LTC 117-2020 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 8M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beach, Florido 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 117-2020 LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager March 3, 2020 SUBJECT: G.O. Bond Program - Project Im lamentation Update No. 8 The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("LT C") is to advise you on the status of the implementation of the 38 General Obligation Bond (G.O. Bond) Projects approved by the City Commission for the first tranche of funding (Tranche 1) in the amount of $152,466,449 including issuance costs. The Administration continues to meet monthly with the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee (the Committee") to provide project updates and discuss other Committee business. Refer to Exhibit A for the meeting agenda which took place on February 20, 2020. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS Project Dashboard and Program Progress Report As of February 20, 2020, a total of 33 out of 57 G.O. Bond projects are in some form of "Active" status and 3 projects are completed. Approximately $15.4 million dollars have been spent and another $26.3 million are encumbered for a total of $41.7 million. Refer to Exhibit B for the complete summary of the Program. Tranche 1 Progress There is a total of 38 projects in Tranch e 1 of the G.O. Bond Program. Most of those projects have different components which are considered distinct projects or "subprojects" that are tracked separately and have separate budgets, procurement, and implementation schedules. New Subproject Tracking Summary An additional Tranche 1 Subproject Activity Summary was added to the Progress Report which summarizes the subproject activity into Status, Category and Funding on page 4 of the report. In addition, a summary sheet project breakdown showing all sub-projects by Phase was distributed and will be updated monthly for the Committee. The phasing plan summary indicates that 19 of the 70 total Tran che 1 subprojects have been completed, 14 are under construction, 12 are in a design phase, 14 are in a planning phase, and 11 are pending to become active. The Project list by phase sheet is attached as Exhibit B1. Also presented and discussed was the Program General Status chart, attached as Exhibit B2, which compares the status of projects from the previous month to the current month. The chart indicates the variances of all Projects and Sub-projects. G .O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No.8 March 3, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Finally, at the request of the Committee a detailed financial status report from the City's Munis system, attached as Exhibit 83, was distributed. The report is a cross reference showing basically the same information as Exhibit B but listed by Project number (from #1 to #57). Grants The Committee was presented with the list of all grant awards which currently support the G.O. Bond program. The grants are used to leverage funding for G.O. Bond projects and includes grants awarded between November 2018 and February 2020. Fifteen (15) separate grants totaling $6,785,697 have either been awarded or are pending final document execution. The City has recently expanded its grants function by creating a Grants Division and moving it to the City Manager's Office for closer integration with the state and federal legislative process. The newly expanded office will continue to aggressively search for grant opportunities for all remaining G.O. Bond projects. Refer to Exhibit 84 for the detailed breakdown of the grant awards. "Quick Wins" All quick win projects remain on budget and on schedule to be completed by June 2020. The Middle Beach Beachwalk is a more involved project and is estimated to be completed by January 2021, however portions of the project will be completed in phases prior to that date. The Fairway Park project has been removed from the quick wins list as it will be constructed as part of the larger Capital Improvement (CIP) project. The overall status is summarized in Schedule 1 below: Schedule 1 Quick Win Projects Status as of February 20, 2020 Item GOB Project No. / Name Pre- Design/ Procurement Construction Completed No. Planning Permitting or Execution / Closeout 1 #24 Mid Beach Beachwalk X 2 #32 Palm & Hibiscus X 3 #33 Street Tree Plan X 4 #17 Polo Park X 5 #52 LED Lighting in Parks X 6 #2 Collins Park X 7 #3 Crespi Park X 8 #21 Stillwater Park X 9 #47 License Plate Readers X X 10 #57 Cameras in Ent. District X 11 #49 P. Safety Radio System X 12 #56 Cameras on Beachwalk X 13 #53 Security for Pub. Spaces X 14 #26 Roof Replacement1 X X 15 #18 Scott Rakow1 X X 16 #13 North Shore Park1 X X 17 #38 Street Pavement X 18 #37 Sidewalk Improvement X 19 #19 Soundscape Tech Core X 20 #42 Traffic Calming X Legend 1 Due to sub-projects, some elements of a project are in different phases. • Red signifies the updated phase from last month. G .O . Bond Program - Proje ct Implementation Update No.8 March 3, 2020 Page 3 of3 F o r th e im plem e ntatio n tim eline of all the Q uick W in pro jects, refer to Exhibit C dated February 20 , 2 0 2 0. Other Tranche 1 Projects T h e fo llo w in g other Tra nch e 1 pr o jects w ere discusse d at the m eeting. R efer to Exhibit D fo r furt h er de ta ils an d info rm a tion fo r ea ch of the fo llow ing: • F ire S tatio n #1 • 72 ° St ree t C o m m un ity C om pl e x • P e d e stria n B rid g e • P A R 3 I Ba yshore P a rk • P o lice H e a d q u a rt e rs • 41 st S tre et R evita lizatio n • S tre e ts and Sid e w a lks F irst T im e D iscussio n and U p d a te at G .O . Bo nd C o m m ittee: • N ort h S h o re B e.achw a lk COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND OUTREACH T he G .O . Bond Pro g ram tea m contin ue s to eng ag e the com m unity at local neighborhood m e e tin g s. In the la st m o nth , the fo llow ing gro ups have been addressed in-person w ith G .O . Bond up d ate s: N autilu s N e ig h b o rho o d A sso ciation, M a yor's 41 St. Blue R ibbon Panel, 41 St. Business A ssoc ia tion . T he ne xt sto p on the G .O . Bo nd R oa dshow is scheduled fo r M arch 3 at the W est A ve n u e N eig h b o rho o d A sso ciation , w ith add itio na l stops in-the-w orks and to be announced. T h e P ro je ct D a sh b o a rd R e so urce B ank at www .G O M B lnfo .com /pro jects now offers an ed u c a tion a l D a shb o a rd V id e o T uto ria l that se rv es as a thoro ugh "how -to" fo r navigating the open da ta pla tf o rm . A ll co nstructio n ad viso rie s, pro gram upd ates, m eeting records and L T C s continue to be m ad e ava ila b le to the pub lic on the w ebsite (www .G O M B lnfo .com ) on the "N ew s" and/or "M e e tin g R e co rds" pa g e s. T he ne xt issue of the M B M agazine w ill feature a G .O . Bond colum n on su sta in ab le, energy-eff icient infr astructure, w ith a fo cus on the five "cool ro ofs" that w ill have be e n co m p le ted at five ci ty-ow ne d faci litie s. Fo r m ore info rm a tion , ple a se contact M aria H e rn a nde z at m ariahern andez@ m iam ibeachfl.gov or x2 2 5 8 4. A tt a c h m e n ts: Ex h ib it A - G OB O ve rsig ht C o m m ittee A genda fo r Feb ruary 20, 2020 Ex h ib it B - G O B Pro je cts Prog re ss R ep or t Sum m ar y _2-20-20 Exh i bit B 1 - Proje ct Li st by Ph ase _2-2 0-20 Ex h ib it 8 2 - Pro g ra m G en eral Status_C o mp ar ison to Previous M onth Exh i bit B 3 - F in a ncia l S tatus R e port (M u nis) Ex h ib it B 4 - G ran t A w a rds fo r G .O . B o nd Pro je cts Ex h ib it C - Q u ick W ins Im p lem entation Pla n_2-20-2 0 Ex h ib it D - Tr a n ch e 1 Ot h er P ro jects_D a shboa rd She ets_2-20-20 Ex h ib it E - C o m m u n ity O utre a ch R e port fo r Fe bruary 2020 JLM / MH F:\cmgr\$ALL\GO Bond Program\Commission\L TCs\202012 February 2020\L TC- February 2020 GO Bond Program Implementation Update No. 8.docx • • • • EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B City of Miami Beach GO Bond Program Program Progress Report: February 20, 2020 Table of Contents Content Page Summary Project Activity ................................................................................................................................... 