribution for such maintenance and upkeep even without such an association. (b) Such payments are greater than those previously paid by the displaced owner-occupant in the acquired dwelling. • --35- (2) Computation of the Increased Maintenance Payment. The increased condominium maintenance payment equals the discounted present value of the difference between the amount paid by the displaced owner-occupant at the . acquired dwelling and that amount the owner-occupant would be required to pay at a comparable replacement condominium determined by the agency using the compa- rable or schedule method set forth in Section 3 (b) above for a period of five (5) years from the . date . of the acquisition of the replacement condominium. For pur- poses of computation, the difference between the cost of maintenance at the acquired and replacement dwelling will be considered to be consistent during the- five he five (5) years such differential payment for maintenance may be made. f. Disbursement of Replacement Housing Payment for Homeowners. The payment may be made directly to the claimant, or ' all or a portion may be paid into escrow on behalf of the claimant. Payments will be issued in accordance with written authorization from the claimant. All amounts paid must be supported by closing statments and other necessary documentation which will be retained in the family or individual case file. g. Inspection of the Replacement Housing Unit. In addition to the inspection described in Section VI, paragraph 2b (4) (a) the following shall be requ i re:I as documentation with the claim for Replacement Housing Payment for Homeowners : -36- . -36-- .:i. M 4) • f " V _ 4 I1! - -.. — _z .. .. • .. f•ta... . ,i. ...l... .... .....is �..4. ... ,A1d,.tt.,'d.rrI.Y r•..,....A.....^....:.'Ni • .�rihj�.rX.MiM4..d7. `�...1.W�v.:4l M, 4 41/4'....A.r.r.1.64, "..64..i N`• ,` 4, . fit • (1) certification from the� City Building i :.:�,r Department thatthehousing replacement housing meets all require- rnents for occupancy; Al (2) certification from a licensed pest control . operator that the property is free e from .i n f esta . ' tion bytermites and other pests; . ' signed. (3) a statement bythe claimant verifying f I: .4 :sf that the replacement housing is standard, and . , c assuring that in the event defects occur n in the housing unit subsequent to relocation, the s displacing agency shall in no way be held ' responsible for such defects . '' h. Payments to Joint Owner--Occu n ' i4 pa ts. Claimants who ski .. jointly own and occupy an acquired dwelling and 11 gtvi purchase and occupy separate replacement dwellings 1. 11rmust share the Replacement Housing Payment. i. Time Limit for Filing Claims . Claims must be filed . ! within 18 months of relocation from the project ect . . p , area. Section VII . Business Relocation Payments 1. Moving Expense Payments . . I. a. General . This section sets forth requirements for �s 4 making relocation payments to businesses .nesses . As used c t': in this sectio, the term "business" includes • 'f ..,,; . 37 'a • 1/ . . tt , • T ' .14 • . tit nonprofit organizations. In addition, the owner of an outdoor display may also be considered{•� a ���• business, solely for the purpose of determining eligibility for moving and related expenses. `• 1c b. Allowable movin e ..._._ xpenses. A relocation payment ' for actual moving expenses of a business !It concern ��. shall be lim •ited mited to expenditures for a distance not more than 50 miles, unless the displacing agency finds that relocation beyond 50 miles �s • Allowable moving expenses include : ��•� ' (1) Transportation of personal property from the acquired site to the replacement site.. (2) Packing, unpacking, cratingand • uncrating of personal property. (3) Advertising for ,packin crating g a nd transpor- tation when the displacing p g agency determines that it is necessary. (4) Storage of g personal property for a period generally not to exceed six months, when the City or displacing agency determines g Y mines that storage is necessary. • (5) Insurance premiums coveringloss and damage of personal property while in transit or storage. • wriam -38- • • f� 1 (6) Disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassem- •bling, reinstallation or reconnection of machinery, equipment, or other items not acquired as real property, including such modification as deemed necessary by the displacing agency. Prior to close of acquisition escrow ownership of equip- ment which might be considered real estate items will be verified by lists signed by both property owner and commercial tenant. • (7) Reconnection of telephone service at the replace-- ment location to the extent service existed at the location from which the business moved. (8) Disconnection and reinstallation of burglar alarm service. (9) Property lost, stolen or damaged (not caused by the fault or negligence of the displacee, his agency or employees) in the process of moving, where insurance to cover such loss or damage is not available. (10) Inspection fees required by local law or or- dinance and licenses and permits required to permit the operation of the business •at a new . location. (1l) Expenditures for relettering trucks, signs, and similar items used by a business concern in { the operation of its business, and the amount -39- paid for printing a reasonable supply of sta- tionary items made obsolete as a result of the move. Generally a supply of such items which will last approximately three months will be considered reasonable. (12) Costs incurred in searching for a replacement