LTC 146-2020 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of April 6 - 10, 2020M IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF TH E CI T I r LTC No. 146-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk D A TE: March 30, 2020 SU BJEC T: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of April 6- 10, 2020 Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of April 6- 10, 2020 published on March 29, 2020. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community M EETIN G N O TIC ES Apnil 6- 10, 2020 MONDAY, April 6 No Meetings Scheduled 9:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. TUESDAY, April 7 Convention Center Advisory Board WEDNESDAY, April 8 No Meetings Scheduled THURSDAY, April 9 Washington Avenue BID/ Executive Board Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 160 117 892 Password: 520905 Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 115 240 21 1 Password: 030773 FRIDAY, April 10 No Meetings Scheduled for any and/or all of the above meetings, one or more members ol the Miami Beach CiNy Commission, and or City board/ committee members may be in attendance and parlicipate in discussions. ' Ned le on MBI: Alu c balad • ALL Lese S'9. Hu±sre Cornutt calas 32.5 & kX:.u deice c fGlY · Cemmissin Covnittso red tvo cor M31/ No. 000 449490 601 listing of all formal competitive solicitations issued by the City of Miami Beach, florido is available oat blips./ /www.miaribcachlL.go /cay hall /rou gmcL/city contacts/. lo occoss any lormol competitive solicitation issued by the City, or lo recoivo any addendum issued to a formal competitive solicitotion, you may also visit www.bidsyt..co/Miami [each. Public meeting notices can be found on tho Procurem ent Calen dar ow htips.//www.miombcochl l. go/ city hall/procurement/ calcndo/.. MIAMI BEACH We are committed to providing excellent pobliec service and safety to all who lie, wok and play in our vbot, tropical, hi toicol com orihy. Members of the public may present oodio/ visool [] materials relating to Agenda hems ot televised meetings hold in th Commission Chamber by utaring the City's equipment, provided that moterivals are submitted to the Department of Marketing and Common€cations by 830M, one[l)business day prior to the meeting.. dvonce submittol ol a presentation will olow the Communications Deportment to plan lr tho use ol the appropriot AV equipment. AV moriols moy be sobmid via email ot tunic.aboufgigibegchfl go, or hand delivered in a jump drive, CDO er DVD o AMention. Deportment of Modeling and Commonicolions, 1701 Meridian Aono, Ehh Floor, Miami Beach, f 33139. Pe@nbatons, videos or links met inelede a label noting lhe name or group, conboct person, doytime telephone nwmbet, email address, descriphon/ ttle ol the preentohion and Agenda hem htle as well as the Agenda lem number. cceptoble formats or electronic submission one pd, ppt, pph, pp, pp, wmww, av and .mo. [Note tho! pdl is the pelemed lormot for PoweuPoint presentations.] City Holl is locoted oat 1700 Convention Center Drive, ond he Miami Beach Convention Center is locoled or 1901 Convent on Cenlet Drive. Any meeting moy be opened and continued, and under soch circumstances, additional legol notice will not be provided lo reques this mo trial in alernote format, gn long ooge interpreter [live-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, cr±7::zrr.:1.%%5%3 and determined lo be on emergency meeting will be posted on tho bulletin boards throughout City Holl and will be avolobl on the Cy' obi» o ht//yeb migmi#beg«ht. go/ity«derk/defaul t.ax tis 77ó r±57£55f55%521$%37.2±/ proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or he moy need to ens that a veboti m record ol tho proceedings is mode,which record includes the ttimnony and evidence upon which tho appeal is to bo based