3 Project Expenditures ........................................................................................................................ 3 Project Status ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Detail Project Details .................................................................................................................................... 9 Tranche 1 Subproject Expenditures ........................................................................................... 4 Tranche 1 Subproject Activity ...................................................................................................... 4 www.gombinfo.com 2 Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:17 AM City of Miami Beach GO Bond Program Program Progress Report: February 20, 2020 Parks Infrastructure Public Safety Total Spent $7,064,942 $2,761,049 $5,615,253 $15,441,244 Encumbered $9,699,227 $9,403,973 $7,225,426 $26,328,626 Available $69,968,792 $15,834,965 $23,565,290 $109,369,047 Future $81,167,039 $168,000,013 $34,809,031 $283,976,083 Total $167,900,000 $196,000,000 $71,215,000 $435,115,000 PROJECT EXPENDITURES Parks Infrastructure Public Safety All Complete 3 0 0 3 Active 15 8 10 33 Pending 1 0 1 2 Future 11 6 2 19 All 30 14 13 57 PROJECT ACTIVITY PROJECT CATEGORY PROJECT CATEGORY PROGRAM FUNDS PROJECT STATUS www.gombinfo.com 3 Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:17 AM City of Miami Beach GO Bond Program Program Progress Report: February 20, 2020 Parks Infrastructure Public Safety Total Complete $8,800,993 $0 $1,760,997 $10,561,990 Construction $9,120,999 $15,239,499 $10,440,000 $34,800,498 Design $31,537,998 $10,500,000 $8,215,000 $50,252,998 Planning $17,968,998 $2,260,496 $10,601,999 $30,831,493 Pending $19,304,000 $0 $5,388,000 $24,692,000 Total $86,732,988 $27,999,995 $36,405,996 $151,138,979 SUBPROJECT EXPENDITURES Parks Infrastructure Public Safety All Complete 13 0 6 19 Construction 6 5 3 14 Design 5 4 3 12 Planning 6 4 4 14 Pending 3 0 8 11 All 33 13 24 70 TRANCHE 1 SUBPROJECT CATEGORY SUBPROJECT CATEGORY SUBPROJECT FUNDS SUBPROJECT STATUS SUBPROJECT ACTIVITY www.gombinfo.com 4 Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:17 AM City of Miami Beach GO Bond Program Program Progress Report: February 20, 2020 Status Active Tranche Category Project Name Tranches Active Phase Anticipated End Date Budget Spent Encumbered Available COMPLETE (3) 1 PARKS GO#3: CRESPI PARK 1 Complete 11/09/2019 $210,998 $182,122 $2,796 $26,079 GO#17: POLO PARK 1 Complete 08/11/2019 $499,998 $493,598 $0 $6,400 GO#21: STILLWATER PARK 1 Complete 11/08/2019 $144,999 $142,440 $0 $2,559 ACTIVE (33) 1 PARKS GO#1: 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX 1, 2 Planning 07/31/2023 $10,800,000 $410,068 $629,481 $9,760,450 GO#2: COLLINS PARK 1 Construction 04/01/2020 $640,000 $0 $547,259 $92,741 GO#4: FAIRWAY PARK #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE 1 Pending 01/01/2021 $210,000 $3,952 $0 $206,048 #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILLION 1 Planning 02/18/2020 $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000 GO#8: LUMMUS PARK 1 Planning 09/30/2022 $4,737,000 $0 $0 $4,737,000 GO#9: MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS PARK 1 Planning 09/30/2022 $681,999 $0 $0 $681,999 GO#10: MAURICE GIBB PARK 1 Design 08/23/2022 $3,300,000 $12,023 $0 $3,287,975 GO#12: NORTH BEACH OCEANSIDE PARK BEACHWALK 1 Design 01/26/2022 $2,000,000 $3,250 $129,893 $1,866,857 GO#13: NORTH SHORE PARK & YOUTH CENTER #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS 1 Complete 02/04/2020 $205,699 $57,835 $92 $147,771 #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR 1 Construction 05/20/2020 $524,999 $2,905 $490,574 $31,519 #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT 1 Complete 10/14/2019 $130,300 $71,250 $58,983 $67 #13 NORTH SHORE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 2 Future 01/01/2025 $795,000 $0 $0 #13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS 2 Pending 07/01/2025 $3,694,000 $0 $0 $3,693,999 #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF 1 Complete 12/16/2019 $375,000 $184,253 $177,204 $13,541 GO#15: PAR 3/BAYSHORE PARK 1 Design 06/28/2022 $15,700,000 $31,739 $0 $15,668,260 GO#18: SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS 1 Complete 02/24/2020 $250,000 $106,869 $688 $142,441 #18 SCOTT RAKOW FLOORS 2 Future 01/01/2025 $640,000 $0 $0 #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR 1 Construction 05/20/2020 $816,000 $0 $706,326 $109,674 #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC 1 Complete 01/05/2020 $150,000 $130,293 $17,065 $2,640 #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT 1 Complete 02/02/2020 $130,000 $115,062 $0 $14,937 #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL 1 Design 05/30/2020 $537,998 $1,087 $519,460 $17,450 #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF 1 Complete 01/05/2020 $1,864,000 $169,980 $186,067 $1,507,951 #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS 1 Construction 03/27/2020 $700,000 $84,350 $620,888 ($5,241) GO#19: SOUNDSCAPE PARK #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY 1 Complete 09/30/2019 $3,799,999 $3,629,675 $0 $170,324 #19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE 1 Planning 03/03/2022 $699,999 $0 $0 $699,999 GO#23: BAYWALK #23 BAY GARDEN MANOR LINK 3 Future 03/27/2025 $1,350,000 #23 BAYVIEW TERRACE LINK 3 Future 12/15/2025 $850,000 #23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE 1 Design 04/11/2020 $10,000,000 $108,601 $77,711 $9,813,687 #23 SOUTH BAY CLUB LINK 2 Future 01/01/2025 $2,800,000 PROJECT STATUS www.gombinfo.com 5 Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:17 AM City of Miami Beach GO Bond Program Program Progress Report: February 20, 2020 Status Active Tranche Category Project Name Tranches Active Phase Anticipated End Date Budget Spent Encumbered Available 1 PARKS GO#24: MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 1 Construction 02/16/2021 $4,500,000 $92,490 $3,897,017 $510,491 GO#26: ROOFS FOR CULTURAL FACILITIES #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF 1 Complete 10/14/2019 $300,000 $299,650 $0 $350 #26 FILLMORE ROOF 1 Construction 03/20/2020 $1,940,000 $328,206 $1,440,239 $171,554 #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF 1 Complete 01/15/2020 $740,000 $403,244 $197,484 $139,270 GO#29: WEST LOTS #29 PART 1 WEST LOTS 1 Planning 06/30/2020 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 #29 PART 2 WEST LOTS 2 Future 01/01/2025 $2,000,000 #29 PART 3 WEST LOTS 3 Future 01/01/2028 $2,000,000 INFRASTRUCTURE GO#32: PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING 1 Construction 03/25/2020 $1,000,000 $239,966 $713,304 $46,728 GO#33: STREET TREE MASTER PLAN #33 PART 1 TREE PLANTING 1 Construction 01/01/2021 $2,500,000 $292,176 $228,624 $1,979,199 #33 PART 2 TREE PLANTING 2 Future 01/01/2025 $2,500,000 GO#37: SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS #37 PART 1 SIDEWALKS 1 Construction 01/01/2022 $3,500,000 $569,361 $2,543,300 $387,337 #37 PART 2 SIDEWALKS 2 Future 01/02/2025 $3,000,000 #37 PART 3 SIDEWALKS 3 Future 01/01/2028 $3,500,000 #37 PART 4 SIDEWALKS 4 Future 01/01/2031 $3,000,000 GO#38: STREET PAVEMENT #38 PART 1 STREETS 1 Construction 01/01/2022 $7,500,000 $1,241,184 $5,477,832 $780,983 #38 PART 2 STREETS 2 Future 01/01/2025 $7,500,000 #38 PART 3 STREETS 3 Future 01/02/2028 $7,500,000 #38 PART 4 STREETS 4 Future 01/01/2031 $7,500,000 GO#39: SEAWALLS & SHORELINES #39 PART 1 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES 1 Design 04/29/2022 $8,000,000 $0 $305,300 $7,694,700 #39 PART 2 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES 2 Future 12/31/2027 $2,000,000 GO#40: 41 ST. CORRIDOR #40 PART 1 REVITALIZE 41 STREET 1 Planning 01/01/2021 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $1,500,000 #40 PART 2 REVITALIZE 41 STREET 2 Future 01/01/2028 $1,500,000 #40 PART 3 REVITALIZE 41 STREET 3 Future 01/01/2028 $6,000,000 #40 PART 4 REVITALIZE 41 STREET 4 Future 01/01/2031 $6,000,000 GO#42: TRAFFIC CALMING #42 BAYSHORE NORTH TRAFFIC CALMING 2 Future 01/01/2025 $500,000 #42 BAYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING 1 Planning 02/28/2020 $560,148 $0 $0 $560,148 #42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING 1 Construction 12/01/2020 $739,499 $418,362 $135,613 $185,522 #42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING 1 Planning 02/28/2020 $113,999 $0 $0 $113,999 #42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING 1 Planning 02/28/2020 $86,349 $0 $0 $86,349 GO#43: BIKE LANES & SHARED PATHS #43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1 Design 10/02/2020 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $1,500,000 #43 63 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 3 Future 01/01/2028 $1,300,000 #43 ALTON ROAD SHARED USE PATH 1 Design 10/01/2025 $170,000 $0 $0 $170,000 #43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATH 1 Design 09/01/2021 $830,000 $0 $0 $830,000 www.gombinfo.com 6 Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:17 AM City of Miami Beach GO Bond Program Program Progress Report: February 20, 2020 Status Active Tranche Category Project Name Tranches Active Phase Anticipated End Date Budget Spent Encumbered Available 1 PUBLIC SAFETY GO#45: FIRE STATION #1 1,2 Design 03/31/2023 $7,000,000 $40,139 $993,902 $5,965,958 GO#47: LICENSE PLATE READERS #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS 1 Construction 03/31/2020 $240,000 $6,071 $48,283 $185,645 #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS 1 Construction 03/31/2020 $200,000 $404 $86,145 $113,450 #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS 1 Complete 11/29/2019 $120,000 $37,387 $0 $82,611 #47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE 1 Planning 04/01/2022 $1,390,000 $14,778 $53,027 $1,322,194 GO#48: POLICE HEADQUARTERS FACILITY #48 PART 1 POLICE HQ 1 Planning 02/28/2020 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $4,000,000 #48 PART 2 POLICE HQ 3 Future 01/01/2028 $6,000,000 GO#49: PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM 1 Construction 02/29/2020 $10,000,000 $4,466,594 $5,533,405 $0 GO#50: CAMERAS- BUSINESS DISTRICT #50 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS 1 Pending 03/03/2022 $235,325 $15,127 $2,872 $217,324 #50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS 1 Pending 03/03/2022 $212,000 $13,446 $2,553 $195,999 #50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS 1 Planning 10/01/2020 $211,999 $13,446 $2,553 $195,999 #50 DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS 1 Pending 06/03/2022 $165,675 $0 $0 $165,674 GO#52: LED LIGHTING IN PARKS #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING 1 Complete 10/21/2019 $86,999 $40,633 $0 $46,364 #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING 1 Complete 12/02/2019 $715,000 $203,170 $0 $511,827 #52 OTHER PARKS LED LIGHTING 2 Future 01/01/2025 $3,459,000 #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING 1 Complete 10/21/2019 $86,999 $40,633 $0 $46,364 #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING 1 Complete 10/14/2019 $151,999 $50,755 $0 $101,243 GO#53: SECURITY FOR PUBLIC SPACES #53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS 1 Pending 03/03/2022 $775,000 $0 $0 $775,000 #53 LINCOLN ROAD BOLLARDS 2 Future 01/01/2025 $2,350,000 $0 $0 #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS 1 Complete 07/31/2019 $600,000 $599,915 $0 $84 #53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS 1 Pending 03/03/2022 $375,000 $0 $0 $375,000 #53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS 1 Pending 03/03/2022 $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 GO#55: STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS #55 PART 1 STREET LIGHTS 1 Planning 06/30/2020 $5,000,000 $10,108 $0 $4,989,892 #55 PART 2 STREET LIGHTS 2 Future 01/01/2025 $5,000,000 $0 $0 GO#56: CAMERAS- BEACHWALK 1 Design 05/29/2020 $400,000 $808 $390,235 $8,956 GO#57: CAMERAS- ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT #57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS 1 Pending 09/03/2022 $675,000 $34,980 $6,383 $633,635 #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS 1 Design 04/16/2020 $815,000 $26,859 $106,068 $682,071 PENDING (2) 1 PARKS GO#5: FLAMINGO PARK & YOUTH CENTER #5 FLAMINGO PARK MASTER PLAN 3 Future 03/04/2028 $15,150,000 $0 $0 #5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY 1 Pending 08/11/2022 $15,400,000 $0 $0 $15,400,000 PUBLIC SAFETY GO#54: MARINE PATROL FACILITY 1 Pending 08/24/2022 $2,700,000 $0 $0 $2,700,000 FUTURE (19) 2 PARKS GO#14 PALM ISLAND PARK 2 Future 01/01/2025 $231,000 GO#16: PINETREE PARK 2 Future 01/01/2025 $700,000 www.gombinfo.com 7 Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:17 AM City of Miami Beach GO Bond Program Program Progress Report: February 20, 2020 Status Active Tranche Category Project Name Tranches Active Phase Anticipated End Date Budget Spent Encumbered Available 2 PARKS GO#25: WATERWAY RESTORATION 2,3 Future 01/01/2028 $6,000,000 GO#27: LOG CABIN 2 Future 01/01/2025 $1,076,000 GO#28: ART DECO MUSEUM 2 Future 01/01/2025 $2,000,000 INFRASTRUCTURE GO#31: OCEAN DRIVE CORRIDOR 2,3,4 Future 01/01/2031 $20,000,000 GO#34: ABOVE GROUND IMPROVEMENTS 2,3,4 