business. c. Nonallowable movin. ex.enses include : (1) Cost of moving structures, improvements, or other real property in which the displaced person reserved ownership. (2) Interest on loans to cover moving expenses . • (3) Improvements to the replacement site, except when required by law. (4) Loss of good will (5) Loss of profits. (6) Loss of trained employees. (7) Personal injury. ' (8) Cost of preparing the application for moving and related expenses. d. Storage Costs. If the displacing agency determines that storage is necessary in connection with reloca tion, costs for storage will generally be limited to a six month period, unless the agency determines that a longer storage period is required. - 40_ ti No payment for storage will be paid if items are stored in or upon property owned or occupied by the claimant. • If any items are removed from storage during the period approved by the displacing agency, the storage costs claimed must be reduced to compensate for such removal. e. Costs incurred in searchin. for re•l.cement business location. Moving expenses may include actual expenses incurred in searching for a replacment business location, but may not exceed $500 unless the displac- ing agency finds that circumstances justify payment of a larger amount. Search expenses may include: (1) actual travel costs; (2) costs for meals and lodging; (3) time spent in searching, to be compensated at • the displaced person ' s. normal rate of pay; but not to exceed $10 per hour; (4) if deemed necessary by the displacing agency, necessary borker, real estate or other professional fees to locate a replacement location. • All amounts claimed as part of search expenses must be fully documented with dates, mileage, addresses, parking fee, etc. The displacing agency shall carefully review all documentation prior to approval . -41- • f. Bid Requirements. Fixed bids will be required for any move when the cost is estimated to exceed $500. The authorized amount which the agency pay will a shall be the lowest of three bids. Bids may be obtained from three or more licensed general contracors, or from contractors for each trade or craft. Bids for moves over . $1, 000 shall be submitted as sealed bids • and opened at a formal bid opening conducted by the • displacing agency acting as agent for the claimant for this purpose. Bids shall be solicited by the claimant with assistance from agency staff if re- quired. Three estimates shall be required for moves costing less than $500. No. formal bid opening will be p g • required. In order to allow sufficient time to obtain the necessary bids or estimates, a business shall notify the displacing agency of intention to move at least 30 days prior to the anticipated date of the move. (1) Preparation of Bid or Estimate Specifications. The scope of work to be covered by each bid or estimate must be the same, therefore all • contractors must be provided with work speci • - �42-- • • fications on each move or phase of a move. Bid packets containing instructions for bidding and specifications for the move shall be prepared for distribution to contractors who are expected to submit a bid or estimate. Lists of items to be moved shall also be included if appropriate. (2) When sealed bids are required, the displacing p g agency shall open the sealed bids at the esta- blished sta-blished time and place. An authorized repre- sentative of the business concern should be present. Bidders may also be present at the opening. The business concern shall be provided with a copy of each bid. Three estimates shall be required for moves costing less than $500. No formal bid opening will be required. In order to allow sufficient time to obtain the necessary bids or estimates, a business shall notify the displacing agency of intention to move at least 30 days prior to the anticipated date of the move. (1) Preparation of Bid or Estimate Specifications. The scope of work to be covered by each bid or estimate must be the same, therefore all -43- contractors must be provided with work speti-- fications on each move or phase of a move. Bid packets containing instructions for bidding and specifications for the move shall be prepared for distribution to contractors who are expected to submit a bid or estimate. Lists of items to be moved shall also be included if appropriate. • (2) When sealed bids are required, the displacing q placing agency shall open the sealed bids at the esta- blished time and place. An authorized repre- sentative of the business concern should be present. Bidders may also be present at the opening. The business concern shall be provided with a copy of each bid. If bids are considered to be unreasonable, • the displacing agency may obtain independent bids or estimates as it deems necessary. (3) Awarding of contract amount. ' When the dos-- placing agency has determined the amount of the low bid, authorization shall be given to the displaced business to incur costs in the amount of the low bid. ' If the claimant decides to award the contract to a contractor other then the low bidder, any amount over and above the amount of the lowest bid shall be paid by -44- , 44-- the claimant. In such a cose, the business claimant shall be required to sign a statment indicating that no compensation for such amount will be expected or requested from the dis- placing agency or the City. (4) If it is not possible to. obtain three bids for a particular category of work required as part of a move, fewer than three bids may be accepted by the agency. Full explanation of the reason for the inability to obtain the required num- ber