MB RDA MINUTES JUNE 5, 1985 MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING JUNE 5, 1985 - 9:00 A.M. CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS INDEX TO MINUTES OF MEETING RESOLUTION PAGE NO. NO. NONE 1. Roll Call - Meeting commenced at 9:11 A.M. Messrs. 1 Shockett and Singer arrived at 9:15 A.M.; Mr. Arkin absent. 2. Acceptance of Minutes of May 15, 1985 meeting 1 3. Report of Executive Director 1-2 Executive Director gave brief oral status reports on: 1) Coast Guard Property - Announcement that GSA accepted high bid of $2.7 million from an Alaskan. Advised of 60-day hold on consummation of sale of property to allow Senator Hawkins and Congressman Pepper time to introduce legislation to abrogate sale and give property to the City. 2) Cheezem Development Agreement 3) South Pointe Park 4) South Pointe Promotional Efforts 5) SSDI Lawsuit - Nearing a settlement. 6) Corridor Study 7) Housing Authority Negotiations. (Copy of report filed with records of meeting.) 4. Old Business 2 a. Financial Statement - (Copy of report filed with records of meeting.) Mr. Daoud inquired about 2-3 Mark Israel's bill and capacity with Agency. Administration explained his work is setting up meetings in Washington re GSA property. Copy of agreement to be furnished to Agency members. 5. New Business - none 2 6. Report of Agency Attorney - None 2 7. Adjournment - 9:19 A.M. 3 Next meeting: Wed., June 26, 1985, 9:00 A.M. EMB:pp 0 0005:715 MINUTES MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 5, 1985 Regular meeting of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency was held in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, June 5, 1985, with the following members of the Redevelopment Agency present: Chairman Malcolm Fromberg Vice Chairman William E. Shockett * Alex Daoud Ben Z. Grenald Bruce Singer * Sidney Weisburd * Arrived at 9:15 a.m. Absent: Stanley H. Arkin Also Present: Rob W. Parkins, Executive Director Arnold M. Weiner, General Counsel Elaine M. Baker, Secretary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 9:11 A.M. , MR. FROMBERG IN THE CHAIR. FROMBERG: Ladies and gentlemen, glad to have you all here. Ready to start? We have a quorum. Okay, the meeting of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency is going to start. Mrs. Baker, do you want to call the roll? (Item 1.) BAKER: Mr. Fromberg Here Mr. Shockett Absent Mr. Arkin Absent Mr. Daoud Here Mr. Grenald Here Mr. Singer Absent Mr. Weisburd Here A quorum is present. FROMBERG: Do I have a motion to approve the minutes of the May 15, 1985 meeting? (2.) Moved by Mr. Weisburd, seconded by Mr. Grenald. All in favor, signify by saying "aye". (AYE) Any opposed? The minutes are accepted. Mr. Executive Director. PARKINS: Mr. Chairman and members of the Agency, you have a report in your agenda. (3.) The status of the GSA property, you probably read about more than I can tell you. The auction was conducted; the high bid, I believe, was $2.7 million. Mr. Gilbert advises me that was a gentleman from Alaska. They are holding the bids for 60 days in order to give Senator Hawkins and Congressman Pepper an opportunity to see if they can introduce legislation that would abrogate the sale. The Cheezem Development agreement has been exercised. The South Pointe Park is 70% complete Phase I. 27% complete Phase II. It's on schedule and within the budget. South Pointe promotional efforts - As you know, the spring edition of the South Pointe Newsletter is our. Staff's efforts generally have been directed in negotiations with respect to SSDI Lawsuit. Mr. Fosmoen will comment on those. The Housing Authority negotiations - we have a desire to decline to comment on the impact of the proposed easement by Freilich & Leitner relative to the Car ne r-Mason lease since they have not participated in the overall negotiations. Mr. Fosmoen, on SSDI. M.B. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 6/5/85 Pagel 40 000534 RICHARD FOSMOEN: Mr. Chairman, members of the Agency, we have - the City Attorney and I have been spending a considerable amount of time in the next phase of the upland development next to the marina and that is to negotiate a development agreement with SSDI. We are coming fairly close to having a document that we will be able to recommend to the Agency and the City. We expect to have that completed by the weekend and at that point we will be able to give full discussion of what's being proposed. At this point we are under a settlement negotiation agreement, which means that we're not talking publicly about what's in that document at this point. I'd be happy to meet with you individually. PARKINS: I might advise you there is some prospect, I believe, that we may wish to call a special meeting should we reach a conclusion before our next meeting. FROMBERG: Very good. We'll look forward in anticipation to some good news. Getting back to the South Pointe Park property. We have called in all of our troops, Senator Hawkins and Congressman Pepper are working very hard to attempt to get the GSA to donate the property to us as was said. They've introduced emergency legislation, Senator Hawkins in the Senate, and Congressman Pepper in the House, seeking Congressional approval directing the GSA to deed over the property to Miami Beach at no cost. They're also waging a war in our behalf through the Department of the Interior seeking to get them to add more pressure on the GSA by virtue of their declaration that this should be continued as a national park, plus various people who have contacts with the GSA and we have 60 days during which time we will actively work towards obtaining this property for the City, for nothing and for recreation and parks. Mr. Executive Director, are there any other matters that you want to report on? (CLERK'S NOTE: Messrs. Shockett and Singer entered the meeting at approximately 9:15 A.M.) PARKINS: No, sir, Mr. Chairman. FROMBERG: Okay. Any Old Business? (4.) PARKINS: No, sir. FROMBERG: Any New Business? (5.) PARKINS: None to report. FROMBERG: Mr. Agency Attorney, do you have any matters you wish to discuss with us? (6.) WEINER: I believe the Deputy Executive Director has covered everything I would have covered. Thank you. FROMBERG: Okay, motion to adjourn . . . moved by . . . DAOUD: Mr. Mayor, could I one or two questions? FROMBERG: Well, we went through Old and New Business. Which is this? DAOUD: This is on the Agency agenda. FROMBERG: I'm saying . . which one do you want us to go back to? We had the Executive Director's report, Old, and New Business. Which . . . DAOUD: Well, the one I was concerned about was the report that was stated . . . It's on page 26, dealing with Mark Israel. I wanted to find out what Mr. Israel's position is and what he is doing for the Agency. FOSMOEN: Mr. Israel is an employee of a non-profit corporation that is jointly sponsored by the National League of Cities and U. S. Conference of Mayors. He arranged and spent some considerable amount of time with Stu Rogel, with myself, with Commissioner Weisburd, when we were in Washington M.B. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 6/5/85 Page 2 60 000537