Future 01/01/2031 $43,000,000 GO#36: WASHINGTON AVE. CORRIDOR 2,3,4 Future 01/01/2031 $10,000,000 GO#41: LA GORCE NEIGHBORHOOD 2,3,4 Future 01/01/2031 $14,000,000 3 PARKS GO#7: LA GORCE PARK 3 Future 01/02/2028 $150,000 GO#11: MUSS PARK 3 Future 01/01/2028 $250,000 GO#20: SOUTH POINTE PARK 3 Future 01/01/2028 $480,000 GO#30: SKATE PARK 3 Future 01/01/2028 $750,000 INFRASTRUCTURE GO#35: FLAMINGO PARK NEIGHBORHOOD 3,4 Future 01/01/2031 $20,000,000 GO#44: NORTH SHORE NEIGHBORHOOD 3 Future 01/02/2028 $8,000,000 PUBLIC SAFETY GO#51: FIRE STATION #3 3,4 Future 12/30/2031 $10,000,000 4 PARKS GO#6: FISHER PARK 4 Future 01/01/2031 $105,000 GO#22: TATUM PARK 4 Future 01/01/2031 $840,000 PUBLIC SAFETY GO#46: OCEAN RESCUE NORTH BEACH FACILITY 4 Future 01/01/2031 $5,000,000 www.gombinfo.com 8 Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:17 AM G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Active Phase Project No.Project Name Category Department Quick Win Tranche Anticipated End Date Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ Available Complete 03 #3 CRESPI PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-09-2019 1 1%210,998 2,796 182,122 1.18%26,079 Complete 13 #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-04-2020 1 1%205,699 92 57,835 0.37%147,771 Complete 13 #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%130,300 58,983 71,250 0.46%67 Complete 13 #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 12-16-2019 1 1%375,000 177,204 184,253 1.19%13,541 Complete 17 #17 POLO PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 08-11-2019 1 1%499,998 - 493,598 3.20%6,400 Complete 18 #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-24-2020 1 1%250,000 688 106,869 0.69%142,441 Complete 18 #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC Parks Property Management QW 1 01-05-2020 1 1%150,000 17,065 130,293 0.84%2,640 Complete 18 #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 02-02-2020 1 1%130,000 - 115,062 0.75%14,937 Complete 18 #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-05-2020 1 1%1,864,000 186,067 169,980 1.10%1,507,951 Complete 19 #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY Parks Tourism & Culture QW 1 09-30-2019 1 1%3,799,999 - 3,629,675 23.51%170,324 Complete 21 #21 STILLWATER PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-08-2019 1 1%144,999 - 142,440 0.92%2,559 Complete 26 #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%300,000 - 299,650 1.94%350 Complete 26 #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-15-2020 1 1%740,000 197,484 403,244 2.61%139,270 Complete 47 #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 11-29-2019 1 1%120,000 - 37,387 0.24%82,611 Complete 52 #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 40,633 0.26%46,364 Complete 52 #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 12-02-2019 1 1%715,000 - 203,170 1.32%511,827 Complete 52 #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 40,633 0.26%46,364 Complete 52 #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%151,999 - 50,755 0.33%101,243 Complete 53 #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-31-2019 1 1%600,000 - 599,915 3.89%84 Complete Sum 19 27%$10,561,990 $640,379 $6,958,764 45%$2,962,823 Complete Count 19 27%19 19 19 0.00%19 Construction 02 #2 COLLINS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 04-01-2020 1 1%640,000 547,259 - 0.00%92,741 Construction 13 #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 05-20-2020 1 1%524,999 490,574 2,905 0.02%31,519 Construction 18 #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 05-20-2020 1 1%816,000 706,326 - 0.00%109,674 Construction 18 #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS Parks Property Management QW 1 03-27-2020 1 1%700,000 620,888 84,350 0.55%(5,241) Construction 24 #24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 Parks Capital Improvement Projects QW 1 02-16-2021 1 1%4,500,000 3,897,017 92,490 0.60%510,491 Construction 26 #26 FILLMORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 03-20-2020 1 1%1,940,000 1,440,239 328,206 2.13%171,554 Construction 32 #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects QW 1 03-25-2020 1 1%1,000,000 713,304 239,966 1.55%46,728 Construction 33 #33 PART 1 TREE PLANTING Infrastructure Environmental QWa 1 01-01-2021 1 1%2,500,000 228,624 292,176 1.89%1,979,199 Construction 37 #37 PART 1 SIDEWALKS Infrastructure Public Works Department QWa 1 01-01-2022 1 1%3,500,000 2,543,300 569,361 3.69%387,337 Construction 38 #38 PART 1 STREETS Infrastructure Public Works Department QWa 1 01-01-2022 1 1%7,500,000 5,477,832 1,241,184 8.04%780,983 Construction 42 #42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation QWa 1 12-01-2020 1 1%739,499 135,613 418,362 2.71%185,522 Construction 47 #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 03-31-2020 1 1%240,000 48,283 6,071 0.04%185,645 Construction 47 #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 03-31-2020 1 1%200,000 86,145 404 0.00%113,450 Construction 49 #49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM Public Safety Police QW 1 02-29-2020 1 1%10,000,000 5,533,405 4,466,594 28.93%- Construction Sum 56 80%$34,800,498 $22,468,809 $7,742,069 50%$4,589,602 Construction Count 14 20%14 14 14 0.00%14 Design 10 #10 MAURICE GIBB PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 08-23-2022 1 1%3,300,000 - 12,023 0.08%3,287,975 Design 12 #12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 01-26-2022 1 1%2,000,000 129,893 3,250 0.02%1,866,857 Design 15 #15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-28-2022 1 1%15,700,000 - 31,739 0.21%15,668,260 Design 18 #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 05-30-2020 1 1%537,998 519,460 1,087 0.01%17,450 Design 23 #23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 04-11-2020 1 1%10,000,000 77,711 108,601 0.70%9,813,687 Design 39 #39 PART 1 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES Infrastructure Public Works Department 1 04-29-2022 1 1%8,000,000 305,300 - 0.00%7,694,700 Design 43 #43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Transportation 1 10-02-2020 1 1%1,500,000 - - 0.00%1,500,000 Design 43 #43 ALTON ROAD SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Transportation 1 10-01-2025 1 1%170,000 - - 0.00%170,000 Design 43 #43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Transportation 1 09-01-2021 1 1%830,000 - - 0.00%830,000 Design 45 #45 FIRE STATION #1 Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 03-31-2023 1 1%7,000,000 993,902 40,139 0.26%5,965,958 Design 56 #56 CAMERAS- BEACHWALK Public Safety Police QW 1 05-29-2020 1 1%400,000 390,235 808 0.01%8,956 Design 57 #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police QW 1 04-16-2020 1 1%815,000 106,068 26,859 0.17%682,071 Design Sum 60 86%$50,252,998 $2,522,569 $224,506 1%$47,505,914 Design Count 12 17%12 12 12 0.00%12 Planning 01 #1 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1, 2 07-31-2023 1 1%10,800,000 629,481 410,068 2.66%9,760,450 Planning 04 #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILLION Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 (blank)1 1%50,000 - - 0.00%50,000 