of bids must be retained in the busines case file. (5) Estimates of costs for reconnecting telephone service as it exists in the location in the project area will be obtained from a represen- tative of the telephone company prior to the move. g. Self Moves. A business concern may conduct a self- move instead of hiring , a mover. The required number of bids must still be required for such a move and the claimant may submit a claim in the amount of the lowest bid without additional documen • - tation. Any claims for self-move in excess of the lowest bid must be fully documented to show all costs incurred. Allowable expenses may include : _45_ 1 ' t , (1) Amounts paid for truck and/or equipment hire . (2) If vehicles owned by the business concern are used, a reasonable amount to cover gas and oil and the cost of insurance and the cost of insurance and depreciation directly allocable to hours and/or days the equipment is used for the move. (3) Wages paid for labor of persons who physically participate in the move. These may be persons who are employees of the business, owners of the concern, , or persons hired specifically to assist in the move. Labor costs will be computed on the basis of actual hours worked at the person ' s regular hourly rate of pay, but not to exceed the amount paid to commercial movers or contractors in the locality for each profession or craft involved. 2. Moving and/or Direct Loss of Personal Property. a. General . In addition to or instead of actual moving expenses, a business may receive a payment for actual direct loss of property for any of its tangible personal property which it chooses not to relocate. -4 6_ i The displacee must make an effort to sell the personal property, and such efforts must be fully documented. Newspaper ads and contacts with possible buyers may be used, as well as auction s,zles after reasonable public notice. b. Amount of �_., Pro tY Loss Payment. The property loss er payment maynot exceed the estimated reasonable expense of movingthe property on which the business plans to take a direct loss . For purposes of dete rmimm �g the amount of this payment, the agency shall obtain a professional appraisal of the pro- perty i n order to determine fair market: value and an estimate of the cost of moving the property from a licensed mover or other contractor. The displacing pay will the costs of estimating services for this purpose. (No payment for services will be allowable to contractors submitting bids as required • under Section VII 1.F. ) • The claimant must attempt to sell the property by making reasonable efforts over a period of time to buyers, Newspaper ads, personal interest prospectiveY and telephone contacts may be used, but a sale to relatives or associates shall not be considered a , bona fide sale, except in meeting the terms and conditions of the highest and best bid. -47- • The net proceeds from the sale ofro will petty will be determined by deducting reasonable expenses related to the sale from the gross amount . Allowable expenses include auctioneer fees, sales commissions, advertising costs, costs of delivery of items sold, if required. To determine the amount of thero ert loss p P Y payment, the net proceeds from the sale shall be deducted from the fair market value of the property. This' amount represents the value not recovered through sale. The actual payment shall be the value not recovered through the sale, or the estimated cost of moving the property, whichever is lower. 3. Property of High Bulk and Low Value. In computing amount of payment to be made to businesses whose personal property is of high bulk and low value (e.g. , items in junkyards, stockpiles of sand, gravel, minerals, etc. ) , the agency shall y determine whether the estimated cost of moving such property dispro- portionate dis ro-- portionate in relation to its value. In such a case, aP Y a ment for moving expenses maybe ,made in an amount not to exceed the cost of replacing the property with comparable items available on the market and the amount which probably would have been re- ceived for liquidating the property. The displacing agency must obtain a moving estimate and an appraisal as documentation for the claim. --.48- 4 . Payment In Lieu of Movin• and Related Ex•enses a. General. A payment in lieu of moving and related expenses may be made to a business that elects to receive such payment and meets the eligibility ty requirements as described below. b. Amount of Payment. The payment shall be equal to the average annual net earnings of the business concern for the five years immediatelyrecedin P q displacement, or such other period as the dis- placing agency determines to be , e uitable but equitable, not less than $2 , 500 nor more than $10 , 000. -- Pay ment to an organization which does not operate p ate for profit shall be a fixed amount of $2, 500. c. EI igibil ity Requirements. (1) In order to be eligible for in lieua -- P Y ments as set forth in this subsection 4 , the business claimant must meet theenera g 1 eligibility requirements set forth in Section II as well as the following requirement : (a) the claimant must be in occupancy p Y of the • -49- • -49-- • building acquired or rehabilitated pursuant to an owner participation agreement both one year prior to the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan and on the date of receipt of written notice from the acquiring agency or property owner respectively to vacate real property. (2) Businesses. To establish eligibility, the displacing agency must determine whether: (a) the business contributes substantially to the income of the claimant; (b) the business is not part of a commercial enterprise having at least one other establishment not being acquired, which is engaged in the same or a similar business; (c) the business cannot be relocated without a substantial loss of its existing patronage. The determination that there will be a sub- stantial loss of existing patronage shall be made only after consideration of all circum- stances including, for example : the types of business conducted by the displaced person; -50- f . 1 1 • the nature of the clientele; the geographic area principally served by the business; the availability of a suitable replacement loca- tion for the displaced business. Separate legal entities will not be paid more than one payment if they actually constitute one business. The displacing agency shall consider the following factors in determining whether more than one business is involved: (a), the extent to which the sameremises p , facilities, and equipment are shared; (b) the extent to which business functions are interrelated or substantially identical; (c) the extent to which the separate entities are presented to the public as one business, and to those normally dealing with the entities; (d) the extent to which the sameP erson or persons control, own, or manage the affairs of the businesses. -51- claimants determined to be operating more than one business may be eligible for more than one payment under this section or preceding sections describing actual moving and property loss payments. The agency must also determine whether the business contributes a substantial portion of the claimant' s income. A business shall b . considered to contribute substantially to the income of the claimant if it contributes at least one-third of the total annual income. The displacing agency may employ some flexi- bility in making this determination in very special cases. For example, an elderly person operating a rental unit or units may depend to a large extent on such income, but not meet the one-third requirement. In such cases, the relative value of the rental income to the total shall be considered in making the deter- mination. ' (3) Nonprofit Organizations . A nonprofit organi- zation rgani--nation may be entitled to a payment in lieu of moving and related expenses in an amount not to exceed $2, 500 when it is determined that : (a) the organization cannot be relocated without substantial loss of existing patronage; and -52- . -52-- (b) the organization is not part of a commer- cial enterprise having at least one other establishment not being acquired. (For example, a church which is determined to . be an independent congregation might be ' eligible; a church which is part of an organized group ofchruches will not. ) d. Documentation in S p prt_of _a Cl irn. Claims will be supported by any available reasonable evidence of earnings. For claimants who file tax returns, copies of the filed returns (bearing signatures) shall be used. For nonprofit organizations and claimants not required to file tax returns, profit and loss statements and records of the operation may be used to substantiate earnings. Section VIII. Grievance Procedure Any person dissatisfied with a determination with regard to eligibility for, or amount of, a relocation payment, or dissatis- fied with services rendered in the process of relocation, may have his case reviewed. The claimant' s first appeal shall be submitted orally or in writing to the Executive Director of the displacing agency within ninety (90) days following the move from the ,project area, or the agency 's decision on a claim, whichever is later. The Executive Director of the displacing agency shall issue a decision within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal . -53-- a The claimant may appeal further to the Redevelop- ment Agency Board appointed by the City' s governing body within 30 days of receipt of the decision by the Executive Director of the agency. A hearing will be conducted by the Board within 15 days and a recommedation forwarded to the agency within 15 days following completion of the hearing. A determination will then be made by the displacing agency with regard to the case, within 15 days following . receipt of the Board ' s recommendation. The claimant may, at his own expense, be represented by legal or other counsel . • • -54- • • IX AMENDMENTS AND CONDITIONS A. Amendments Included in City of Miami Beach Resolution No. 77--15283 Ado ted on March ,2, 1977 • The following amendments and conditions with respect to the Redevelopment Plan for the South Beach Redevelopment Project are hereby adopted and made a part of such Redevelop- ment Plan: (a) The City Council retains the right to modify the Community Redevelopment Plan as provided by Section 163 . 360 (7) Florida Statues, a codified section of the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969, as amended. * (b) Regarding the grievance procedure as set forth in paragraph XII of the Relocation Plan adopted hereby there is to be established a three member board to hear such grievances, such board to be composed of a member of this Council, a member of the Redevelopment Agency, and a member of the Miami Beach Housing Authority. The terms of these members are to be staggered in the manner to be set forth by this council . A party who files a grievance will sign an agreement to be bound by the decision of the Grievance Board. Upon hearing a grievance, such board will render its • decision and forward it to the Redevelopment Agency with the time specified in paragraph XII of the Relocation Plan, and the Agency as well as the grievant will be bound by the decision of such board. Any procedure concerning the decision of the aforesaid Board set forth in Paragraph XII of the Reloca- tion Plan which is inconsistent with the aforesaid procedure is hereby amended and superseded by this amendment. (c) There is to be established a committee called the "Relocation Social Assistance Committee " to be composed of one staff member from the Social Services division of the City of Miami Beach, and one staff member from Citizens Services, each to be appointed by the City Manager, and one member of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Citizens Advisory committee to be selected by such Committee. (d) ' In the event that any subordination pf real .property owned by the City of Miami Beach or the Redevelopment Agency. is permitted by the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida and subordination is considered or proposed by the Redevelopment Agency, such proposal shall be submitted to the City Council for ratification or otherwise, and no subordination agreement shall be valid without ratification by the City Council . • *This section is further amended by Resolution 77-15291 , adopted on March 30, 1977 -55- • -55-- • (e) Revenue Bonds issued in the furtherance of the imple- mentation of the Redevelopment Plan shall not pledge the faith or credit of the Cityofg Miami Beach and the bonds shall so recite. (f) With respect to the remuneration portion of the relo- cation procedure, owners of condominiums, cooperatives, private to homes or duplexes, or other property owners residingtherein shall have the privilege of p g selecting, i,f they so desire, a unit in the redevelopment area of Miami Beach, or elsewhere, which is a comparable unit to the one they were occupying in at the time of the relocation, in lieu of the financial remunera., tion specified in the redevelopment plan, providing that the cost of such unit does not exceed the total of the value of their property as determined by negotiation or an eminent domain proceeding plus the amount they would have been. entitled to re- ceive for relocation expenses . Determination of the com arabilit of a unit maybe determined byp agreement between the property owner and the Redevelopment Agency or by reference to the Grievance Committee for determination if no agreement can be reached. (g) All persons in the project area who, at the time of relocation, are 65 years or older, and who otherwiseualif q Y under the relocation plan, shall be entitled to a permanent rental subsidy in a sum equal to the difference between rental paid by such persons at time of relocation, and necessary rental payable to provide suitable housing after relocation, or the difference between 25% of such person' s income and such necessary rental payments, whichever sum is greater . (h) The Redevelopment Agency shall be required to use its best efforts in cooperating with the City of Miami Beach to achieve Federal or other funding for 750 permanently subsidized low income rental housing units within the city of Miami Beach. (1) As relates to the zoning and regconing powers of the City applicable to redevelopment in accordance with theP ro- visions of 163. 360 (11) F.S. , and elsewhere in the Law, Charter and Ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, the City Council hereby finds, determines and resolves as follows: (1) The Council having approved the Redevelopment Plan restates its comrnittment to the successful implementation of the plan. (ii) Except as provided for in the Plan itself, there shall be no variation or modification of the Plan without Council approval . (iii) In order to provide a workable procedure whereby the City Council may retain the power to approve zoning in the project area, but which will allow for imple- mentation P mentation by the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, an ordinance shall be adopted which will provide for the procedures by which the Agency may implement the Redevelopment Plan. . -56- B. Amendments Included in Cit of Miami Beach Resolution No. 77--1521 Adgpted March 30th, 1977 Amending esolution No. 77-15283 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that Section 10 (b) of Resolution No. 77-15283 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: " (b) Regarding the grievance procedure as set forth in paragraph XII of the Relocation Plan adopted hereby, there is to be established a three member board to hear such grievances, such board to be composed of a member of this Council, a member of the Redevelopment Agency, and a member of the Miami Beach Housing Authority. The terms of these members are to be staggered in the manner to be set forth by this Council. "Upon hearing a grievance, such board will render its decision and forward it to the Redevelopment Agency within the time specified in paragraph XII of the Relocation Plan, and the Agency as well as the grievant will be bound by the decision of such board, subject to the right of either party to obtain judicial review for departure from the plan, this Resolution, or otherwise essential requirements of law. In the event the e A nc gyseeksjudicial review and does not prevail, the grievants court costs, including reasonable counsel fees as adjudged by the Court, shall be payable by the Agency. Any pro- cedure concerning the decision of the aforesaid Board set forth in Paragraph XII of the Relocation Plan which is inconsistent with the aforesaid procedure is hereby amended and superseded by this amendment . " • -57-