Planning 08 #8 LUMMUS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 09-30-2022 1 1%4,737,000 - - 0.00%4,737,000 Planning 09 #9 MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 09-30-2022 1 1%681,999 - - 0.00%681,999 Planning 19 #19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 03-03-2022 1 1%699,999 - - 0.00%699,999 Planning 29 #29 PART 1 WEST LOTS Parks Economic Development 1 06-30-2020 1 1%1,000,000 - - 0.00%1,000,000 Planning 40 #40 PART 1 REVITALIZE 41 STREET Infrastructure Economic Development 1 01-01-2021 1 1%1,500,000 - - 0.00%1,500,000 Planning 42 #42 BAYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 02-28-2020 1 1%560,148 - - 0.00%560,148 Planning 42 #42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 02-28-2020 1 1%113,999 - - 0.00%113,999 Planning 42 #42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 02-28-2020 1 1%86,349 - - 0.00%86,349 Planning 47 #47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE Public Safety Police 1 04-01-2022 1 1%1,390,000 53,027 14,778 0.10%1,322,194 Planning 48 #48 PART 1 POLICE HQ Public Safety Property Management 1 02-28-2020 1 1%4,000,000 - - 0.00%4,000,000 Planning 50 #50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 10-01-2020 1 1%211,999 2,553 13,446 0.09%195,999 Planning 55 #55 PART 1 STREET LIGHTS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 06-30-2020 1 1%5,000,000 - 10,108 0.07%4,989,892 Planning Sum 84 120%$30,831,493 $685,061 $448,400 3%$29,698,029 Planning Count 14 20%14 14 14 0.00%14 Pending 04 #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 01-01-2021 1 1%210,000 - 3,952 0.03%206,048 Pending 05 #5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 08-11-2022 1 1%15,400,000 - - 0.00%15,400,000 Pending 13 #13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS Parks Parks & Recreation 2 07-01-2025 1 1%3,694,000 - - 0.00%3,693,999 Pending 50 #50 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-03-2022 1 1%235,325 2,872 15,127 0.10%217,324 Pending 50 #50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 03-03-2022 1 1%212,000 2,553 13,446 0.09%195,999 Pending 50 #50 DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 06-03-2022 1 1%165,675 - - 0.00%165,674 Pending 53 #53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 03-03-2022 1 1%775,000 - - 0.00%775,000 Pending 53 #53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 03-03-2022 1 1%375,000 - - 0.00%375,000 Pending 53 #53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 03-03-2022 1 1%250,000 - - 0.00%250,000 Pending 54 #54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1 09-26-2022 1 1%2,700,000 - - 0.00%2,700,000 Pending 57 #57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 09-03-2022 1 1%675,000 6,383 34,980 0.23%633,635 Pending Sum 77 110%$24,692,000 $11,808 $67,505 0%$24,612,679 Pending Count 11 16%11 11 11 0.00%11 70 100%$151,138,979 $26,328,626 $15,441,244 100%$109,369,047 City of Miami Beach 2/20/2020 - 12:00 PM EXHIBIT B1 Legend: *A sub-project is an element of one of the main 57 approved G.O. Bond projects that is budgeted and therefore tracked as an individual line item with its own scope of work and implementation timeline. **Total number of sub-projects decreased from 115 to 114. (Margorie Stoneman Douglas Park (two projects combined into 1) EXHIBIT B2 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 25019 GO#1: 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX $53,800,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $43,000,000 21719 #1 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX $0 $10,800,000 $410,068 $629,481.00 $9,760,450 $0 Total $53,800,000 $10,800,000 $410,068 $629,481.00 $9,760,450 $43,000,000 25119 GO#2: COLLINS PARK $640,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 65619 #2 COLLINS PARK $0 $640,000 $0 $547,259.00 $92,741 $0 Total $640,000 $640,000 $0 $547,259.00 $92,741 $0 25219 GO#3: CRESPI PARK $211,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 66219 #3 CRESPI PARK $0 $211,000 $182,122 $2,796.00 $26,080 $0 Total $211,000 $211,000 $182,122 $2,796.00 $26,080 $0 25319 GO#4: FAIRWAY PARK $260,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 66119 #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE $0 $210,000 $3,952 $0.00 $206,048 $0 60002 #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILLION $0 $50,000 $0 $0.00 $50,000 $0 Total $260,000 $260,000 $3,952 $0.00 $256,048 $0 25419 GO#5: FLAMINGO PARK & YOUTH CENTER $30,550,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $15,150,000 21619 #5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY $0 $15,400,000 $0 $0.00 $15,400,000 $0 21518 #5 FLAMINGO PARK MASTER PLAN $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $30,550,000 $15,400,000 $0 $0.00 $15,400,000 $15,150,000 25519 GO#6: FISHER PARK $105,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $105,000 21323 #6 FISHER PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $105,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $105,000 25619 GO#7: LA GORCE PARK $150,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $150,000 21423 #7 LA GORCE PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $150,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $150,000 25719 GO#8: LUMMUS PARK $4,737,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 22319 #8 LUMMUS PARK $0 $4,737,000 $0 $0.00 $4,737,000 $0 Total $4,737,000 $4,737,000 $0 $0.00 $4,737,000 $0 25819 GO#9: MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS PARK $682,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 23619 #9 MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS PARK $0 $682,000 $0 $0.00 $682,000 $0 Total $682,000 $682,000 $0 $0.00 $682,000 $0 25919 GO#10: MAURICE GIBB PARK $3,300,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Page 1 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020EXHIBIT B3 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 24919 #10 MAURICE GIBB PARK $0 $3,300,000 $12,023 $0.00 $3,287,976 $0 Total $3,300,000 $3,300,000 $12,023 $0.00 $3,287,976 $0 26019 GO#11: MUSS PARK $250,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $250,000 26015 #11 MUSS PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $250,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $250,000 26119 GO#12: NOBE OCEANSIDE PARK BEACHWLK $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 23319 #12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK $0 $2,000,000 $3,250 $129,893.00 $1,866,857 $0 Total $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,250 $129,893.00 $1,866,857 $0 26219 GO#13: N.SHORE PARK & YOUTH CENTER $5,725,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $795,000 29519 #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS $0 $205,700 $57,835 $92.00 $147,771 $0 29619 #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR $0 $525,000 $2,905 $490,574.00 $31,519 $0 24119 #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF $0 $375,000 $184,254 $177,204.00 $13,541 $0 24219 #13 NORTH SHORE JOGGING PATH $0 $64,000 $0 $0.00 $64,000 $0 22219 #13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS $0 $3,630,000 $0 $0.00 $3,630,000 $0 21622 #13 NORTH SHORE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 69519 #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT $0 $130,300 $71,250 $58,983.00 $66 $0 Total $5,725,000 $4,930,000 $316,244 $726,853.00 $3,886,897 $795,000 67519 GO#14: PALM ISLAND PARK $231,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $231,000 61422 #14 PALM ISLAND PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $231,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $231,000 26319 GO#15: PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK $15,700,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 21519 #15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK $0 $15,700,000 $31,739 $0.00 $15,668,260 $0 Total $15,700,000 $15,700,000 $31,739 $0.00 $15,668,260 $0 67619 GO#16: PINETREE PARK $700,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $700,000 61322 #16 PINETREE PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $700,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $700,000 26419 GO#17: POLO PARK $500,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 22719 #17 POLO PARK $0 $500,000 $493,600 $0.00 $6,400 $0 Total $500,000 $500,000 $493,600 $0.00 $6,400 $0 26519 GO#18: SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER $5,088,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $640,000 Page 2 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 29419 #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS $0 $250,000 $106,870 $688.00 $142,440 $0 23219 #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF $0 $1,864,000 $169,980 $186,067.00 $1,507,952 $0 23819 #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC $0 $150,000 $130,294 $17,065.00 $2,640 $0 23919 #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR $0 $816,000 $0 $706,326.00 $109,673 $0 24019 #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS $0 $700,000 $82,356 $622,883.00 -$5,239 $0 20019 #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL $0 $538,000 $1,087 $519,460.00 $17,451 $0 21722 #18 SCOTT RAKOW FLOORS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 69419 #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT $0 $130,000 $115,062 $0.00 $14,937 $0 Total $5,088,000 $4,448,000 $605,649 $2,052,489.00 $1,789,854 $640,000 26619 GO#19: SOUNDSCAPE PARK $4,500,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 29919 #19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE $0 $700,000 $0 $0.00 $700,000 $0 22419 #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY $0 $3,800,000 $3,629,675 $0.00 $170,324 $0 Total $4,500,000 $4,500,000 $3,629,675 $0.00 $870,324 $0 67719 GO#20: SOUTH POINTE PARK $480,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $480,000 61823 #20 SOUTH POINTE PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $480,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $480,000 67819 GO#21: STILLWATER PARK $145,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 66319 #21 STILLWATER PARK $0 $145,000 $142,440 $0.00 $2,559 $0 Total $145,000 $145,000 $142,440 $0.00 $2,559 $0 67919 GO#22: TATUM PARK $840,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $840,000 61923 #22 TATUM PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $840,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $840,000 26719 GO#23: BAYWLK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE $15,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $5,000,000 21819 #23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE $0 $10,000,000 $108,601 $77,711.00 $9,813,686 $0 21023 #23 SOUTH BAY CLUB LINK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 21123 #23 BAYVIEW TERRACE LINK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 21223 #23 BAY GARDEN MANOR LINK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $108,601 $77,711.00 $9,813,686 $5,000,000 26819 GO#24: MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 $4,500,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 22619 #24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 $0 $4,500,000 $92,490 $3,897,017.00 $510,492 $0 Total $4,500,000 $4,500,000 $92,490 $3,897,017.00 $510,492 $0 68019 GO#25: WATERWAY RESTORATION $6,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $6,000,000 Page 3 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 61222 #25 WATERWAY RESTORATION $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $6,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $6,000,000 28919 GO#26: ROOFS FOR CULTURAL FACIL. $2,980,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 29019 #26 FILLMORE ROOF $0 $1,940,000 $328,206 $1,440,239.00 $171,554 $0 29119 #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF $0 $740,000 $403,244 $197,484.00 $139,271 $0 29219 #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF $0 $300,000 $299,650 $0.00 $350 $0 Total $2,980,000 $2,980,000 $1,031,100 $1,637,723.00 $311,175 $0 26919 GO#27: LOG CABIN $1,076,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $1,076,000 22022 #27 LOG CABIN $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $1,076,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $1,076,000 27019 GO#28: ART DECO MUSEUM $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $2,000,000 21922 #28 ART DECO MUSEUM $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $2,000,000 27119 GO#29: WEST LOTS $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $4,000,000 27821 #29 PART 2 WEST LOTS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 27822 #29 PART 3 WEST LOTS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 23519 #29 PART 1 WEST LOTS $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0.00 $1,000,000 $0 Total $5,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 $0.00 $1,000,000 $4,000,000 27219 GO#30: SKATE PARK $750,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $750,000 21523 #30 SKATE PARK $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $750,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $750,000 27319 GO#31: OCEAN DRIVE CORRIDOR $20,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $20,000,000 22522 #31 OCEAN DRIVE CORRIDOR $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $20,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $20,000,000 27419 GO#32: PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 67219 #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING $0 $1,000,000 $239,967 $713,304.00 $46,728 $0 Total $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $239,967 $713,304.00 $46,728 $0 68219 GO#33: STREET TREE MASTER PLAN $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $2,500,000 62317 #33 PART 2 TREE PLANTING $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Page 4 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 66419 #33 PART 1 TREE PLANTING $0 $2,500,000 $284,376 $236,424.00 $1,979,199 $0 Total $5,000,000 $2,500,000 $284,376 $236,424.00 $1,979,199 $2,500,000 27519 GO#34: ABOVE GROUND IMPROVEMENTS $43,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $43,000,000 22422 #34 ABOVE GROUND IMPROVEMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $43,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $43,000,000 27619 GO#35: FLAMINGO PARK NEIGHBORHOOD $20,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $20,000,000 21623 #35 FLAMINGO PARK NEIGHBORHOOD $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $20,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $20,000,000 27719 GO#36: WASHINGTON AVE. CORRIDOR $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $10,000,000 22722 #36 WASHINGTON AVE. CORRIDOR $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $10,000,000 24619 GO#37: SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS $13,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $9,500,000 24419 #37 PART 2 SIDEWALKS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 24519 #37 PART 1 SIDEWALKS $0 $3,500,000 $569,361 $2,543,300.00 $387,337 $0 22322 #37 PART 4 SIDEWALKS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 65419 #37 PART 3 SIDEWALKS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $13,000,000 $3,500,000 $569,361 $2,543,300.00 $387,337 $9,500,000 27819 GO#38: STREET PAVEMENT $30,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $22,500,000 22019 #38 PART 2 STREETS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 22222 #38 PART 4 STREETS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 24719 #38 PART 3 STREETS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 24819 #38 PART 1 STREETS $0 $7,500,000 $1,241,184 $5,477,832.00 $780,983 $0 Total $30,000,000 $7,500,000 $1,241,184 $5,477,832.00 $780,983 $22,500,000 27919 GO#39: SEAWALLS & SHORELINES $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $2,000,000 27823 #39 PART 2 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 21919 #39 PART 1 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES $0 $8,000,000 $0 $305,300.00 $7,694,699 $0 Total $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $0 $305,300.00 $7,694,699 $2,000,000 28019 GO#40: 41 ST. CORRIDOR $15,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $13,500,000 27824 #40 PART 2 REVITALIZE 41 STREET $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 27825 #40 PART 3 REVITALIZE 41 STREET $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 27826 #40 PART 4 REVITALIZE 41 STREET $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Page 5 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 23419 #40 PART 1 REVITALIZE 41 STREET $0 $1,500,000 $0 $0.00 $1,500,000 $0 Total $15,000,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0.00 $1,500,000 $13,500,000 28119 GO#41: LA GORCE NEIGHBORHOOD $14,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $14,000,000 22622 #41 LA GORCE NEIGHBORHOOD $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $14,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $14,000,000 68419 GO#42: TRAFFIC CALMING $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $500,000 66619 #42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING $0 $739,500 $418,363 $135,613.00 $185,522 $0 66719 #42 BAYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING $0 $560,150 $0 $0.00 $560,150 $0 66819 #42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING $0 $114,000 $0 $0.00 $114,000 $0 66919 #42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING $0 $86,350 $0 $0.00 $86,350 $0 61522 #42 BAYSHORE NORTH TRAFFIC CALMING $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $418,363 $135,613.00 $946,022 $500,000 68619 GO#43: BIKE LANES & SHARED USE PATH $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $2,500,000 61622 #43 63 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 67019 #43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS $0 $1,500,000 $0 $0.00 $1,500,000 $0 67119 #43 ALTON ROAD SHARED USE PATH $0 $170,000 $0 $0.00 $170,000 $0 66519 #43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATH $0 $830,000 $0 $0.00 $830,000 $0 Total $5,000,000 $2,500,000 $0 $0.00 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 28219 GO#44: NORTH SHORE NEIGHBORHOOD $8,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $8,000,000 21723 #44 NORTH SHORE NEIGHBORHOOD $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $8,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $8,000,000 28319 GO#45: FIRE STATION #1 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $3,000,000 22119 #45 FIRE STATION #1 $0 $7,000,000 $40,139 $993,902.00 $5,965,958 $0 Total $10,000,000 $7,000,000 $40,139 $993,902.00 $5,965,958 $3,000,000 28419 GO#46: OCEAN RESCUE NOBE FACILITY $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $5,000,000 21823 #46 OCEAN RESCUE NOBE FACILITY $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $5,000,000 28519 GO#47: LICENSE PLATE READERS $1,950,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 22623 #47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE $0 $1,390,000 $14,778 $53,027.00 $1,322,193 $0 23019 #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS $0 $240,000 $6,071 $48,283.00 $185,645 $0 23021 #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS $0 $120,000 $37,388 $0.00 $82,611 $0 Page 6 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 23022 #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS $0 $200,000 $404 $86,145.00 $113,449 $0 Total $1,950,000 $1,950,000 $58,641 $187,455.00 $1,703,898 $0 68519 GO#48: POLICE HQ FACILITY $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $6,000,000 67419 #48 PART 1 POLICE HQ $0 $4,000,000 $0 $0.00 $4,000,000 $0 62917 #48 PART 2 POLICE HQ $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $10,000,000 $4,000,000 $0 $0.00 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 23119 GO#49: PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 22318 #49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM $0 $10,000,000 $4,466,594 $5,533,405.00 $0 $0 Total $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $4,466,594 $5,533,405.00 $0 $0 68819 GO#50: CAMERAS- BUSINESS DIST. $825,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 68319 #50 DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS $0 $165,675 $0 $0.00 $165,675 $0 24319 #50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS $0 $212,000 $84 $15,915.00 $196,000 $0 29719 #50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS $0 $212,000 $84 $15,915.00 $196,000 $0 29819 #50 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS $0 $235,325 $95 $17,904.00 $217,325 $0 Total $825,000 $825,000 $263 $49,734.00 $775,000 $0 28619 GO#51: FIRE STATION #3 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $10,000,000 21923 #51 FIRE STATION #3 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $10,000,000 68919 GO#52: LED LIGHTING IN PARKS $4,500,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $3,459,000 63621 #52 OTHER PARKS LED LIGHTING $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 65719 #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING $0 $87,000 $40,634 $0.00 $46,365 $0 65819 #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING $0 $87,000 $40,634 $0.00 $46,365 $0 65919 #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING $0 $152,000 $50,755 $0.00 $101,244 $0 66019 #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING $0 $715,000 $203,170 $0.00 $511,829 $0 Total $4,500,000 $1,041,000 $335,193 $0.00 $705,803 $3,459,000 28719 GO#53: SECURITY FOR PUBLIC SPACES $4,350,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $2,350,000 22323 #53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS $0 $375,000 $0 $0.00 $375,000 $0 22423 #53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS $0 $775,000 $0 $0.00 $775,000 $0 22519 #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS $0 $600,000 $599,915 $0.00 $84 $0 22123 #53 LINCOLN ROAD BOLLARDS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Page 7 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020 Munis Project Project Description Voters Referandum Approved Amounts Amount Appropriated Tranche 1 Actual Expenses To Date Amount Encumbered Balance Available Tranche 1 Unfunded Unappropriated Future Tranches 22223 #53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS $0 $250,000 $0 $0.00 $250,000 $0 Total $4,350,000 $2,000,000 $599,915 $0.00 $1,400,084 $2,350,000 28819 GO#54: MARINE PATROL FACILITY $2,700,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 29319 #54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY $0 $2,700,000 $0 $0.00 $2,700,000 $0 Total $2,700,000 $2,700,000 $0 $0.00 $2,700,000 $0 69019 GO#55: STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $5,000,000 67319 #55 PART 1 STREET LIGHTS $0 $5,000,000 $10,108 $0.00 $4,989,892 $0 62417 #55 PART 2 STREET LIGHTS $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Total $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,108 $0.00 $4,989,892 $5,000,000 69119 GO#56: CAMERAS- BEACHWALK $400,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 23719 #56 CAMERAS- BEACHWALK $0 $400,000 $808 $390,235.00 $8,955 $0 Total $400,000 $400,000 $808 $390,235.00 $8,955 $0 22819 GO#57: CAMERAS- ENTERTAINMENT DIST.$1,490,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 22919 #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS $0 $815,000 $1,806 $131,122.00 $682,071 $0 22023 #57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS $0 $675,000 $1,576 $39,788.00 $633,635 $0 Total $1,490,000 $1,490,000 $3,382 $170,910.00 $1,315,706 $0 Grand Total $435,115,000 $151,139,000 $15,331,247 $26,438,636.00 $109,369,063 $283,976,000 Page 8 of 8 G.O. Bond 2018 Detail Report As Of 2/18/2020 Name Number Funding Agency/Program Scope Status Award Amount 1 Maurice Gibb Park 10 Florida Inland Navigation District: Waterways Assistance Program Construction of the dock/launch at Maurice Gibb Park Awarded November 2018 226,383$ 2 North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk 12 Florida Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Program Beachwalk from 79th Street to 87th Street Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 1,000,000$ 3 North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk 12 Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Recreational Trails Program New playground, lightning and picnic area at North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk Awarded May 2019 250,000$ 4 Scott Rakow Youth Center 18 FEMA: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Impact doors and windows at SRYC facility Awarded June 2019 1,037,215$ 5 Middle Beach Beachwalk 24 Florida Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Program Construction of new on-grade accessible paver pathway, demolition of existing wooden Boardwalk Awarded January 2019 1,000,000$ 6 Street Tree Master Plan 33 Florida Department of Agriculture: Urban Forestry Grant GIS Tree Inventory Awarded April 2019 20,000$ 7 Street Tree Master Plan 33 Arbor Day Foundation: Donor Planting Program 35 Canopy Reforestation Tress in Allison Park Awarded March 2019 29,575$ 8 Street Tree Master Plan 33 Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant 101 High quality/salt tolerant trees along local roads to increase canopy coverage Awarded May 2019 40,000$ Grants Applied for/Awarded that Support GOMB2018 Projects Includes All Grant Awards from Referendum Date: November 2018 to February 2020 GOMB Project Grant Status Grants Awarded for GOB Projects Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT B4 Name Number Funding Agency/Program Scope Status Award Amount GOMB Project Grant Status 9 Street Tree Master Plan 33 Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Trees to be planed in the North Beach Area Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) $50,000 10 Neighborhood Above Ground Improvements (Citywide) 34 Florida Department of Envormental Protection: Section 319 Grant Green Infrastructure at Evergaldes Court to improve stormwater percolation Awarded June 2019 100,000$ 11 Resilient Seawalls and Living Shorelines 39 Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Florida Resilient CoastlineS Program Resilient Shoreline /Mangrove Planter on SR A1A (Design, permitting, public outreach) Awarded January 2019 34,965$ 12 Resilient Seawalls and Living Shorelines 39 Florida Department of Transportation: Department Funded Agreement (City-Negotiated Agreement) Indian Creek Drive 25 - 41st Street Awarded October 2019 $2,250,000 13 Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets 42 Florida Department of Transportation: Safe Routes to School Program Pedestrian enhancements (i.e. crosswalk improvements, pavement markings, ADA ramps etc.) for Miami Beach Senior high School Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 218,794$ 14 License Plate Readers 47 U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Urban Area Security Initiatives License Plate Readers Awarded October 2019 $139,284 15 Roof Replacement for Cultural Facilities 26 FEMA: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Doors, Windows and roof replacement at Bass Museum Awarded October 2019 $389,481 TOTAL 6,785,697$ Page 2 of 2 G. O . B o n d I m p l e m e n t a t i o n P l a n - Q u i c k W i n s - Page 1 of 3 Ex p o r t e d o n F e b r u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 2 0 4 : 0 0 : 1 0 P M E S T Fe b r u a r y 2 0 , 2 0 2 0 EX H I B I T C Page 2 of 3 Ex p o r t e d o n F e b r u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 2 0 4 : 0 0 : 1 0 P M E S T Page 3 of 3 Ex p o r t e d o n F e b r u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 2 0 4 : 0 0 : 1 1 P M E S T EXHIBIT D #48 PA RT 1 PO LICE HQ Scope Conduct feasibility study and space design: renovate practice fìring range: refurbish windows and HVAC system. Act ive Phase Planning G.O. Bond Funding Budget. $4,000.000 Encumbered: $0 Spent: $0 Spent %· 0% Project Tim eline Project Deta ils Contact )epartment: Property Management Name: Francisco Garcia Email: mailto_Francisco@arcig@miamibeachf[_goy Phone: (786)390-2688 t I I 1. Planning _E mg d February I November Decem ber 2020 Start Date dl. Original End Date Anticipated End Date 10/15/2019 02/15/2020 02/21/2020 Update The Property Management and Procurement Departments are in the final phase of contract negotiations with Leo A Daly. the A/E Consultant selected for the project Fully executed contract is expected by 02/24/20. - For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website • l Rina IeIIs Shbld HERE, C 2020 Microsoft Corporation SOCIAL 1 EXHIBIT E BLOG 2 WEBSITE ADDITIONS 3 *New Educational Resource! A Dashboard Video Tutorial www.GOMBInfo.com/projects MEETINGS 4 Upcoming: Past: